R. Kent Dybvig / The Scheme Programming Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2009 The MIT Press. Electronically reproduced by permission.
Illustrations © 2009 Jean-Pierre Hébert
ISBN 978-0-262-51298-5 / LOC QA76.73.S34D93
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Scheme was introduced in 1975 by Gerald J. Sussman and Guy L. Steele Jr. ([28],[29]), and was the first dialect of Lisp to fully support lexical scoping, first-class procedures, and continuations. In its earliest form it was a small language intended primarily for research and teaching, supporting only a handful of predefined syntactic forms and procedures. Scheme is now a complete general-purpose programming language, though it still derives its power from a small set of key concepts. Early implementations of the language were interpreter-based and slow, but some current Scheme implementations boast sophisticated compilers that generate code on par with code generated by the best optimizing compilers for lower-level languages such as C and Fortran.
This book is intended to provide an introduction to the Scheme programming language but not an introduction to programming in general. The reader is expected to have had some experience programming and to be familiar with terms commonly associated with computers and programming languages. Readers unfamiliar with Scheme or Lisp should also consider reading The Little Schemer [13] to become familiar with the concepts of list processing and recursion. Readers new to programming should begin with an introductory text on programming.
Scheme has been standardized both formally and informally. The IEEE Standard for the Scheme Programming Language [18], describes a formal ANSI/IEEE Standard for Scheme but dates back to 1991. A related series of reports, the "Revised Reports on the Algorithmic Language Scheme," document an evolving informal standard that most implementations support. The current report in this series is the "Revised6 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme" [24], which was completed in 2007.
This book covers the language of the Revised6 Report. It is not intended to supplant the Revised6 Report but rather to provide a more comprehensive introduction and reference manual for the language, with more explanatory text and examples, suitable more for users than for implementors. Features specific to particular implementations of Scheme are not included. In particular, features specific to the author’s Chez Scheme and Petite Chez Scheme implementations are described separately in the Chez Scheme User’s Guide [9]. On the other hand, no book on Scheme would be complete without some coverage of the interactive top level, since nearly every Scheme system supports interactive use in one form or another, even though the behavior is not standardized by the Revised6 Report. Chapters 2 and 3 are thus written assuming that the reader has available a Scheme implementation that supports an interactive top level, with behavior consistent with the description of the top-level environment in earlier reports and the IEEE/ANSI standard.
A large number of small- to medium-sized examples are spread throughout the text, and one entire chapter is dedicated to the presentation of a set of longer examples. Many of the examples show how a standard Scheme syntactic form or procedure might be implemented; others implement useful extensions. All of the examples can be entered directly from the keyboard into an interactive Scheme session.
This book is organized into twelve chapters, plus back matter. Chapter 1 describes the properties and features of Scheme that make it a useful and enjoyable language to use. Chapter 1 also describes Scheme’s notational conventions and the typographical conventions employed in this book.
Chapter 2 is an introduction to Scheme programming for the novice Scheme programmer that leads the reader through a series of examples, beginning with simple Scheme expressions and working toward progressively more difficult ones. Each section of Chapter 2 introduces a small set of related features, and the end of each section contains a set of exercises for further practice. The reader will learn the most from Chapter 2 by sitting at the keyboard and typing in the examples and trying the exercises.
Chapter 3 continues the introduction but covers more advanced features and concepts. Even readers with prior Scheme experience may wish to work through the examples and exercises found there.
Chapter 4 through 11 make up the reference portion of the text. They present each of Scheme’s primitive procedures and syntactic forms in turn, grouping them into short sections of related procedures and forms. Chapter 4 describes operations for creating procedures and variable bindings; Chapter 5, program control operations; Chapter 6, operations on the various object types (including lists, numbers, and strings); Chapter 7, input and output operations; Chapter 8, syntactic extension; Chapter 9, record-type definitions; Chapter 10, libraries and top-level programs; and Chapter 11, exceptions and conditions.
Chapter 12 contains a collection of example procedures, libraries, and programs, each with a short overview, some examples of its use, the implementation with brief explanation, and a set of exercises for further work. Each of these programs demonstrates a particular set of features, and together they illustrate an appropriate style for programming in Scheme.
Following Chapter 12 are bibliographical references, answers to selected exercises, a detailed description of the formal syntax of Scheme programs and data, a concise summary of Scheme syntactic forms and procedures, and the index. The summary of forms and procedures is a useful first stop for programmers unsure of the structure of a syntactic form or the arguments expected by a primitive procedure. The page numbers appearing in the summary of forms and procedures and the italicized page numbers appearing in the index indicate the locations in the text where forms and procedures are defined.
Because the reference portion describes a number of aspects of the language not covered by the introductory chapters along with a number of interesting short examples, most readers will find it profitable to read through most of the material to become familiar with each feature and how it relates to other features. Chapter 6 is lengthy, however, and may be skimmed and later referenced as needed.
An online version of this book is available at http://www.scheme.com/tspl/. The summary of forms and index in the online edition include page numbers for the printed version and are thus useful as searchable indexes.
About the illustrations: The cover illustration and the illustration at the front of each chapter are algorithmic line fields created by artist Jean-Pierre Hébert, based on an idea inspired by the writings of John Cage. Each line field is created by the composition of any number of grids of parallel lines. The grids are regular, but they are not. For instance, the lines are of irregular length, which creates ragged edges. Their tone and thickness vary slightly. They are not exactly equidistant. They intersect with each other at a certain angle. When this angle is small, patterns of interference develop. The lines are first steeped into various scalar fields that perturb their original straight shape, then projected on the plane of the paper. Masks introduce holes in some layers. For the cover illustration, the grids are colored in different hues.
All the images are created by a single Scheme program that makes most of the decisions, based heavily on chance. The artist controls only canvas size, aspect ratio, the overall palette of colors, and levels of chance and fuzziness. The task of the artist is to introduce just enough chance at the right place so that the results are at the same time surprising, interesting, and in line with the artist’s sense of aesthetics. This is a game of uncertainty, chaos, and harmony.
Acknowledgments: Many individuals contributed in one way or another to the preparation of one or more editions of this book, including Bruce Smith, Eugene Kohlbecker, Matthias Felleisen, Dan Friedman, Bruce Duba, Phil Dybvig, Guy Steele, Bob Hieb, Chris Haynes, Dave Plaisted, Joan Curry, Frank Silbermann, Pavel Curtis, John Wait, Carl Bruggeman, Sam Daniel, Oscar Waddell, Mike Ashley, John LaLonde, John Zuckerman, John Simmons, Bob Prior, Bob Burger, and Aziz Ghuloum. Many others have offered minor corrections and suggestions. Oscar Waddell helped create the typesetting system used to format the printed and online versions of this book. A small amount of text and a few examples have been adapted from the Revised6 Report for this book, for which credit goes to the editors of that report and many others who contributed to it. Finally and most importantly, my wife, Susan Dybvig, suggested that I write this book in the first place and lent her expertise and assistance to the production and publication of this and the previous editions.
Chapter 1. Introduction
Scheme is a general-purpose computer programming language. It is a high-level language, supporting operations on structured data such as strings, lists, and vectors, as well as operations on more traditional data such as numbers and characters. While Scheme is often identified with symbolic applications, its rich set of data types and flexible control structures make it a truly versatile language. Scheme has been employed to write text editors, optimizing compilers, operating systems, graphics packages, expert systems, numerical applications, financial analysis packages, virtual reality systems, and practically every other type of application imaginable. Scheme is a fairly simple language to learn, since it is based on a handful of syntactic forms and semantic concepts and since the interactive nature of most implementations encourages experimentation. Scheme is a challenging language to understand fully, however; developing the ability to use its full potential requires careful study and practice.
Scheme programs are highly portable across versions of the same Scheme implementation on different machines, because machine dependencies are almost completely hidden from the programmer. They are also portable across different implementations because of the efforts of a group of Scheme language designers who have published a series of reports, the "Revised Reports" on Scheme. The most recent, the "Revised6 Report" [24], emphasizes portability through a set of standard libraries and a standard mechanism for defining new portable libraries and top-level programs.
Although some early Scheme systems were inefficient and slow, many newer compiler-based implementations are fast, with programs running on par with equivalent programs written in lower-level languages. The relative inefficiency that sometimes remains results from run-time checks that support generic arithmetic and help programmers detect and correct various common programming errors. These checks may be disabled in many implementations.
Scheme supports many types of data values, or objects, including characters, strings, symbols, lists or vectors of objects, and a full set of numeric data types, including complex, real, and arbitrary-precision rational numbers.
The storage required to hold the contents of an object is dynamically allocated as necessary and retained until no longer needed, then automatically deallocated, typically by a garbage collector that periodically recovers the storage used by inaccessible objects. Simple atomic values, such as small integers, characters, booleans, and the empty list, are typically represented as immediate values and thus incur no allocation or deallocation overhead.
Regardless of representation, all objects are first-class data values; because they are retained indefinitely, they may be passed freely as arguments to procedures, returned as values from procedures, and combined to form new objects. This is in contrast with many other languages where composite data values such as arrays are either statically allocated and never deallocated, allocated on entry to a block of code and unconditionally deallocated on exit from the block, or explicitly allocated and deallocated by the programmer.
Scheme is a call-by-value language, but for at least mutable objects (objects that can be modified), the values are pointers to the actual storage. These pointers remain behind the scenes, however, and programmers need not be conscious of them except to understand that the storage for an object is not copied when an object is passed to or returned from a procedure.
At the heart of the Scheme language is a small core of syntactic forms from which all other forms are built. These core forms, a set of extended syntactic forms derived from them, and a set of primitive procedures make up the full Scheme language. An interpreter or compiler for Scheme can be quite small and potentially fast and highly reliable. The extended syntactic forms and many primitive procedures can be defined in Scheme itself, simplifying the implementation and increasing reliability.
Scheme programs share a common printed representation with Scheme data structures. As a result, any Scheme program has a natural and obvious internal representation as a Scheme object. For example, variables and syntactic keywords correspond to symbols, while structured syntactic forms correspond to lists. This representation is the basis for the syntactic extension facilities provided by Scheme for the definition of new syntactic forms in terms of existing syntactic forms and procedures. It also facilitates the implementation of interpreters, compilers, and other program transformation tools for Scheme directly in Scheme, as well as program transformation tools for other languages in Scheme.
Scheme variables and keywords are lexically scoped, and Scheme programs are block-structured. Identifiers may be imported into a program or library or bound locally within a given block of code such as a library, program, or procedure body. A local binding is visible only lexically, i.e., within the program text that makes up the particular block of code. An occurrence of an identifier of the same name outside this block refers to a different binding; if no binding for the identifier exists outside the block, then the reference is invalid. Blocks may be nested, and a binding in one block may shadow a binding for an identifier of the same name in a surrounding block. The scope of a binding is the block in which the bound identifier is visible minus any portions of the block in which the identifier is shadowed. Block structure and lexical scoping help create programs that are modular, easy to read, easy to maintain, and reliable. Efficient code for lexical scoping is possible because a compiler can determine before program evaluation the scope of all bindings and the binding to which each identifier reference resolves. This does not mean, of course, that a compiler can determine the values of all variables, since the actual values are not computed in most cases until the program executes.
In most languages, a procedure definition is simply the association of a name with a block of code. Certain variables local to the block are the parameters of the procedure. In some languages, a procedure definition may appear within another block or procedure so long as the procedure is invoked only during execution of the enclosing block. In others, procedures can be defined only at top level. In Scheme, a procedure definition may appear within another block or procedure, and the procedure may be invoked at any time thereafter, even if the enclosing block has completed its execution. To support lexical scoping, a procedure carries the lexical context (environment) along with its code.
Furthermore, Scheme procedures are not always named. Instead, procedures are first-class data objects like strings or numbers, and variables are bound to procedures in the same way they are bound to other objects.
As with procedures in most other languages, Scheme procedures may be recursive. That is, any procedure may invoke itself directly or indirectly. Many algorithms are most elegantly or efficiently specified recursively. A special case of recursion, called tail recursion, is used to express iteration, or looping. A tail call occurs when one procedure directly returns the result of invoking another procedure; tail recursion occurs when a procedure recursively tail-calls itself, directly or indirectly. Scheme implementations are required to implement tail calls as jumps (gotos), so the storage overhead normally associated with recursion is avoided. As a result, Scheme programmers need master only simple procedure calls and recursion and need not be burdened with the usual assortment of looping constructs.
Scheme supports the definition of arbitrary control structures with continuations. A continuation is a procedure that embodies the remainder of a program at a given point in the program. A continuation may be obtained at any time during the execution of a program. As with other procedures, a continuation is a first-class object and may be invoked at any time after its creation. Whenever it is invoked, the program immediately continues from the point where the continuation was obtained. Continuations allow the implementation of complex control mechanisms including explicit backtracking, multithreading, and coroutines.
Scheme also allows programmers to define new syntactic forms, or syntactic extensions, by writing transformation procedures that determine how each new syntactic form maps to existing syntactic forms. These transformation procedures are themselves expressed in Scheme with the help of a convenient high-level pattern language that automates syntax checking, input deconstruction, and output reconstruction. By default, lexical scoping is maintained through the transformation process, but the programmer can exercise control over the scope of all identifiers appearing in the output of a transformer. Syntactic extensions are useful for defining new language constructs, for emulating language constructs found in other languages, for achieving the effects of in-line code expansion, and even for emulating entire languages in Scheme. Most large Scheme programs are built from a mix of syntactic extensions and procedure definitions.
Scheme evolved from the Lisp language and is considered to be a dialect of Lisp. Scheme inherited from Lisp the treatment of values as first-class objects, several important data types, including symbols and lists, and the representation of programs as objects, among other things. Lexical scoping and block structure are features taken from Algol 60 [21]. Scheme was the first Lisp dialect to adopt lexical scoping and block structure, first-class procedures, the treatment of tail calls as jumps, continuations, and lexically scoped syntactic extensions.
Common Lisp [27] and Scheme are both contemporary Lisp languages, and the development of each has been influenced by the other. Like Scheme but unlike earlier Lisp languages, Common Lisp adopted lexical scoping and first-class procedures, although Common Lisp’s syntactic extension facility does not respect lexical scoping. Common Lisp’s evaluation rules for procedures are different from the evaluation rules for other objects, however, and it maintains a separate namespace for procedure variables, thereby inhibiting the use of procedures as first-class objects. Also, Common Lisp does not support continuations or require proper treatment of tail calls, but it does support several less general control structures not found in Scheme. While the two languages are similar, Common Lisp includes more specialized constructs, while Scheme includes more general-purpose building blocks out of which such constructs (and others) may be built.
The remainder of this chapter describes Scheme’s syntax and naming conventions and the typographical conventions used throughout this book.
Section 1.1. Scheme Syntax
Scheme programs are made up of keywords, variables, structured forms, constant data (numbers, characters, strings, quoted vectors, quoted lists, quoted symbols, etc.), whitespace, and comments.
Keywords, variables, and symbols are collectively called identifiers. Identifiers may be formed from letters, digits, and certain special characters, including ?
, !
, .
, +
, -
, *
, /
, <
, =
, >
, :
, $
, %
, ^
, &
, _
, ~
, and @
, as well as a set of additional Unicode characters. Identifiers cannot start with an at sign ( @
) and normally cannot start with any character that can start a number, i.e., a digit, plus sign ( +
), minus sign ( -
), or decimal point ( .
). Exceptions are +
, -
, and ...
, which are valid identifiers, and any identifier starting with ->
. For example, hi
, Hello
, n
, x
, x3
, x+2
, and ?$&*!!!
are all identifiers. Identifiers are delimited by whitespace, comments, parentheses, brackets, string (double) quotes ( "
), and hash marks( #
). A delimiter or any other Unicode character may be included anywhere within the name of an identifier as an escape of the form \xsv;
, where sv
is the scalar value of the character in hexadecimal notation.
There is no inherent limit on the length of a Scheme identifier; programmers may use as many characters as necessary. Long identifiers are no substitute for comments, however, and frequent use of long identifiers can make a program difficult to format and consequently difficult to read. A good rule is to use short identifiers when the scope of the identifier is small and longer identifiers when the scope is larger.
Identifiers may be written in any mix of upper- and lower-case letters, and case is significant, i.e., two identifiers are different even if they differ only in case. For example, abcde
, Abcde
, AbCdE
, and ABCDE
all refer to different identifiers. This is a change from previous versions of the Revised Report.
Structured forms and list constants are enclosed within parentheses, e.g., (a b c)
or (* (- x 2) y)
. The empty list is written ()
. Matched sets of brackets ( [
) may be used in place of parentheses and are often used to set off the subexpressions of certain standard syntactic forms for readability, as shown in examples throughout this book. Vectors are written similarly to lists, except that they are preceded by #(
and terminated by )
, e.g., #(this is a vector of symbols)
. Bytevectors are written as sequences of unsigned byte values (exact integers in the range 0 through 255) bracketed by #vu8(
and )
, e.g., #vu8(3 250 45 73)
Strings are enclosed in double quotation marks, e.g., "I am a string"
. Characters are preceded by #\
, e.g., #\a
. Case is important within character and string constants, as within identifiers. Numbers may be written as integers, e.g., -123, as ratios, e.g., 1/2, in floating-point or scientific notation, e.g., 1.3 or 1e23, or as complex numbers in rectangular or polar notation, e.g., 1.3-2.7i or -1.2@73. Case is not important in the syntax of a number. The boolean values representing true and false are written #t
and #f
. Scheme conditional expressions actually treat #f
as false and all other objects as true, so 3
, 0
, ()
, "false"
, and nil
all count as true.
Details of the syntax for each type of constant data are given in the individual sections of Chapter 6 and in the formal syntax of Scheme starting on page 455.
Scheme expressions may span several lines, and no explicit terminator is required. Since the number of whitespace characters (spaces and newlines) between expressions is not significant, Scheme programs should be indented to show the structure of the code in a way that makes the code as readable as possible. Comments may appear on any line of a Scheme program, between a semicolon ( ;
) and the end of the line. Comments explaining a particular Scheme expression are normally placed at the same indentation level as the expression, on the line before the expression. Comments explaining a procedure or group of procedures are normally placed before the procedures, without indentation. Multiple comment characters are often used to set off the latter kind of comment, e.g., ;;; The following procedures ...
Two other forms of comments are supported: block comments and datum comments. Block comments are delimited by #|
and |#
pairs, and may be nested. A datum comment consists of a #;
prefix and the datum (printed data value) that follows it. Datum comments are typically used to comment out individual definitions or expressions. For example, (three #;(not four) element list)
is just what it says. Datum comments may also be nested, though #;#;(a)(b)
has the somewhat nonobvious effect of commenting out both (a)
and (b)
Some Scheme values, such as procedures and ports, do not have standard printed representations and can thus never appear as a constant in the printed syntax of a program. This book uses the notation #<description>
when showing the output of an operation that returns such a value, e.g., #<procedure>
or #<port>
Section 1.2. Scheme Naming Conventions
Scheme’s naming conventions are designed to provide a high degree of regularity. The following is a list of these naming conventions:
Predicate names end in a question mark (
). Predicates are procedures that return a true or false answer, such aseq?
, andstring=?
. The common numeric comparators=
, and>=
are exceptions to this naming convention. -
Type predicates, such as
, are created from the name of the type, in this casepair
, and the question mark. -
The names of most character, string, and vector procedures start with the prefix
, andvector-
, e.g.,string-append
. (The names of some list procedures start withlist-
, but most do not.) -
The names of procedures that convert an object of one type into an object of another type are written as
, e.g.,vector->list
. -
The names of procedures and syntactic forms that cause side effects end with an exclamation point (
). These includeset!
. Procedures that perform input or output technically cause side effects, but their names are exceptions to this rule.
Programmers should employ these same conventions in their own code whenever possible.
Section 1.3. Typographical and Notational Conventions
A standard procedure or syntactic form whose sole purpose is to perform some side effect is said to return unspecified. This means that an implementation is free to return any number of values, each of which can be any Scheme object, as the value of the procedure or syntactic form. Do not count on these values being the same across implementations, the same across versions of the same implementation, or even the same across two uses of the procedure or syntactic form. Some Scheme systems routinely use a special object to represent unspecified values. Printing of this object is often suppressed by interactive Scheme systems, so that the values of expressions returning unspecified values are not printed.
While most standard procedures return a single value, the language supports procedures that return zero, one, more than one, or even a variable number of values via the mechanisms described in Section 5.8. Some standard expressions can evaluate to multiple values if one of their subexpressions evaluates to multiple values, e.g., by calling a procedure that returns multiple values. When this situation can occur, an expression is said to return "the values" rather than simply "the value" of its subexpression. Similarly, a standard procedure that returns the values resulting from a call to a procedure argument is said to return the values returned by the procedure argument.
This book uses the words "must" and "should" to describe program requirements, such as the requirement to provide an index that is less than the length of the vector in a call to vector-ref
. If the word "must" is used, it means that the requirement is enforced by the implementation, i.e., an exception is raised, usually with condition type &assertion
. If the word "should" is used, an exception may or may not be raised, and if not, the behavior of the program is undefined.
The phrase "syntax violation" is used to describe a situation in which a program is malformed. Syntax violations are detected prior to program execution. When a syntax violation is detected, an exception of type &syntax
is raised and the program is not executed.
The typographical conventions used in this book are straightforward. All Scheme objects are printed in a typewriter
typeface, just as they are to be typed at the keyboard. This includes syntactic keywords, variables, constant objects, Scheme expressions, and example programs. An italic typeface is used to set off syntax variables in the descriptions of syntactic forms and arguments in the descriptions of procedures. Italics are also used to set off technical terms the first time they appear. In general, names of syntactic forms and procedures are never capitalized, even at the beginning of a sentence. The same is true for syntax variables written in italics.
In the description of a syntactic form or procedure, one or more prototype patterns show the syntactic form or forms or the correct number or numbers of arguments for an application of the procedure. The keyword or procedure name is given in typewriter font, as are parentheses. The remaining pieces of the syntax or arguments are shown in italics, using a name that implies the type of expression or argument expected by the syntactic form or procedure. Ellipses are used to specify zero or more occurrences of a subexpression or argument. For example, (or expr ...)
describes the or
syntactic form, which has zero or more subexpressions, and (member obj list)
describes the member
procedure, which expects two arguments, an object and a list.
A syntax violation occurs if the structure of a syntactic form does not match its prototype. Similarly, an exception with condition type &assertion
is raised if the number of arguments passed to a standard procedure does not match what it is specified to receive. An exception with condition type &assertion
is also raised if a standard procedure receives an argument whose type is not the type implied by its name or does not meet other criteria given in the description of the procedure. For example, the prototype for vector-set!
(vector-set! vector n obj)
and the description says that n
must be an exact nonnegative integer strictly less than the length of vector
. Thus, vector-set!
must receive three arguments, the first of which must be a vector, the second of which must be an exact nonnegative integer less than the length of the vector, and the third of which may be any Scheme value. Otherwise, an exception with condition type &assertion
is raised.
In most cases, the type of argument required is obvious, as with vector
, obj
, or binary-input-port
. In others, primarily within the descriptions of numeric routines, abbreviations are used, such as int
for integer, exint
for exact integer, and fx
for fixnum. These abbreviations are explained at the start of the sections containing the affected entries.
Chapter 2. Getting Started
This chapter is an introduction to Scheme for programmers who are new to the language. You will get more from this chapter if you are sitting in front of an interactive Scheme system, trying out the examples as you go.
After reading this chapter and working the exercises, you should be able to start using Scheme. You will have learned the syntax of Scheme programs and how they are executed, along with how to use simple data structures and control mechanisms.
Section 2.1. Interacting with Scheme
Most Scheme systems provide an interactive programming environment that simplifies program development and experimentation. The simplest interaction with Scheme follows a "read-evaluate-print" cycle. A program (often called a read-evaluate-print loop, or REPL) reads each expression you type at the keyboard, evaluates it, and prints its value.
With an interactive Scheme system, you can type an expression at the keyboard and see its value immediately. You can define a procedure and apply it to arguments to see how it works. You can even type in an entire program consisting of a set of procedure definitions and test it without leaving the system. When your program starts getting longer, it will be more convenient to type it into a file (using a text editor), load the file and test it interactively. In most Scheme systems, a file may be loaded with the nonstandard procedure load
, which takes a string argument naming the file. Preparing your program in a file has several advantages: you have a chance to compose your program more carefully, you can correct errors without retyping the program, and you can retain a copy for later use. Most Scheme implementations treat expressions loaded from a file the same as expressions typed at the keyboard.
While Scheme provides various input and output procedures, the REPL takes care of reading expressions and printing their values. This frees you to concentrate on writing your program without worrying about how its results will be displayed.
The examples in this chapter and in the rest of the book follow a regular format. An expression you might type from your keyboard is given first, possibly spanning several lines. The value of the expression is given after the ⇒, to be read as "evaluates to." The ⇒ is omitted for definitions and when the value of an expression is unspecified.
The example programs are formatted in a style that "looks nice" and conveys the structure of the program. The code is easy to read because the relationship between each expression and its subexpressions is clearly shown. Scheme ignores indentation and line breaks, however, so there is no need to follow a particular style. The important thing is to establish one style and keep to it. Scheme sees each program as if it were on a single line, with its subexpressions ordered from left to right.
If you have access to an interactive Scheme system, it might be a good idea to start it up now and type in the examples as you read. One of the simplest Scheme expressions is a string constant. Try typing "Hi Mom!"
(including the double quotes) in response to the prompt. The system should respond with "Hi Mom!"
; the value of any constant is the constant itself.
"Hi Mom!" ⇒ "Hi Mom!"
Here is a set of expressions, each with Scheme’s response. They are explained in later sections of this chapter, but for now use them to practice interacting with Scheme.
"hello" ⇒ "hello"
42 ⇒ 42
22/7 ⇒ 22/7
3.141592653 ⇒ 3.141592653
+ ⇒ #<procedure>
(+ 76 31) ⇒ 107
(* -12 10) ⇒ -120
'(a b c d) ⇒ (a b c d)
Be careful not to miss any single quotes ( '
), double quotes, or parentheses. If you left off a single quote in the last expression, you probably received a message indicating that an exception has occurred. Just try again. If you left off a closing parenthesis or double quote, the system might still be waiting for it.
Here are a few more expressions to try. You can try to figure out on your own what they mean or wait to find out later in the chapter.
(car '(a b c)) ⇒ a
(cdr '(a b c)) ⇒ (b c)
(cons 'a '(b c)) ⇒ (a b c)
(cons (car '(a b c))
(cdr '(d e f))) ⇒ (a e f)
As you can see, Scheme expressions may span more than one line. The Scheme system knows when it has an entire expression by matching double quotes and parentheses.
Next, let’s try defining a procedure.
(define square
(lambda (n)
(* n n)))
The procedure square
computes the square \(n^2\) of any number \(n\). We say more about the expressions that make up this definition later in this chapter. For now it suffices to say that define
establishes variable bindings, lambda
creates procedures, and *
names the multiplication procedure. Note the form of these expressions. All structured forms are enclosed in parentheses and written in prefix notation, i.e., the operator precedes the arguments. As you can see, this is true even for simple arithmetic operations such as *
Try using square
(square 5) ⇒ 25
(square -200) ⇒ 40000
(square 0.5) ⇒ 0.25
(square -1/2) ⇒ 1/4
Even though the next definition is short, you might enter it into a file. Let’s assume you call the file "reciprocal.ss."
(define reciprocal
(lambda (n)
(if (= n 0)
(/ 1 n))))
This procedure, reciprocal
, computes the quantity \(1/n\) for any number \(n \neq 0\). For \(n = 0\), reciprocal
returns the string "oops!"
. Return to Scheme and try loading your file with the procedure load
(load "reciprocal.ss")
Finally, try using the procedure we have just defined.
(reciprocal 10) ⇒ 1/10
(reciprocal 1/10) ⇒ 10
(reciprocal 0) ⇒ "oops!"
(reciprocal (reciprocal 1/10)) ⇒ 1/10
In the next section we will discuss Scheme expressions in more detail. Throughout this chapter, keep in mind that your Scheme system is one of the most useful tools for learning Scheme. Whenever you try one of the examples in the text, follow it up with your own examples. In an interactive Scheme system, the cost of trying something out is relatively small---usually just the time to type it in.
Section 2.2. Simple Expressions
The simplest Scheme expressions are constant data objects, such as strings, numbers, symbols, and lists. Scheme supports other object types, but these four are enough for many programs. We saw some examples of strings and numbers in the preceding section.
Let’s discuss numbers in a little more detail. Numbers are constants. If you enter a number, Scheme echoes it back to you. The following examples show that Scheme supports several types of numbers.
123456789987654321 ⇒ 123456789987654321
3/4 ⇒ 3/4
2.718281828 ⇒ 2.718281828
2.2+1.1i ⇒ 2.2+1.1i
Scheme numbers include exact and inexact integer, rational, real, and complex numbers. Exact integers and rational numbers have arbitrary precision, i.e., they can be of arbitrary size. Inexact numbers are usually represented internally using IEEE standard floating-point representations.
Scheme provides the names +
, -
, *
, and /
for the corresponding arithmetic procedures. Each procedure accepts two numeric arguments. The expressions below are called procedure applications, because they specify the application of a procedure to a set of arguments.
(+ 1/2 1/2) ⇒ 1
(- 1.5 1/2) ⇒ 1.0
(* 3 1/2) ⇒ 3/2
(/ 1.5 3/4) ⇒ 2.0
Scheme employs prefix notation even for common arithmetic operations. Any procedure application, whether the procedure takes zero, one, two, or more arguments, is written as (procedure arg ...)
. This regularity simplifies the syntax of expressions; one notation is employed regardless of the operation, and there are no complicated rules regarding the precedence or associativity of operators.
Procedure applications may be nested, in which case the innermost values are computed first. We can thus nest applications of the arithmetic procedures given above to evaluate more complicated formulas.
(+ (+ 2 2) (+ 2 2)) ⇒ 8
(- 2 (* 4 1/3)) ⇒ 2/3
(* 2 (* 2 (* 2 (* 2 2)))) ⇒ 32
(/ (* 6/7 7/2) (- 4.5 1.5)) ⇒ 1.0
These examples demonstrate everything you need to use Scheme as a four-function desk calculator. While we will not discuss them in this chapter, Scheme supports many other arithmetic procedures. Now might be a good time to turn to Section 6.4 and experiment with some of them.
Simple numeric objects are sufficient for many tasks, but sometimes aggregate data structures containing two or more values are needed. In many languages, the basic aggregate data structure is the array. In Scheme, it is the list. Lists are written as sequences of objects surrounded by parentheses. For instance, (1 2 3 4 5)
is a list of numbers, and ("this" "is" "a" "list")
is a list of strings. Lists need not contain only one type of object, so (4.2 "hi")
is a valid list containing a number and a string. Lists may be nested (may contain other lists), so ((1 2) (3 4))
is a valid list with two elements, each of which is a list of two elements.
You might notice that lists look just like procedure applications and wonder how Scheme tells them apart. That is, how does Scheme distinguish between a list of objects, (obj1 obj2 ...)
, and a procedure application, (procedure arg ...)
In some cases, the distinction might seem obvious. The list of numbers (1 2 3 4 5)
could hardly be confused with a procedure application, since 1 is a number, not a procedure. So, the answer might be that Scheme looks at the first element of the list or procedure application and makes its decision based on whether that first element is a procedure or not. This answer is not good enough, since we might even want to treat a valid procedure application such as (+ 3 4)
as a list. The answer is that we must tell Scheme explicitly to treat a list as data rather than as a procedure application. We do this with quote
(quote (1 2 3 4 5)) ⇒ (1 2 3 4 5)
(quote ("this" "is" "a" "list")) ⇒ ("this" "is" "a" "list")
(quote (+ 3 4)) ⇒ (+ 3 4)
The quote
forces the list to be treated as data. Try entering the above expressions without the quote; you will likely receive a message indicating that an exception has occurred for the first two and an incorrect answer (7
) for the third.
Because quote
is required fairly frequently in Scheme code, Scheme recognizes a single quotation mark ( '
) preceding an expression as an abbreviation for quote
'(1 2 3 4) ⇒ (1 2 3 4)
'((1 2) (3 4)) ⇒ ((1 2) (3 4))
'(/ (* 2 -1) 3) ⇒ (/ (* 2 -1) 3)
Both forms are referred to as quote
expressions. We often say an object is quoted when it is enclosed in a quote
A quote
expression is not a procedure application, since it inhibits the evaluation of its subexpression. It is an entirely different syntactic form. Scheme supports several other syntactic forms in addition to procedure applications and quote
expressions. Each syntactic form is evaluated differently. Fortunately, the number of different syntactic forms is small. We will see more of them later in this chapter.
Not all quote
expressions involve lists. Try the following expression with and without the quote
(quote hello) ⇒ hello
The symbol hello
must be quoted in order to prevent Scheme from treating hello
as a variable. Symbols and variables in Scheme are similar to symbols and variables in mathematical expressions and equations. When we evaluate the mathematical expression \(1 - x\) for some value of \(x\), we think of \(x\) as a variable. On the other hand, when we consider the algebraic equation \(x^2 - 1 = (x - 1)(x + 1)\), we think of \(x\) as a symbol (in fact, we think of the whole equation symbolically). Just as quoting a list tells Scheme to treat a parenthesized form as a list rather than as a procedure application, quoting an identifier tells Scheme to treat the identifier as a symbol rather than as a variable. While symbols are commonly used to represent variables in symbolic representations of equations or programs, symbols may also be used, for example, as words in the representation of natural language sentences.
You might wonder why applications and variables share notations with lists and symbols. The shared notation allows Scheme programs to be represented as Scheme data, simplifying the writing of interpreters, compilers, editors, and other tools in Scheme. This is demonstrated by the Scheme interpreter given in Section 12.7, which is itself written in Scheme. Many people believe this to be one of the most important features of Scheme.
Numbers and strings may be quoted, too.
'2 ⇒ 2
'2/3 ⇒ 2/3
(quote "Hi Mom!") ⇒ "Hi Mom!"
Numbers and strings are treated as constants in any case, however, so quoting them is unnecessary.
Now let’s discuss some Scheme procedures for manipulating lists. There are two basic procedures for taking lists apart: car
and cdr
(pronounced could-er). car
returns the first element of a list, and cdr
returns the remainder of the list. (The names "car" and "cdr" are derived from operations supported by the first computer on which a Lisp language was implemented, the IBM 704.) Each requires a nonempty list as its argument.
(car '(a b c)) ⇒ a
(cdr '(a b c)) ⇒ (b c)
(cdr '(a)) ⇒ ()
(car (cdr '(a b c))) ⇒ b
(cdr (cdr '(a b c))) ⇒ (c)
(car '((a b) (c d))) ⇒ (a b)
(cdr '((a b) (c d))) ⇒ ((c d))
The first element of a list is often called the "car" of the list, and the rest of the list is often called the "cdr" of the list. The cdr of a list with one element is ()
, the empty list.
The procedure cons
constructs lists. It takes two arguments. The second argument is usually a list, and in that case cons
returns a list.
(cons 'a '()) ⇒ (a)
(cons 'a '(b c)) ⇒ (a b c)
(cons 'a (cons 'b (cons 'c '()))) ⇒ (a b c)
(cons '(a b) '(c d)) ⇒ ((a b) c d)
(car (cons 'a '(b c))) ⇒ a
(cdr (cons 'a '(b c))) ⇒ (b c)
(cons (car '(a b c))
(cdr '(d e f))) ⇒ (a e f)
(cons (car '(a b c))
(cdr '(a b c))) ⇒ (a b c)
Just as "car" and "cdr" are often used as nouns, "cons" is often used as a verb. Creating a new list by adding an element to the beginning of a list is referred to as consing the element onto the list.
Notice the word "usually" in the description of cons
's second argument. The procedure cons
actually builds pairs, and there is no reason that the cdr of a pair must be a list. A list is a sequence of pairs; each pair’s cdr is the next pair in the sequence.
The cdr of the last pair in a proper list is the empty list. Otherwise, the sequence of pairs forms an improper list. More formally, the empty list is a proper list, and any pair whose cdr is a proper list is a proper list.
An improper list is printed in dotted-pair notation, with a period, or dot, preceding the final element of the list.
(cons 'a 'b) ⇒ (a . b)
(cdr '(a . b)) ⇒ b
(cons 'a '(b . c)) ⇒ (a b . c)
Because of its printed notation, a pair whose cdr is not a list is often called a dotted pair. Even pairs whose cdrs are lists can be written in dotted-pair notation, however, although the printer always chooses to write proper lists without dots.
'(a . (b . (c . ()))) ⇒ (a b c)
The procedure list
is similar to cons
, except that it takes an arbitrary number of arguments and always builds a proper list.
(list 'a 'b 'c) ⇒ (a b c)
(list 'a) ⇒ (a)
(list) ⇒ ()
Section 6.3 provides more information on lists and the Scheme procedures for manipulating them. This might be a good time to turn to that section and familiarize yourself with the other procedures given there.
Exercise 2.2.1
Convert the following arithmetic expressions into Scheme expressions and evaluate them.
\(1.2 × (2 - 1/3) + -8.7\)
\((2/3 + 4/9) ÷ (5/11 - 4/3)\)
\(1 + 1 ÷ (2 + 1 ÷ (1 + 1/2))\)
\(1 × -2 × 3 × -4 × 5 × -6 × 7\)
Exercise 2.2.2
Experiment with the procedures +
, -
, *
, and /
to determine Scheme’s rules for the type of value returned by each when given different types of numeric arguments.
Exercise 2.2.3
Determine the values of the following expressions. Use your Scheme system to verify your answers.
(cons 'car 'cdr)
(list 'this '(is silly))
(cons 'is '(this silly?))
(quote (+ 2 3))
(cons '+ '(2 3))
(car '(+ 2 3))
(cdr '(+ 2 3))
(quote cons)
(quote (quote cons))
car (quote (quote cons)))
(+ 2 3)
(+ '2 '3)
(+ (car '(2 3)) (car (cdr '(2 3))))
((car (list + - * /)) 2 3)
Exercise 2.2.4
(car (car '((a b) (c d))))
yields a
. Determine which compositions of car
and cdr
applied to ((a b) (c d))
yield b
, c
, and d
Exercise 2.2.5
Write a Scheme expression that evaluates to the following internal list structure.
Exercise 2.2.6
Draw the internal list structure produced by the expression below.
(cons 1 (cons '(2 . ((3) . ())) (cons '(()) (cons 4 5))))
Exercise 2.2.7
The behavior of (car (car (car '((a b) (c d)))))
is undefined because (car '((a b) (c d)))
is (a b)
, (car '(a b))
is a
, and (car 'a)
is undefined. Determine all legal compositions of car
and cdr
applied to ((a b) (c d))
Exercise 2.2.8
Try to explain how Scheme expressions are evaluated. Does your explanation cover the last example in Exercise 2.2.3?
Section 2.3. Evaluating Scheme Expressions
Let’s turn to a discussion of how Scheme evaluates the expressions you type. We have already established the rules for constant objects such as strings and numbers: the object itself is the value. You have probably also worked out in your mind a rule for evaluating procedure applications of the form (procedure arg1 ... argn)
. Here, procedure
is an expression representing a Scheme procedure, and arg1 ... argn
are expressions representing its arguments. One possibility is the following.
Find the value of
. -
Find the value of
… -
Find the value of
. -
Apply the value of
to the values ofarg1 ... argn
For example, consider the simple procedure application (+ 3 4)
. The value of +
is the addition procedure, the value of 3 is the number 3, and the value of 4 is the number 4. Applying the addition procedure to 3 and 4 yields 7, so our value is the object 7.
By applying this process at each level, we can find the value of the nested expression (* (+ 3 4) 2)
. The value of *
is the multiplication procedure, the value of (+ 3 4)
we can determine to be the number 7, and the value of 2 is the number 2. Multiplying 7 by 2 we get 14, so our answer is 14.
This rule works for procedure applications but not for quote
expressions because the subexpressions of a procedure application are evaluated, whereas the subexpression of a quote
expression is not. The evaluation of a quote
expression is more similar to the evaluation of constant objects. The value of a quote
expression of the form (quote object)
is simply object
Constant objects, procedure applications, and quote
expressions are only three of the many syntactic forms provided by Scheme. Fortunately, only a few of the other syntactic forms need to be understood directly by a Scheme programmer; these are referred to as core syntactic forms. The remaining syntactic forms are syntactic extensions defined, ultimately, in terms of the core syntactic forms. We will discuss the remaining core syntactic forms and a few syntactic extensions in the remaining sections of this chapter. Section 3.1 summarizes the core syntactic forms and introduces the syntactic extension mechanism.
Before we go on to more syntactic forms and procedures, two points related to the evaluation of procedure applications are worthy of note. First, the process given above is overspecified, in that it requires the subexpressions to be evaluated from left to right. That is, procedure
is evaluated before arg1
, arg1
is evaluated before arg2
, and so on. This need not be the case. A Scheme evaluator is free to evaluate the expressions in any order---left to right, right to left, or any other sequential order. In fact, the subexpressions may be evaluated in different orders for different applications, even in the same implementation.
The second point is that procedure
is evaluated in the same way as arg1 ... argn
. While procedure
is often a variable that names a particular procedure, this need not be the case. Exercise 2.2.3 had you determine the value of the expression ((car (list + - * /)) 2 3)
. Here, procedure
is (car (list + - * /))
. The value of (car (list + - * /))
is the addition procedure, just as if procedure
were simply the variable +
Exercise 2.3.1
Write down the steps necessary to evaluate the expression below.
((car (cdr (list + - * /))) 17 5)
Section 2.4. Variables and Let Expressions
Suppose expr
is a Scheme expression that contains a variable var
. Suppose, additionally, that we would like var
to have the value val
when we evaluate expr
. For example, we might like x
to have the value 2 when we evaluate (+ x 3)
. Or, we might want y
to have the value 3 when we evaluate (+ 2 y)
. The following examples demonstrate how to do this using Scheme’s let
syntactic form.
(let ((x 2))
(+ x 3)) ⇒ 5
(let ((y 3))
(+ 2 y)) ⇒ 5
(let ((x 2) (y 3))
(+ x y)) ⇒ 5
The let
syntactic form includes a list of variable-expression pairs, along with a sequence of expressions referred to as the body of the let
. The general form of a let
expression is
(let ((var expr) ...) body1 body2 ...)
We say the variables are bound to the values by the let
. We refer to variables bound by let
as let
-bound variables.
A let
expression is often used to simplify an expression that would contain two identical subexpressions. Doing so also ensures that the value of the common subexpression is computed only once.
(+ (* 4 4) (* 4 4)) ⇒ 32
(let ((a (* 4 4))) (+ a a)) ⇒ 32
Brackets are often used in place of parentheses to delimit the bindings of a let
(let ([list1 '(a b c)] [list2 '(d e f)])
(cons (cons (car list1)
(car list2))
(cons (car (cdr list1))
(car (cdr list2))))) ⇒ ((a . d) b . e)
Scheme treats forms enclosed in brackets just like forms enclosed in parentheses. An open bracket must be matched by a close bracket, and an open parenthesis must be matched by a close parenthesis. We use brackets for let
(and, as we’ll see, several other standard syntactic forms) to improve readability, especially when we might otherwise have two or more consecutive open parentheses.
Since expressions in the first position of a procedure application are evaluated no differently from other expressions, a let
-bound variable may be used there as well.
(let ([f +])
(f 2 3)) ⇒ 5
(let ([f +] [x 2])
(f x 3)) ⇒ 5
(let ([f +] [x 2] [y 3])
(f x y)) ⇒ 5
The variables bound by let
are visible only within the body of the let
(let ([+ *])
(+ 2 3)) ⇒ 6
(+ 2 3) ⇒ 5
This is fortunate, because we would not want the value of +
to be the multiplication procedure everywhere.
It is possible to nest let
(let ([a 4] [b -3])
(let ([a-squared (* a a)]
[b-squared (* b b)])
(+ a-squared b-squared))) ⇒ 25
When nested let
expressions bind the same variable, only the binding created by the inner let
is visible within its body.
(let ([x 1])
(let ([x (+ x 1)])
(+ x x))) ⇒ 4
The outer let
expression binds x
to 1 within its body, which is the second let
expression. The inner let
expression binds x
to (+ x 1)
within its body, which is the expression (+ x x)
. What is the value of (+ x 1)
? Since (+ x 1)
appears within the body of the outer let
but not within the body of the inner let
, the value of x
must be 1 and hence the value of (+ x 1)
is 2. What about (+ x x)
? It appears within the body of both let
expressions. Only the inner binding for x
is visible, so x
is 2 and (+ x x)
is 4.
The inner binding for x
is said to shadow the outer binding. A let
-bound variable is visible everywhere within the body of its let
expression except where it is shadowed. The region where a variable binding is visible is called its scope. The scope of the first x
in the example above is the body of the outer let
expression minus the body of the inner let
expression, where it is shadowed by the second x
. This form of scoping is referred to as lexical scoping, since the scope of each binding can be determined by a straightforward textual analysis of the program.
Shadowing may be avoided by choosing different names for variables. The expression above could be rewritten so that the variable bound by the inner let
is new-x
(let ([x 1])
(let ([new-x (+ x 1)])
(+ new-x new-x))) ⇒ 4
Although choosing different names can sometimes prevent confusion, shadowing can help prevent the accidental use of an "old" value. For example, with the original version of the preceding example, it would be impossible for us to mistakenly refer to the outer x
within the body of the inner let
Exercise 2.4.1
Rewrite the following expressions, using let
to remove common subexpressions and to improve the structure of the code. Do not perform any algebraic simplifications.
(+ (- (* 3 a) b) (+ (* 3 a) b))
(cons (car (list a b c)) (cdr (list a b c)))
Exercise 2.4.2
Determine the value of the following expression. Explain how you derived this value.
(let ([x 9])
(* x
(let ([x (/ x 3)])
(+ x x))))
Exercise 2.4.3
Rewrite the following expressions to give unique names to each different let
-bound variable so that none of the variables is shadowed. Verify that the value of your expression is the same as that of the original expression.
(let ([x 'a] [y 'b]) (list (let ([x 'c]) (cons x y)) (let ([y 'd]) (cons x y))))
(let ([x '((a b) c)]) (cons (let ([x (cdr x)]) (car x)) (let ([x (car x)]) (cons (let ([x (cdr x)]) (car x)) (cons (let ([x (car x)]) x) (cdr x))))))
Section 2.5. Lambda Expressions
In the expression (let ([x (* 3 4)]) (+ x x))
, the variable x
is bound to the value of (* 3 4)
. What if we would like the value of (+ x x)
where x
is bound to the value of (/ 99 11)
? Where x
is bound to the value of (- 2 7)
? In each case we need a different let
expression. When the body of the let
is complicated, however, having to repeat it can be inconvenient.
Instead, we can use the syntactic form lambda
to create a new procedure that has x
as a parameter and has the same body as the let
(lambda (x) (+ x x)) ⇒ #<procedure>
The general form of a lambda
expression is
(lambda (var ...) body1 body2 ...)
The variables var ...
are the formal parameters of the procedure, and the sequence of expressions body1 body2 ...
is its body. (Actually, the true general form is somewhat more general than this, as you will see later.)
A procedure is just as much an object as a number, string, symbol, or pair. It does not have any meaningful printed representation as far as Scheme is concerned, however, so this book uses the notation #<procedure>
to show that the value of an expression is a procedure.
The most common operation to perform on a procedure is to apply it to one or more values.
((lambda (x) (+ x x)) (* 3 4)) ⇒ 24
This is no different from any other procedure application. The procedure is the value of (lambda (x) (+ x x))
, and the only argument is the value of (* 3 4)
, or 12. The argument values, or actual parameters, are bound to the formal parameters within the body of the lambda
expression in the same way as let
-bound variables are bound to their values. In this case, x
is bound to 12, and the value of (+ x x)
is 24. Thus, the result of applying the procedure to the value 12 is 24.
Because procedures are objects, we can establish a procedure as the value of a variable and use the procedure more than once.
(let ([double (lambda (x) (+ x x))])
(list (double (* 3 4))
(double (/ 99 11))
(double (- 2 7)))) ⇒ (24 18 -10)
Here, we establish a binding for double
to a procedure, then use this procedure to double three different values.
The procedure expects its actual parameter to be a number, since it passes the actual parameter on to +
. In general, the actual parameter may be any sort of object. Consider, for example, a similar procedure that uses cons
instead of +
(let ([double-cons (lambda (x) (cons x x))])
(double-cons 'a)) ⇒ (a . a)
Noting the similarity between double
and double-cons
, you should not be surprised to learn that they may be collapsed into a single procedure by adding an additional argument.
(let ([double-any (lambda (f x) (f x x))])
(list (double-any + 13)
(double-any cons 'a))) ⇒ (26 (a . a))
This demonstrates that procedures may accept more than one argument and that arguments passed to a procedure may themselves be procedures.
As with let
expressions, lambda
expressions become somewhat more interesting when they are nested within other lambda
or let
(let ([x 'a])
(let ([f (lambda (y) (list x y))])
(f 'b))) ⇒ (a b)
The occurrence of x
within the lambda
expression refers to the x
outside the lambda
that is bound by the outer let
expression. The variable x
is said to occur free in the lambda
expression or to be a free variable of the lambda
expression. The variable y
does not occur free in the lambda
expression since it is bound by the lambda
expression. A variable that occurs free in a lambda
expression should be bound, e.g., by an enclosing lambda
or let
expression, unless the variable is (like the names of primitive procedures) bound outside of the expression, as we discuss in the following section.
What happens when the procedure is applied somewhere outside the scope of the bindings for variables that occur free within the procedure, as in the following expression?
(let ([f (let ([x 'sam])
(lambda (y z) (list x y z)))])
(f 'i 'am)) ⇒ (sam i am)
The answer is that the same bindings that were in effect when the procedure was created are in effect again when the procedure is applied. This is true even if another binding for x
is visible where the procedure is applied.
(let ([f (let ([x 'sam])
(lambda (y z) (list x y z)))])
(let ([x 'not-sam])
(f 'i 'am))) ⇒ (sam i am)
In both cases, the value of x
within the procedure named f
is sam
Incidentally, a let
expression is nothing more than the direct application of a lambda
expression to a set of argument expressions. For example, the two expressions below are equivalent.
(let ([x 'a]) (cons x x)) ≡ ((lambda (x) (cons x x)) 'a)
In fact, a let
expression is a syntactic extension defined in terms of lambda
and procedure application, which are both core syntactic forms. In general, any expression of the form
(let ((var expr) ...) body1 body2 ...)
is equivalent to the following.
((lambda (var ...) body1 body2 ...)
expr ...)
See Section 3.1 for more about core forms and syntactic extensions.
As mentioned above, the general form of lambda
is a bit more complicated than the form we saw earlier, in that the formal parameter specification, (var …)
, need not be a proper list, or indeed even a list at all. The formal parameter specification can be in any of the following three forms:
a proper list of variables,
(var1 ... varn)
, such as we have already seen, -
a single variable,
, or -
an improper list of variables,
(var1 ... varn . varr)
In the first case, exactly n actual parameters must be supplied, and each variable is bound to the corresponding actual parameter. In the second, any number of actual parameters is valid; all of the actual parameters are put into a single list and the single variable is bound to this list. The third case is a hybrid of the first two cases. At least n actual parameters must be supplied. The variables var1 ... varn
are bound to the corresponding actual parameters, and the variable varr
is bound to a list containing the remaining actual parameters. In the second and third cases, varr
is sometimes referred to as a "rest" parameter because it holds the rest of the actual parameters beyond those that are individually named.
Let’s consider a few examples to help clarify the more general syntax of lambda
(let ([f (lambda x x)])
(f 1 2 3 4)) ⇒ (1 2 3 4)
(let ([f (lambda x x)])
(f)) ⇒ ()
(let ([g (lambda (x . y) (list x y))])
(g 1 2 3 4)) ⇒ (1 (2 3 4))
(let ([h (lambda (x y . z) (list x y z))])
(h 'a 'b 'c 'd)) ⇒ (a b (c d))
In the first two examples, the procedure named f
accepts any number of arguments. These arguments are automatically formed into a list to which the variable x
is bound; the value of f
is this list. In the first example, the arguments are 1, 2, 3, and 4, so the answer is (1 2 3 4)
. In the second, there are no arguments, so the answer is the empty list ()
. The value of the procedure named g
in the third example is a list whose first element is the first argument and whose second element is a list containing the remaining arguments. The procedure named h
is similar but separates out the second argument. While f
accepts any number of arguments, g
must receive at least one and h
must receive at least two.
Exercise 2.5.1
Determine the values of the expressions below.
(let ([f (lambda (x) x)]) (f 'a))
(let ([f (lambda x x)]) (f 'a))
(let ([f (lambda (x . y) x)]) (f 'a))
(let ([f (lambda (x . y) y)]) (f 'a))
Exercise 2.5.2
How might the primitive procedure list
be defined?
Exercise 2.5.3
List the variables that occur free in each of the lambda
expressions below. Do not omit variables that name primitive procedures such as +
or cons
(lambda (f x) (f x))
(lambda (x) (+ x x))
(lambda (x y) (f x y))
(lambda (x) (cons x (f x y)))
(lambda (x) (let ([z (cons x y)]) (x y z)))
(lambda (x) (let ([y (cons x y)]) (x y z)))
Section 2.6. Top-Level Definitions
The variables bound by let
and lambda
expressions are not visible outside the bodies of these expressions. Suppose you have created an object, perhaps a procedure, that must be accessible anywhere, like +
or cons
. What you need is a top-level definition, which may be established with define
. Top-level definitions, which are supported by most interactive Scheme systems, are visible in every expression you enter, except where shadowed by another binding.
Let’s establish a top-level definition of the double-any
procedure of the last section.
(define double-any
(lambda (f x)
(f x x)))
The variable double-any
now has the same status as cons
or the name of any other primitive procedure. We can use double-any
as if it were a primitive procedure.
(double-any + 10) ⇒ 20
(double-any cons 'a) ⇒ (a . a)
A top-level definition may be established for any object, not just for procedures.
(define sandwich "peanut-butter-and-jelly")
sandwich ⇒ "peanut-butter-and-jelly"
Most often, though, top-level definitions are used for procedures.
As suggested above, top-level definitions may be shadowed by let
or lambda
(define xyz '(x y z))
(let ([xyz '(z y x)])
xyz) ⇒ (z y x)
Variables with top-level definitions act almost as if they were bound by a let
expression enclosing all of the expressions you type.
Given only the simple tools you have read about up to this point, it is already possible to define some of the primitive procedures provided by Scheme and described later in this book. If you completed the exercises from the last section, you should already know how to define list
(define list (lambda x x))
Also, Scheme provides the abbreviations cadr
and cddr
for the compositions of car
with cdr
and cdr
with cdr
. That is, (cadr list)
is equivalent to (car (cdr list))
, and, similarly, (cddr list)
is equivalent to (cdr (cdr list))
. They are easily defined as follows.
(define cadr
(lambda (x)
(car (cdr x))))
(define cddr
(lambda (x)
(cdr (cdr x))))
(cadr '(a b c)) ⇒ b
(cddr '(a b c)) ⇒ (c)
Any definition (define var expr)
where expr
is a lambda
expression can be written in a shorter form that suppresses the lambda
. The exact syntax depends upon the format of the lambda
expression’s formal parameter specifier, i.e., whether it is a proper list of variables, a single variable, or an improper list of variables. A definition of the form
(define var0
(lambda (var1 ... varn)
e1 e2 ...))
may be abbreviated
(define (var0 var1 ... varn)
e1 e2 ...)
(define var0
(lambda varr
e1 e2 ...))
may be abbreviated
(define (var0 . varr)
e1 e2 ...)
(define var0
(lambda (var1 ... varn . varr)
e1 e2 ...))
may be abbreviated
(define (var0 var1 ... varn . varr)
e1 e2 ...)
For example, the definitions of cadr
and list
might be written as follows.
(define (cadr x)
(car (cdr x)))
(define (list . x) x)
This book does not often employ this alternative syntax. Although it is shorter, it tends to mask the reality that procedures are not intimately tied to variables, or names, as they are in many other languages. This syntax is often referred to, somewhat pejoratively, as the "defun" syntax for define
, after the defun
form provided by Lisp languages in which procedures are more closely tied to their names.
Top-level definitions make it easier for us to experiment with a procedure interactively because we need not retype the procedure each time it is used. Let’s try defining a somewhat more complicated variation of double-any
, one that turns an "ordinary" two-argument procedure into a "doubling" one-argument procedure.
(define doubler
(lambda (f)
(lambda (x) (f x x))))
accepts one argument, f
, which must be a procedure that accepts two arguments. The procedure returned by doubler
accepts one argument, which it uses for both arguments in an application of f
. We can define, with doubler
, the simple double
and double-cons
procedures of the last section.
(define double (doubler +))
(double 13/2) ⇒ 13
(define double-cons (doubler cons))
(double-cons 'a) ⇒ (a . a)
We can also define double-any
with doubler
(define double-any
(lambda (f x)
((doubler f) x)))
Within double
and double-cons
, f
has the appropriate value, i.e., +
or cons
, even though the procedures are clearly applied outside the scope of f
What happens if you attempt to use a variable that is not bound by a let
or lambda
expression and that does not have a top-level definition? Try using the variable i-am-not-defined
to see what happens.
(i-am-not-defined 3)
Most Scheme systems print a message indicating that an unbound- or undefined-variable exception has occurred.
The system should not, however, complain about the appearance of an undefined variable within a lambda
expression, until and unless the resulting procedure is applied. The following should not cause an exception, even though we have not yet established a top-level definition of proc2
(define proc1
(lambda (x y)
(proc2 y x)))
If you try to apply proc1
before defining proc2
, you should get a undefined exception message. Let’s give proc2
a top-level definition and try proc1
(define proc2 cons)
(proc1 'a 'b) ⇒ (b . a)
When you define proc1
, the system accepts your promise to define proc2
, and does not complain unless you use proc1
before defining proc2
. This allows you to define procedures in any order you please. This is especially useful when you are trying to organize a file full of procedure definitions in a way that makes your program more readable. It is necessary when two procedures defined at top level depend upon each other; we will see some examples of this later.
Exercise 2.6.1
What would happen if you were to type
(double-any double-any double-any)
given the definition of double-any
from the beginning of this section?
Exercise 2.6.2
A more elegant (though possibly less efficient) way to define cadr
and cddr
than given in this section is to define a procedure that composes two procedures to create a third. Write the procedure compose
, such that (compose p1 p2)
is the composition of p1
and p2
(assuming both take one argument). That is, (compose p1 p2)
should return a new procedure of one argument that applies p1
to the result of applying p2
to the argument. Use compose
to define cadr
and cddr
Exercise 2.6.3
Scheme also provides caar
, cdar
, caaar
, caadr
, and so on, with any combination of up to four a
's (representing car
) and d
's (representing cdr
) between the c
and the r
(see Section 6.3). Define each of these with the compose
procedure of the preceding exercise.
Section 2.7. Conditional Expressions
So far we have considered expressions that perform a given task unconditionally. Suppose that we wish to write the procedure abs
. If its argument x is negative, abs
returns -x; otherwise, it returns x. The most straightforward way to write abs
is to determine whether the argument is negative and if so negate it, using the if
syntactic form.
(define abs
(lambda (n)
(if (< n 0)
(- 0 n)
(abs 77) ⇒ 77
(abs -77) ⇒ 77
An if
expression has the form (if test consequent alternative)
, where consequent
is the expression to evaluate if test
is true and alternative
is the expression to evaluate if test
is false. In the expression above, test
is (< n 0)
, consequent
is (- 0 n)
, and alternative
is n
The procedure abs
could be written in a variety of other ways. Any of the following are valid definitions of abs
(define abs
(lambda (n)
(if (>= n 0)
(- 0 n))))
(define abs
(lambda (n)
(if (not (< n 0))
(- 0 n))))
(define abs
(lambda (n)
(if (or (> n 0) (= n 0))
(- 0 n))))
(define abs
(lambda (n)
(if (= n 0)
(if (< n 0)
(- 0 n)
(define abs
(lambda (n)
((if (>= n 0) + -)
The first of these definitions asks if n
is greater than or equal to zero, inverting the test. The second asks if n
is not less than zero, using the procedure not
with <
. The third asks if n
is greater than zero or n
is equal to zero, using the syntactic form or
. The fourth treats zero separately, though there is no benefit in doing so. The fifth is somewhat tricky; n
is either added to or subtracted from zero, depending upon whether n
is greater than or equal to zero.
Why is if
a syntactic form and not a procedure? In order to answer this, let’s revisit the definition of reciprocal
from the first section of this chapter.
(define reciprocal
(lambda (n)
(if (= n 0)
(/ 1 n))))
The second argument to the division procedure should not be zero, since the result is mathematically undefined. Our definition of reciprocal
avoids this problem by testing for zero before dividing. Were if
a procedure, its arguments (including (/ 1 n)
) would be evaluated before it had a chance to choose between the consequent and alternative. Like quote
, which does not evaluate its only subexpression, if
does not evaluate all of its subexpressions and so cannot be a procedure.
The syntactic form or
operates in a manner similar to if
. The general form of an or
expression is (or expr ...)
. If there are no subexpressions, i.e., the expression is simply (or)
, the value is false. Otherwise, each expr
is evaluated in turn until either (a) one of the expressions evaluates to true or (b) no more expressions are left. In case (a), the value is true; in case (b), the value is false.
To be more precise, in case (a), the value of the or
expression is the value of the last subexpression evaluated. This clarification is necessary because there are many possible true values. Usually, the value of a test expression is one of the two objects #t
, for true, or #f
, for false.
(< -1 0) ⇒ #t
(> -1 0) ⇒ #f
Every Scheme object, however, is considered to be either true or false by conditional expressions and by the procedure not
. Only #f
is considered false; all other objects are considered true.
(if #t 'true 'false) ⇒ true
(if #f 'true 'false) ⇒ false
(if '() 'true 'false) ⇒ true
(if 1 'true 'false) ⇒ true
(if '(a b c) 'true 'false) ⇒ true
(not #t) ⇒ #f
(not "false") ⇒ #f
(not #f) ⇒ #t
(or) ⇒ #f
(or #f) ⇒ #f
(or #f #t) ⇒ #t
(or #f 'a #f) ⇒ a
The and
syntactic form is similar in form to or
, but an and
expression is true if all its subexpressions are true, and false otherwise. In the case where there are no subexpressions, i.e., the expression is simply (and)
, the value is true. Otherwise, the subexpressions are evaluated in turn until either no more subexpressions are left or the value of a subexpression is false. The value of the and
expression is the value of the last subexpression evaluated.
Using and
, we can define a slightly different version of reciprocal
(define reciprocal
(lambda (n)
(and (not (= n 0))
(/ 1 n))))
(reciprocal 3) ⇒ 1/3
(reciprocal 0.5) ⇒ 2.0
(reciprocal 0) ⇒ #f
In this version, the value is #f
if n
is zero and 1/n
The procedures =
, <
, >
, <=
, and >=
are called predicates. A predicate is a procedure that answers a specific question about its arguments and returns one of the two values #t
or #f
. The names of most predicates end with a question mark ( ?
); the common numeric procedures listed above are exceptions to this rule. Not all predicates require numeric arguments, of course. The predicate null?
returns true if its argument is the empty list ()
and false otherwise.
(null? '()) ⇒ #t
(null? 'abc) ⇒ #f
(null? '(x y z)) ⇒ #f
(null? (cdddr '(x y z))) ⇒ #t
The procedure cdr
must not be passed anything other than a pair, and an exception is raised when this happens. Common Lisp, however, defines (cdr '())
to be ()
. The following procedure, lisp-cdr
, is defined using null?
to return ()
if its argument is ()
(define lisp-cdr
(lambda (x)
(if (null? x)
(cdr x))))
(lisp-cdr '(a b c)) ⇒ (b c)
(lisp-cdr '(c)) ⇒ ()
(lisp-cdr '()) ⇒ ()
Another useful predicate is eqv?
, which requires two arguments. If the two arguments are equivalent, eqv?
returns true. Otherwise, eqv?
returns false.
(eqv? 'a 'a) ⇒ #t
(eqv? 'a 'b) ⇒ #f
(eqv? #f #f) ⇒ #t
(eqv? #t #t) ⇒ #t
(eqv? #f #t) ⇒ #f
(eqv? 3 3) ⇒ #t
(eqv? 3 2) ⇒ #f
(let ([x "Hi Mom!"])
(eqv? x x)) ⇒ #t
(let ([x (cons 'a 'b)])
(eqv? x x)) ⇒ #t
(eqv? (cons 'a 'b) (cons 'a 'b)) ⇒ #f
As you can see, eqv?
returns true if the arguments are the same symbol, boolean, number, pair, or string. Two pairs are not the same by eqv?
if they are created by different calls to cons
, even if they have the same contents. Detailed equivalence rules for eqv?
are given in Section 6.2.
Scheme also provides a set of type predicates that return true or false depending on the type of the object, e.g., pair?
, symbol?
, number?
, and string?
. The predicate pair?
, for example, returns true only if its argument is a pair.
(pair? '(a . c)) ⇒ #t
(pair? '(a b c)) ⇒ #t
(pair? '()) ⇒ #f
(pair? 'abc) ⇒ #f
(pair? "Hi Mom!") ⇒ #f
(pair? 1234567890) ⇒ #f
Type predicates are useful for deciding if the argument passed to a procedure is of the appropriate type. For example, the following version of reciprocal
checks first to see that its argument is a number before testing against zero or performing the division.
(define reciprocal
(lambda (n)
(if (and (number? n) (not (= n 0)))
(/ 1 n)
(reciprocal 2/3) ⇒ 3/2
(reciprocal 'a) ⇒ "oops!"
By the way, the code that uses reciprocal
must check to see that the returned value is a number and not a string. To relieve the caller of this obligation, it is usually preferable to report the error, using assertion-violation
, as follows.
(define reciprocal
(lambda (n)
(if (and (number? n) (not (= n 0)))
(/ 1 n)
(assertion-violation 'reciprocal
"improper argument"
(reciprocal .25) ⇒ 4.0
(reciprocal 0) ⇒ exception in reciprocal: improper argument 0
(reciprocal 'a) ⇒ exception in reciprocal: improper argument a
The first argument to assertion-violation
is a symbol identifying where the message originates, the second is a string describing the error, and the third and subsequent arguments are "irritants" to be included with the error message.
Let’s look at one more conditional expression, cond
, that is often useful in place of if
. cond
is similar to if
except that it allows multiple test and alternative expressions. Consider the following definition of sign
, which returns -1
for negative inputs, +1
for positive inputs, and 0
for zero.
(define sign
(lambda (n)
(if (< n 0)
(if (> n 0)
(sign -88.3) ⇒ -1
(sign 0) ⇒ 0
(sign 333333333333) ⇒ 1
(* (sign -88.3) (abs -88.3)) ⇒ -88.3
The two if
expressions may be replaced by a single cond
expression as follows.
(define sign
(lambda (n)
[(< n 0) -1]
[(> n 0) +1]
[else 0])))
A cond
expression usually takes the form
(cond (test expr) ... (else expr))
though the else
clause may be omitted. This should be done only when there is no possibility that all the tests will fail, as in the new version of sign
(define sign
(lambda (n)
[(< n 0) -1]
[(> n 0) +1]
[(= n 0) 0])))
These definitions of sign
do not depend on the order in which the tests are performed, since only one of the tests can be true for any value of n
. The following procedure computes the tax on a given amount of income in a progressive tax system with breakpoints at 10,000, 20,000, and 30,000 dollars.
(define income-tax
(lambda (income)
[(<= income 10000) (* income .05)]
[(<= income 20000) (+ (* (- income 10000) .08) 500.00)]
[(<= income 30000) (+ (* (- income 20000) .13) 1300.00)]
[else (+ (* (- income 30000) .21) 2600.00)])))
(income-tax 5000) ⇒ 250.0
(income-tax 15000) ⇒ 900.0
(income-tax 25000) ⇒ 1950.0
(income-tax 50000) ⇒ 6800.0
In this example, the order in which the tests are performed, left to right (top to bottom), is significant.
Exercise 2.7.1
Define the predicate atom?
, which returns true if its argument is not a pair and false if it is.
Exercise 2.7.2
The procedure length
returns the length of its argument, which must be a list. For example, (length '(a b c))
is 3. Using length
, define the procedure shorter
, which returns the shorter of two list arguments. Have it return the first list if they have the same length.
(shorter '(a b) '(c d e)) ⇒ (a b)
(shorter '(a b) '(c d)) ⇒ (a b)
(shorter '(a b) '(c)) ⇒ (c)
Section 2.8. Simple Recursion
We have seen how we can control whether or not expressions are evaluated with if
, and
, or
, and cond
. We can also perform an expression more than once by creating a procedure containing the expression and invoking the procedure more than once. What if we need to perform some expression repeatedly, say for all the elements of a list or all the numbers from one to ten? We can do so via recursion. Recursion is a simple concept: the application of a procedure from within that procedure. It can be tricky to master recursion at first, but once mastered it provides expressive power far beyond ordinary looping constructs.
A recursive procedure is a procedure that applies itself. Perhaps the simplest recursive procedure is the following, which we will call goodbye
(define goodbye
(lambda ()
(goodbye) ⇒
This procedure takes no arguments and simply applies itself immediately. There is no value after the ⇒ because goodbye
never returns.
Obviously, to make practical use out of a recursive procedure, we must have some way to terminate the recursion. Most recursive procedures should have at least two basic elements, a base case and a recursion step. The base case terminates the recursion, giving the value of the procedure for some base argument. The recursion step gives the value in terms of the value of the procedure applied to a different argument. In order for the recursion to terminate, the different argument must be closer to the base argument in some way.
Let’s consider the problem of finding the length of a proper list recursively. We need a base case and a recursion step. The logical base argument for recursion on lists is nearly always the empty list. The length of the empty list is zero, so the base case should give the value zero for the empty list. In order to become closer to the empty list, the natural recursion step involves the cdr of the argument. A nonempty list is one element longer than its cdr, so the recursion step gives the value as one more than the length of the cdr of the list.
(define length
(lambda (ls)
(if (null? ls)
(+ (length (cdr ls)) 1))))
(length '()) ⇒ 0
(length '(a)) ⇒ 1
(length '(a b)) ⇒ 2
The if
expression asks if the list is empty. If so, the value is zero. This is the base case. If not, the value is one more than the length of the cdr of the list. This is the recursion step.
Many Scheme implementations allow you to trace the execution of a procedure to see how it operates. In Chez Scheme, for example, one way to trace a procedure is to type (trace name)
, where name
is the name of a procedure you have defined at top level. If you trace length
as defined above and pass it the argument '(a b c d)
, you should see something like this:
|(length (a b c d))
| (length (b c d))
| |(length (c d))
| | (length (d))
| | |(length ())
| | |0
| | 1
| |2
| 3
The indentation shows the nesting level of the recursion; the vertical lines associate applications visually with their values. Notice that on each application of length
the list gets smaller until it finally reaches ()
. The value at ()
is 0, and each outer level adds 1 to arrive at the final value.
Let’s write a procedure, list-copy
, that returns a copy of its argument, which must be a list. That is, list-copy
returns a new list consisting of the elements (but not the pairs) of the old list. Making a copy might be useful if either the original list or the copy might be altered via set-car!
or set-cdr!
, which we discuss later.
(list-copy '()) ⇒ ()
(list-copy '(a b c)) ⇒ (a b c)
See if you can define list-copy
before studying the definition below.
(define list-copy
(lambda (ls)
(if (null? ls)
(cons (car ls)
(list-copy (cdr ls))))))
The definition of list-copy
is similar to the definition of length
. The test in the base case is the same, (null? ls)
. The value in the base case is ()
, however, not 0, because we are building up a list, not a number. The recursive call is the same, but instead of adding one, list-copy
conses the car of the list onto the value of the recursive call.
There is no reason why there cannot be more than one base case. The procedure memv
takes two arguments, an object and a list. It returns the first sublist, or tail, of the list whose car is equal to the object, or #f
if the object is not found in the list. The value of memv
may be used as a list or as a truth value in a conditional expression.
(define memv
(lambda (x ls)
[(null? ls) #f]
[(eqv? (car ls) x) ls]
[else (memv x (cdr ls))])))
(memv 'a '(a b b d)) ⇒ (a b b d)
(memv 'b '(a b b d)) ⇒ (b b d)
(memv 'c '(a b b d)) ⇒ #f
(memv 'd '(a b b d)) ⇒ (d)
(if (memv 'b '(a b b d))
"no") ⇒ "yes"
Here there are two conditions to check, hence the use of cond
. The first cond clause checks for the base value of ()
; no object is a member of ()
, so the answer is #f
. The second clause asks if the car of the list is the object, in which case the list is returned, being the first tail whose car contains the object. The recursion step just continues down the list.
There may also be more than one recursion case. Like memv
, the procedure remv
defined below takes two arguments, an object and a list. It returns a new list with all occurrences of the object removed from the list.
(define remv
(lambda (x ls)
[(null? ls) '()]
[(eqv? (car ls) x) (remv x (cdr ls))]
[else (cons (car ls) (remv x (cdr ls)))])))
(remv 'a '(a b b d)) ⇒ (b b d)
(remv 'b '(a b b d)) ⇒ (a d)
(remv 'c '(a b b d)) ⇒ (a b b d)
(remv 'd '(a b b d)) ⇒ (a b b)
This definition is similar to the definition of memv
above, except remv
does not quit once it finds the element in the car of the list. Rather, it continues, simply ignoring the element. If the element is not found in the car of the list, remv
does the same thing as list-copy
above: it conses the car of the list onto the recursive value.
Up to now, the recursion has been only on the cdr of a list. It is sometimes useful, however, for a procedure to recur on the car as well as the cdr of the list. The procedure tree-copy
defined below treats the structure of pairs as a tree rather than as a list, with the left subtree being the car of the pair and the right subtree being the cdr of the pair. It performs a similar operation to list-copy
, building new pairs while leaving the elements (leaves) alone.
(define tree-copy
(lambda (tr)
(if (not (pair? tr))
(cons (tree-copy (car tr))
(tree-copy (cdr tr))))))
(tree-copy '((a . b) . c)) ⇒ ((a . b) . c)
The natural base argument for a tree structure is anything that is not a pair, since the recursion traverses pairs rather than lists. The recursive step in this case is doubly recursive, finding the value recursively for the car as well as the cdr of the argument.
At this point, readers who are familiar with other languages that provide special iteration constructs, e.g., while or for loops, might wonder whether similar constructs are required in Scheme. Such constructs are unnecessary; iteration in Scheme is expressed more clearly and succinctly via recursion. Recursion is more general and eliminates the need for the variable assignments required by many other languages' iteration constructs, resulting in code that is more reliable and easier to follow. Some recursion is essentially iteration and executes as such; Section 3.2 has more to say about this. Often, there is no need to make a distinction, however. Concentrate instead on writing clear, concise, and correct programs.
Before we leave the topic of recursion, let’s consider a special form of repetition called mapping. Consider the following procedure, abs-all
, that takes a list of numbers as input and returns a list of their absolute values.
(define abs-all
(lambda (ls)
(if (null? ls)
(cons (abs (car ls))
(abs-all (cdr ls))))))
(abs-all '(1 -2 3 -4 5 -6)) ⇒ (1 2 3 4 5 6)
This procedure forms a new list from the input list by applying the procedure abs
to each element. We say that abs-all
maps abs
over the input list to produce the output list. Mapping a procedure over a list is a fairly common thing to do, so Scheme provides the procedure map
, which maps its first argument, a procedure, over its second, a list. We can use map
to define abs-all
(define abs-all
(lambda (ls)
(map abs ls)))
We really do not need abs-all
, however, since the corresponding direct application of map
is just as short and perhaps clearer.
(map abs '(1 -2 3 -4 5 -6)) ⇒ (1 2 3 4 5 6)
Of course, we can use lambda
to create the procedure argument to map
, e.g., to square the elements of a list of numbers.
(map (lambda (x) (* x x))
'(1 -3 -5 7)) ⇒ (1 9 25 49)
We can map a multiple-argument procedure over multiple lists, as in the following example.
(map cons '(a b c) '(1 2 3)) ⇒ ((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))
The lists must be of the same length, and the procedure should accept as many arguments as there are lists. Each element of the output list is the result of applying the procedure to corresponding members of the input list.
Looking at the first definition of abs-all
above, you should be able to derive, before studying it, the following definition of map1
, a restricted version of map
that maps a one-argument procedure over a single list.
(define map1
(lambda (p ls)
(if (null? ls)
(cons (p (car ls))
(map1 p (cdr ls))))))
(map1 abs '(1 -2 3 -4 5 -6)) ⇒ (1 2 3 4 5 6)
All we have done is to replace the call to abs
in abs-all
with a call to the new parameter p
. A definition of the more general map
is given in Section 5.4.
Exercise 2.8.1
Describe what would happen if you switched the order of the arguments to cons
in the definition of tree-copy
Exercise 2.8.2
Consult Section 6.3 for the description of append
and define a two-argument version of it. What would happen if you switched the order of the arguments in the call to append
within your definition of append
Exercise 2.8.3
Define the procedure make-list
, which takes a nonnegative integer n
and an object and returns a new list, n
long, each element of which is the object.
(make-list 7 '()) ⇒ (() () () () () () ())
[Hint: The base test should be (= n 0)
, and the recursion step should involve (- n 1)
. Whereas ()
is the natural base case for recursion on lists, 0 is the natural base case for recursion on nonnegative integers. Similarly, subtracting 1 is the natural way to bring a nonnegative integer closer to 0.]
Exercise 2.8.4
The procedures list-ref
and list-tail
return the nth element and nth tail of a list ls.
(list-ref '(1 2 3 4) 0) ⇒ 1
(list-tail '(1 2 3 4) 0) ⇒ (1 2 3 4)
(list-ref '(a short (nested) list) 2) ⇒ (nested)
(list-tail '(a short (nested) list) 2) ⇒ ((nested) list)
Define both procedures.
Exercise 2.8.5
Exercise 2.7.2 had you use length
in the definition of shorter
, which returns the shorter of its two list arguments, or the first if the two have the same length. Write shorter
without using length
. [Hint: Define a recursive helper, shorter?
, and use it in place of the length comparison.]
Exercise 2.8.6
All of the recursive procedures shown so far have been directly recursive. That is, each procedure directly applies itself to a new argument. It is also possible to write two procedures that use each other, resulting in indirect recursion. Define the procedures odd?
and even?
, each in terms of the other. [Hint: What should each return when its argument is 0?]
(even? 17) ⇒ #f
(odd? 17) ⇒ #t
Exercise 2.8.7
Use map
to define a procedure, transpose
, that takes a list of pairs and returns a pair of lists as follows.
(transpose '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))) ⇒ ((a b c) 1 2 3)
[Hint: ((a b c) 1 2 3)
is the same as ((a b c) . (1 2 3))
Section 2.9. Assignment
Although many programs can be written without them, assignments to top-level variables or let
-bound and lambda
-bound variables are sometimes useful. Assignments do not create new bindings, as with let
or lambda
, but rather change the values of existing bindings. Assignments are performed with set!
(define abcde '(a b c d e))
abcde ⇒ (a b c d e)
(set! abcde (cdr abcde))
abcde ⇒ (b c d e)
(let ([abcde '(a b c d e)])
(set! abcde (reverse abcde))
abcde) ⇒ (e d c b a)
Many languages require the use of assignments to initialize local variables, separate from the declaration or binding of the variables. In Scheme, all local variables are given a value immediately upon binding. Besides making the separate assignment to initialize local variables unnecessary, it ensures that the programmer cannot forget to initialize them, a common source of errors in most languages.
In fact, most of the assignments that are either necessary or convenient in other languages are both unnecessary and inconvenient in Scheme, since there is typically a clearer way to express the same algorithm without assignments. One common practice in some languages is to sequence expression evaluation with a series of assignments, as in the following procedure that finds the roots of a quadratic equation.
(define quadratic-formula
(lambda (a b c)
(let ([root1 0] [root2 0] [minusb 0] [radical 0] [divisor 0])
(set! minusb (- 0 b))
(set! radical (sqrt (- (* b b) (* 4 (* a c)))))
(set! divisor (* 2 a))
(set! root1 (/ (+ minusb radical) divisor))
(set! root2 (/ (- minusb radical) divisor))
(cons root1 root2))))
The roots are computed according to the well-known quadratic formula,
which yields the solutions to the equation \(0 = ax^2 + bx + c\). The let
expression in this definition is employed solely to establish the variable bindings, corresponding to the declarations required in other languages. The first three assignment expressions compute subpieces of the formula, namely \(-b\), \(\sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}\), and \(2a\). The last two assignment expressions compute the two roots in terms of the subpieces. A pair of the two roots is the value of quadratic-formula
. For example, the two roots of \(2x^2 - 4x - 6\) are \(x = 3\) and \(x = -1\).
(quadratic-formula 2 -4 -6) ⇒ (3 . -1)
The definition above works, but it can be written more clearly without the assignments, as shown below.
(define quadratic-formula
(lambda (a b c)
(let ([minusb (- 0 b)]
[radical (sqrt (- (* b b) (* 4 (* a c))))]
[divisor (* 2 a)])
(let ([root1 (/ (+ minusb radical) divisor)]
[root2 (/ (- minusb radical) divisor)])
(cons root1 root2)))))
In this version, the set!
expressions are gone, and we are left with essentially the same algorithm. By employing two let
expressions, however, the definition makes clear the dependency of root1
and root2
on the values of minusb
, radical
, and divisor
. Equally important, the let
expressions make clear the lack of dependencies among minusb
, radical
, and divisor
and between root1
and root2
Assignments do have some uses in Scheme, otherwise the language would not support them. Consider the following version of cons
that counts the number of times it is called, storing the count in a variable named cons-count
. It uses set!
to increment the count; there is no way to achieve the same behavior without assignments.
(define kons-count 0)
(define kons
(lambda (x y)
(set! kons-count (+ kons-count 1))
(cons x y)))
(kons 'a '(b c)) ⇒ (a b c)
kons-count ⇒ 1
(kons 'a (kons 'b (kons 'c '()))) ⇒ (a b c)
kons-count ⇒ 4
Assignments are commonly used to implement procedures that must maintain some internal state. For example, suppose we would like to define a procedure that returns 0 the first time it is called, 1 the second time, 2 the third time, and so on indefinitely. We could write something similar to the definition of cons-count
(define next 0)
(define count
(lambda ()
(let ([v next])
(set! next (+ next 1))
(count) ⇒ 0
(count) ⇒ 1
This solution is somewhat undesirable in that the variable next
is visible at top level even though it need not be. Since it is visible at top level, any code in the system can change its value, perhaps inadvertently affecting the behavior of count
in a subtle way. We can solve this problem by let
-binding next
outside of the lambda
(define count
(let ([next 0])
(lambda ()
(let ([v next])
(set! next (+ next 1))
The latter solution also generalizes easily to provide multiple counters, each with its own local counter. The procedure make-counter
, defined below, returns a new counting procedure each time it is called.
(define make-counter
(lambda ()
(let ([next 0])
(lambda ()
(let ([v next])
(set! next (+ next 1))
Since next
is bound inside of make-counter
but outside of the procedure returned by make-counter
, each procedure it returns maintains its own unique counter.
(define count1 (make-counter))
(define count2 (make-counter))
(count1) ⇒ 0
(count2) ⇒ 0
(count1) ⇒ 1
(count1) ⇒ 2
(count2) ⇒ 1
If a state variable must be shared by more than one procedure defined at top level, but we do not want the state variable to be visible at top level, we can use let
to bind the variable and set!
to make the procedures visible at top level.
(define shhh #f)
(define tell #f)
(let ([secret 0])
(set! shhh
(lambda (message)
(set! secret message)))
(set! tell
(lambda ()
(shhh "sally likes harry")
(tell) ⇒ "sally likes harry"
secret ⇒ exception: variable secret is not bound
Variables must be defined before they can be assigned, so we define shhh
and tell
to be #f
initially. (Any initial value would do.) We’ll see this structure again in Section 3.5 and a better way to structure code like this as a library in Section 3.6.
Local state is sometimes useful for caching computed values or allowing a computation to be evaluated lazily, i.e., only once and only on demand. The procedure lazy
below accepts a thunk, or zero-argument procedure, as an argument. Thunks are often used to "freeze" computations that must be delayed for some reason, which is exactly what we need to do in this situation. When passed a thunk t
, lazy
returns a new thunk that, when invoked, returns the value of invoking t
. Once computed, the value is saved in a local variable so that the computation need not be performed again. A boolean flag is used to record whether t
has been invoked and its value saved.
(define lazy
(lambda (t)
(let ([val #f] [flag #f])
(lambda ()
(if (not flag)
(begin (set! val (t))
(set! flag #t)))
The syntactic form begin
, used here for the first time, evaluates its subexpressions in sequence from left to right and returns the value of the last subexpression, like the body of a let
or lambda
expression. We also see that the alternative
subexpression of an if
expression can be omitted. This should be done only when the value of the if
is discarded, as it is in this case.
Lazy evaluation is especially useful for values that require considerable time to compute. By delaying the evaluation, we might avoid computing the value altogether, and by saving the value, we avoid computing it more than once.
The operation of lazy
can best be illustrated by printing a message from within a thunk passed to lazy
(define p
(lazy (lambda ()
(display "Ouch!")
"got me")))
The first time p
is invoked, the message Ouch!
is printed and the string "got me"
is returned. Thereafter, "got me"
is returned but the message is not printed. The procedures display
and newline
are the first examples of explicit input/output we have seen; display
prints the string without quotation marks, and newline
prints a newline character.
To further illustrate the use of set!
, let’s consider the implementation of stack objects whose internal workings are not visible on the outside. A stack object accepts one of four messages: empty?
, which returns #t
if the stack is empty; push!
, which adds an object to the top of the stack; top
, which returns the object on the top of the stack; and pop!
, which removes the object on top of the stack. The procedure make-stack
given below creates a new stack each time it is called in a manner similar to make-counter
(define make-stack
(lambda ()
(let ([ls '()])
(lambda (msg . args)
[(eqv? msg 'empty?) (null? ls)]
[(eqv? msg 'push!) (set! ls (cons (car args) ls))]
[(eqv? msg 'top) (car ls)]
[(eqv? msg 'pop!) (set! ls (cdr ls))]
[else "oops"])))))
Each stack is stored as a list bound to the variable ls
; set!
is used to change this binding for push!
and pop!
. Notice that the argument list of the inner lambda
expression uses the improper list syntax to bind args
to a list of all arguments but the first. This is useful here because in the case of empty?
, top
, and pop!
there is only one argument (the message), but in the case of push!
there are two (the message and the object to push onto the stack).
(define stack1 (make-stack))
(define stack2 (make-stack))
(list (stack1 'empty?) (stack2 'empty?)) ⇒ (#t #t)
(stack1 'push! 'a)
(list (stack1 'empty?) (stack2 'empty?)) ⇒ (#f #t)
(stack1 'push! 'b)
(stack2 'push! 'c)
(stack1 'top) ⇒ b
(stack2 'top) ⇒ c
(stack1 'pop!)
(stack1 'top) ⇒ a
(list (stack1 'empty?) (stack2 'empty?)) ⇒ (#f #f)
(stack1 'pop!)
(list (stack1 'empty?) (stack2 'empty?)) ⇒ (#t #f)
As with the counters created by make-counter
, the state maintained by each stack object is directly accessible only within the object. Each reference or change to this state is made explicitly by the object itself. One important benefit is that we can change the internal structure of the stack, perhaps to use a vector (see Section 6.9) instead of a list to hold the elements, without changing its external behavior. Because the behavior of the object is known abstractly (not operationally), it is known as an abstract object. See Section 12.8 for more about creating abstract objects.
In addition to changing the values of variables, we can also change the values of the car and cdr fields of a pair, using the procedures set-car!
and set-cdr!
(define p (list 1 2 3))
(set-car! (cdr p) 'two)
p ⇒ (1 two 3)
(set-cdr! p '())
p ⇒ (1)
We can use these operators to define a queue data type, which is like a stack except that new elements are added at one end and extracted from the other. The following queue implementation uses a tconc structure. A tconc consists of a nonempty list and a header. The header is a pair whose car points to the first pair (head) of the list and whose cdr points to the last pair (end) of the list.
The last element of the list is a placeholder and not considered part of the queue.
Four operations on queues are defined below: make-queue
, which constructs a queue; putq!
, which adds an element to the end of a queue; getq
, which retrieves the element at the front of a queue; and delq!
, which removes the element at the front of a queue.
(define make-queue
(lambda ()
(let ([end (cons 'ignored '())])
(cons end end))))
(define putq!
(lambda (q v)
(let ([end (cons 'ignored '())])
(set-car! (cdr q) v)
(set-cdr! (cdr q) end)
(set-cdr! q end))))
(define getq
(lambda (q)
(car (car q))))
(define delq!
(lambda (q)
(set-car! q (cdr (car q)))))
All are simple operations except for putq!
, which modifies the end pair to contain the new value and adds a new end pair.
(define myq (make-queue))
(putq! myq 'a)
(putq! myq 'b)
(getq myq) ⇒ a
(delq! myq)
(getq myq) ⇒ b
(delq! myq)
(putq! myq 'c)
(putq! myq 'd)
(getq myq) ⇒ c
(delq! myq)
(getq myq) ⇒ d
Exercise 2.9.1
Modify make-counter
to take two arguments: an initial value for the counter to use in place of 0 and an amount to increment the counter by each time.
Exercise 2.9.2
Look up the description of case
in Section 5.3. Replace the cond
expression in make-stack
with an equivalent case
expression. Add mt?
as a second name for the empty?
Exercise 2.9.3
Modify the stack
object to allow the two messages ref
and set!
. (stack 'ref i)
should return the i
th element from the top of the stack; (stack 'ref 0)
should be equivalent to (stack 'top)
. (stack 'set! i v)
should change the i
th element from the top of the stack to v
(define stack (make-stack))
(stack 'push! 'a)
(stack 'push! 'b)
(stack 'push! 'c)
(stack 'ref 0) ⇒ c
(stack 'ref 2) ⇒ a
(stack 'set! 1 'd)
(stack 'ref 1) ⇒ d
(stack 'top) ⇒ c
(stack 'pop!)
(stack 'top) ⇒ d
[Hint: Use list-ref
to implement ref
and list-tail
with set-car!
to implement set!
Exercise 2.9.4
Scheme supports vectors as well as lists. Like lists, vectors are aggregate objects that contain other objects. Unlike lists, vectors have a fixed size and are laid out in one flat block of memory, typically with a header containing the length of the vector, as in the ten-element vector below.
This makes vectors more suitable for applications needing fast access to any element of the aggregate but less suitable for applications needing data structures that grow and shrink as needed.
Look up the basic vector operations in Section 6.9 and reimplement the stack
object to use a vector instead of a list to hold the stack contents. Include the ref
and set!
messages of Exercise 2.9.3. Have the new make-stack
accept a size argument n and make the vector length n, but do not otherwise change the external (abstract) interface.
Exercise 2.9.5
Define a predicate, emptyq?
, for determining if a queue is empty. Modify getq
and delq!
to raise an exception when an empty queue is found, using assertion-violation
Exercise 2.9.6
In the queue implementation, the last pair in the encapsulated list is a placeholder, i.e., it never holds anything useful. Recode the queue operators to avoid this wasted pair. Make sure that the series of queue operations given earlier works with the new implementation. Which implementation do you prefer?
Exercise 2.9.7
Using set-cdr!
, it is possible to create cyclic lists. For example, the following expression evaluates to a list whose car is the symbol a
and whose cdr is the list itself.
(let ([ls (cons 'a '())])
(set-cdr! ls ls)
What happens when you enter the above expression during an interactive Scheme session? What will the implementation of length
on page 42 do when given a cyclic list? What does the built-in length
primitive do?
Exercise 2.9.8
Define the predicate list?
, which returns #t
if its argument is a proper list and #f
otherwise (see Section 6.3). It should return #f
for cyclic lists as well as for lists terminated by objects other than ()
(list? '()) ⇒ #t
(list? '(1 2 3)) ⇒ #t
(list? '(a . b)) ⇒ #f
(list? (let ([ls (cons 'a '())])
(set-cdr! ls ls)
ls)) ⇒ #f
First write a simplified version of list?
that does not handle cyclic lists, then extend this to handle cyclic lists correctly. Revise your definition until you are satisfied that it is as clear and concise as possible. [Hint: Use the following "hare and tortoise" algorithm to detect cycles. Define a recursive help procedure of two arguments, the hare and the tortoise. Start both the hare and the tortoise at the beginning of the list. Have the hare advance by two cdrs each time the tortoise advances by one cdr. If the hare catches the tortoise, there must be a cycle.]
Chapter 3. Going Further
The preceding chapter prepared you to write Scheme programs using a small set of the most useful primitive syntactic forms and procedures. This chapter introduces a number of additional features and programming techniques that will allow you to write more sophisticated and efficient programs.
Section 3.1. Syntactic Extension
As we saw in Section 2.5, the let
syntactic form is merely a syntactic extension defined in terms of a lambda
expression and a procedure application, both core syntactic forms. At this point, you might be wondering which syntactic forms are core forms and which are syntactic extensions, and how new syntactic extensions may be defined. This section provides some answers to these questions.
In truth, it is not necessary for us to draw a distinction between core forms and syntactic extensions, since once defined, a syntactic extension has exactly the same status as a core form. Drawing a distinction, however, makes understanding the language easier, since it allows us to focus attention on the core forms and to understand all others in terms of them.
It is necessary for a Scheme implementation to distinguish between core forms and syntactic extensions. A Scheme implementation expands syntactic extensions into core forms as the first step of compilation or interpretation, allowing the rest of the compiler or interpreter to focus only on the core forms. The set of core forms remaining after expansion to be handled directly by the compiler or interpreter is implementation-dependent, however, and may be different from the set of forms described as core here.
The exact set of syntactic forms making up the core of the language is thus subject to debate, although it must be possible to derive all other forms from any set of forms declared to be core forms. The set described here is among the simplest for which this constraint is satisfied.
The core syntactic forms include top-level define
forms, constants, variables, procedure applications, quote
expressions, lambda
expressions, if
expressions, and set!
expressions. The grammar below describes the core syntax of Scheme in terms of these definitions and expressions. In the grammar, vertical bars ( | ) separate alternatives, and a form followed by an asterisk ( * ) represents zero or more occurrences of the form. <variable> is any Scheme identifier. <datum> is any Scheme object, such as a number, list, symbol, or vector. <boolean> is either #t
or #f
, <number> is any number, <character> is any character, and <string> is any string. We have already seen examples of numbers, strings, lists, symbols, and booleans. See Chapter 6 or the formal syntax description starting on page 455 for more on the object-level syntax of these and other objects.
<program> |
→ |
<form>* |
<form> |
→ |
<definition> | <expression> |
<definition> |
→ |
<variable definition> | |
<variable definition> |
→ |
<expression> |
→ |
<constant> |
| |
<variable> |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
<application> |
<constant> |
→ |
<boolean> | <number> | <character> | <string> |
<formals> |
→ |
<variable> |
| |
| |
<application> |
→ |
The grammar is ambiguous in that the syntax for procedure applications conflicts with the syntaxes for quote
, lambda
, if
, and set!
expressions. In order to qualify as a procedure application, the first <expression> must not be one of these keywords, unless the keyword has been redefined or locally bound.
The "defun" syntax for define
given in Section 2.6 is not included in the core, since definitions in that form are straightforwardly translated into the simpler define
syntax. Similarly, the core syntax for if
does not permit the alternative
to be omitted, as did one example in Section 2.9. An if
expression lacking an alternative
can be translated into the core syntax for if
merely by replacing the missing subexpression with an arbitrary constant, such as #f
A begin
that contains only definitions is considered to be a definition in the grammar; this is permitted in order to allow syntactic extensions to expand into more than one definition. begin
expressions, i.e., begin
forms containing expressions, are not considered core forms. A begin
expression of the form
(begin e1 e2 ...)
is equivalent to the lambda
((lambda () e1 e2 ...))
and hence need not be considered core.
Now that we have established a set of core syntactic forms, let’s turn to a discussion of syntactic extensions. Syntactic extensions are so called because they extend the syntax of Scheme beyond the core syntax. All syntactic extensions in a Scheme program must ultimately be derived from the core forms. One syntactic extension, however, may be defined in terms of another syntactic extension, as long as the latter is in some sense "closer" to the core syntax. Syntactic forms may appear anywhere an expression or definition is expected, as long as the extended form expands into a definition or expression as appropriate.
Syntactic extensions are defined with define-syntax
. define-syntax
is similar to define
, except that define-syntax
associates a syntactic transformation procedure, or transformer, with a keyword (such as let
), rather than associating a value with a variable. Here is how we might define let
with define-syntax
(define-syntax let
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ ((x e) ...) b1 b2 ...)
((lambda (x ...) b1 b2 ...) e ...)]))
The identifier appearing after define-syntax
is the name, or keyword, of the syntactic extension being defined, in this case let
. The syntax-rules
form is an expression that evaluates to a transformer. The item following syntax-rules
is a list of auxiliary keywords and is nearly always ()
. An example of an auxiliary keyword is the else
of cond
. (Other examples requiring the use of auxiliary keywords are given in Chapter 8.) Following the list of auxiliary keywords is a sequence of one or more rules, or pattern/template pairs. Only one rule appears in our definition of let
. The pattern part of a rule specifies the form that the input must take, and the template specifies to what the input should be transformed.
The pattern should always be a structured expression whose first element is an underscore ( _
). (As we will see in Chapter 8, the use of _
is only a convention, but it is a good one to follow.) If more than one rule is present, the appropriate one is chosen by matching the patterns, in order, against the input during expansion. It is a syntax violation if none of the patterns match the input.
Identifiers other than an underscore or ellipsis appearing within a pattern are pattern variables, unless they are listed as auxiliary keywords. Pattern variables match any substructure and are bound to that substructure within the corresponding template. The notation pat ...
in the pattern allows for zero or more expressions matching the ellipsis prototype pat
in the input. Similarly, the notation expr ...
in the template produces zero or more expressions from the ellipsis prototype expr
in the output. The number of pat
s in the input determines the number of expr
s in the output; in order for this to work, any ellipsis prototype in the template must contain at least one pattern variable from an ellipsis prototype in the pattern.
The single rule in our definition of let
should be fairly self-explanatory, but a few points are worth mentioning. First, the syntax of let
requires that the body contain at least one form; hence, we have specified b1 b2 ...
instead of b ...
, which might seem more natural. On the other hand, let
does not require that there be at least one variable/value pair, so we were able to use, simply, (x e) ...
. Second, the pattern variables x
and e
, though together within the same prototype in the pattern, are separated in the template; any sort of rearrangement or recombination is possible. Finally, the three pattern variables x
, e
, and b2
that appear in ellipsis prototypes in the pattern also appear in ellipsis prototypes in the template. This is not a coincidence; it is a requirement. In general, if a pattern variable appears within an ellipsis prototype in the pattern, it cannot appear outside an ellipsis prototype in the template.
The definition of and
below is somewhat more complex than the one for let
(define-syntax and
(syntax-rules ()
[(_) #t]
[(_ e) e]
[(_ e1 e2 e3 ...)
(if e1 (and e2 e3 ...) #f)]))
This definition is recursive and involves more than one rule. Recall that (and)
evaluates to #t
; the first rule takes care of this case. The second and third rules specify the base case and recursion steps of the recursion and together translate and
expressions with two or more subexpressions into nested if
expressions. For example, (and a b c)
expands first into
(if a (and b c) #f)
(if a (if b (and c) #f) #f)
and finally
(if a (if b c #f) #f)
With this expansion, if a
and b
evaluate to a true value, then the value is the value of c
, otherwise #f
, as desired.
The version of and
below is simpler but, unfortunately, incorrect.
(define-syntax and ; incorrect!
(syntax-rules ()
[(_) #t]
[(_ e1 e2 ...)
(if e1 (and e2 ...) #f)]))
The expression
(and (not (= x 0)) (/ 1 x))
should return the value of (/ 1 x)
when x
is not zero. With the incorrect version of and
, the expression expands as follows.
(if (not (= x 0)) (and (/ 1 x)) #f) →
(if (not (= x 0)) (if (/ 1 x) (and) #f) #f) →
(if (not (= x 0)) (if (/ 1 x) #t #f) #f)
The final answer if x
is not zero is #t
, not the value of (/ 1 x)
The definition of or
below is similar to the one for and
except that a temporary variable must be introduced for each intermediate value so that we can both test the value and return it if it is a true value. (A temporary variable is not needed for and
since there is only one false value, #f
(define-syntax or
(syntax-rules ()
[(_) #f]
[(_ e) e]
[(_ e1 e2 e3 ...)
(let ([t e1])
(if t t (or e2 e3 ...)))]))
Like variables bound by lambda
or let
, identifiers introduced by a template are lexically scoped, i.e., visible only within expressions introduced by the template. Thus, even if one of the expressions e2 e3 ...
contains a reference to t
, the introduced binding for t
does not "capture" those references. This is typically accomplished via automatic renaming of introduced identifiers.
As with the simpler version of and
given above, the simpler version of or
below is incorrect.
(define-syntax or ; incorrect!
(syntax-rules ()
[(_) #f]
[(_ e1 e2 ...)
(let ([t e1])
(if t t (or e2 ...)))]))
The reason is more subtle, however, and is the subject of Exercise 3.2.6.
Exercise 3.1.1
Write out the expansion steps necessary to expand
(let ([x (memv 'a ls)])
(and x (memv 'b x)))
into core forms.
Exercise 3.1.2
Write out the expansion steps necessary to expand
(or (memv x '(a b c)) (list x))
into core forms.
Exercise 3.1.3
is similar to let
but evaluates its bindings in sequence. Each of the right-hand-side expressions is within the scope of the earlier bindings.
(let* ([a 5] [b (+ a a)] [c (+ a b)])
(list a b c)) ⇒ (5 10 15)
can be implemented as nested let
expressions. For example, the let*
expression above is equivalent to the nested let
expressions below.
(let ([a 5])
(let ([b (+ a a)])
(let ([c (+ a b)])
(list a b c)))) ⇒ (5 10 15)
Define let*
with define-syntax
Exercise 3.1.4
As we saw in Section 2.9, it is legal to omit the third, or alternative, subexpression of an if
expression. Doing so, however, often leads to confusion. Scheme provides two syntactic forms, when
and unless
, that may be used in place of such "one-armed" if
(when test expr1 expr2 ...)
(unless test expr1 expr2 ...)
With both forms, test
is evaluated first. For when
, if test
evaluates to true, the remaining forms are evaluated in sequence as if enclosed in an implicit begin
expression. If test
evaluates to false, the remaining forms are not evaluated, and the result is unspecified. unless
is similar except that the remaining forms are evaluated only if test
evaluates to false.
(let ([x 3])
(unless (= x 0) (set! x (+ x 1)))
(when (= x 4) (set! x (* x 2)))
x) ⇒ 8
Define when
as a syntactic extension in terms of if
and begin
, and define unless
in terms of when
Section 3.2. More Recursion
In Section 2.8, we saw how to define recursive procedures using top-level definitions. Before that, we saw how to create local bindings for procedures using let
. It is natural to wonder whether a let
-bound procedure can be recursive. The answer is no, at least not in a straightforward way. If you try to evaluate the expression
(let ([sum (lambda (ls)
(if (null? ls)
(+ (car ls) (sum (cdr ls)))))])
(sum '(1 2 3 4 5)))
it will probably raise an exception with a message to the effect that sum
is undefined. This is because the variable sum
is visible only within the body of the let
expression and not within the lambda
expression whose value is bound to sum
. We can get around this problem by passing the procedure sum
to itself as follows.
(let ([sum (lambda (sum ls)
(if (null? ls)
(+ (car ls) (sum sum (cdr ls)))))])
(sum sum '(1 2 3 4 5))) ⇒ 15
This works and is a clever solution, but there is an easier way, using letrec
. Like let
, the letrec
syntactic form includes a set of variable-value pairs, along with a sequence of expressions referred to as the body of the letrec
(letrec ((var expr) ...) body1 body2 ...)
Unlike let
, the variables var ...
are visible not only within the body of the letrec
but also within expr ...
. Thus, we can rewrite the expression above as follows.
(letrec ([sum (lambda (ls)
(if (null? ls)
(+ (car ls) (sum (cdr ls)))))])
(sum '(1 2 3 4 5))) ⇒ 15
Using letrec
, we can also define mutually recursive procedures, such as the procedures even?
and odd?
that were the subject of Exercise 2.8.6.
(letrec ([even?
(lambda (x)
(or (= x 0)
(odd? (- x 1))))]
(lambda (x)
(and (not (= x 0))
(even? (- x 1))))])
(list (even? 20) (odd? 20))) ⇒ (#t #f)
In a letrec
expression, expr ...
are most often lambda
expressions, though this need not be the case. One restriction on the expressions must be obeyed, however. It must be possible to evaluate each expr
without evaluating any of the variables var ...
. This restriction is always satisfied if the expressions are all lambda
expressions, since even though the variables may appear within the lambda
expressions, they cannot be evaluated until the resulting procedures are invoked in the body of the letrec
. The following letrec
expression obeys this restriction.
(letrec ([f (lambda () (+ x 2))]
[x 1])
(f)) ⇒ 3
while the following does not.
(letrec ([y (+ x 2)]
[x 1])
In this case, an exception is raised indicating that x
is not defined where it is referenced.
We can use letrec
to hide the definitions of "help" procedures so that they do not clutter the top-level namespace. This is demonstrated by the definition of list?
below, which follows the "hare and tortoise" algorithm outlined in Exercise 2.9.8.
(define list?
(lambda (x)
(letrec ([race
(lambda (h t)
(if (pair? h)
(let ([h (cdr h)])
(if (pair? h)
(and (not (eq? h t))
(race (cdr h) (cdr t)))
(null? h)))
(null? h)))])
(race x x))))
When a recursive procedure is called in only one place outside the procedure, as in the example above, it is often clearer to use a named let
expression. Named let
expressions take the following form.
(let name ((var expr) ...)
body1 body2 ...)
Named let
is similar to unnamed let
in that it binds the variables var ...
to the values of expr ...
within the body body1 body2 ...
. As with unnamed let
, the variables are visible only within the body and not within expr ...
. In addition, the variable name
is bound within the body to a procedure that may be called to recur; the arguments to the procedure become the new values for the variables var ...
The definition of list?
has been rewritten below to use named let
(define list?
(lambda (x)
(let race ([h x] [t x])
(if (pair? h)
(let ([h (cdr h)])
(if (pair? h)
(and (not (eq? h t))
(race (cdr h) (cdr t)))
(null? h)))
(null? h)))))
Just as let
can be expressed as a simple direct application of a lambda
expression to arguments, named let
can be expressed as the application of a recursive procedure to arguments. A named let
of the form
(let name ((var expr) ...)
body1 body2 ...)
can be rewritten in terms of letrec
as follows.
((letrec ((name (lambda (var ...) body1 body2 ...)))
expr ...)
Alternatively, it can be rewritten as
(letrec ((name (lambda (var ...) body1 body2 ...)))
(name expr ...))
provided that the variable name
does not appear free within expr ...
As we discussed in Section 2.8, some recursion is essentially iteration and executes as such. When a procedure call is in tail position (see below) with respect to a lambda
expression, it is considered to be a tail call, and Scheme systems must treat it properly, as a "goto" or jump. When a procedure tail-calls itself or calls itself indirectly through a series of tail calls, the result is tail recursion. Because tail calls are treated as jumps, tail recursion can be used for indefinite iteration in place of the more restrictive iteration constructs provided by other programming languages, without fear of overflowing any sort of recursion stack.
A call is in tail position with respect to a lambda
expression if its value is returned directly from the lambda
expression, i.e., if nothing is left to do after the call but to return from the lambda
expression. For example, a call is in tail position if it is the last expression in the body of a lambda
expression, the consequent or alternative part of an if
expression in tail position, the last subexpression of an and
or or
expression in tail position, the last expression in the body of a let
or letrec
in tail position, etc. Each of the calls to f
in the expressions below are tail calls, but the calls to g
are not.
(lambda () (f (g)))
(lambda () (if (g) (f) (f)))
(lambda () (let ([x 4]) (f)))
(lambda () (or (g) (f)))
In each case, the values of the calls to f
are returned directly, whereas the calls to g
are not.
Recursion in general and named let
in particular provide a natural way to implement many algorithms, whether iterative, recursive, or partly iterative and partly recursive; the programmer is not burdened with two distinct mechanisms.
The following two definitions of factorial
use named let
expressions to compute the factorial, \(n!\), of a nonnegative integer \(n\). The first employs the recursive definition \(n! = n × (n - 1)!\), where \(0!\) is defined to be 1.
(define factorial
(lambda (n)
(let fact ([i n])
(if (= i 0)
(* i (fact (- i 1)))))))
(factorial 0) ⇒ 1
(factorial 1) ⇒ 1
(factorial 2) ⇒ 2
(factorial 3) ⇒ 6
(factorial 10) ⇒ 3628800
The second is an iterative version that employs the iterative definition \(n! = n × (n - 1) × (n - 2) × ... × 1\), using an accumulator, a
, to hold the intermediate products.
(define factorial
(lambda (n)
(let fact ([i n] [a 1])
(if (= i 0)
(fact (- i 1) (* a i))))))
A similar problem is to compute the nth Fibonacci number for a given n. The Fibonacci numbers are an infinite sequence of integers, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, etc., in which each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers in the sequence. A procedure to compute the nth Fibonacci number is most naturally defined recursively as follows.
(define fibonacci
(lambda (n)
(let fib ([i n])
[(= i 0) 0]
[(= i 1) 1]
[else (+ (fib (- i 1)) (fib (- i 2)))]))))
(fibonacci 0) ⇒ 0
(fibonacci 1) ⇒ 1
(fibonacci 2) ⇒ 1
(fibonacci 3) ⇒ 2
(fibonacci 4) ⇒ 3
(fibonacci 5) ⇒ 5
(fibonacci 6) ⇒ 8
(fibonacci 20) ⇒ 6765
(fibonacci 30) ⇒ 832040
This solution requires the computation of the two preceding Fibonacci numbers at each step and hence is doubly recursive. For example, to compute (fibonacci 4)
requires the computation of both (fib 3)
and (fib 2)
, to compute (fib 3)
requires computing both (fib 2)
and (fib 1)
, and to compute (fib 2)
requires computing both (fib 1)
and (fib 0)
. This is very inefficient, and it becomes more inefficient as n
grows. A more efficient solution is to adapt the accumulator solution of the factorial
example above to use two accumulators, a1
for the current Fibonacci number and a2
for the preceding one.
(define fibonacci
(lambda (n)
(if (= n 0)
(let fib ([i n] [a1 1] [a2 0])
(if (= i 1)
(fib (- i 1) (+ a1 a2) a1))))))
Here, zero is treated as a special case, since there is no preceding value. This allows us to use the single base case (= i 1)
. The time it takes to compute thennth Fibonacci number using this iterative solution grows linearly with n, which makes a significant difference when compared to the doubly recursive version. To get a feel for the difference, try computing (fibonacci 35)
and (fibonacci 40)
using both definitions to see how long each takes.
We can also get a feel for the difference by looking at a trace for each on small inputs. The first trace below shows the calls to fib
in the non-tail-recursive version of fibonacci
, with input 5.
|(fib 5)
| (fib 4)
| |(fib 3)
| | (fib 2)
| | |(fib 1)
| | |1
| | |(fib 0)
| | |0
| | 1
| | (fib 1)
| | 1
| |2
| |(fib 2)
| | (fib 1)
| | 1
| | (fib 0)
| | 0
| |1
| 3
| (fib 3)
| |(fib 2)
| | (fib 1)
| | 1
| | (fib 0)
| | 0
| |1
| |(fib 1)
| |1
| 2
Notice how there are several calls to fib
with arguments 2, 1, and 0. The second trace shows the calls to fib
in the tail-recursive version, again with input 5.
|(fib 5 1 0)
|(fib 4 1 1)
|(fib 3 2 1)
|(fib 2 3 2)
|(fib 1 5 3)
Clearly, there is quite a difference.
The named let
examples shown so far are either tail-recursive or not tail-recursive. It often happens that one recursive call within the same expression is tail-recursive while another is not. The definition of factor
below computes the prime factors of its nonnegative integer argument. The first call to f
is not tail-recursive, but the second one is.
(define factor
(lambda (n)
(let f ([n n] [i 2])
[(>= i n) (list n)]
[(integer? (/ n i))
(cons i (f (/ n i) i))]
[else (f n (+ i 1))]))))
(factor 0) ⇒ (0)
(factor 1) ⇒ (1)
(factor 12) ⇒ (2 2 3)
(factor 3628800) ⇒ (2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 5 5 7)
(factor 9239) ⇒ (9239)
A trace of the calls to f
, produced in Chez Scheme by replacing let
with trace-let
, in the evaluation of (factor 120)
below highlights the difference between the nontail calls and the tail calls.
|(f 120 2)
| (f 60 2)
| |(f 30 2)
| | (f 15 2)
| | (f 15 3)
| | |(f 5 3)
| | |(f 5 4)
| | |(f 5 5)
| | |(5)
| | (3 5)
| |(2 3 5)
| (2 2 3 5)
|(2 2 2 3 5)
A nontail call to f
is shown indented relative to its caller, since the caller is still active, whereas tail calls appear at the same level of indentation.
Exercise 3.2.1
Which of the recursive procedures defined in Section 3.2 are tail-recursive, and which are not?
Exercise 3.2.2
Rewrite factor
using letrec
to bind f
in place of named let
. Which version do you prefer?
Exercise 3.2.3
Can the letrec
expression below be rewritten using named let
? If not, why not? If so, do it.
(letrec ([even?
(lambda (x)
(or (= x 0)
(odd? (- x 1))))]
(lambda (x)
(and (not (= x 0))
(even? (- x 1))))])
(even? 20))
Exercise 3.2.4
Rewrite both definitions of fibonacci
given in this section to count the number of recursive calls to fib
, using a counter similar to the one used in the cons-count
example of Section 2.9. Count the number of recursive calls made in each case for several input values. What do you notice?
Exercise 3.2.5
Augment the definition of let
given in Section 3.1 to handle named let
as well as unnamed let
, using two rules.
Exercise 3.2.6
The following definition of or
is simpler than the one given in Section 3.1.
(define-syntax or ; incorrect!
(syntax-rules ()
[(_) #f]
[(_ e1 e2 ...)
(let ([t e1])
(if t t (or e2 ...)))]))
Say why it is not correct. [Hint: Think about what would happen if this version of or
were used in the even?
and odd?
example given on page 66 for very large inputs.]
Exercise 3.2.7
The definition of factor
is not the most efficient possible. First, no factors of n besides n itself can possibly be found beyond \(\sqrt{n}\). Second, the division (/ n i)
is performed twice when a factor is found. Third, after 2, no even factors can possibly be found. Recode factor
to correct all three problems. Which is the most important problem to solve? Are there any additional improvements you can make?
Section 3.3. Continuations
During the evaluation of a Scheme expression, the implementation must keep track of two things: (1) what to evaluate and (2) what to do with the value. Consider the evaluation of (null? x)
within the expression below.
(if (null? x) (quote ()) (cdr x))
The implementation must first evaluate (null? x)
and, based on its value, evaluate either (quote ())
or (cdr x)
. "What to evaluate" is (null? x)
, and "what to do with the value" is to make the decision which of (quote ())
and (cdr x)
to evaluate and to do so. We call "what to do with the value" the continuation of a computation.
Thus, at any point during the evaluation of any expression, there is a continuation ready to complete, or at least continue, the computation from that point. Let’s assume that x
has the value (a b c)
. We can isolate six continuations during the evaluation of (if (null? x) (quote ()) (cdr x))
, the continuations waiting for
the value of
(if (null? x) (quote ()) (cdr x))
, -
the value of
(null? x)
, -
the value of
, -
the value of
, -
the value of
, and -
the value of
The continuation of (cdr x)
is not listed because it is the same as the one waiting for (if (null? x) (quote ()) (cdr x))
Scheme allows the continuation of any expression to be captured with the procedure call/cc
. call/cc
must be passed a procedure p
of one argument. call/cc
constructs a concrete representation of the current continuation and passes it to p
. The continuation itself is represented by a procedure k
. Each time k
is applied to a value, it returns the value to the continuation of the call/cc
application. This value becomes, in essence, the value of the application of call/cc
If p
returns without invoking k
, the value returned by the procedure becomes the value of the application of call/cc
Consider the simple examples below.
(lambda (k)
(* 5 4))) ⇒ 20
(lambda (k)
(* 5 (k 4)))) ⇒ 4
(+ 2
(lambda (k)
(* 5 (k 4))))) ⇒ 6
In the first example, the continuation is captured and bound to k
, but k
is never used, so the value is simply the product of 5 and 4. In the second, the continuation is invoked before the multiplication, so the value is the value passed to the continuation, 4. In the third, the continuation includes the addition by 2; thus, the value is the value passed to the continuation, 4, plus 2.
Here is a less trivial example, showing the use of call/cc
to provide a nonlocal exit from a recursion.
(define product
(lambda (ls)
(lambda (break)
(let f ([ls ls])
[(null? ls) 1]
[(= (car ls) 0) (break 0)]
[else (* (car ls) (f (cdr ls)))]))))))
(product '(1 2 3 4 5)) ⇒ 120
(product '(7 3 8 0 1 9 5)) ⇒ 0
The nonlocal exit allows product
to return immediately, without performing the pending multiplications, when a zero value is detected.
Each of the continuation invocations above returns to the continuation while control remains within the procedure passed to call/cc
. The following example uses the continuation after this procedure has already returned.
(let ([x (call/cc (lambda (k) k))])
(x (lambda (ignore) "hi"))) ⇒ "hi"
The continuation captured by this invocation of call/cc
may be described as "Take the value, bind it to x
, and apply the value of x
to the value of (lambda (ignore) "hi")
." Since (lambda (k) k)
returns its argument, x
is bound to the continuation itself; this continuation is applied to the procedure resulting from the evaluation of (lambda (ignore) "hi")
. This has the effect of binding x
(again!) to this procedure and applying the procedure to itself. The procedure ignores its argument and returns "hi"
The following variation of the example above is probably the most confusing Scheme program of its size; it might be easy to guess what it returns, but it takes some thought to figure out why.
(((call/cc (lambda (k) k)) (lambda (x) x)) "HEY!") ⇒ "HEY!"
The value of the call/cc
is its own continuation, as in the preceding example. This is applied to the identity procedure (lambda (x) x)
, so the call/cc
returns a second time with this value. Then, the identity procedure is applied to itself, yielding the identity procedure. This is finally applied to "HEY!"
, yielding "HEY!"
Continuations used in this manner are not always so puzzling. Consider the following definition of factorial
that saves the continuation at the base of the recursion before returning 1, by assigning the top-level variable retry
(define retry #f)
(define factorial
(lambda (x)
(if (= x 0)
(call/cc (lambda (k) (set! retry k) 1))
(* x (factorial (- x 1))))))
With this definition, factorial
works as we expect factorial
to work, except it has the side effect of assigning retry
(factorial 4) ⇒ 24
(retry 1) ⇒ 24
(retry 2) ⇒ 48
The continuation bound to retry
might be described as "Multiply the value by 1, then multiply this result by 2, then multiply this result by 3, then multiply this result by 4." If we pass the continuation a different value, i.e., not 1, we will cause the base value to be something other than 1 and hence change the end result.
(retry 2) ⇒ 48
(retry 5) ⇒ 120
This mechanism could be the basis for a breakpoint package implemented with call/cc
; each time a breakpoint is encountered, the continuation of the breakpoint is saved so that the computation may be restarted from the breakpoint (more than once, if desired).
Continuations may be used to implement various forms of multitasking. The simple "light-weight process" mechanism defined below allows multiple computations to be interleaved. Since it is nonpreemptive, it requires that each process voluntarily "pause" from time to time in order to allow the others to run.
(define lwp-list '())
(define lwp
(lambda (thunk)
(set! lwp-list (append lwp-list (list thunk)))))
(define start
(lambda ()
(let ([p (car lwp-list)])
(set! lwp-list (cdr lwp-list))
(define pause
(lambda ()
(lambda (k)
(lwp (lambda () (k #f)))
The following light-weight processes cooperate to print an infinite sequence of lines containing "hey!"
(lwp (lambda () (let f () (pause) (display "h") (f))))
(lwp (lambda () (let f () (pause) (display "e") (f))))
(lwp (lambda () (let f () (pause) (display "y") (f))))
(lwp (lambda () (let f () (pause) (display "!") (f))))
(lwp (lambda () (let f () (pause) (newline) (f))))
(start) ⇒ hey!
See Section 12.11 for an implementation of engines, which support preemptive multitasking, with call/cc
Exercise 3.3.1
Use call/cc
to write a program that loops indefinitely, printing a sequence of numbers beginning at zero. Do not use any recursive procedures, and do not use any assignments.
Exercise 3.3.2
Rewrite product
without call/cc
, retaining the feature that no multiplications are performed if any of the list elements are zero.
Exercise 3.3.3
What would happen if a process created by lwp
as defined above were to terminate, i.e., simply return without calling pause
? Define a quit
procedure that allows a process to terminate without otherwise affecting the lwp
system. Be sure to handle the case in which the only remaining process terminates.
Exercise 3.3.4
Each time lwp
is called, the list of processes is copied because lwp
uses append
to add its argument to the end of the process list. Modify the original lwp
code to use the queue data type developed in Section 2.9 to avoid this problem.
Exercise 3.3.5
The light-weight process mechanism allows new processes to be created dynamically, although the example given in this section does not do so. Design an application that requires new processes to be created dynamically and implement it using the light-weight process mechanism.
Section 3.4. Continuation Passing Style
As we discussed in the preceding section, a continuation waits for the value of each expression. In particular, a continuation is associated with each procedure call. When one procedure invokes another via a nontail call, the called procedure receives an implicit continuation that is responsible for completing what is left of the calling procedure’s body plus returning to the calling procedure’s continuation. If the call is a tail call, the called procedure simply receives the continuation of the calling procedure.
We can make the continuations explicit by encapsulating "what to do" in an explicit procedural argument passed along on each call. For example, the continuation of the call to f
(letrec ([f (lambda (x) (cons 'a x))]
[g (lambda (x) (cons 'b (f x)))]
[h (lambda (x) (g (cons 'c x)))])
(cons 'd (h '()))) ⇒ (d b a c)
conses the symbol b
onto the value returned to it, then returns the result of this cons to the continuation of the call to g
. This continuation is the same as the continuation of the call to h
, which conses the symbol d
onto the value returned to it. We can rewrite this in continuation-passing style, or CPS, by replacing these implicit continuations with explicit procedures.
(letrec ([f (lambda (x k) (k (cons 'a x)))]
[g (lambda (x k)
(f x (lambda (v) (k (cons 'b v)))))]
[h (lambda (x k) (g (cons 'c x) k))])
(h '() (lambda (v) (cons 'd v))))
Like the implicit continuation of h
and g
in the preceding example, the explicit continuation passed to h
and on to g
(lambda (v) (cons 'd v))
conses the symbol d
onto the value passed to it. Similarly, the continuation passed to f
(lambda (v) (k (cons 'b v)))
conses b
onto the value passed to it, then passes this on to the continuation of g
Expressions written in CPS are more complicated, of course, but this style of programming has some useful applications. CPS allows a procedure to pass more than one result to its continuation, because the procedure that implements the continuation can take any number of arguments.
(define car&cdr
(lambda (p k)
(k (car p) (cdr p))))
(car&cdr '(a b c)
(lambda (x y)
(list y x))) ⇒ ((b c) a)
(car&cdr '(a b c) cons) ⇒ (a b c)
(car&cdr '(a b c a d) memv) ⇒ (a d)
(This can be done with multiple values as well; see Section 5.8.) CPS also allows a procedure to take separate "success" and "failure" continuations, which may accept different numbers of arguments. An example is integer-divide
below, which passes the quotient and remainder of its first two arguments to its third, unless the second argument (the divisor) is zero, in which case it passes an error message to its fourth argument.
(define integer-divide
(lambda (x y success failure)
(if (= y 0)
(failure "divide by zero")
(let ([q (quotient x y)])
(success q (- x (* q y)))))))
(integer-divide 10 3 list (lambda (x) x)) ⇒ (3 1)
(integer-divide 10 0 list (lambda (x) x)) ⇒ "divide by zero"
The procedure quotient
, employed by integer-divide
, returns the quotient of its two arguments, truncated toward zero.
Explicit success and failure continuations can sometimes help to avoid the extra communication necessary to separate successful execution of a procedure from unsuccessful execution. Furthermore, it is possible to have multiple success or failure continuations for different flavors of success or failure, each possibly taking different numbers and types of arguments. See Sections 12.10 and 12.11 for extended examples that employ continuation-passing style.
At this point you might be wondering about the relationship between CPS and the continuations captured via call/cc
. It turns out that any program that uses call/cc
can be rewritten in CPS without call/cc
, but a total rewrite of the program (sometimes including even system-defined primitives) might be necessary. Try to convert the product
example on page 75 into CPS before looking at the version below.
(define product
(lambda (ls k)
(let ([break k])
(let f ([ls ls] [k k])
[(null? ls) (k 1)]
[(= (car ls) 0) (break 0)]
[else (f (cdr ls)
(lambda (x)
(k (* (car ls) x))))])))))
(product '(1 2 3 4 5) (lambda (x) x)) ⇒ 120
(product '(7 3 8 0 1 9 5) (lambda (x) x)) ⇒ 0
Exercise 3.4.1
Rewrite the reciprocal
example first given in Section 2.1 to accept both success and failure continuations, like integer-divide
Exercise 3.4.2
Rewrite the retry
example from page 75 to use CPS.
Exercise 3.4.3
Rewrite the following expression in CPS to avoid using call/cc
(define reciprocals
(lambda (ls)
(lambda (k)
(map (lambda (x)
(if (= x 0)
(k "zero found")
(/ 1 x)))
(reciprocals '(2 1/3 5 1/4)) ⇒ (1/2 3 1/5 4)
(reciprocals '(2 1/3 0 5 1/4)) ⇒ "zero found"
[Hint: A single-list version of map
is defined on page 46.]
Section 3.5. Internal Definitions
In Section 2.6, we discussed top-level definitions. Definitions may also appear at the front of a lambda
, let
, or letrec
body, in which case the bindings they create are local to the body.
(define f (lambda (x) (* x x)))
(let ([x 3])
(define f (lambda (y) (+ y x)))
(f 4)) ⇒ 7
(f 4) ⇒ 16
Procedures bound by internal definitions can be mutually recursive, as with letrec
. For example, we can rewrite the even?
and odd?
example from Section 3.2 using internal definitions as follows.
(let ()
(define even?
(lambda (x)
(or (= x 0)
(odd? (- x 1)))))
(define odd?
(lambda (x)
(and (not (= x 0))
(even? (- x 1)))))
(even? 20)) ⇒ #t
Similarly, we can replace the use of letrec
to bind race
with an internal definition of race
in our first definition of list?
(define list?
(lambda (x)
(define race
(lambda (h t)
(if (pair? h)
(let ([h (cdr h)])
(if (pair? h)
(and (not (eq? h t))
(race (cdr h) (cdr t)))
(null? h)))
(null? h))))
(race x x)))
In fact, internal variable definitions and letrec
are practically interchangeable. The only difference, other than the obvious difference in syntax, is that variable definitions are guaranteed to be evaluated from left to right, while the bindings of a letrec may be evaluated in any order. So we cannot quite replace a lambda
, let
, or letrec
body containing internal definitions with a letrec
expression. We can, however, use letrec*
, which, like let*
, guarantees left-to-right evaluation order. A body of the form
(define var expr0)
is equivalent to a letrec*
expression binding the defined variables to the associated values in a body comprising the expressions.
(letrec* ((var expr0) ...) expr1 expr2 ...)
Conversely, a letrec*
of the form
(letrec* ((var expr0) ...) expr1 expr2 ...)
can be replaced with a let
expression containing internal definitions and the expressions from the body as follows.
(let ()
(define var expr0)
The seeming lack of symmetry between these transformations is due to the fact that letrec*
expressions can appear anywhere an expression is valid, whereas internal definitions can appear only at the front of a body. Thus, in replacing a letrec*
with internal definitions, we must generally introduce a let
expression to hold the definitions.
Another difference between internal definitions and letrec
or letrec*
is that syntax definitions may appear among the internal definitions, while letrec
and letrec*
bind only variables.
(let ([x 3])
(define-syntax set-x!
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ e) (set! x e)]))
(set-x! (+ x x))
x) ⇒ 6
The scope of a syntactic extension established by an internal syntax definition, as with an internal variable definition, is limited to the body in which the syntax definition appears.
Internal definitions may be used in conjunction with top-level definitions and assignments to help modularize programs. Each module of a program should make visible only those bindings that are needed by other modules, while hiding other bindings that would otherwise clutter the top-level namespace and possibly result in unintended use or redefinition of those bindings. A common way of structuring a module is shown below.
(define export-var #f)
(let ()
(define var expr)
(set! export-var export-val)
The first set of definitions establish top-level bindings for the variables we desire to export (make visible globally). The second set of definitions establish local bindings visible only within the module. The expressions init-expr ...
perform any initialization that must occur after the local bindings have been established. Finally, the set!
expressions assign the exported variables to the appropriate values.
An advantage of this form of modularization is that the bracketing let
expression may be removed or "commented out" during program development, making the internal definitions top-level to facilitate interactive testing. This form of modularization also has several disadvantages, as we discuss in the next section.
The following module exports a single variable, calc
, which is bound to a procedure that implements a simple four-function calculator.
(define calc #f)
(let ()
(define do-calc
(lambda (ek expr)
[(number? expr) expr]
[(and (list? expr) (= (length expr) 3))
(let ([op (car expr)] [args (cdr expr)])
(case op
[(add) (apply-op ek + args)]
[(sub) (apply-op ek - args)]
[(mul) (apply-op ek * args)]
[(div) (apply-op ek / args)]
[else (complain ek "invalid operator" op)]))]
[else (complain ek "invalid expression" expr)])))
(define apply-op
(lambda (ek op args)
(op (do-calc ek (car args)) (do-calc ek (cadr args)))))
(define complain
(lambda (ek msg expr)
(ek (list msg expr))))
(set! calc
(lambda (expr)
; grab an error continuation ek
(lambda (ek)
(do-calc ek expr))))))
(calc '(add (mul 3 2) -4)) ⇒ 2
(calc '(div 1/2 1/6)) ⇒ 3
(calc '(add (mul 3 2) (div 4))) ⇒ ("invalid expression" (div 4))
(calc '(mul (add 1 -2) (pow 2 7))) ⇒ ("invalid operator" pow)
This example uses a case
expression to determine which operator to apply. case
is similar to cond
except that the test is always the same: (memv val (key ...))
, where val
is the value of the first case
subform and (key ...)
is the list of items at the front of each case
clause. The case
expression in the example above could be rewritten using cond
as follows.
(let ([temp op])
[(memv temp '(add)) (apply-op ek + args)]
[(memv temp '(sub)) (apply-op ek - args)]
[(memv temp '(mul)) (apply-op ek * args)]
[(memv temp '(div)) (apply-op ek / args)]
[else (complain ek "invalid operator" op)]))
Exercise 3.5.1
Redefine complain
in the calc
example as an equivalent syntactic extension.
Exercise 3.5.2
In the calc
example, the error continuation ek
is passed along on each call to apply-op
, complain
, and do-calc
. Move the definitions of apply-op
, complain
, and do-calc
inward as far as necessary to eliminate the ek
argument from the definitions and applications of these procedures.
Exercise 3.5.3
Eliminate the call/cc
from calc
and rewrite complain
to raise an exception using assertion-violation
Exercise 3.5.4
Extend calc
to handle unary minus expressions, e.g.,
(calc '(minus (add 2 3))) ⇒ -5
and other operators of your choice.
Section 3.6. Libraries
At the end of the preceding section, we discussed a form of modularization that involves assigning a set of top-level variables from within a let
while keeping unpublished helpers local to the let
. This form of modularization has several drawbacks:
It is unportable, because the behavior and even existence of an interactive top level is not guaranteed by the Revised6 Report.
It requires assignments, which make the code appear somewhat awkward and may inhibit compiler analyses and optimizations.
It does not support the publication of keyword bindings, since there is no analogue to
for keywords.
An alternative that does not share these drawbacks is to create a library. A library exports a set of identifiers, each defined within the library or imported from some other library. An exported identifier need not be bound as a variable; it may be bound as a keyword instead.
The following library exports two identifiers: the variable gpa->grade
and the keyword gpa
. The variable gpa->grade
is bound to a procedure that takes a grade-point average (GPA), represented as a number, and returns the corresponding letter grade, based on a four-point scale. The keyword gpa
names a syntactic extension whose subforms must all be letter grades and whose value is the GPA computed from those letter grades.
(library (grades)
(export gpa->grade gpa)
(import (rnrs))
(define in-range?
(lambda (x n y)
(and (>= n x) (< n y))))
(define-syntax range-case
(syntax-rules (- else)
[(_ expr ((x - y) e1 e2 ...) ... [else ee1 ee2 ...])
(let ([tmp expr])
[(in-range? x tmp y) e1 e2 ...]
[else ee1 ee2 ...]))]
[(_ expr ((x - y) e1 e2 ...) ...)
(let ([tmp expr])
[(in-range? x tmp y) e1 e2 ...]
(define letter->number
(lambda (x)
(case x
[(a) 4.0]
[(b) 3.0]
[(c) 2.0]
[(d) 1.0]
[(f) 0.0]
[else (assertion-violation 'grade "invalid letter grade" x)])))
(define gpa->grade
(lambda (x)
(range-case x
[(0.0 - 0.5) 'f]
[(0.5 - 1.5) 'd]
[(1.5 - 2.5) 'c]
[(2.5 - 3.5) 'b]
[else 'a])))
(define-syntax gpa
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ g1 g2 ...)
(let ([ls (map letter->number '(g1 g2 ...))])
(/ (apply + ls) (length ls)))])))
The name of the library is (grades)
. This may seem like a funny kind of name, but all library names are parenthesized. The library imports from the standard (rnrs)
library, which contains most of the primitive and keyword bindings we have used in this chapter and the last, and everything we need to implement gpa->grade
and gpa
Along with gpa->grade
and gpa
, several other syntactic extensions and procedures are defined within the library, but none of the others are exported. The ones that aren’t exported are simply helpers for the ones that are. Everything used within the library should be familiar, except for the apply
procedure, which is described on page 107.
If your Scheme implementation supports import
in the interactive top level, you can test the two exports as shown below.
(import (grades))
(gpa c a c b b) ⇒ 2.8
(gpa->grade 2.8) ⇒ b
Chapter 10 describes libraries in more detail and provides additional examples of their use.
Exercise 3.6.1
Modify gpa
to handle “x” grades, which do not count in the grade-point average. Be careful to handle gracefully the situation where each grade is x
(import (grades))
(gpa a x b c) ⇒ 3.0
Exercise 3.6.2
Export from (grades)
a new syntactic form, distribution
, that takes a set of grades, like gpa
, but returns a list of the form ((n g) ...)
, where n
is the number of times g
appears in the set, with one entry for each g
. Have distribution
call an unexported procedure to do the actual work.
(import (grades))
(distribution a b a c c c a f b a) ⇒ ((4 a) (2 b) (3 c) (0 d) (1 f))
Exercise 3.6.3
Now read about output operations in Section 7.8 and define a new export, histogram
, as a procedure that takes a textual output port
and a distribution, such as might be produced by distribution
, and prints a histogram in the style illustrated by the example below.
(import (grades))
(distribution a b a c c a c a f b a))
a: *****
b: **
c: ***
f: *
Chapter 4. Procedures and Variable Bindings
Procedures and variable bindings are the fundamental building blocks of Scheme programs. This chapter describes the small set of syntactic forms whose primary purpose is to create procedures and manipulate variable bindings. It begins with the two most fundamental building blocks of Scheme programs: variable references and lambda
expressions, and continues with descriptions of the variable binding and assignment forms such as define
, letrec
, let-values
, and set!
Various other forms that bind or assign variables for which the binding or assignment is not the primary purpose (such as named let
) are found in Chapter 5.
Section 4.1. Variable References
syntax |
returns |
the value of |
Any identifier appearing as an expression in a program is a variable if a visible variable binding for the identifier exists, e.g., the identifier appears within the scope of a binding created by define
, lambda
, let
, or some other variable-binding construct.
list ⇒ #<procedure>
(define x 'a)
(list x x) ⇒ (a a)
(let ([x 'b])
(list x x)) ⇒ (b b)
(let ([let 'let]) let) ⇒ let
It is a syntax violation for an identifier reference to appear within a library
form or top-level program if it is not bound as a variable, keyword, record name, or other entity. Since the scope of the definitions in a library
, top-level program, lambda
, or other local body is the entire body, it is not necessary for the definition of a variable to appear before its first reference appears, as long as the reference is not actually evaluated until the definition has been completed. So, for example, the reference to g
within the definition of f
(define f
(lambda (x)
(g x)))
(define g
(lambda (x)
(+ x x)))
is okay, but the reference to g
in the definition of q
below is not.
(define q (g 3))
(define g
(lambda (x)
(+ x x)))
Section 4.2. Lambda
syntax |
returns |
a procedure |
libraries |
The lambda
syntactic form is used to create procedures. Any operation that creates a procedure or establishes local variable bindings is ultimately defined in terms of lambda
or case-lambda
The variables in formals
are the formal parameters of the procedure, and the sequence of subforms body1 body2 ...
is its body.
The body may begin with a sequence of definitions, in which case the bindings created by the definitions are local to the body. If definitions are present, the keyword bindings are used and discarded while expanding the body, and the body is expanded into a letrec*
expression formed from the variable definitions and the remaining expressions, as described on page 292. The remainder of this description of lambda
assumes that this transformation has taken place, if necessary, so that the body is a sequence of expressions without definitions.
When the procedure is created, the bindings of all variables occurring free within the body, excluding the formal parameters, are retained with the procedure. Subsequently, whenever the procedure is applied to a sequence of actual parameters, the formal parameters are bound to the actual parameters, the retained bindings are restored, and the body is evaluated.
Upon application, the formal parameters defined by formals
are bound to the actual parameters as follows.
is a proper list of variables, e.g.,(x y z)
, each variable is bound to the corresponding actual parameter. An exception with condition type&assertion
is raised if too few or too many actual parameters are supplied. -
is a single variable (not in a list), e.g.,z
, it is bound to a list of the actual parameters. -
is an improper list of variables terminated by a variable, e.g.,(x y . z)
, each variable but the last is bound to the corresponding actual parameter. The last variable is bound to a list of the remaining actual parameters. An exception with condition type&assertion
is raised if too few actual parameters are supplied.
When the body is evaluated, the expressions in the body are evaluated in sequence, and the procedure returns the values of the last expression.
Procedures do not have a printed representation in the usual sense. Scheme systems print procedures in different ways; this book uses the notation #<procedure>
(lambda (x) (+ x 3)) ⇒ #<procedure>
((lambda (x) (+ x 3)) 7) ⇒ 10
((lambda (x y) (* x (+ x y))) 7 13) ⇒ 140
((lambda (f x) (f x x)) + 11) ⇒ 22
((lambda () (+ 3 4))) ⇒ 7
((lambda (x . y) (list x y))
28 37) ⇒ (28 (37))
((lambda (x . y) (list x y))
28 37 47 28) ⇒ (28 (37 47 28))
((lambda (x y . z) (list x y z))
1 2 3 4) ⇒ (1 2 (3 4))
((lambda x x) 7 13) ⇒ (7 13)
Section 4.3. Case-Lambda
A Scheme lambda
expression always produces a procedure with a fixed number of arguments or with an indefinite number of arguments greater than or equal to a certain number. In particular,
(lambda (var1 ... varn) body1 body2 ...)
accepts exactly n
(lambda r body1 body2 ...)
accepts zero or more arguments, and
(lambda (var1 ... varn . r) body1 body2 ...)
accepts n
or more arguments.
cannot directly produce, however, a procedure that accepts, say, either two or three arguments. In particular, procedures that accept optional arguments are not supported directly by lambda
. The latter form of lambda
shown above can be used, in conjunction with length checks and compositions of car
and cdr
, to implement procedures with optional arguments, though at the cost of clarity and efficiency.
The case-lambda
syntactic form directly supports procedures with optional arguments as well as procedures with fixed or indefinite numbers of arguments. case-lambda
is based on the lambda*
syntactic form introduced in the article "A New Approach to Procedures with Variable Arity" [11].
syntax |
returns |
a procedure |
libraries |
A case-lambda
expression consists of a set of clauses, each resembling a lambda
expression. Each clause
has the form below.
[formals body1 body2 ...]
The formal parameters of a clause are defined by formals
in the same manner as for a lambda
expression. The number of arguments accepted by the procedure value of a case-lambda
expression is determined by the numbers of arguments accepted by the individual clauses.
When a procedure created with case-lambda
is invoked, the clauses are considered in order. The first clause that accepts the given number of actual parameters is selected, the formal parameters defined by its formals
are bound to the corresponding actual parameters, and the body is evaluated as described for lambda
above. If formals
in a clause is a proper list of identifiers, then the clause accepts exactly as many actual parameters as there are formal parameters (identifiers) in formals
. As with a lambda
, a case-lambda
clause formals
may be a single identifier, in which case the clause accepts any number of arguments, or an improper list of identifiers terminated by an identifier, in which case the clause accepts any number of arguments greater than or equal to the number of formal parameters excluding the terminating identifier. If no clause accepts the number of actual parameters supplied, an exception with condition type &assertion
is raised.
The following definition for make-list
uses case-lambda
to support an optional fill parameter.
(define make-list
[(n) (make-list n #f)]
[(n x)
(do ([n n (- n 1)] [ls '() (cons x ls)])
((zero? n) ls))]))
The substring
procedure may be extended with case-lambda
to accept either no end
index, in which case it defaults to the end of the string, or no start
and end
indices, in which case substring
is equivalent to string-copy
(define substring1
[(s) (substring1 s 0 (string-length s))]
[(s start) (substring1 s start (string-length s))]
[(s start end) (substring s start end)]))
It is also possible to default the start
index rather than the end
index when only one index is supplied:
(define substring2
[(s) (substring2 s 0 (string-length s))]
[(s end) (substring2 s 0 end)]
[(s start end) (substring s start end)]))
It is even possible to require that both or neither of the start
and end
indices be supplied, simply by leaving out the middle clause:
(define substring3
[(s) (substring3 s 0 (string-length s))]
[(s start end) (substring s start end)]))
Section 4.4. Local Binding
syntax |
returns |
the values of the final body expression |
libraries |
establishes local variable bindings. Each variable var
is bound to the value of the corresponding expression expr
. The body of the let
, in which the variables are bound, is the sequence of subforms body1 body2 ...
and is processed and evaluated like a lambda
The forms let
, let*
, letrec
, and letrec*
(the others are described after let
) are similar but serve slightly different purposes. With let
, in contrast with let*
, letrec
, and letrec*
, the expressions expr ...
are all outside the scope of the variables var ...
. Also, in contrast with let*
and letrec*
, no ordering is implied for the evaluation of the expressions expr ...
. They may be evaluated from left to right, from right to left, or in any other order at the discretion of the implementation. Use let
whenever the values are independent of the variables and the order of evaluation is unimportant.
(let ([x (* 3.0 3.0)] [y (* 4.0 4.0)])
(sqrt (+ x y))) ⇒ 5.0
(let ([x 'a] [y '(b c)])
(cons x y)) ⇒ (a b c)
(let ([x 0] [y 1])
(let ([x y] [y x])
(list x y))) ⇒ (1 0)
The following definition of let
shows the typical derivation of let
from lambda
(define-syntax let
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ ((x e) ...) b1 b2 ...)
((lambda (x ...) b1 b2 ...) e ...)]))
Another form of let
, named let
, is described in Section 5.4, and a definition of the full let
can be found on page 312.
syntax |
returns |
the values of the final body expression |
libraries |
is similar to let
except that the expressions expr ...
are evaluated in sequence from left to right, and each of these expressions is within the scope of the variables to the left. Use let*
when there is a linear dependency among the values or when the order of evaluation is important.
(let* ([x (* 5.0 5.0)]
[y (- x (* 4.0 4.0))])
(sqrt y)) ⇒ 3.0
(let ([x 0] [y 1])
(let* ([x y] [y x])
(list x y))) ⇒ (1 1)
Any let*
expression may be converted to a set of nested let
expressions. The following definition of let*
demonstrates the typical transformation.
(define-syntax let*
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ () e1 e2 ...)
(let () e1 e2 ...)]
[(_ ((x1 v1) (x2 v2) ...) e1 e2 ...)
(let ((x1 v1))
(let* ((x2 v2) ...) e1 e2 ...))]))
syntax |
returns |
the values of the final body expression |
libraries |
is similar to let
and let*
, except that all of the expressions expr ...
are within the scope of all of the variables var ...
. letrec
allows the definition of mutually recursive procedures.
(letrec ([sum (lambda (x)
(if (zero? x)
(+ x (sum (- x 1)))))])
(sum 5)) ⇒ 15
The order of evaluation of the expressions expr ...
is unspecified, so a program must not evaluate a reference to any of the variables bound by the letrec
expression before all of the values have been computed. (Occurrence of a variable within a lambda
expression does not count as a reference, unless the resulting procedure is applied before all of the values have been computed.) If this restriction is violated, an exception with condition type &assertion
is raised.
An expr
should not return more than once. That is, it should not return both normally and via the invocation of a continuation obtained during its evaluation, and it should not return twice via two invocations of such a continuation. Implementations are not required to detect a violation of this restriction, but if they do, an exception with condition type &assertion
is raised.
Choose letrec
over let
or let*
when there is a circular dependency among the variables and their values and when the order of evaluation is unimportant. Choose letrec*
over letrec
when there is a circular dependency and the bindings need to be evaluated from left to right.
A letrec
expression of the form
(letrec ((var expr) ...) body1 body2 ...)
may be expressed in terms of let
and set!
(let ((var #f) ...)
(let ((temp expr) ...)
(set! var temp) ...
(let () body1 body2 ...)))
where temp ...
are fresh variables, i.e., ones that do not already appear in the letrec
expression, one for each (var expr)
pair. The outer let
expression establishes the variable bindings. The initial value given each variable is unimportant, so any value suffices in place of #f
. The bindings are established first so that expr ...
may contain occurrences of the variables, i.e., so that the expressions are computed within the scope of the variables. The middle let
evaluates the values and binds them to the temporary variables, and the set!
expressions assign each variable to the corresponding value. The inner let
is present in case the body contains internal definitions.
A definition of letrec
that uses this transformation is shown on page 310.
This transformation does not enforce the restriction that the expr
expressions must not evaluate any references of or assignments to the variables. More elaborate transformations that enforce this restriction and actually produce more efficient code are possible [31].
syntax | |
returns |
the values of the final body expression |
libraries |
is similar to letrec
, except that letrec*
evaluates expr ...
in sequence from left to right. While programs must still not evaluate a reference to any var
before the corresponding expr
has been evaluated, references to var
may be evaluated any time thereafter, including during the evaluation of the expr
of any subsequent binding.
A letrec*
expression of the form
(letrec* ((var expr) ...) body1 body2 ...)
may be expressed in terms of let
and set!
(let ((var #f) ...)
(set! var expr) ...
(let () body1 body2 ...))
The outer let
expression creates the bindings, each assignment evaluates an expression and immediately sets the corresponding variable to its value, in sequence, and the inner let evaluates the body. let
is used in the latter case rather than begin
since the body may include internal definitions as well as expressions.
(letrec* ([sum (lambda (x)
(if (zero? x)
(+ x (sum (- x 1)))))]
[f (lambda () (cons n n-sum))]
[n 15]
[n-sum (sum n)])
(f)) ⇒ (15 . 120)
(letrec* ([f (lambda () (lambda () g))]
[g (f)])
(eq? (g) g)) ⇒ #t
(letrec* ([g (f)]
[f (lambda () (lambda () g))])
(eq? (g) g)) ⇒ exception: attempt to reference undefined variable f
Section 4.5. Multiple Values
syntax | |
syntax |
returns |
the values of the final body expression |
libraries |
is a convenient way to receive multiple values and bind them to variables. It is structured like let
but permits an arbitrary formals list (like lambda
) on each left-hand side. let*-values
is similar but performs the bindings in left-to-right order, as with let*
. An exception with condition type &assertion
is raised if the number of values returned by an expr
is not appropriate for the corresponding formals
, as described in the entry for lambda
above. A definition of let-values
is given on page 310.
(let-values ([(a b) (values 1 2)] [c (values 1 2 3)])
(list a b c)) ⇒ (1 2 (1 2 3))
(let*-values ([(a b) (values 1 2)] [(a b) (values b a)])
(list a b)) ⇒ (2 1)
Section 4.6. Variable Definitions
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
libraries |
In the first form, define
creates a new binding of var
to the value of expr
. The expr
should not return more than once. That is, it should not return both normally and via the invocation of a continuation obtained during its evaluation, and it should not return twice via two invocations of such a continuation. Implementations are not required to detect a violation of this restriction, but if they do, an exception with condition type &assertion
is raised.
The second form is equivalent to (define var unspecified)
, where unspecified
is some unspecified value. The remaining are shorthand forms for binding variables to procedures; they are identical to the following definition in terms of lambda
(define var
(lambda formals
body1 body2 ...))
where formals
is (var1 ...)
, varr
, or (var1 var2 ... . varr)
for the third, fourth, and fifth define
Definitions may appear at the front of a library
body, anywhere among the forms of a top-level-program body, and at the front of a lambda
or case-lambda
body or the body of any form derived from lambda
, e.g., let
, or letrec*
. Any body that begins with a sequence of definitions is transformed during macro expansion into a letrec*
expression as described on page 292.
Syntax definitions may appear along with variable definitions wherever variable definitions may appear; see Chapter 8.
(define x 3)
x ⇒ 3
(define f
(lambda (x y)
(* (+ x y) 2)))
(f 5 4) ⇒ 18
(define (sum-of-squares x y)
(+ (* x x) (* y y)))
(sum-of-squares 3 4) ⇒ 25
(define f
(lambda (x)
(+ x 1)))
(let ([x 2])
(define f
(lambda (y)
(+ y x)))
(f 3)) ⇒ 5
(f 3) ⇒ 4
A set of definitions may be grouped by enclosing them in a begin
form. Definitions grouped in this manner may appear wherever ordinary variable and syntax definitions may appear. They are treated as if written separately, i.e., without the enclosing begin
form. This feature allows syntactic extensions to expand into groups of definitions.
(define-syntax multi-define-syntax
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ (var expr) ...)
(define-syntax var expr)
(let ()
(define plus
(lambda (x y)
(if (zero? x)
(plus (sub1 x) (add1 y)))))
(add1 (syntax-rules () [(_ e) (+ e 1)]))
(sub1 (syntax-rules () [(_ e) (- e 1)])))
(plus 7 8)) ⇒ 15
Many implementations support an interactive "top level" in which variable and other definitions may be entered interactively or loaded from files. The behavior of these top-level definitions is outside the scope of the Revised6 Report, but as long as top-level variables are defined before any references or assignments to them are evaluated, the behavior is consistent across most implementations. So, for example, the reference to g
in the top-level definition of f
below is okay if g
is not already defined, and g
is assumed to name a variable to be defined at some later point.
(define f
(lambda (x)
(g x)))
If this is then followed by a definition of g
before f
is evaluated, the assumption that g
would be defined as a variable is proven correct, and a call to f
works as expected.
(define g
(lambda (x)
(+ x x)))
(f 3) ⇒ 6
If g
were defined instead as the keyword for a syntactic extension, the assumption that g
would be bound as a variable is proven false, and if f
is not redefined before it is invoked, the implementation is likely to raise an exception.
Section 4.7. Assignment
syntax |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
does not establish a new binding for var
but rather alters the value of an existing binding. It first evaluates expr
, then assigns var
to the value of expr
. Any subsequent reference to var
within the scope of the altered binding evaluates to the new value.
Assignments are not employed as frequently in Scheme as in most other languages, but they are useful for implementing state changes.
(define flip-flop
(let ([state #f])
(lambda ()
(set! state (not state))
(flip-flop) ⇒ #t
(flip-flop) ⇒ #f
(flip-flop) ⇒ #t
Assignments are also useful for caching values. The example below uses a technique called memoization, in which a procedure records the values associated with old input values so it need not recompute them, to implement a fast version of the otherwise exponential doubly recursive definition of the Fibonacci function (see page 69).
(define memoize
(lambda (proc)
(let ([cache '()])
(lambda (x)
[(assq x cache) => cdr]
(let ([ans (proc x)])
(set! cache (cons (cons x ans) cache))
(define fibonacci
(lambda (n)
(if (< n 2)
(+ (fibonacci (- n 1)) (fibonacci (- n 2)))))))
(fibonacci 100) ⇒ 573147844013817084101
Chapter 5. Control Operations
This chapter introduces the syntactic forms and procedures that serve as control structures for Scheme programs, The first section covers the most basic control structure, procedure application, and the remaining sections cover sequencing, conditional evaluation, recursion, mapping, continuations, delayed evaluation, multiple values, and evaluation of programs constructed at run time.
Section 5.1. Procedure Application
syntax |
returns |
values of applying the value of |
Procedure application is the most basic Scheme control structure. Any structured form without a syntax keyword in the first position is a procedure application. The expressions expr0
and expr1 ...
are evaluated; each should evaluate to a single value. After each of these expressions has been evaluated, the value of expr0
is applied to the values of expr1 ...
. If expr0
does not evaluate to a procedure, or if the procedure does not accept the number of arguments provided, an exception with condition type &assertion
is raised.
The order in which the procedure and argument expressions are evaluated is unspecified. It may be left to right, right to left, or any other order. The evaluation is guaranteed to be sequential, however: whatever order is chosen, each expression is fully evaluated before evaluation of the next is started.
(+ 3 4) ⇒ 7
((if (odd? 3) + -) 6 2) ⇒ 8
((lambda (x) x) 5) ⇒ 5
(let ([f (lambda (x) (+ x x))])
(f 8)) ⇒ 16
procedure | |
returns |
the values of applying |
libraries |
invokes procedure
, passing the first obj
as the first argument, the second obj
as the second argument, and so on for each object in obj ...
, and passing the elements of list
in order as the remaining arguments. Thus, procedure
is called with as many arguments as there are objs
plus elements of list
is useful when some or all of the arguments to be passed to a procedure are in a list, since it frees the programmer from explicitly destructuring the list.
(apply + '(4 5)) ⇒ 9
(apply min '(6 8 3 2 5)) ⇒ 2
(apply min 5 1 3 '(6 8 3 2 5)) ⇒ 1
(apply vector 'a 'b '(c d e)) ⇒ #(a b c d e)
(define first
(lambda (ls)
(apply (lambda (x . y) x) ls)))
(define rest
(lambda (ls)
(apply (lambda (x . y) y) ls)))
(first '(a b c d)) ⇒ a
(rest '(a b c d)) ⇒ (b c d)
(apply append
'(1 2 3)
'((a b) (c d e) (f))) ⇒ (1 2 3 a b c d e f)
Section 5.2. Sequencing
syntax |
returns |
the values of the last subexpression |
libraries |
The expressions expr1 expr2 ...
are evaluated in sequence from left to right. begin
is used to sequence assignments, input/output, or other operations that cause side effects.
(define x 3)
(set! x (+ x 1))
(+ x x)) ⇒ 8
A begin
form may contain zero or more definitions in place of the expressions expr1 expr2 ...
, in which case it is considered to be a definition and may appear only where definitions are valid.
(let ()
(begin (define x 3) (define y 4))
(+ x y)) ⇒ 7
This form of begin
is primarily used by syntactic extensions that must expand into multiple definitions. (See page 101.)
The bodies of many syntactic forms, including lambda
, case-lambda
, let
, let*
, letrec
, and letrec*
, as well as the result clauses of cond
, case
, and do
, are treated as if they were inside an implicit begin
; i.e., the expressions making up the body or result clause are executed in sequence, with the values of the last expression being returned.
(define swap-pair!
(lambda (x)
(let ([temp (car x)])
(set-car! x (cdr x))
(set-cdr! x temp)
(swap-pair! (cons 'a 'b)) ⇒ (b . a)
Section 5.3. Conditionals
syntax |
syntax |
returns |
the values of |
libraries |
The test
, consequent
, and alternative
subforms must be expressions. If test
evaluates to a true value (anything other than #f
), consequent
is evaluated and its values are returned. Otherwise, alternative
is evaluated and its values are returned. With the second, "one-armed," form, which has no alternative
, the result is unspecified if test
evaluates to false.
(let ([ls '(a b c)])
(if (null? ls)
(cdr ls))) ⇒ (b c)
(let ([ls '()])
(if (null? ls)
(cdr ls))) ⇒ ()
(let ([abs
(lambda (x)
(if (< x 0)
(- 0 x)
(abs -4)) ⇒ 4
(let ([x -4])
(if (< x 0)
(list 'minus (- 0 x))
(list 'plus 4))) ⇒ (minus 4)
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
is equivalent to (lambda (x) (if x #f #t))
(not #f) ⇒ #t
(not #t) ⇒ #f
(not '()) ⇒ #f
(not (< 4 5)) ⇒ #f
syntax |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
If no subexpressions are present, the and
form evaluates to #t
. Otherwise, and
evaluates each subexpression in sequence from left to right until only one subexpression remains or a subexpression returns #f
. If one subexpression remains, it is evaluated and its values are returned. If a subexpression returns #f
, and
returns #f
without evaluating the remaining subexpressions. A syntax definition of and
appears on page 62.
(let ([x 3])
(and (> x 2) (< x 4))) ⇒ #t
(let ([x 5])
(and (> x 2) (< x 4))) ⇒ #f
(and #f '(a b) '(c d)) ⇒ #f
(and '(a b) '(c d) '(e f)) ⇒ (e f)
syntax |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
If no subexpressions are present, the or
form evaluates to #f
. Otherwise, or
evaluates each subexpression in sequence from left to right until only one subexpression remains or a subexpression returns a value other than #f
. If one subexpression remains, it is evaluated and its values are returned. If a subexpression returns a value other than #f
, or
returns that value without evaluating the remaining subexpressions. A syntax definition of or
appears on page 63.
(let ([x 3])
(or (< x 2) (> x 4))) ⇒ #f
(let ([x 5])
(or (< x 2) (> x 4))) ⇒ #t
(or #f '(a b) '(c d)) ⇒ (a b)
syntax |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
Each clause
but the last must take one of the forms below.
(test expr1 expr2 ...)
(test => expr)
The last clause may be in any of the above forms, or it may be an "else
clause" of the form
(else expr1 expr2 ...)
Each test
is evaluated in order until one evaluates to a true value or until all of the tests have been evaluated. If the first clause whose test
evaluates to a true value is in the first form given above, the value of test
is returned.
If the first clause whose test
evaluates to a true value is in the second form given above, the expressions expr1 expr2 ...
are evaluated in sequence and the values of the last expression are returned.
If the first clause whose test
evaluates to a true value is in the third form given above, the expression expr
is evaluated. The value should be a procedure of one argument, which is applied to the value of test
. The values of this application are returned.
If none of the tests evaluates to a true value and an else
clause is present, the expressions expr1 expr2 ...
of the else
clause are evaluated in sequence and the values of the last expression are returned.
If none of the tests evaluates to a true value and no else
clause is present, the value or values are unspecified.
See page 305 for a syntax definition of cond
(let ([x 0])
[(< x 0) (list 'minus (abs x))]
[(> x 0) (list 'plus x)]
[else (list 'zero x)])) ⇒ (zero 0)
(define select
(lambda (x)
[(not (symbol? x))]
[(assq x '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))) => cdr]
[else 0])))
(select 3) ⇒ #t
(select 'b) ⇒ 2
(select 'e) ⇒ 0
syntax |
syntax |
libraries |
These identifiers are auxiliary keywords for cond
. Both also serve as auxiliary keywords for guard
, and else
also serves as an auxiliary keyword for case
. It is a syntax violation to reference these identifiers except in contexts where they are recognized as auxiliary keywords.
syntax |
syntax |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
For when
, if test-expr
evaluates to a true value, the expressions expr1 expr2 ...
are evaluated in sequence, and the values of the last expression are returned. If test-expr
evaluates to false, none of the other expressions are evaluated, and the value or values of when
are unspecified.
For unless
, if test-expr
evaluates to false, the expressions expr1 expr2 ...
are evaluated in sequence, and the values of the last expression are returned. If test-expr
evaluates to a true value, none of the other expressions are evaluated, and the value or values of unless
are unspecified.
A when
or unless
expression is usually clearer than the corresponding "one-armed" if
(let ([x -4] [sign 'plus])
(when (< x 0)
(set! x (- 0 x))
(set! sign 'minus))
(list sign x)) ⇒ (minus 4)
(define check-pair
(lambda (x)
(unless (pair? x)
(syntax-violation 'check-pair "invalid argument" x))
(check-pair '(a b c)) ⇒ (a b c)
may be defined as follows:
(define-syntax when
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ e0 e1 e2 ...)
(if e0 (begin e1 e2 ...))]))
may be defined as follows:
(define-syntax unless
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ e0 e1 e2 ...)
(if (not e0) (begin e1 e2 ...))]))
or in terms of when
as follows:
(define-syntax unless
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ e0 e1 e2 ...)
(when (not e0) e1 e2 ...)]))
syntax |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
Each clause but the last must take the form
((key ...) expr1 expr2 ...)
where each key
is a datum distinct from the other keys. The last clause may be in the above form or it may be an else
clause of the form
(else expr1 expr2 ...)
is evaluated and the result is compared (using eqv?
) against the keys of each clause in order. If a clause containing a matching key is found, the expressions expr1 expr2 ...
are evaluated in sequence and the values of the last expression are returned.
If none of the clauses contains a matching key and an else
clause is present, the expressions expr1 expr2 ...
of the else
clause are evaluated in sequence and the values of the last expression are returned.
If none of the clauses contains a matching key and no else
clause is present, the value or values are unspecified.
See page 306 for a syntax definition of case
(let ([x 4] [y 5])
(case (+ x y)
[(1 3 5 7 9) 'odd]
[(0 2 4 6 8) 'even]
[else 'out-of-range])) ⇒ odd
Section 5.4. Recursion and Iteration
syntax |
returns |
values of the final body expression |
libraries |
This form of let
, called named
, is a general-purpose iteration and recursion construct. It is similar to the more common form of let
(see Section 4.4) in the binding of the variables var ...
to the values of expr ...
within the body body1 body2 ...
, which is processed and evaluated like a lambda
body. In addition, the variable name
is bound within the body to a procedure that may be called to recur or iterate; the arguments to the procedure become the new values of the variables var ...
A named let
expression of the form
(let name ((var expr) ...)
body1 body2 ...)
can be rewritten with letrec
as follows.
((letrec ((name (lambda (var ...) body1 body2 ...)))
expr ...)
A syntax definition of let
that implements this transformation and handles unnamed let
as well can be found on page 312.
The procedure divisors
defined below uses named let
to compute the nontrivial divisors of a nonnegative integer.
(define divisors
(lambda (n)
(let f ([i 2])
[(>= i n) '()]
[(integer? (/ n i)) (cons i (f (+ i 1)))]
[else (f (+ i 1))]))))
(divisors 5) ⇒ ()
(divisors 32) ⇒ (2 4 8 16)
The version above is non-tail-recursive when a divisor is found and tail-recursive when a divisor is not found. The version below is fully tail-recursive. It builds up the list in reverse order, but this is easy to remedy, if desired, by reversing the list on exit.
(define divisors
(lambda (n)
(let f ([i 2] [ls '()])
[(>= i n) ls]
[(integer? (/ n i)) (f (+ i 1) (cons i ls))]
[else (f (+ i 1) ls)]))))
syntax |
returns |
the values of the last |
libraries |
allows a common restricted form of iteration to be expressed succinctly. The variables var ...
are bound initially to the values of init ...
and are rebound on each subsequent iteration to the values of update ...
. The expressions test
, update ...
, expr ...
, and result ...
are all within the scope of the bindings established for var ...
On each step, the test expression test
is evaluated. If the value of test
is true, iteration ceases, the expressions result ...
are evaluated in sequence, and the values of the last expression are returned. If no result expressions are present, the value or values of the do
expression are unspecified.
If the value of test
is false, the expressions expr ...
are evaluated in sequence, the expressions update ...
are evaluated, new bindings for var ...
to the values of update ...
are created, and iteration continues.
The expressions expr ...
are evaluated only for effect and are often omitted entirely. Any update
expression may be omitted, in which case the effect is the same as if the update
were simply the corresponding var
Although looping constructs in most languages require that the loop iterands be updated via assignment, do
requires the loop iterands var ...
to be updated via rebinding. In fact, no side effects are involved in the evaluation of a do
expression unless they are performed explicitly by its subexpressions.
See page 313 for a syntax definition of do
The definitions of factorial
and fibonacci
below are straightforward translations of the tail-recursive named-let
versions given in Section 3.2.
(define factorial
(lambda (n)
(do ([i n (- i 1)] [a 1 (* a i)])
((zero? i) a))))
(factorial 10) ⇒ 3628800
(define fibonacci
(lambda (n)
(if (= n 0)
(do ([i n (- i 1)] [a1 1 (+ a1 a2)] [a2 0 a1])
((= i 1) a1)))))
(fibonacci 6) ⇒ 8
The definition of divisors
below is similar to the tail-recursive definition of divisors
given with the description of named let
(define divisors
(lambda (n)
(do ([i 2 (+ i 1)]
[ls '()
(if (integer? (/ n i))
(cons i ls)
((>= i n) ls))))
The definition of scale-vector!
below, which scales each element of a vector v by a constant k, demonstrates a nonempty do
(define scale-vector!
(lambda (v k)
(let ([n (vector-length v)])
(do ([i 0 (+ i 1)])
((= i n))
(vector-set! v i (* (vector-ref v i) k))))))
(define vec (vector 1 2 3 4 5))
(scale-vector! vec 2)
vec ⇒ #(2 4 6 8 10)
Section 5.5. Mapping and Folding
When a program must recur or iterate over the elements of a list, a mapping or folding operator is often more convenient. These operators abstract away from null checks and explicit recursion by applying a procedure to the elements of the list one by one. A few mapping operators are also available for vectors and strings.
procedure |
returns |
list of results |
libraries |
applies procedure
to corresponding elements of the lists list1 list2 ...
and returns a list of the resulting values. The lists list1 list2 ...
must be of the same length. procedure
should accept as many arguments as there are lists, should return a single value, and should not mutate the list
(map abs '(1 -2 3 -4 5 -6)) ⇒ (1 2 3 4 5 6)
(map (lambda (x y) (* x y))
'(1 2 3 4)
'(8 7 6 5)) ⇒ (8 14 18 20)
While the order in which the applications themselves occur is not specified, the order of the values in the output list is the same as that of the corresponding values in the input lists.
might be defined as follows.
(define map
(lambda (f ls . more)
(if (null? more)
(let map1 ([ls ls])
(if (null? ls)
(cons (f (car ls))
(map1 (cdr ls)))))
(let map-more ([ls ls] [more more])
(if (null? ls)
(apply f (car ls) (map car more))
(map-more (cdr ls) (map cdr more))))))))
No error checking is done by this version of map
; f
is assumed to be a procedure and the other arguments are assumed to be proper lists of the same length. An interesting feature of this definition is that map
uses itself to pull out the cars and cdrs of the list of input lists; this works because of the special treatment of the single-list case.
is similar to map
except that for-each
does not create and return a list of the resulting values, and for-each
guarantees to perform the applications in sequence over the elements from left to right. procedure
should accept as many arguments as there are lists and should not mutate the list
arguments. for-each
may be defined without error checks as follows.
(define for-each
(lambda (f ls . more)
(do ([ls ls (cdr ls)] [more more (map cdr more)])
((null? ls))
(apply f (car ls) (map car more)))))
(let ([same-count 0])
(lambda (x y)
(when (= x y)
(set! same-count (+ same-count 1))))
'(1 2 3 4 5 6)
'(2 3 3 4 7 6))
same-count) ⇒ 3
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
The lists list1 list2 ...
must be of the same length. procedure
should accept as many arguments as there are lists and should not mutate the list
arguments. If the lists are empty, exists
returns #f
. Otherwise, exists
applies procedure
to corresponding elements of the lists list1 list2 ...
in sequence until either the lists each have only one element or procedure
returns a true value t
. In the former case, exists
tail-calls procedure
, applying it to the remaining element of each list. In the latter case, exists
returns t
(exists symbol? '(1.0 #\a "hi" '())) ⇒ #f
(exists member
'(a b c)
'((c b) (b a) (a c))) ⇒ (b a)
(exists (lambda (x y z) (= (+ x y) z))
'(1 2 3 4)
'(1.2 2.3 3.4 4.5)
'(2.3 4.4 6.4 8.6)) ⇒ #t
may be defined (somewhat inefficiently and without error checks) as follows:
(define exists
(lambda (f ls . more)
(and (not (null? ls))
(let exists ([x (car ls)] [ls (cdr ls)] [more more])
(if (null? ls)
(apply f x (map car more))
(or (apply f x (map car more))
(exists (car ls) (cdr ls) (map cdr more))))))))
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
The lists list1 list2 ...
must be of the same length. procedure
should accept as many arguments as there are lists and should not mutate the list
arguments. If the lists are empty, for-all
returns #t
. Otherwise, for-all
applies procedure
to corresponding elements of the lists list1 list2 ...
in sequence until either the lists each have only one element left or procedure
returns #f
. In the former case, for-all
tail-calls procedure
, applying it to the remaining element of each list. In the latter case, for-all
returns #f
(for-all symbol? '(a b c d)) ⇒ #t
(for-all =
'(1 2 3 4)
'(1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0)) ⇒ #t
(for-all (lambda (x y z) (= (+ x y) z))
'(1 2 3 4)
'(1.2 2.3 3.4 4.5)
'(2.2 4.3 6.5 8.5)) ⇒ #f
may be defined (somewhat inefficiently and without error checks) as follows:
(define for-all
(lambda (f ls . more)
(or (null? ls)
(let for-all ([x (car ls)] [ls (cdr ls)] [more more])
(if (null? ls)
(apply f x (map car more))
(and (apply f x (map car more))
(for-all (car ls) (cdr ls) (map cdr more))))))))
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
The list
arguments should all have the same length. procedure
should accept one more argument than the number of list
arguments and return a single value. It should not mutate the list
returns obj
if the list
arguments are empty. If they are not empty, fold-left
applies procedure
to obj
and the cars of list1 list2 ...
, then recurs with the value returned by procedure
in place of obj
and the cdr of each list
in place of the list
(fold-left cons '() '(1 2 3 4)) ⇒ ((((() . 1) . 2) . 3) . 4)
(lambda (a x) (+ a (* x x)))
0 '(1 2 3 4 5)) ⇒ 55
(lambda (a . args) (append args a))
'(that not to)
'(is to be)
'(the be: or)) ⇒ (to be or not to be: that is the question)
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
The list
arguments should all have the same length. procedure
should accept one more argument than the number of list
arguments and return a single value. It should not mutate the list
returns obj
if the list
arguments are empty. If they are not empty, fold-right
recurs with the cdr of each list
replacing the list
, then applies procedure
to the cars of list1 list2 ...
and the result returned by the recursion.
(fold-right cons '() '(1 2 3 4)) ⇒ (1 2 3 4)
(lambda (x a) (+ a (* x x)))
0 '(1 2 3 4 5)) ⇒ 55
(lambda (x y a) (cons* x y a)) ⇒ (parting is such sweet sorrow
'((with apologies)) gotta go see ya tomorrow
'(parting such sorrow go ya) (with apologies))
'(is sweet gotta see tomorrow))
procedure |
returns |
vector of results |
libraries |
applies procedure
to corresponding elements of vector1 vector2 ...
and returns a vector of the resulting values. The vectors vector1 vector2 ...
must be of the same length, and procedure
should accept as many arguments as there are vectors and return a single value.
(vector-map abs '#(1 -2 3 -4 5 -6)) ⇒ #(1 2 3 4 5 6)
(vector-map (lambda (x y) (* x y))
'#(1 2 3 4)
'#(8 7 6 5)) ⇒ #(8 14 18 20)
While the order in which the applications themselves occur is not specified, the order of the values in the output vector is the same as that of the corresponding values in the input vectors.
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
is similar to vector-map
except that vector-for-each
does not create and return a vector of the resulting values, and vector-for-each
guarantees to perform the applications in sequence over the elements from left to right.
(let ([same-count 0])
(lambda (x y)
(when (= x y)
(set! same-count (+ same-count 1))))
'#(1 2 3 4 5 6)
'#(2 3 3 4 7 6))
same-count) ⇒ 3
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
is similar to for-each
and vector-for-each
except that the inputs are strings rather than lists or vectors.
(let ([ls '()])
(lambda r (set! ls (cons r ls)))
(map list->string (reverse ls))) ⇒ ("a=1" "b=2" "c=3" "d=4")
Section 5.6. Continuations
Continuations in Scheme are procedures that represent the remainder of a computation from a given point in the computation. They may be obtained with call-with-current-continuation
, which can be abbreviated to call/cc
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
These procedures are the same. The shorter name is often used for the obvious reason that it requires fewer keystrokes to type.
obtains its continuation and passes it to procedure
, which should accept one argument. The continuation itself is represented by a procedure. Each time this procedure is applied to zero or more values, it returns the values to the continuation of the call/cc
application. That is, when the continuation procedure is called, it returns its arguments as the values of the application of call/cc
If procedure
returns normally when passed the continuation procedure, the values returned by call/cc
are the values returned by procedure
Continuations allow the implementation of nonlocal exits, backtracking ([14],[29]), coroutines [16], and multitasking ([10],[32]).
The example below illustrates the use of a continuation to perform a nonlocal exit from a loop.
(define member
(lambda (x ls)
(lambda (break)
(do ([ls ls (cdr ls)])
((null? ls) #f)
(when (equal? x (car ls))
(break ls)))))))
(member 'd '(a b c)) ⇒ #f
(member 'b '(a b c)) ⇒ (b c)
The current continuation is typically represented internally as a stack of procedure activation records, and obtaining the continuation involves encapsulating the stack within a procedural object. Since an encapsulated stack has indefinite extent, some mechanism must be used to preserve the stack contents indefinitely. This can be done with surprising ease and efficiency and with no impact on programs that do not use continuations [17].
procedure |
returns |
values resulting from the application of |
libraries |
offers "protection" from continuation invocation. It is useful for performing tasks that must be performed whenever control enters or leaves body
, either normally or by continuation application.
The three arguments in
, body
, and out
must be procedures and should accept zero arguments, i.e., they should be thunks
. Before applying body
, and each time body
is entered subsequently by the application of a continuation created within body
, the in
thunk is applied. Upon normal exit from body
and each time body
is exited by the application of a continuation created outside body
, the out
thunk is applied.
Thus, it is guaranteed that in
is invoked at least once. In addition, if body
ever returns, out
is invoked at least once.
The following example demonstrates the use of dynamic-wind
to be sure that an input port is closed after processing, regardless of whether the processing completes normally.
(let ([p (open-input-file "input-file")])
(lambda () #f)
(lambda () (process p))
(lambda () (close-port p))))
Common Lisp provides a similar facility (unwind-protect
) for protection from nonlocal exits. This is often sufficient. unwind-protect
provides only the equivalent to out
, however, since Common Lisp does not support fully general continuations. Here is how unwind-protect
might be specified with dynamic-wind
(define-syntax unwind-protect
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ body cleanup ...)
(lambda () #f)
(lambda () body)
(lambda () cleanup ...))]))
(let ([x 'a])
(lambda (k)
(k (lambda () x))
(set! x 'b)))))) ⇒ b
Some Scheme implementations support a controlled form of assignment known as fluid binding, in which a variable takes on a temporary value during a given computation and reverts to the old value after the computation has completed. The syntactic form fluid-let
defined below in terms of dynamic-wind
permits the fluid binding of a single variable x
to the value of an expression e
within a the body b1 b2 ...
(define-syntax fluid-let
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ ((x e)) b1 b2 ...)
(let ([y e])
(let ([swap (lambda () (let ([t x]) (set! x y) (set! y t)))])
(dynamic-wind swap (lambda () b1 b2 ...) swap)))]))
Implementations that support fluid-let
typically extend it to allow an indefinite number of (x e)
pairs, as with let
If no continuations are invoked within the body of a fluid-let
, the behavior is the same as if the variable were simply assigned the new value on entry and assigned the old value on return.
(let ([x 3])
(+ (fluid-let ([x 5])
x)) ⇒ 8
A fluid-bound variable also reverts to the old value if a continuation created outside of the fluid-let
is invoked.
(let ([x 'a])
(let ([f (lambda () x)])
(cons (call/cc
(lambda (k)
(fluid-let ([x 'b])
(k (f)))))
(f)))) ⇒ (b . a)
If control has left a fluid-let
body, either normally or by the invocation of a continuation, and control reenters the body by the invocation of a continuation, the temporary value of the fluid-bound variable is reinstated. Furthermore, any changes to the temporary value are maintained and reflected upon reentry.
(define reenter #f)
(define x 0)
(fluid-let ([x 1])
(call/cc (lambda (k) (set! reenter k)))
(set! x (+ x 1))
x) ⇒ 2
x ⇒ 0
(reenter '*) ⇒ 3
(reenter '*) ⇒ 4
x ⇒ 0
A library showing how dynamic-wind
might be implemented were it not already built in is given below. In addition to defining dynamic-wind
, the code defines a version of call/cc
that does its part to support dynamic-wind
(library (dynamic-wind)
(export dynamic-wind call/cc
(rename (call/cc call-with-current-continuation)))
(import (rename (except (rnrs) dynamic-wind) (call/cc rnrs:call/cc)))
(define winders '())
(define common-tail
(lambda (x y)
(let ([lx (length x)] [ly (length y)])
(do ([x (if (> lx ly) (list-tail x (- lx ly)) x) (cdr x)]
[y (if (> ly lx) (list-tail y (- ly lx)) y) (cdr y)])
((eq? x y) x)))))
(define do-wind
(lambda (new)
(let ([tail (common-tail new winders)])
(let f ([ls winders])
(if (not (eq? ls tail))
(set! winders (cdr ls))
((cdar ls))
(f (cdr ls)))))
(let f ([ls new])
(if (not (eq? ls tail))
(f (cdr ls))
((caar ls))
(set! winders ls)))))))
(define call/cc
(lambda (f)
(lambda (k)
(f (let ([save winders])
(lambda (x)
(unless (eq? save winders) (do-wind save))
(k x))))))))
(define dynamic-wind
(lambda (in body out)
(set! winders (cons (cons in out) winders))
(let-values ([ans* (body)])
(set! winders (cdr winders))
(apply values ans*)))))
Together, dynamic-wind
and call/cc
manage a list of winders. A winder is a pair of in and out thunks established by a call to dynamic-wind
. Whenever dynamic-wind
is invoked, the in thunk is invoked, a new winder containing the in and out thunks is placed on the winders list, the body thunk is invoked, the winder is removed from the winders list, and the out thunk is invoked. This ordering ensures that the winder is on the winders list only when control has passed through in and not yet entered out. Whenever a continuation is obtained, the winders list is saved, and whenever the continuation is invoked, the saved winders list is reinstated. During reinstatement, the out thunk of each winder on the current winders list that is not also on the saved winders list is invoked, followed by the in thunk of each winder on the saved winders list that is not also on the current winders list. The winders list is updated incrementally, again to ensure that a winder is on the current winders list only if control has passed through its in thunk and not entered its out thunk.
The test (not (eq? save winders))
performed in call/cc
is not strictly necessary but makes invoking a continuation less costly whenever the saved winders list is the same as the current winders list.
Section 5.7. Delayed Evaluation
The syntactic form delay
and the procedure force
may be used in combination to implement lazy evaluation. An expression subject to lazy evaluation is not evaluated until its value is required and, once evaluated, is never reevaluated.
syntax |
returns |
a promise |
procedure |
returns |
result of forcing |
libraries |
The first time a promise created by delay
is forced (with force
), it evaluates expr
, "remembering" the resulting value. Thereafter, each time the promise is forced, it returns the remembered value instead of reevaluating expr
and force
are typically used only in the absence of side effects, e.g., assignments, so that the order of evaluation is unimportant.
The benefit of using delay
and force
is that some amount of computation might be avoided altogether if it is delayed until absolutely required. Delayed evaluation may be used to construct conceptually infinite lists, or streams. The example below shows how a stream abstraction may be built with delay
and force
. A stream is a promise that, when forced, returns a pair whose cdr is a stream.
(define stream-car
(lambda (s)
(car (force s))))
(define stream-cdr
(lambda (s)
(cdr (force s))))
(define counters
(let next ([n 1])
(delay (cons n (next (+ n 1))))))
(stream-car counters) ⇒ 1
(stream-car (stream-cdr counters)) ⇒ 2
(define stream-add
(lambda (s1 s2)
(delay (cons
(+ (stream-car s1) (stream-car s2))
(stream-add (stream-cdr s1) (stream-cdr s2))))))
(define even-counters
(stream-add counters counters))
(stream-car even-counters) ⇒ 2
(stream-car (stream-cdr even-counters)) ⇒ 4
may be defined by
(define-syntax delay
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ expr) (make-promise (lambda () expr))]))
where make-promise
might be defined as follows.
(define make-promise
(lambda (p)
(let ([val #f] [set? #f])
(lambda ()
(unless set?
(let ([x (p)])
(unless set?
(set! val x)
(set! set? #t))))
With this definition of delay
, force
simply invokes the promise to force evaluation or to retrieve the saved value.
(define force
(lambda (promise)
The second test of the variable set?
in make-promise
is necessary in the event that, as a result of applying p
, the promise is recursively forced. Since a promise must always return the same value, the result of the first application of p
to complete is returned.
Whether delay
and force
handle multiple return values is unspecified; the implementation given above does not, but the following version does, with the help of call-with-values
and apply
(define make-promise
(lambda (p)
(let ([vals #f] [set? #f])
(lambda ()
(unless set?
(call-with-values p
(lambda x
(unless set?
(set! vals x)
(set! set? #t)))))
(apply values vals)))))
(define p (delay (values 1 2 3)))
(force p) ⇒ 1
(call-with-values (lambda () (force p)) +) ⇒ 6
Neither implementation is quite right, since force
must raise an exception with condition type &assertion
if its argument is not a promise. Since distinguishing procedures created by make-promise
from other procedures is impossible, force
cannot do so reliably. The following reimplementation of make-promise
and force
represents promises as records of the type promise
to allow force
to make the required check.
(define-record-type promise
(fields (immutable p) (mutable vals) (mutable set?))
(protocol (lambda (new) (lambda (p) (new p #f #f)))))
(define force
(lambda (promise)
(unless (promise? promise)
(assertion-violation 'promise "invalid argument" promise))
(unless (promise-set? promise)
(call-with-values (promise-p promise)
(lambda x
(unless (promise-set? promise)
(promise-vals-set! promise x)
(promise-set?-set! promise #t)))))
(apply values (promise-vals promise))))
Section 5.8. Multiple Values
While all Scheme primitives and most user-defined procedures return exactly one value, some programming problems are best solved by returning zero values, more than one value, or even a variable number of values. For example, a procedure that partitions a list of values into two sublists needs to return two values. While it is possible for the producer of multiple values to package them into a data structure and for the consumer to extract them, it is often cleaner to use the built-in multiple-values interface. This interface consists of two procedures: values
and call-with-values
. The former produces multiple values and the latter links procedures that produce multiple-value values with procedures that consume them.
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
The procedure values
accepts any number of arguments and simply passes (returns) the arguments to its continuation.
(values) ⇒
(values 1) ⇒ 1
(values 1 2 3) ⇒ 1
(define head&tail
(lambda (ls)
(values (car ls) (cdr ls))))
(head&tail '(a b c)) ⇒ a
(b c)
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
and consumer
must be procedures. call-with-values
applies consumer
to the values returned by invoking producer
without arguments.
(lambda () (values 'bond 'james))
(lambda (x y) (cons y x))) ⇒ (james . bond)
(call-with-values values list) ⇒ '()
In the second example, values
itself serves as the producer. It receives no arguments and thus returns no values. list
is thus applied to no arguments and so returns the empty list.
The procedure dxdy
defined below computes the change in x
and y
coordinates for a pair of points whose coordinates are represented by (x . y)
(define dxdy
(lambda (p1 p2)
(values (- (car p2) (car p1))
(- (cdr p2) (cdr p1)))))
(dxdy '(0 . 0) '(0 . 5)) ⇒ 0
can be used to compute the length and slope of a segment represented by two endpoints.
(define segment-length
(lambda (p1 p2)
(lambda () (dxdy p1 p2))
(lambda (dx dy) (sqrt (+ (* dx dx) (* dy dy)))))))
(define segment-slope
(lambda (p1 p2)
(lambda () (dxdy p1 p2))
(lambda (dx dy) (/ dy dx)))))
(segment-length '(1 . 4) '(4 . 8)) ⇒ 5
(segment-slope '(1 . 4) '(4 . 8)) ⇒ 4/3
We can of course combine these to form one procedure that returns two values.
(define describe-segment
(lambda (p1 p2)
(lambda () (dxdy p1 p2))
(lambda (dx dy)
(sqrt (+ (* dx dx) (* dy dy)))
(/ dy dx))))))
(describe-segment '(1 . 4) '(4 . 8)) ⇒ 5
⇒ 4/3
The example below employs multiple values to divide a list nondestructively into two sublists of alternating elements.
(define split
(lambda (ls)
(if (or (null? ls) (null? (cdr ls)))
(values ls '())
(lambda () (split (cddr ls)))
(lambda (odds evens)
(values (cons (car ls) odds)
(cons (cadr ls) evens)))))))
(split '(a b c d e f)) ⇒ (a c e)
(b d f)
At each level of recursion, the procedure split
returns two values: a list of the odd-numbered elements from the argument list and a list of the even-numbered elements.
The continuation of a call to values
need not be one established by a call to call-with-values
, nor must only values
be used to return to a continuation established by call-with-values
. In particular, (values e)
and e
are equivalent expressions. For example:
(+ (values 2) 4) ⇒ 6
(if (values #t) 1 2) ⇒ 1
(lambda () 4)
(lambda (x) x)) ⇒ 4
Similarly, values
may be used to pass any number of values to a continuation that ignores the values, as in the following.
(begin (values 1 2 3) 4) ⇒ 4
Because a continuation may accept zero or more than one value, continuations obtained via call/cc
may accept zero or more than one argument.
(lambda ()
(call/cc (lambda (k) (k 2 3))))
(lambda (x y) (list x y))) ⇒ (2 3)
The behavior is unspecified when a continuation expecting exactly one value receives zero values or more than one value. For example, the behavior of each of the following expressions is unspecified. Some implementations raise an exception, while others silently suppress additional values or supply defaults for missing values.
(if (values 1 2) 'x 'y)
(+ (values) 5)
Programs that wish to force extra values to be ignored in particular contexts can do so easily by calling call-with-values
explicitly. A syntactic form, which we might call first
, can be defined to abstract the discarding of more than one value when only one is desired.
(define-syntax first
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ expr)
(lambda () expr)
(lambda (x . y) x))]))
(if (first (values #t #f)) 'a 'b) ⇒ a
Since implementations are required to raise an exception with condition type &assertion
if a procedure does not accept the number of arguments passed to it, each of the following raises an exception.
(lambda () (values 2 3 4))
(lambda (x y) x))
(lambda () (call/cc (lambda (k) (k 0))))
(lambda (x y) x))
Since producer
is most often a lambda
expression, it is often convenient to use a syntactic extension that suppresses the lambda expression in the interest of readability.
(define-syntax with-values
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ expr consumer)
(call-with-values (lambda () expr) consumer)]))
(with-values (values 1 2) list) ⇒ (1 2)
(with-values (split '(1 2 3 4))
(lambda (odds evens)
evens)) ⇒ (2 4)
If the consumer
is also a lambda
expression, the multiple-value variants of let
and let*
described in Section 4.5 are usually even more convenient.
(let-values ([(odds evens) (split '(1 2 3 4))])
evens) ⇒ (2 4)
(let-values ([ls (values 'a 'b 'c)])
ls) ⇒ (a b c)
Many standard syntactic forms and procedures pass along multiple values. Most of these are "automatic," in the sense that nothing special must be done by the implementation to make this happen. The usual expansion of let
into a direct lambda
call automatically propagates multiple values produced by the body of the let
. Other operators must be coded specially to pass along multiple values. The call-with-port
procedure (Section 7.6), for example, calls its procedure argument, then closes the port argument before returning the procedure’s values, so it must save the values temporarily. This is easily accomplished via let-values
, apply
, and values
(define call-with-port
(lambda (port proc)
(let-values ([val* (proc port)])
(close-port port)
(apply values val*))))
If this seems like too much overhead when a single value is returned, the code can use call-with-values
and case-lambda
to handle the single-value case more efficiently:
(define call-with-port
(lambda (port proc)
(call-with-values (lambda () (proc port))
[(val) (close-port port) val]
[val* (close-port port) (apply values val*)]))))
The definitions of values
and call-with-values
(and concomitant redefinition of call/cc
) in the library below demonstrate that the multiple-return-values interface could be implemented in Scheme if it were not already built in. No error checking can be done, however, for the case in which more than one value is returned to a single-value context, such as the test part of an if
(library (mrvs)
(export call-with-values values call/cc
(rename (call/cc call-with-current-continuation)))
(except (rnrs) values call-with-values)
(call/cc rnrs:call/cc)))
(define magic (cons 'multiple 'values))
(define magic?
(lambda (x)
(and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) magic))))
(define call/cc
(lambda (p)
(lambda (k)
(p (lambda args
(k (apply values args))))))))
(define values
(lambda args
(if (and (not (null? args)) (null? (cdr args)))
(car args)
(cons magic args))))
(define call-with-values
(lambda (producer consumer)
(let ([x (producer)])
(if (magic? x)
(apply consumer (cdr x))
(consumer x))))))
Multiple values can be implemented more efficiently [2], but this code serves to illustrate the meanings of the operators and may be used to provide multiple values in older, nonstandard implementations that do not support them.
Section 5.9. Eval
Scheme’s eval
procedure allows programmers to write programs that construct and evaluate other programs. This ability to do run-time meta programming should not be overused but is handy when needed.
procedure |
returns |
values of the Scheme expression represented by |
libraries |
If obj
does not represent a syntactically valid expression, eval
raises an exception with condition type &syntax
. The environments returned by environment
, scheme-report-environment
, and null-environment
are immutable. Thus, eval
also raises an exception with condition type &syntax
if an assignment to any of the variables in the environment appears within the expression.
(define cons 'not-cons)
(eval '(let ([x 3]) (cons x 4)) (environment '(rnrs))) ⇒ (3 . 4)
(define lambda 'not-lambda)
(eval '(lambda (x) x) (environment '(rnrs))) ⇒ #<procedure>
(eval '(cons 3 4) (environment)) ⇒ exception
procedure |
returns |
an environment |
libraries |
returns an environment formed from the combined bindings of the given import specifiers. Each import-spec
must be an s-expression representing a valid import specifier (see Chapter 10).
(define env (environment '(rnrs) '(prefix (rnrs lists) $)))
(eval '($cons* 3 4 (* 5 8)) env) ⇒ (3 4 . 40)
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
an R5RS compatibility environment |
libraries |
must be the exact integer 5
returns an environment containing bindings for the keywords whose meanings are defined by the Revised5 Report on Scheme, along with bindings for the auxiliary keywords else
, =>
, ...
, and _
returns an environment containing the same keyword bindings as the environment returned by null-environment
along with bindings for the variables whose meanings are defined by the Revised5 Report on Scheme, except those not defined by the Revised6 Report: load
, interaction-environment
, transcript-on
, transcript-off
, and char-ready?
The bindings for each of the identifiers in the environments returned by these procedures are those of the corresponding Revised6 Report library, so this does not provide full backward compatibility, even if the excepted identifier bindings are not used.
Chapter 6. Operations on Objects
This chapter describes the operations on objects, including lists, numbers, characters, strings, vectors, bytevectors, symbols, booleans, hashtables, and enumerations. The first section covers constant objects and quotation. The second section describes generic equivalence predicates for comparing two objects and predicates for determining the type of an object. Later sections describe procedures that deal primarily with one of the object types mentioned above. There is no section treating operations on procedures, since the only operation defined specifically for procedures is application, and this is described in Chapter 5. Operations on ports are covered in the more general discussion of input and output in Chapter 7. A mechanism for defining new data types is described in Chapter 9.
Section 6.1. Constants and Quotation
syntax |
returns |
is any self-evaluating constant, i.e., a number, boolean, character, string, or bytevector. Constants are immutable; see the note in the description of quote
3.2 ⇒ 3.2
#f ⇒ #f
#\c ⇒ #\c
"hi" ⇒ "hi"
#vu8(3 4 5) ⇒ #vu8(3 4 5)
syntax |
syntax |
returns |
libraries |
is equivalent to (quote obj)
. The abbreviated form is converted into the longer form by the Scheme reader (see read
inhibits the normal evaluation rule for obj
, allowing obj
to be employed as data. Although any Scheme object may be quoted, quotation is not necessary for self-evaluating constants, i.e., numbers, booleans, characters, strings, and bytevectors.
Quoted and self-evaluating constants are immutable. That is, programs should not alter a constant via set-car!
, string-set!
, etc., and implementations are permitted to raise an exception with condition type &assertion
if such an alteration is attempted. If an attempt to alter an immutable object is undetected, the behavior of the program is unspecified. An implementation may choose to share storage among different constants to save space.
(+ 2 3) ⇒ 5
'(+ 2 3) ⇒ (+ 2 3)
(quote (+ 2 3)) ⇒ (+ 2 3)
'a ⇒ a
'cons ⇒ cons
'() ⇒ ()
'7 ⇒ 7
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
is equivalent to (quasiquote obj)
, ,obj
is equivalent to (unquote obj)
, and ,@obj
is equivalent to (unquote-splicing obj)
. The abbreviated forms are converted into the longer forms by the Scheme reader (see read
is similar to quote
, but it allows parts of the quoted text to be "unquoted." Within a quasiquote
expression, unquote
and unquote-splicing
subforms are evaluated, and everything else is quoted, i.e., left unevaluated. The value of each unquote
subform is inserted into the output in place of the unquote
form, while the value of each unquote-splicing
subform is spliced into the surrounding list or vector structure. unquote
and unquote-splicing
are valid only within quasiquote
expressions may be nested, with each quasiquote
introducing a new level of quotation and each unquote
or unquote-splicing
taking away a level of quotation. An expression nested within n quasiquote
expressions must be within n unquote
or unquote-splicing
expressions to be evaluated.
`(+ 2 3) ⇒ (+ 2 3)
`(+ 2 ,(* 3 4)) ⇒ (+ 2 12)
`(a b (,(+ 2 3) c) d) ⇒ (a b (5 c) d)
`(a b ,(reverse '(c d e)) f g) ⇒ (a b (e d c) f g)
(let ([a 1] [b 2])
`(,a . ,b)) ⇒ (1 . 2)
`(+ ,@(cdr '(* 2 3))) ⇒ (+ 2 3)
`(a b ,@(reverse '(c d e)) f g) ⇒ (a b e d c f g)
(let ([a 1] [b 2])
`(,a ,@b)) ⇒ (1 . 2)
`#(,@(list 1 2 3)) ⇒ #(1 2 3)
'`,(cons 'a 'b) ⇒ `,(cons 'a 'b)
`',(cons 'a 'b) ⇒ '(a . b)
and unquote-splicing
forms with zero or more than one subform are valid only in splicing (list or vector) contexts. (unquote obj ...)
is equivalent to (unquote obj) ...
, and (unquote-splicing obj ...)
is equivalent to (unquote-splicing obj) ...
. These forms are primarily useful as intermediate forms in the output of the quasiquote
expander. They support certain useful nested quasiquotation idioms [3], such as ,@,@
, which has the effect of a doubly indirect splicing when used within a doubly nested and doubly evaluated quasiquote
`(a (unquote) b) ⇒ (a b)
`(a (unquote (+ 3 3)) b) ⇒ (a 6 b)
`(a (unquote (+ 3 3) (* 3 3)) b) ⇒ (a 6 9 b)
(let ([x '(m n)]) ``(a ,@,@x f)) ⇒ `(a (unquote-splicing m n) f)
(let ([x '(m n)])
(eval `(let ([m '(b c)] [n '(d e)]) `(a ,@,@x f))
(environment '(rnrs)))) ⇒ (a b c d e f)
and unquote-splicing
are auxiliary keywords for quasiquote
. It is a syntax violation to reference these identifiers except in contexts where they are recognized as auxiliary keywords.
Section 6.2. Generic Equivalence and Type Predicates
This section describes the basic Scheme predicates (procedures returning one of the boolean values #t
or #f
) for determining the type of an object or the equivalence of two objects. The equivalence predicates eq?
, eqv?
, and equal?
are discussed first, followed by the type predicates.
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
In most Scheme systems, two objects are considered identical if they are represented internally by the same pointer value and distinct (not identical) if they are represented internally by different pointer values, although other criteria, such as time-stamping, are possible.
Although the particular rules for object identity vary somewhat from system to system, the following rules always hold.
Two objects of different types (booleans, the empty list, pairs, numbers, characters, strings, vectors, symbols, and procedures) are distinct.
Two objects of the same type with different contents or values are distinct.
The boolean object
is identical to itself wherever it appears, and#f
is identical to itself wherever it appears, but#t
are distinct. -
The empty list
is identical to itself wherever it appears. -
Two symbols are identical if and only if they have the same name (by
). -
A constant pair, vector, string, or bytevector is identical to itself, as is a pair, vector, string, or bytevector created by an application of
, etc. Two pairs, vectors, strings, or bytevectors created by different applications ofcons
, etc., are distinct. One consequence is thatcons
, for example, may be used to create a unique object distinct from all other objects. -
Two procedures that may behave differently are distinct. A procedure created by an evaluation of a
expression is identical to itself. Two procedures created by the samelambda
expression at different times, or by similarlambda
expressions, may or may not be distinct.
cannot be used to compare numbers and characters reliably. Although every inexact number is distinct from every exact number, two exact numbers, two inexact numbers, or two characters with the same value may or may not be identical.
Since constant objects are immutable, i.e., programs should not modify them via vector-set!
, set-car!
, or any other structure mutation operation, all or portions of different quoted constants or self-evaluating literals may be represented internally by the same object. Thus, eq?
may return #t
when applied to equal parts of different immutable constants.
is most often used to compare symbols or to check for pointer equivalence of allocated objects, e.g., pairs, vectors, or record instances.
(eq? 'a 3) ⇒ #f
(eq? #t 't) ⇒ #f
(eq? "abc" 'abc) ⇒ #f
(eq? "hi" '(hi)) ⇒ #f
(eq? #f '()) ⇒ #f
(eq? 9/2 7/2) ⇒ #f
(eq? 3.4 53344) ⇒ #f
(eq? 3 3.0) ⇒ #f
(eq? 1/3 #i1/3) ⇒ #f
(eq? 9/2 9/2) ⇒ unspecified
(eq? 3.4 (+ 3.0 .4)) ⇒ unspecified
(let ([x (* 12345678987654321 2)])
(eq? x x)) ⇒ unspecified
(eq? #\a #\b) ⇒ #f
(eq? #\a #\a) ⇒ unspecified
(let ([x (string-ref "hi" 0)])
(eq? x x)) ⇒ unspecified
(eq? #t #t) ⇒ #t
(eq? #f #f) ⇒ #t
(eq? #t #f) ⇒ #f
(eq? (null? '()) #t) ⇒ #t
(eq? (null? '(a)) #f) ⇒ #t
(eq? (cdr '(a)) '()) ⇒ #t
(eq? 'a 'a) ⇒ #t
(eq? 'a 'b) ⇒ #f
(eq? 'a (string->symbol "a")) ⇒ #t
(eq? '(a) '(b)) ⇒ #f
(eq? '(a) '(a)) ⇒ unspecified
(let ([x '(a . b)]) (eq? x x)) ⇒ #t
(let ([x (cons 'a 'b)])
(eq? x x)) ⇒ #t
(eq? (cons 'a 'b) (cons 'a 'b)) ⇒ #f
(eq? "abc" "cba") ⇒ #f
(eq? "abc" "abc") ⇒ unspecified
(let ([x "hi"]) (eq? x x)) ⇒ #t
(let ([x (string #\h #\i)]) (eq? x x)) ⇒ #t
(eq? (string #\h #\i)
(string #\h #\i)) ⇒ #f
(eq? '#vu8(1) '#vu8(1)) ⇒ unspecified
(eq? '#vu8(1) '#vu8(2)) ⇒ #f
(let ([x (make-bytevector 10 0)])
(eq? x x)) ⇒ #t
(let ([x (make-bytevector 10 0)])
(eq? x (make-bytevector 10 0))) ⇒ #f
(eq? '#(a) '#(b)) ⇒ #f
(eq? '#(a) '#(a)) ⇒ unspecified
(let ([x '#(a)]) (eq? x x)) ⇒ #t
(let ([x (vector 'a)])
(eq? x x)) ⇒ #t
(eq? (vector 'a) (vector 'a)) ⇒ #f
(eq? car car) ⇒ #t
(eq? car cdr) ⇒ #f
(let ([f (lambda (x) x)])
(eq? f f)) ⇒ #t
(let ([f (lambda () (lambda (x) x))])
(eq? (f) (f))) ⇒ unspecified
(eq? (lambda (x) x) (lambda (y) y)) ⇒ unspecified
(let ([f (lambda (x)
(lambda ()
(set! x (+ x 1))
(eq? (f 0) (f 0))) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
is similar to eq?
except eqv?
is guaranteed to return #t
for two characters that are considered equal by char=?
and two numbers that are (a) considered equal by =
and (b) cannot be distinguished by any other operation besides eq?
and eqv?
. A consequence of (b) is that (eqv? -0.0 +0.0)
is #f
even though (= -0.0 +0.0)
is #t
in systems that distinguish -0.0
and +0.0
, such as those based on IEEE floating-point arithmetic. This is because operations such as /
can expose the difference:
(/ 1.0 -0.0) ⇒ -inf.0
(/ 1.0 +0.0) ⇒ +inf.0
Similarly, although 3.0 and 3.0+0.0i are considered numerically equal, they are not considered equivalent by eqv?
if -0.0 and 0.0 have different representations.
(= 3.0+0.0i 3.0) ⇒ #t
(eqv? 3.0+0.0i 3.0) ⇒ #f
The boolean value returned by eqv?
is not specified when the arguments are NaNs.
(eqv? +nan.0 (/ 0.0 0.0)) ⇒ unspecified
is less implementation-dependent but generally more expensive than eq?
(eqv? 'a 3) ⇒ #f
(eqv? #t 't) ⇒ #f
(eqv? "abc" 'abc) ⇒ #f
(eqv? "hi" '(hi)) ⇒ #f
(eqv? #f '()) ⇒ #f
(eqv? 9/2 7/2) ⇒ #f
(eqv? 3.4 53344) ⇒ #f
(eqv? 3 3.0) ⇒ #f
(eqv? 1/3 #i1/3) ⇒ #f
(eqv? 9/2 9/2) ⇒ #t
(eqv? 3.4 (+ 3.0 .4)) ⇒ #t
(let ([x (* 12345678987654321 2)])
(eqv? x x)) ⇒ #t
(eqv? #\a #\b) ⇒ #f
(eqv? #\a #\a) ⇒ #t
(let ([x (string-ref "hi" 0)])
(eqv? x x)) ⇒ #t
(eqv? #t #t) ⇒ #t
(eqv? #f #f) ⇒ #t
(eqv? #t #f) ⇒ #f
(eqv? (null? '()) #t) ⇒ #t
(eqv? (null? '(a)) #f) ⇒ #t
(eqv? (cdr '(a)) '()) ⇒ #t
(eqv? 'a 'a) ⇒ #t
(eqv? 'a 'b) ⇒ #f
(eqv? 'a (string->symbol "a")) ⇒ #t
(eqv? '(a) '(b)) ⇒ #f
(eqv? '(a) '(a)) ⇒ unspecified
(let ([x '(a . b)]) (eqv? x x)) ⇒ #t
(let ([x (cons 'a 'b)])
(eqv? x x)) ⇒ #t
(eqv? (cons 'a 'b) (cons 'a 'b)) ⇒ #f
(eqv? "abc" "cba") ⇒ #f
(eqv? "abc" "abc") ⇒ unspecified
(let ([x "hi"]) (eqv? x x)) ⇒ #t
(let ([x (string #\h #\i)]) (eqv? x x)) ⇒ #t
(eqv? (string #\h #\i)
(string #\h #\i)) ⇒ #f
(eqv? '#vu8(1) '#vu8(1)) ⇒ unspecified
(eqv? '#vu8(1) '#vu8(2)) ⇒ #f
(let ([x (make-bytevector 10 0)])
(eqv? x x)) ⇒ #t
(let ([x (make-bytevector 10 0)])
(eqv? x (make-bytevector 10 0))) ⇒ #f
(eqv? '#(a) '#(b)) ⇒ #f
(eqv? '#(a) '#(a)) ⇒ unspecified
(let ([x '#(a)]) (eqv? x x)) ⇒ #t
(let ([x (vector 'a)])
(eqv? x x)) ⇒ #t
(eqv? (vector 'a) (vector 'a)) ⇒ #f
(eqv? car car) ⇒ #t
(eqv? car cdr) ⇒ #f
(let ([f (lambda (x) x)])
(eqv? f f)) ⇒ #t
(let ([f (lambda () (lambda (x) x))])
(eqv? (f) (f))) ⇒ unspecified
(eqv? (lambda (x) x) (lambda (y) y)) ⇒ unspecified
(let ([f (lambda (x)
(lambda ()
(set! x (+ x 1))
(eqv? (f 0) (f 0))) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
Two objects are equal if they are equivalent according to eqv?
, strings that are string=?
, bytevectors that are bytevector=?
, pairs whose cars and cdrs are equal, or vectors of the same length whose corresponding elements are equal.
is required to terminate even for cyclic arguments and return #t
"if and only if the (possibly infinite) unfoldings of its arguments into regular trees are equal as ordered trees" [24]. In essence, two values are equivalent, in the sense of equal?
, if the structure of the two objects cannot be distinguished by any composition of pair and vector accessors along with the eqv?
, string=?
, and bytevector=?
procedures for comparing data at the leaves.
Implementing equal?
efficiently is tricky [1], and even with a good implementation, it is likely to be more expensive than either eqv?
or eq?
(equal? 'a 3) ⇒ #f
(equal? #t 't) ⇒ #f
(equal? "abc" 'abc) ⇒ #f
(equal? "hi" '(hi)) ⇒ #f
(equal? #f '()) ⇒ #f
(equal? 9/2 7/2) ⇒ #f
(equal? 3.4 53344) ⇒ #f
(equal? 3 3.0) ⇒ #f
(equal? 1/3 #i1/3) ⇒ #f
(equal? 9/2 9/2) ⇒ #t
(equal? 3.4 (+ 3.0 .4)) ⇒ #t
(let ([x (* 12345678987654321 2)])
(equal? x x)) ⇒ #t
(equal? #\a #\b) ⇒ #f
(equal? #\a #\a) ⇒ #t
(let ([x (string-ref "hi" 0)])
(equal? x x)) ⇒ #t
(equal? #t #t) ⇒ #t
(equal? #f #f) ⇒ #t
(equal? #t #f) ⇒ #f
(equal? (null? '()) #t) ⇒ #t
(equal? (null? '(a)) #f) ⇒ #t
(equal? (cdr '(a)) '()) ⇒ #t
(equal? 'a 'a) ⇒ #t
(equal? 'a 'b) ⇒ #f
(equal? 'a (string->symbol "a")) ⇒ #t
(equal? '(a) '(b)) ⇒ #f
(equal? '(a) '(a)) ⇒ #t
(let ([x '(a . b)]) (equal? x x)) ⇒ #t
(let ([x (cons 'a 'b)])
(equal? x x)) ⇒ #t
(equal? (cons 'a 'b) (cons 'a 'b)) ⇒ #t
(equal? "abc" "cba") ⇒ #f
(equal? "abc" "abc") ⇒ #t
(let ([x "hi"]) (equal? x x)) ⇒ #t
(let ([x (string #\h #\i)]) (equal? x x)) ⇒ #t
(equal? (string #\h #\i)
(string #\h #\i)) ⇒ #t
(equal? '#vu8(1) '#vu8(1)) ⇒ #t
(equal? '#vu8(1) '#vu8(2)) ⇒ #f
(let ([x (make-bytevector 10 0)])
(equal? x x)) ⇒ #t
(let ([x (make-bytevector 10 0)])
(equal? x (make-bytevector 10 0))) ⇒ #t
(equal? '#(a) '#(b)) ⇒ #f
(equal? '#(a) '#(a)) ⇒ #t
(let ([x '#(a)]) (equal? x x)) ⇒ #t
(let ([x (vector 'a)])
(equal? x x)) ⇒ #t
(equal? (vector 'a) (vector 'a)) ⇒ #t
(equal? car car) ⇒ #t
(equal? car cdr) ⇒ #f
(let ([f (lambda (x) x)])
(equal? f f)) ⇒ #t
(let ([f (lambda () (lambda (x) x))])
(equal? (f) (f))) ⇒ unspecified
(equal? (lambda (x) x) (lambda (y) y)) ⇒ unspecified
(let ([f (lambda (x)
(lambda ()
(set! x (+ x 1))
(equal? (f 0) (f 0))) ⇒ #f
(let ([x (cons 'x 'x)])
(set-car! x x)
(set-cdr! x x)
(let ([x (cons 'x 'x)])
(set-car! x x)
(set-cdr! x x)
(cons x x))) ⇒ #t
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
is equivalent to (lambda (x) (or (eq? x #t) (eq? x #f)))
(boolean? #t) ⇒ #t
(boolean? #f) ⇒ #t
(or (boolean? 't) (boolean? '())) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
is equivalent to (lambda (x) (eq? x '()))
(null? '()) ⇒ #t
(null? '(a)) ⇒ #f
(null? (cdr '(a))) ⇒ #t
(null? 3) ⇒ #f
(null? #f) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
(pair? '(a b c)) ⇒ #t
(pair? '(3 . 4)) ⇒ #t
(pair? '()) ⇒ #f
(pair? '#(a b)) ⇒ #f
(pair? 3) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
These predicates form a hierarchy: any integer is rational, any rational is real, any real is complex, and any complex is numeric. Most implementations do not provide internal representations for irrational numbers, so all real numbers are typically rational as well.
The real?
, rational?
, and integer?
predicates do not recognize as real, rational, or integer complex numbers with inexact zero imaginary parts.
(integer? 1901) ⇒ #t
(rational? 1901) ⇒ #t
(real? 1901) ⇒ #t
(complex? 1901) ⇒ #t
(number? 1901) ⇒ #t
(integer? -3.0) ⇒ #t
(rational? -3.0) ⇒ #t
(real? -3.0) ⇒ #t
(complex? -3.0) ⇒ #t
(number? -3.0) ⇒ #t
(integer? 7+0i) ⇒ #t
(rational? 7+0i) ⇒ #t
(real? 7+0i) ⇒ #t
(complex? 7+0i) ⇒ #t
(number? 7+0i) ⇒ #t
(integer? -2/3) ⇒ #f
(rational? -2/3) ⇒ #t
(real? -2/3) ⇒ #t
(complex? -2/3) ⇒ #t
(number? -2/3) ⇒ #t
(integer? -2.345) ⇒ #f
(rational? -2.345) ⇒ #t
(real? -2.345) ⇒ #t
(complex? -2.345) ⇒ #t
(number? -2.345) ⇒ #t
(integer? 7.0+0.0i) ⇒ #f
(rational? 7.0+0.0i) ⇒ #f
(real? 7.0+0.0i) ⇒ #f
(complex? 7.0+0.0i) ⇒ #t
(number? 7.0+0.0i) ⇒ #t
(integer? 3.2-2.01i) ⇒ #f
(rational? 3.2-2.01i) ⇒ #f
(real? 3.2-2.01i) ⇒ #f
(complex? 3.2-2.01i) ⇒ #t
(number? 3.2-2.01i) ⇒ #t
(integer? 'a) ⇒ #f
(rational? '(a b c)) ⇒ #f
(real? "3") ⇒ #f
(complex? '#(1 2)) ⇒ #f
(number? #\a) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
These predicates are similar to real?
, rational?
, and integer?
, but treat as real, rational, or integral complex numbers with inexact zero imaginary parts.
(integer-valued? 1901) ⇒ #t
(rational-valued? 1901) ⇒ #t
(real-valued? 1901) ⇒ #t
(integer-valued? -3.0) ⇒ #t
(rational-valued? -3.0) ⇒ #t
(real-valued? -3.0) ⇒ #t
(integer-valued? 7+0i) ⇒ #t
(rational-valued? 7+0i) ⇒ #t
(real-valued? 7+0i) ⇒ #t
(integer-valued? -2/3) ⇒ #f
(rational-valued? -2/3) ⇒ #t
(real-valued? -2/3) ⇒ #t
(integer-valued? -2.345) ⇒ #f
(rational-valued? -2.345) ⇒ #t
(real-valued? -2.345) ⇒ #t
(integer-valued? 7.0+0.0i) ⇒ #t
(rational-valued? 7.0+0.0i) ⇒ #t
(real-valued? 7.0+0.0i) ⇒ #t
(integer-valued? 3.2-2.01i) ⇒ #f
(rational-valued? 3.2-2.01i) ⇒ #f
(real-valued? 3.2-2.01i) ⇒ #f
As with real?
, rational?
, and integer?
, these predicates return #f
for all non-numeric values.
(integer-valued? 'a) ⇒ #f
(rational-valued? '(a b c)) ⇒ #f
(real-valued? "3") ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
(char? 'a) ⇒ #f
(char? 97) ⇒ #f
(char? #\a) ⇒ #t
(char? "a") ⇒ #f
(char? (string-ref (make-string 1) 0)) ⇒ #t
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
(string? "hi") ⇒ #t
(string? 'hi) ⇒ #f
(string? #\h) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
(vector? '#()) ⇒ #t
(vector? '#(a b c)) ⇒ #t
(vector? (vector 'a 'b 'c)) ⇒ #t
(vector? '()) ⇒ #f
(vector? '(a b c)) ⇒ #f
(vector? "abc") ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
(symbol? 't) ⇒ #t
(symbol? "t") ⇒ #f
(symbol? '(t)) ⇒ #f
(symbol? #\t) ⇒ #f
(symbol? 3) ⇒ #f
(symbol? #t) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
(procedure? car) ⇒ #t
(procedure? 'car) ⇒ #f
(procedure? (lambda (x) x)) ⇒ #t
(procedure? '(lambda (x) x)) ⇒ #f
(call/cc procedure?) ⇒ #t
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
(bytevector? #vu8()) ⇒ #t
(bytevector? '#()) ⇒ #f
(bytevector? "abc") ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
(hashtable? (make-eq-hashtable)) ⇒ #t
(hashtable? '(not a hash table)) ⇒ #f
Section 6.3. Lists and Pairs
The pair, or cons cell, is the most fundamental of Scheme’s structured object types. The most common use for pairs is to build lists, which are ordered sequences of pairs linked one to the next by the cdr field. The elements of the list occupy the car fields of the pairs. The cdr of the last pair in a proper list is the empty list, ()
; the cdr of the last pair in an improper list can be anything other than ()
Pairs may be used to construct binary trees. Each pair in the tree structure is an internal node of the binary tree; its car and cdr are the children of the node.
Proper lists are printed as sequences of objects separated by whitespace and enclosed in parentheses. Matching pairs of brackets ( [
) may be used in place of parentheses. For example, (1 2 3)
and (a [nested list])
are proper lists. The empty list is written as ()
Improper lists and trees require a slightly more complex syntax. A single pair is written as two objects separated by whitespace and a dot, e.g., (a . b)
. This is referred to as dotted-pair notation. Improper lists and trees are also written in dotted-pair notation; the dot appears wherever necessary, e.g., (1 2 3 . 4)
or 1 . 2) . 3)
. Proper lists may be written in dotted-pair notation as well. For example, (1 2 3)
may be written as (1 . (2 . (3 . ())
It is possible to create a circular list or a cyclic graph by destructively altering the car or cdr field of a pair, using set-car!
or set-cdr!
. Such lists are not considered proper lists.
Procedures that accept a list
argument are required to detect that the list is improper only to the extent that they actually traverse the list far enough either (a) to attempt to operate on a non-list tail or (b) to loop indefinitely due to a circularity. For example, member
need not detect that a list is improper if it actually finds the element being sought, and list-ref
need never detect circularities, because its recursion is bounded by the index argument.
procedure |
returns |
a new pair whose car and cdr are |
libraries |
is the pair constructor procedure. obj1
becomes the car and obj2
becomes the cdr of the new pair.
(cons 'a '()) ⇒ (a)
(cons 'a '(b c)) ⇒ (a b c)
(cons 3 4) ⇒ (3 . 4)
procedure |
returns |
the car of |
libraries |
The empty list is not a pair, so the argument must not be the empty list.
(car '(a)) ⇒ a
(car '(a b c)) ⇒ a
(car (cons 3 4)) ⇒ 3
procedure |
returns |
the cdr of |
libraries |
The empty list is not a pair, so the argument must not be the empty list.
(cdr '(a)) ⇒ ()
(cdr '(a b c)) ⇒ (b c)
(cdr (cons 3 4)) ⇒ 4
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
changes the car of pair
to obj
(let ([x (list 'a 'b 'c)])
(set-car! x 1)
x) ⇒ (1 b c)
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
changes the cdr of pair
to obj
(let ([x (list 'a 'b 'c)])
(set-cdr! x 1)
x) ⇒ (a . 1)
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
the caar, cadr, ..., or cddddr of |
libraries |
These procedures are defined as the composition of up to four car
s and cdr
s. The a
's and d
's between the c
and r
represent the application of car
or cdr
in order from right to left. For example, the procedure cadr
applied to a pair yields the car
of the cdr
of the pair and is equivalent to (lambda (x) (car (cdr x)))
(caar '((a))) ⇒ a
(cadr '(a b c)) ⇒ b
(cdddr '(a b c d)) ⇒ (d)
(cadadr '(a (b c))) ⇒ c
procedure |
returns |
a list of |
libraries |
is equivalent to (lambda x x)
(list) ⇒ ()
(list 1 2 3) ⇒ (1 2 3)
(list 3 2 1) ⇒ (3 2 1)
procedure |
returns |
a list of |
libraries |
If the objects obj ...
are omitted, the result is simply final-obj
. Otherwise, a list of obj ...
is constructed, as with list
, except that the final cdr field is final-obj
instead of ()
. If final-obj
is not a list, the result is an improper list.
(cons* '()) ⇒ ()
(cons* '(a b)) ⇒ (a b)
(cons* 'a 'b 'c) ⇒ (a b . c)
(cons* 'a 'b '(c d)) ⇒ (a b c d)
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
must return #f
for all improper lists, including cyclic lists. A definition of list?
is shown on page 67.
(list? '()) ⇒ #t
(list? '(a b c)) ⇒ #t
(list? 'a) ⇒ #f
(list? '(3 . 4)) ⇒ #f
(list? 3) ⇒ #f
(let ([x (list 'a 'b 'c)])
(set-cdr! (cddr x) x)
(list? x)) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
the number of elements in |
libraries |
may be defined as follows, using an adaptation of the hare and tortoise algorithm used for the definition of list?
on page 67.
(define length
(lambda (x)
(define improper-list
(lambda ()
(assertion-violation 'length "not a proper list" x)))
(let f ([h x] [t x] [n 0])
(if (pair? h)
(let ([h (cdr h)])
(if (pair? h)
(if (eq? h t)
(f (cdr h) (cdr t) (+ n 2)))
(if (null? h)
(+ n 1)
(if (null? h)
(length '()) ⇒ 0
(length '(a b c)) ⇒ 3
(length '(a b . c)) ⇒ exception
(let ([ls (list 'a 'b)])
(set-cdr! (cdr ls) ls) ⇒ exception
(let ([ls (list 'a 'b)])
(set-car! (cdr ls) ls) ⇒ 2
procedure |
returns |
the |
libraries |
must be an exact nonnegative integer less than the length of list
. list-ref
may be defined without error checks as follows.
(define list-ref
(lambda (ls n)
(if (= n 0)
(car ls)
(list-ref (cdr ls) (- n 1)))))
(list-ref '(a b c) 0) ⇒ a
(list-ref '(a b c) 1) ⇒ b
(list-ref '(a b c) 2) ⇒ c
procedure |
returns |
the |
libraries |
must be an exact nonnegative integer less than or equal to the length of list
. The result is not a copy; the tail is eq?
to the n
th cdr of list
(or to list
itself, if n
is zero).
may be defined without error checks as follows.
(define list-tail
(lambda (ls n)
(if (= n 0)
(list-tail (cdr ls) (- n 1)))))
(list-tail '(a b c) 0) ⇒ (a b c)
(list-tail '(a b c) 2) ⇒ (c)
(list-tail '(a b c) 3) ⇒ ()
(list-tail '(a b c . d) 2) ⇒ (c . d)
(list-tail '(a b c . d) 3) ⇒ d
(let ([x (list 1 2 3)])
(eq? (list-tail x 2)
(cddr x))) ⇒ #t
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
the concatenation of the input lists |
libraries |
returns a new list consisting of the elements of the first list followed by the elements of the second list, the elements of the third list, and so on. The new list is made from new pairs for all arguments but the last; the last (which need not be a list) is merely placed at the end of the new structure. append
may be defined without error checks as follows.
(define append
(lambda args
(let f ([ls '()] [args args])
(if (null? args)
(let g ([ls ls])
(if (null? ls)
(f (car args) (cdr args))
(cons (car ls) (g (cdr ls)))))))))
(append '(a b c) '()) ⇒ (a b c)
(append '() '(a b c)) ⇒ (a b c)
(append '(a b) '(c d)) ⇒ (a b c d)
(append '(a b) 'c) ⇒ (a b . c)
(let ([x (list 'b)])
(eq? x (cdr (append '(a) x)))) ⇒ #t
procedure |
returns |
a new list containing the elements of |
libraries |
may be defined without error checks as follows.
(define reverse
(lambda (ls)
(let rev ([ls ls] [new '()])
(if (null? ls)
(rev (cdr ls) (cons (car ls) new))))))
(reverse '()) ⇒ ()
(reverse '(a b c)) ⇒ (c b a)
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
the first tail of |
libraries |
These procedures traverse the argument list
in order, comparing the elements of list
against obj
. If an object equivalent to obj
is found, the tail of the list whose first element is that object is returned. If the list contains more than one object equivalent to obj
, the first tail whose first element is equivalent to obj
is returned. If no object equivalent to obj
is found, #f
is returned. The equivalence test for memq
is eq?
, for memv
is eqv?
, and for member
is equal?
These procedures are most often used as predicates, but their names do not end with a question mark because they return a useful true value in place of #t
. memq
may be defined without error checks as follows.
(define memq
(lambda (x ls)
[(null? ls) #f]
[(eq? (car ls) x) ls]
[else (memq x (cdr ls))])))
and member
may be defined similarly, with eqv?
and equal?
in place of eq?
(memq 'a '(b c a d e)) ⇒ (a d e)
(memq 'a '(b c d e g)) ⇒ #f
(memq 'a '(b a c a d a)) ⇒ (a c a d a)
(memv 3.4 '(1.2 2.3 3.4 4.5)) ⇒ (3.4 4.5)
(memv 3.4 '(1.3 2.5 3.7 4.9)) ⇒ #f
(let ([ls (list 'a 'b 'c)])
(set-car! (memv 'b ls) 'z)
ls) ⇒ (a z c)
(member '(b) '((a) (b) (c))) ⇒ ((b) (c))
(member '(d) '((a) (b) (c))) ⇒ #f
(member "b" '("a" "b" "c")) ⇒ ("b" "c")
(let ()
(define member?
(lambda (x ls)
(and (member x ls) #t)))
(member? '(b) '((a) (b) (c)))) ⇒ #t
(define count-occurrences
(lambda (x ls)
[(memq x ls) =>
(lambda (ls)
(+ (count-occurrences x (cdr ls)) 1))]
[else 0])))
(count-occurrences 'a '(a b c d a)) ⇒ 2
procedure |
returns |
the first tail of |
libraries |
should accept one argument and return a single value. It should not modify list
(memp odd? '(1 2 3 4)) ⇒ (1 2 3 4)
(memp even? '(1 2 3 4)) ⇒ (2 3 4)
(let ([ls (list 1 2 3 4)])
(eq? (memp odd? ls) ls)) ⇒ #t
(let ([ls (list 1 2 3 4)])
(eq? (memp even? ls) (cdr ls))) ⇒ #t
(memp odd? '(2 4 6 8)) ⇒ #f
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
a list containing the elements of |
libraries |
These procedures traverse the argument list
, removing any objects that are equivalent to obj
. The elements remaining in the output list are in the same order as they appear in the input list. If a tail of list
(including list
itself) contains no occurrences of obj
, the corresponding tail of the result list may be the same (by eq?
) as the tail of the input list.
The equivalence test for remq
is eq?
, for remv
is eqv?
, and for remove
is equal?
(remq 'a '(a b a c a d)) ⇒ (b c d)
(remq 'a '(b c d)) ⇒ (b c d)
(remv 1/2 '(1.2 1/2 0.5 3/2 4)) ⇒ (1.2 0.5 3/2 4)
(remove '(b) '((a) (b) (c))) ⇒ ((a) (c))
procedure |
returns |
a list of the elements of |
libraries |
should accept one argument and return a single value. It should not modify list
applies procedure
to each element of list
and returns a list containing only the elements for which procedure
returns #f
. The elements of the returned list appear in the same order as they appeared in the original list.
(remp odd? '(1 2 3 4)) ⇒ (2 4)
(lambda (x) (and (> x 0) (< x 10)))
'(-5 15 3 14 -20 6 0 -9)) ⇒ (-5 15 14 -20 0 -9)
procedure |
returns |
a list of the elements of |
libraries |
should accept one argument and return a single value. It should not modify list
applies procedure
to each element of list
and returns a new list containing only the elements for which procedure
returns true. The elements of the returned list appear in the same order as they appeared in the original list.
(filter odd? '(1 2 3 4)) ⇒ (1 3)
(lambda (x) (and (> x 0) (< x 10)))
'(-5 15 3 14 -20 6 0 -9)) ⇒ (3 6)
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
should accept one argument and return a single value. It should not modify list
applies procedure
to each element of list
and returns two values: a new list containing only the elements for which procedure
returns true, and a new list containing only the elements for which procedure
returns #f
. The elements of the returned lists appear in the same order as they appeared in the original list.
(partition odd? '(1 2 3 4)) ⇒ (1 3)
(2 4)
(lambda (x) (and (> x 0) (< x 10)))
'(-5 15 3 14 -20 6 0 -9)) ⇒ (3 6)
(-5 15 14 -20 0 -9)
The values returned by partition
can be obtained by calling filter
and remp
separately, but this would require two calls to procedure
for each element of list
procedure |
returns |
the first element of |
libraries |
should accept one argument and return a single value. It should not modify list
traverses the argument list
in order, applying procedure
to each element in turn. If procedure
returns a true value for a given element, find
returns that element without applying procedure
to the remaining elements. If procedure
returns #f
for each element of list
, find
returns #f
If a program must distinguish between finding #f
in the list and finding no element at all, memp
should be used instead.
(find odd? '(1 2 3 4)) ⇒ 1
(find even? '(1 2 3 4)) ⇒ 2
(find odd? '(2 4 6 8)) ⇒ #f
(find not '(1 a #f 55)) ⇒ #f
procedure | |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
first element of |
libraries |
The argument alist
must be an association list. An association list is a proper list whose elements are key-value pairs of the form (key . value)
. Associations are useful for storing information (values) associated with certain objects (keys).
These procedures traverse the association list, testing each key for equivalence with obj
. If an equivalent key is found, the key-value pair is returned. Otherwise, #f
is returned.
The equivalence test for assq
is eq?
, for assv
is eqv?
, and for assoc
is equal?
. assq
may be defined without error checks as follows.
(define assq
(lambda (x ls)
[(null? ls) #f]
[(eq? (caar ls) x) (car ls)]
[else (assq x (cdr ls))])))
and assoc
may be defined similarly, with eqv?
and equal?
in place of eq?
(assq 'b '((a . 1) (b . 2))) ⇒ (b . 2)
(cdr (assq 'b '((a . 1) (b . 2)))) ⇒ 2
(assq 'c '((a . 1) (b . 2))) ⇒ #f
(assv 2/3 '((1/3 . 1) (2/3 . 2))) ⇒ (2/3 . 2)
(assv 2/3 '((1/3 . a) (3/4 . b))) ⇒ #f
(assoc '(a) '(((a) . a) (-1 . b))) ⇒ ((a) . a)
(assoc '(a) '(((b) . b) (a . c))) ⇒ #f
(let ([alist (list (cons 2 'a) (cons 3 'b))])
(set-cdr! (assv 3 alist) 'c)
alist) ⇒ ((2 . a) (3 . c))
The interpreter given in Section 12.7 represents environments as association lists and uses assq
for both variable lookup and assignment.
procedure |
returns |
first element of |
libraries |
must be an association list. An association list is a proper list whose elements are key-value pairs of the form (key . value)
. procedure
should accept one argument and return a single value. It should not modify list
(assp odd? '((1 . a) (2 . b))) ⇒ (1 . a)
(assp even? '((1 . a) (2 . b))) ⇒ (2 . b)
(let ([ls (list (cons 1 'a) (cons 2 'b))])
(eq? (assp odd? ls) (car ls))) ⇒ #t
(let ([ls (list (cons 1 'a) (cons 2 'b))])
(eq? (assp even? ls) (cadr ls))) ⇒ #t
(assp odd? '((2 . b))) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
a list containing the elements of |
libraries |
should be a procedure that expects two arguments and returns #t
if its first argument must precede its second in the sorted list. That is, if predicate
is applied to two elements x
and y
, where x
appears after y
in the input list, it should return true only if x
should appear before y
in the output list. If this constraint is met, list-sort
performs a stable sort, i.e., two elements are reordered only when necessary according to predicate
. Duplicate elements are not removed. This procedure may call predicate up to \(n\log{n}\) times, where \(n\) is the length of list
(list-sort < '(3 4 2 1 2 5)) ⇒ (1 2 2 3 4 5)
(list-sort > '(0.5 1/2)) ⇒ (0.5 1/2)
(list-sort > '(1/2 0.5)) ⇒ (1/2 0.5)
(list-sort char>?
(string->list "hello"))) ⇒ "ollhe"
Section 6.4. Numbers
Scheme numbers may be classified as integers, rational numbers, real numbers, or complex numbers. This classification is hierarchical, in that all integers are rational, all rational numbers are real, and all real numbers are complex. The predicates integer?
, rational?
, real?
, and complex?
described in Section 6.2 are used to determine into which of these classes a number falls.
A Scheme number may also be classified as exact or inexact, depending upon the quality of operations used to derive the number and the inputs to these operations. The predicates exact?
and inexact?
may be used to determine the exactness of a number. Most operations on numbers in Scheme are exactness preserving: if given exact operands they return exact values, and if given inexact operands or a combination of exact and inexact operands they return inexact values.
Exact integer and rational arithmetic is typically supported to arbitrary precision; the size of an integer or of the denominator or numerator of a ratio is limited only by system storage constraints. Although other representations are possible, inexact numbers are typically represented by floating-point numbers supported by the host computer’s hardware or by system software. Complex numbers are typically represented as ordered pairs (real-part
, imag-part
), where real-part
and imag-part
are exact integers, exact rationals, or floating-point numbers.
Scheme numbers are written in a straightforward manner not much different from ordinary conventions for writing numbers. An exact integer is normally written as a sequence of numerals preceded by an optional sign. For example, 3
, +19
, -100000
, and 208423089237489374
all represent exact integers.
An exact rational number is normally written as two sequences of numerals separated by a slash (/
) and preceded by an optional sign. For example, 3/4
, -6/5
, and 1/1208203823
are all exact rational numbers. A ratio is reduced immediately to lowest terms when it is read and may in fact reduce to an exact integer.
Inexact real numbers are normally written in either floating-point or scientific notation. Floating-point notation consists of a sequence of numerals followed by a decimal point and another sequence of numerals, all preceded by an optional sign. Scientific notation consists of an optional sign, a sequence of numerals, an optional decimal point followed by a second string of numerals, and an exponent; an exponent is written as the letter e
followed by an optional sign and a sequence of numerals. For example, 1.0
and -200.0
are valid inexact integers, and 1.5
, 0.034
, -10e-10
and 1.5e-5
are valid inexact rational numbers. The exponent is the power of ten by which the number preceding the exponent should be scaled, so that 2e3
is equivalent to 2000.0
A mantissa width |w
may appear as the suffix of a real number or the real components of a complex number written in floating-point or scientific notation. The mantissa width w
represents the number of significant bits in the representation of the number. The mantissa width defaults to 53, the number of significant bits in a normalized IEEE double floating-point number, or more. For denormalized IEEE double floating-point numbers, the mantissa width is less than 53. If an implementation cannot represent a number with the mantissa width specified, it uses a representation with at least as many significant bits as requested if possible, otherwise it uses its representation with the largest mantissa width.
Exact and inexact real numbers are written as exact or inexact integers or rational numbers; no provision is made in the syntax of Scheme numbers for nonrational real numbers, i.e., irrational numbers.
Complex numbers may be written in either rectangular or polar form. In rectangular form, a complex number is written as x+yi
or x-yi
, where x
is an integer, rational, or real number and y
is an unsigned integer, rational, or real number. The real part, x, may be omitted, in which case it is assumed to be zero. For example, 3+4i
, 3.2-3/4i
, +i
, and -3e-5i
are complex numbers written in rectangular form. In polar form, a complex number is written as x@y
, where x
and y
are integer, rational, or real numbers. For example, 1.1@1.764
and -1@-1/2
are complex numbers written in polar form.
The syntaxes +inf.0
and -inf.0
represent inexact real numbers that represent positive and negative infinity. The syntaxes +nan.0
and -nan.0
represent an inexact "not-a-number" (NaN) value. Infinities may be produced by dividing inexact positive and negative values by inexact zero, and NaNs may also be produced by dividing inexact zero by inexact zero, among other ways.
The exactness of a numeric representation may be overridden by preceding the representation by either #e
or #i
. #e
forces the number to be exact, and #i
forces it to be inexact. For example, 1
, #e1
, 1/1, #e1/1
, #e1.0
, and #e1e0
all represent the exact integer 1, and #i3/10
, 0.3
, #i0.3
, and 3e-1
all represent the inexact rational 0.3.
Numbers are written by default in base 10, although the special prefixes #b
(binary), #o
(octal), #d
(decimal), and #x
(hexadecimal) can be used to specify base 2, base 8, base 10, or base 16. For radix 16, the letters a
through f
or A
through F
serve as the additional numerals required to express digit values 10 through 15. For example, #b10101
is the binary equivalent of 2110, #o72
is the octal equivalent of 5810, and #xC7
is the hexadecimal equivalent of 19910. Numbers written in floating-point and scientific notations are always written in base 10.
If both are present, radix and exactness prefixes may appear in either order.
A Scheme implementation may support more than one size of internal representation for inexact quantities. The exponent markers s
(short), f
(single), d
(double), and l
(long) may appear in place of the default exponent marker e
to override the default size for numbers written in scientific notation. In implementations that support multiple representations, the default size has at least as much precision as double.
A precise grammar for Scheme numbers is given on page 459.
Any number can be written in a variety of different ways, but the system printer (invoked by put-datum
, write
, and display
) and number->string
express numbers in a compact form, using the fewest number of digits necessary to retain the property that, when read, the printed number is identical to the original number.
The remainder of this section describes "generic arithmetic" procedures that operate on numbers. The two sections that follow this section describe operations specific to fixnums and flonums, which are representations of exact, fixed-precision integer values and inexact real values.
The types of numeric arguments accepted by the procedures in this section are implied by the names given to the arguments: num
for complex numbers (that is, all numbers), real
for real numbers, rat
for rational numbers, and int
for integers. If a real
, rat
, or int
is required, the argument must be considered real, rational, or integral by real?
, rational?
, or integer?
, i.e., the imaginary part of the number must be exactly zero. Where exact integers are required, the name exint
is used. In each case, a suffix may appear on the name, e.g., int2
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
(exact? 1) ⇒ #t
(exact? -15/16) ⇒ #t
(exact? 2.01) ⇒ #f
(exact? #i77) ⇒ #f
(exact? #i2/3) ⇒ #f
(exact? 1.0-2i) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
(inexact? -123) ⇒ #f
(inexact? #i123) ⇒ #t
(inexact? 1e23) ⇒ #t
(inexact? +i) ⇒ #f
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
The predicate =
returns #t
if its arguments are equal. The predicate <
returns #t
if its arguments are monotonically increasing, i.e., each argument is greater than the preceding ones, while >
returns #t
if its arguments are monotonically decreasing. The predicate <=
returns #t
if its arguments are monotonically nondecreasing, i.e., each argument is not less than the preceding ones, while >=
returns #t
if its arguments are monotonically nonincreasing.
As implied by the names of the arguments, =
is defined for complex arguments while the other relational predicates are defined only for real arguments. Two complex numbers are considered equal if their real and imaginary parts are equal. Comparisons involving NaNs always return #f
(= 7 7) ⇒ #t
(= 7 9) ⇒ #f
(< 2e3 3e2) ⇒ #f
(<= 1 2 3 3 4 5) ⇒ #t
(<= 1 2 3 4 5) ⇒ #t
(> 1 2 2 3 3 4) ⇒ #f
(>= 1 2 2 3 3 4) ⇒ #f
(= -1/2 -0.5) ⇒ #t
(= 2/3 .667) ⇒ #f
(= 7.2+0i 7.2) ⇒ #t
(= 7.2-3i 7) ⇒ #f
(< 1/2 2/3 3/4) ⇒ #t
(> 8 4.102 2/3 -5) ⇒ #t
(let ([x 0.218723452])
(< 0.210 x 0.220)) ⇒ #t
(let ([i 1] [v (vector 'a 'b 'c)])
(< -1 i (vector-length v))) ⇒ #t
(apply < '(1 2 3 4)) ⇒ #t
(apply > '(4 3 3 2)) ⇒ #f
(= +nan.0 +nan.0) ⇒ #f
(< +nan.0 +nan.0) ⇒ #f
(> +nan.0 +nan.0) ⇒ #f
(>= +inf.0 +nan.0) ⇒ #f
(>= +nan.0 -inf.0) ⇒ #f
(> +nan.0 0.0) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
the sum of the arguments |
libraries |
When called with no arguments, +
returns 0.
(+) ⇒ 0
(+ 1 2) ⇒ 3
(+ 1/2 2/3) ⇒ 7/6
(+ 3 4 5) ⇒ 12
(+ 3.0 4) ⇒ 7.0
(+ 3+4i 4+3i) ⇒ 7+7i
(apply + '(1 2 3 4 5)) ⇒ 15
procedure |
returns |
the additive inverse of |
procedure |
returns |
the difference between |
libraries |
(- 3) ⇒ -3
(- -2/3) ⇒ 2/3
(- 4 3.0) ⇒ 1.0
(- 3.25+4.25i 1/4+1/4i) ⇒ 3.0+4.0i
(- 4 3 2 1) ⇒ -2
procedure |
returns |
the product of the arguments |
libraries |
When called with no arguments, *
returns 1.
(*) ⇒ 1
(* 3.4) ⇒ 3.4
(* 1 1/2) ⇒ 1/2
(* 3 4 5.5) ⇒ 66.0
(* 1+2i 3+4i) ⇒ -5+10i
(apply * '(1 2 3 4 5)) ⇒ 120
procedure |
returns |
the multiplicative inverse of |
procedure |
returns |
the result of dividing |
libraries |
(/ -17) ⇒ -1/17
(/ 1/2) ⇒ 2
(/ .5) ⇒ 2.0
(/ 3 4) ⇒ 3/4
(/ 3.0 4) ⇒ .75
(/ -5+10i 3+4i) ⇒ 1+2i
(/ 60 5 4 3 2) ⇒ 1/2
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
is equivalent to (lambda (x) (= x 0))
(zero? 0) ⇒ #t
(zero? 1) ⇒ #f
(zero? (- 3.0 3.0)) ⇒ #t
(zero? (+ 1/2 1/2)) ⇒ #f
(zero? 0+0i) ⇒ #t
(zero? 0.0-0.0i) ⇒ #t
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
is equivalent to (lambda (x) (> x 0))
(positive? 128) ⇒ #t
(positive? 0.0) ⇒ #f
(positive? 1.8e-15) ⇒ #t
(positive? -2/3) ⇒ #f
(positive? .001-0.0i) ⇒ exception: not a real number
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
is equivalent to (lambda (x) (< x 0))
(negative? -65) ⇒ #t
(negative? 0) ⇒ #f
(negative? -0.0121) ⇒ #t
(negative? 15/16) ⇒ #f
(negative? -7.0+0.0i) ⇒ exception: not a real number
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
(even? 0) ⇒ #t
(even? 1) ⇒ #f
(even? 2.0) ⇒ #t
(even? -120762398465) ⇒ #f
(even? 2.0+0.0i) ⇒ exception: not an integer
(odd? 0) ⇒ #f
(odd? 1) ⇒ #t
(odd? 2.0) ⇒ #f
(odd? -120762398465) ⇒ #t
(odd? 2.0+0.0i) ⇒ exception: not an integer
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
(finite? 2/3) ⇒ #t
(infinite? 2/3) ⇒ #f
(nan? 2/3) ⇒ #f
(finite? 3.1415) ⇒ #t
(infinite? 3.1415) ⇒ #f
(nan? 3.1415) ⇒ #f
(finite? +inf.0) ⇒ #f
(infinite? -inf.0) ⇒ #t
(nan? -inf.0) ⇒ #f
(finite? +nan.0) ⇒ #f
(infinite? +nan.0) ⇒ #f
(nan? +nan.0) ⇒ #t
procedure |
returns |
the integer quotient of |
procedure |
returns |
the integer remainder of |
procedure |
returns |
the integer modulus of |
libraries |
The result of remainder
has the same sign as int1
, while the result of modulo
has the same sign as int2
(quotient 45 6) ⇒ 7
(quotient 6.0 2.0) ⇒ 3.0
(quotient 3.0 -2) ⇒ -1.0
(remainder 16 4) ⇒ 0
(remainder 5 2) ⇒ 1
(remainder -45.0 7) ⇒ -3.0
(remainder 10.0 -3.0) ⇒ 1.0
(remainder -17 -9) ⇒ -8
(modulo 16 4) ⇒ 0
(modulo 5 2) ⇒ 1
(modulo -45.0 7) ⇒ 4.0
(modulo 10.0 -3.0) ⇒ -2.0
(modulo -17 -9) ⇒ -8
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
If x1
and x2
are exact, x2
must not be zero. These procedures implement number-theoretic integer division, with the div
operation being related to quotient
and the mod
operation being related to remainder
or modulo
, but in both cases extended to handle real numbers.
The value nd
of (div x1 x2)
is an integer, and the value xm
of (mod x1 x2)
is a real number such that \(x_1 = n_d \cdot x_2 + x_m\) and \(0 \le x_m \lt |x_2|\). In situations where the implementation cannot represent the mathematical results prescribed by these equations as a number object, div
and mod
return an unspecified number or raise an exception with condition type &implementation-restriction
The div-and-mod
procedure behaves as if defined as follows.
(define (div-and-mod x1 x2) (values (div x1 x2) (mod x1 x2)))
That is, unless it raises an exception in the circumstance described above, it returns two values: the result of calling div
on the two arguments and the result of calling mod
on the two arguments.
(div 17 3) ⇒ 5
(mod 17 3) ⇒ 2
(div -17 3) ⇒ -6
(mod -17 3) ⇒ 1
(div 17 -3) ⇒ -5
(mod 17 -3) ⇒ 2
(div -17 -3) ⇒ 6
(mod -17 -3) ⇒ 1
(div-and-mod 17.5 3) ⇒ 5.0
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
If x1
and x2
are exact, x2
must not be zero. These procedures are similar to div
, mod
, and div-and-mod
, but constrain the "mod" value differently, which also affects the "div" value. The value nd
of (div0 x1 x2)
is an integer, and the value xm
of (mod0 x1 x2)
is a real number such that \(x_1 = n_d \cdot x_2 + x_m\) and \(-|x_2 / 2| \leq x_m \lt |x_2 / 2|\). In situations where the implementation cannot represent the mathematical results prescribed by these equations as a number object, div0
and mod0
return an unspecified number or raise an exception with condition type &implementation-restriction
The div0-and-mod0
procedure behaves as if defined as follows.
(define (div0-and-mod0 x1 x2) (values (div0 x1 x2) (mod0 x1 x2)))
That is, unless it raises an exception in the circumstance described above, it returns two values: the result of calling div0
on the two arguments and the result of calling mod0
on the two arguments.
(div0 17 3) ⇒ 6
(mod0 17 3) ⇒ -1
(div0 -17 3) ⇒ -6
(mod0 -17 3) ⇒ 1
(div0 17 -3) ⇒ -6
(mod0 17 -3) ⇒ -1
(div0 -17 -3) ⇒ 6
(mod0 -17 -3) ⇒ 1
(div0-and-mod0 17.5 3) ⇒ 6.0
procedure |
returns |
the integer closest to |
libraries |
If real
is an infinity or NaN, truncate
returns real
(truncate 19) ⇒ 19
(truncate 2/3) ⇒ 0
(truncate -2/3) ⇒ 0
(truncate 17.3) ⇒ 17.0
(truncate -17/2) ⇒ -8
procedure |
returns |
the integer closest to |
libraries |
If real
is an infinity or NaN, floor
returns real
(floor 19) ⇒ 19
(floor 2/3) ⇒ 0
(floor -2/3) ⇒ -1
(floor 17.3) ⇒ 17.0
(floor -17/2) ⇒ -9
procedure |
returns |
the integer closest to |
libraries |
If real
is an infinity or NaN, ceiling
returns real
(ceiling 19) ⇒ 19
(ceiling 2/3) ⇒ 1
(ceiling -2/3) ⇒ 0
(ceiling 17.3) ⇒ 18.0
(ceiling -17/2) ⇒ -8
procedure |
returns |
the integer closest to |
libraries |
If real
is exactly between two integers, the closest even integer is returned. If real
is an infinity or NaN, round
returns real
(round 19) ⇒ 19
(round 2/3) ⇒ 1
(round -2/3) ⇒ -1
(round 17.3) ⇒ 17.0
(round -17/2) ⇒ -8
(round 2.5) ⇒ 2.0
(round 3.5) ⇒ 4.0
is equivalent to (lambda (x) (if (< x 0) (- x) x))
. abs
and magnitude
(see page 183) are identical for real inputs.
(abs 1) ⇒ 1
(abs -3/4) ⇒ 3/4
(abs 1.83) ⇒ 1.83
(abs -0.093) ⇒ 0.093
procedure |
returns |
the maximum of |
libraries |
(max 4 -7 2 0 -6) ⇒ 4
(max 1/2 3/4 4/5 5/6 6/7) ⇒ 6/7
(max 1.5 1.3 -0.3 0.4 2.0 1.8) ⇒ 2.0
(max 5 2.0) ⇒ 5.0
(max -5 -2.0) ⇒ -2.0
(let ([ls '(7 3 5 2 9 8)])
(apply max ls)) ⇒ 9
procedure |
returns |
the minimum of |
libraries |
(min 4 -7 2 0 -6) ⇒ -7
(min 1/2 3/4 4/5 5/6 6/7) ⇒ 1/2
(min 1.5 1.3 -0.3 0.4 2.0 1.8) ⇒ -0.3
(min 5 2.0) ⇒ 2.0
(min -5 -2.0) ⇒ -5.0
(let ([ls '(7 3 5 2 9 8)])
(apply min ls)) ⇒ 2
procedure | |
returns |
the greatest common divisor of its arguments |
libraries |
The result is always nonnegative, i.e., factors of -1 are ignored. When called with no arguments, gcd
returns 0.
(gcd) ⇒ 0
(gcd 34) ⇒ 34
(gcd 33.0 15.0) ⇒ 3.0
(gcd 70 -42 28) ⇒ 14
procedure |
returns |
the least common multiple of its arguments |
libraries |
The result is always nonnegative, i.e., common multiples of -1 are ignored. Although lcm
should probably return \(\infty\) when called with no arguments, it is defined to return 1. If one or more of the arguments is 0, lcm
returns 0.
(lcm) ⇒ 1
(lcm 34) ⇒ 34
(lcm 33.0 15.0) ⇒ 165.0
(lcm 70 -42 28) ⇒ 420
(lcm 17.0 0) ⇒ 0.0
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
If both arguments are 0, expt
returns 1.
(expt 2 10) ⇒ 1024
(expt 2 -10) ⇒ 1/1024
(expt 2 -10.0) ⇒ 9.765625e-4
(expt -1/2 5) ⇒ -1/32
(expt 3.0 3) ⇒ 27.0
(expt +i 2) ⇒ -1
procedure |
returns |
an inexact representation of |
libraries |
If num
is already inexact, it is returned unchanged. If no inexact representation for num
is supported by the implementation, an exception with condition type &implementation-violation
may be raised. inexact
may also return +inf.0
or -inf.0
for inputs whose magnitude exceeds the range of the implementation’s inexact number representations.
(inexact 3) ⇒ 3.0
(inexact 3.0) ⇒ 3.0
(inexact -1/4) ⇒ -.25
(inexact 3+4i) ⇒ 3.0+4.0i
(inexact (expt 10 20)) ⇒ 1e20
procedure |
returns |
an exact representation of |
libraries |
If num
is already exact, it is returned unchanged. If no exact representation for num
is supported by the implementation, an exception with condition type &implementation-violation
may be raised.
(exact 3.0) ⇒ 3
(exact 3) ⇒ 3
(exact -.25) ⇒ -1/4
(exact 3.0+4.0i) ⇒ 3+4i
(exact 1e20) ⇒ 100000000000000000000
procedure |
returns |
an inexact representation of |
procedure |
returns |
an exact representation of |
libraries |
These are alternative names for inexact
and exact
, supported for compatibility with the Revised5 Report.
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
returns the simplest rational number that differs from real1
by no more than real2
. A rational number \(q_1 = n_1/m_1\) is simpler than another rational number \(q_2 = n_2/m_2\) if \(|n_1| \le |n_2|\) and \(|m_1| \le |m_2|\) and either \(|n_1| \lt |n_2|\) or \(|m_1| \lt |m_2|\).
(rationalize 3/10 1/10) ⇒ 1/3
(rationalize .3 1/10) ⇒ 0.3333333333333333
(eqv? (rationalize .3 1/10) #i1/3) ⇒ #t
procedure |
returns |
the numerator of |
libraries |
If rat
is an integer, the numerator is rat
(numerator 9) ⇒ 9
(numerator 9.0) ⇒ 9.0
(numerator 0.0) ⇒ 0.0
(numerator 2/3) ⇒ 2
(numerator -9/4) ⇒ -9
(numerator -2.25) ⇒ -9.0
procedure |
returns |
the denominator of |
libraries |
If rat
is an integer, including zero, the denominator is one.
(denominator 9) ⇒ 1
(denominator 9.0) ⇒ 1.0
(denominator 0) ⇒ 1
(denominator 0.0) ⇒ 1.0
(denominator 2/3) ⇒ 3
(denominator -9/4) ⇒ 4
(denominator -2.25) ⇒ 4.0
procedure |
returns |
the real component of |
libraries |
If num
is real, real-part
returns num
(real-part 3+4i) ⇒ 3
(real-part -2.3+0.7i) ⇒ -2.3
(real-part -i) ⇒ 0
(real-part 17.2) ⇒ 17.2
(real-part -17/100) ⇒ -17/100
procedure |
returns |
the imaginary component of |
libraries |
If num
is real, imag-part
returns exact zero.
(imag-part 3+4i) ⇒ 4
(imag-part -2.3+0.7i) ⇒ 0.7
(imag-part -i) ⇒ -1
(imag-part -2.5) ⇒ 0
(imag-part -17/100) ⇒ 0
procedure |
returns |
a complex number with real component |
libraries |
(make-rectangular -2 7) ⇒ -2+7i
(make-rectangular 2/3 -1/2) ⇒ 2/3-1/2i
(make-rectangular 3.2 5.3) ⇒ 3.2+5.3i
procedure |
returns |
a complex number with magnitude |
libraries |
(make-polar 2 0) ⇒ 2
(make-polar 2.0 0.0) ⇒ 2.0+0.0i
(make-polar 1.0 (asin -1.0)) ⇒ 0.0-1.0i
(eqv? (make-polar 7.2 -0.588) 7.2@-0.588) ⇒ #t
procedure |
returns |
the angle part of the polar representation of |
libraries |
The range of the result is \(-π\) (exclusive) to \(+π\) (inclusive).
(angle 7.3@1.5708) ⇒ 1.5708
(angle 5.2) ⇒ 0.0
and abs
(see page 178) are identical for real arguments. The magnitude of a complex number \(x + yi\) is \(+\sqrt{x^2+y^2}\).
(magnitude 1) ⇒ 1
(magnitude -3/4) ⇒ 3/4
(magnitude 1.83) ⇒ 1.83
(magnitude -0.093) ⇒ 0.093
(magnitude 3+4i) ⇒ 5
(magnitude 7.25@1.5708) ⇒ 7.25
procedure |
returns |
the principal square root of |
libraries |
Implementations are encouraged, but not required, to return exact results for exact inputs to sqrt
whenever feasible.
(sqrt 16) ⇒ 4
(sqrt 1/4) ⇒ 1/2
(sqrt 4.84) ⇒ 2.2
(sqrt -4.84) ⇒ 0.0+2.2i
(sqrt 3+4i) ⇒ 2+1i
(sqrt -3.0-4.0i) ⇒ 1.0-2.0i
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
This procedure returns two nonnegative exact integers s and r where \(n = s^2 + r\) and \(n < (s + 1)^2\).
(exact-integer-sqrt 0) ⇒ 0
(exact-integer-sqrt 9) ⇒ 3
⇒ 0
(exact-integer-sqrt 19) ⇒ 4
⇒ 3
procedure |
returns |
e to the |
libraries |
(exp 0.0) ⇒ 1.0
(exp 1.0) ⇒ 2.7182818284590455
(exp -.5) ⇒ 0.6065306597126334
procedure |
returns |
the natural logarithm of |
procedure |
returns |
the base- |
libraries |
(log 1.0) ⇒ 0.0
(log (exp 1.0)) ⇒ 1.0
(/ (log 100) (log 10)) ⇒ 2.0
(log (make-polar (exp 2.0) 1.0)) ⇒ 2.0+1.0i
(log 100.0 10.0) ⇒ 2.0
(log .125 2.0) ⇒ -3.0
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
the sine, cosine, or tangent of |
libraries |
The argument is specified in radians.
(sin 0.0) ⇒ 0.0
(cos 0.0) ⇒ 1.0
(tan 0.0) ⇒ 0.0
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
the arc sine or the arc cosine of |
libraries |
The result is in radians. The arc sine and arc cosine of a complex number z are defined as follows.
(define pi (* (asin 1) 2))
(= (* (acos 0) 2) pi) ⇒ #t
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
When passed a single complex argument num
(the first form), atan
returns the arc tangent of num
. The arc tangent of a complex number z is defined as follows.
When passed two real arguments (the second form), atan
is equivalent to (lambda (y x) (angle (make-rectangular x y)))
(define pi (* (atan 1) 4))
(= (* (atan 1.0 0.0) 2) pi) ⇒ #t
procedure |
returns |
the bitwise not of |
procedure |
returns |
the bitwise and of |
procedure |
returns |
the bitwise inclusive or of |
procedure |
returns |
the bitwise exclusive or of |
libraries |
The inputs are treated as if represented in two’s complement, even if they are not represented that way internally.
(bitwise-not 0) ⇒ -1
(bitwise-not 3) ⇒ -4
(bitwise-and #b01101 #b00111) ⇒ #b00101
(bitwise-ior #b01101 #b00111) ⇒ #b01111
(bitwise-xor #b01101 #b00111) ⇒ #b01010
procedure |
returns |
the bitwise "if" of its arguments |
libraries |
The inputs are treated as if represented in two’s complement, even if they are not represented that way internally.
For each bit set in exint1
, the corresponding bit of the result is taken from exint2
, and for each bit not set in exint1
, the corresponding bit of the result is taken from x3
(bitwise-if #b101010 #b111000 #b001100) ⇒ #b101100
might be defined as follows:
(define bitwise-if
(lambda (exint1 exint2 exint3)
(bitwise-and exint1 exint2)
(bitwise-and (bitwise-not exint1) exint3))))
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
For nonnegative inputs, bitwise-bit-count
returns the number of bits set in the two’s complement representation of exint
. For negative inputs, it returns a negative number whose magnitude is one greater than the number of bits not set in the two’s complement representation of exint
, which is equivalent to (bitwise-not (bitwise-bit-count (bitwise-not exint)))
(bitwise-bit-count #b00000) ⇒ 0
(bitwise-bit-count #b00001) ⇒ 1
(bitwise-bit-count #b00100) ⇒ 1
(bitwise-bit-count #b10101) ⇒ 3
(bitwise-bit-count -1) ⇒ -1
(bitwise-bit-count -2) ⇒ -2
(bitwise-bit-count -4) ⇒ -3
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
This procedure returns the number of bits of the smallest two’s complement representation of exint
, not including the sign bit for negative numbers. For 0 bitwise-length
returns 0.
(bitwise-length #b00000) ⇒ 0
(bitwise-length #b00001) ⇒ 1
(bitwise-length #b00100) ⇒ 3
(bitwise-length #b00110) ⇒ 3
(bitwise-length -1) ⇒ 0
(bitwise-length -6) ⇒ 3
(bitwise-length -9) ⇒ 4
procedure |
returns |
the index of the least significant bit set in |
libraries |
The input is treated as if represented in two’s complement, even if it is not represented that way internally.
If exint
is 0, bitwise-first-bit-set
returns -1.
(bitwise-first-bit-set #b00000) ⇒ -1
(bitwise-first-bit-set #b00001) ⇒ 0
(bitwise-first-bit-set #b01100) ⇒ 2
(bitwise-first-bit-set -1) ⇒ 0
(bitwise-first-bit-set -2) ⇒ 1
(bitwise-first-bit-set -3) ⇒ 0
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
is taken as a zero-based index for the bits in the two’s complement representation of exint1
. The two’s complement representation of a nonnegative number conceptually extends to the left (toward more significant bits) with an infinite number of zero bits, and the two’s complement representation of a negative number conceptually extends to the left with an infinite number of one bits. Thus, exact integers can be used to represent arbitrarily large sets, where 0 is the empty set, -1 is the universe, and bitwise-bit-set?
is used to test for membership.
(bitwise-bit-set? #b01011 0) ⇒ #t
(bitwise-bit-set? #b01011 2) ⇒ #f
(bitwise-bit-set? -1 0) ⇒ #t
(bitwise-bit-set? -1 20) ⇒ #t
(bitwise-bit-set? -3 1) ⇒ #f
(bitwise-bit-set? 0 5000) ⇒ #f
(bitwise-bit-set? -1 5000) ⇒ #t
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
is taken as a zero-based index for the bits in the two’s complement representation of exint1
. exint3
must be 0 or 1. This procedure effectively clears or sets the specified bit depending on the value of exint3
. exint1
is treated as if represented in two’s complement, even if it is not represented that way internally.
(bitwise-copy-bit #b01110 0 1) ⇒ #b01111
(bitwise-copy-bit #b01110 2 0) ⇒ #b01010
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
and exint3
must be nonnegative, and exint2
must not be greater than exint3
. This procedure returns the number represented by extracting from exint1
the sequence of bits from exint2
(inclusive) to exint3
(exclusive). exint1
is treated as if represented in two’s complement, even if it is not represented that way internally.
(bitwise-bit-field #b10110 0 3) ⇒ #b00110
(bitwise-bit-field #b10110 1 3) ⇒ #b00011
(bitwise-bit-field #b10110 2 3) ⇒ #b00001
(bitwise-bit-field #b10110 3 3) ⇒ #b00000
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
and exint3
must be nonnegative, and exint2
must not be greater than exint3
. This procedure returns exint1
with the n
bits from exint2
(inclusive) to exint3
(exclusive) replaced by the low-order n
bits of exint4
. exint1
and exint4
are treated as if represented in two’s complement, even if they are not represented that way internally.
(bitwise-copy-bit-field #b10000 0 3 #b10101) ⇒ #b10101
(bitwise-copy-bit-field #b10000 1 3 #b10101) ⇒ #b10010
(bitwise-copy-bit-field #b10000 2 3 #b10101) ⇒ #b10100
(bitwise-copy-bit-field #b10000 3 3 #b10101) ⇒ #b10000
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
must be nonnegative. exint1
is treated as if represented in two’s complement, even if it is not represented that way internally.
(bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right #b10000 3) ⇒ #b00010
(bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right -1 1) ⇒ -1
(bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right -64 3) ⇒ -8
(bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left #b00010 2) ⇒ #b01000
(bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left -1 2) ⇒ -4
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
If exint2
is negative, bitwise-arithmetic-shift
returns the result of arithmetically shifting exint1
right by -exint2
bits. Otherwise, bitwise-arithmetic-shift
returns the result of shifting exint1
left by exint2
bits. exint1
is treated as if represented in two’s complement, even if it is not represented that way internally.
(bitwise-arithmetic-shift #b10000 -3) ⇒ #b00010
(bitwise-arithmetic-shift -1 -1) ⇒ -1
(bitwise-arithmetic-shift -64 -3) ⇒ -8
(bitwise-arithmetic-shift #b00010 2) ⇒ #b01000
(bitwise-arithmetic-shift -1 2) ⇒ -4
Thus, bitwise-arithmetic-shift
behaves as if defined as follows.
(define bitwise-arithmetic-shift
(lambda (exint1 exint2)
(if (< exint2 0)
(bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right exint1 (- exint2))
(bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left exint1 exint2))))
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
, exint3
, and exint4
must be nonnegative, and exint2
must not be greater than exint3
. This procedure returns the result of shifting the bits of exint1
from bit exint2
(inclusive) through bit exint3
(exclusive) left by (mod exint4 (- exint3 exint2))
bits, with the bits shifted out of the range inserted at the bottom end of the range. exint1
is treated as if represented in two’s complement, even if it is not represented that way internally.
(bitwise-rotate-bit-field #b00011010 0 5 3) ⇒ #b00010110
(bitwise-rotate-bit-field #b01101011 2 7 3) ⇒ #b01011011
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
and exint3
must be nonnegative, and exint2
must not be greater than exint3
. This procedure returns the result of reversing the bits of exint1
from bit exint2
(inclusive) through bit exint3
(exclusive). exint1
is treated as if represented in two’s complement, even if it is not represented that way internally.
(bitwise-reverse-bit-field #b00011010 0 5) ⇒ #b00001011
(bitwise-reverse-bit-field #b01101011 2 7) ⇒ #b00101111
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
the number represented by |
libraries |
If string
is a valid representation of a number, that number is returned, otherwise #f
is returned. The number is interpreted in radix radix
, which must be an exact integer in the set {2,8,10,16}. If not specified, radix
defaults to 10. Any radix specifier within string
, e.g., #x
, overrides the radix
(string->number "0") ⇒ 0
(string->number "3.4e3") ⇒ 3400.0
(string->number "#x#e-2e2") ⇒ -738
(string->number "#e-2e2" 16) ⇒ -738
(string->number "#i15/16") ⇒ 0.9375
(string->number "10" 16) ⇒ 16
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
an external representation of |
libraries |
The num is expressed in radix radix
, which must be an exact integer in the set {2,8,10,16}. If not specified, radix
defaults to 10. In any case, no radix specifier appears in the resulting string.
The external representation is such that, when converted back into a number using string->number
, the resulting numeric value is equivalent to num
. That is, for all inputs:
(eqv? (string->number
(number->string num radix)
returns #t
. An exception with condition type &implementation-restriction
is raised if this is not possible.
If precision
is provided, it must be an exact positive integer, num
must be inexact, and radix
must be 10. In this case, the real part and, if present, the imaginary part of the number are each printed with an explicit mantissa width m
, where m
is the least possible value greater than or equal to precision
that makes the expression above true.
If radix
is 10, inexact values of num
are expressed using the fewest number of significant digits possible [5] without violating the above restriction.
(number->string 3.4) ⇒ "3.4"
(number->string 1e2) ⇒ "100.0"
(number->string 1e-23) ⇒ "1e-23"
(number->string -7/2) ⇒ "-7/2"
(number->string 220/9 16) ⇒ "DC/9"
Section 6.5. Fixnums
Fixnums represent exact integers in the fixnum range, which is required to be a closed range \([-2^{w-1}, 2^{w-1} - 1]\), where w (the fixnum width) is at least 24. The implementation-specific value of w may be determined via the procedure fixnum-width
, and the endpoints of the range may be determined via the procedures least-fixnum
and greatest-fixnum
The names of arithmetic procedures that operate only on fixnums begin with the prefix “fx” to set them apart from their generic counterparts.
Procedure arguments required to be fixnums are named fx
, possibly with a suffix, e.g., fx2
Unless otherwise specified, the numeric values of fixnum-specific procedures are fixnums. If the value of a fixnum operation should be a fixnum, but the mathematical result would be outside the fixnum range, an exception with condition type &implementation-restriction
is raised.
Bit and shift operations on fixnums assume that fixnums are represented in two’s complement, even if they are not represented that way internally.
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
(fixnum? 0) ⇒ #t
(fixnum? -1) ⇒ #t
(fixnum? (- (expt 2 23))) ⇒ #t
(fixnum? (- (expt 2 23) 1)) ⇒ #t
procedure |
returns |
the least (most negative) fixnum supported by the implementation |
procedure |
returns |
the greatest (most positive) fixnum supported by the implementation |
libraries |
(fixnum? (- (least-fixnum) 1)) ⇒ #f
(fixnum? (least-fixnum)) ⇒ #t
(fixnum? (greatest-fixnum)) ⇒ #t
(fixnum? (+ (greatest-fixnum) 1)) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
the implementation-dependent fixnum width |
libraries |
As described in the lead-in to this section, the fixnum width determines the size of the fixnum range and must be at least 24.
(define w (fixnum-width))
(= (least-fixnum) (- (expt 2 (- w 1)))) ⇒ #t
(= (greatest-fixnum) (- (expt 2 (- w 1)) 1)) ⇒ #t
(>= w 24) ⇒ #t
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
The predicate fx=?
returns #t
if its arguments are equal. The predicate fx<?
returns #t
if its arguments are monotonically increasing, i.e., each argument is greater than the preceding ones, while fx>?
returns #t
if its arguments are monotonically decreasing. The predicate fx<=?
returns #t
if its arguments are monotonically nondecreasing, i.e., each argument is not less than the preceding ones, while fx>=?
returns #t
if its arguments are monotonically nonincreasing.
(fx=? 0 0) ⇒ #t
(fx=? -1 1) ⇒ #f
(fx (least-fixnum) 0 (greatest-fixnum)) ⇒ #t
(let ([x 3]) (fx<=? 0 x 9)) ⇒ #t
(fx>? 5 4 3 2 1) ⇒ #t
(fx<=? 1 3 2) ⇒ #f
(fx>=? 0 0 (least-fixnum)) ⇒ #t
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
is equivalent to (lambda (x) (fx=? x 0))
, fxpositive?
is equivalent to (lambda (x) (fx>? x 0))
, and fxnegative?
to (lambda (x) (fx<? x 0))
(fxzero? 0) ⇒ #t
(fxzero? 1) ⇒ #f
(fxpositive? 128) ⇒ #t
(fxpositive? 0) ⇒ #f
(fxpositive? -1) ⇒ #f
(fxnegative? -65) ⇒ #t
(fxnegative? 0) ⇒ #f
(fxnegative? 1) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
(fxeven? 0) ⇒ #t
(fxeven? 1) ⇒ #f
(fxeven? -1) ⇒ #f
(fxeven? -10) ⇒ #t
(fxodd? 0) ⇒ #f
(fxodd? 1) ⇒ #t
(fxodd? -1) ⇒ #t
(fxodd? -10) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
the minimum of |
procedure |
returns |
the maximum of |
libraries |
(fxmin 4 -7 2 0 -6) ⇒ -7
(let ([ls '(7 3 5 2 9 8)])
(apply fxmin ls)) ⇒ 2
(fxmax 4 -7 2 0 -6) ⇒ 4
(let ([ls '(7 3 5 2 9 8)])
(apply fxmax ls)) ⇒ 9
procedure |
returns |
the sum of |
libraries |
(fx+ -3 4) ⇒ 1
procedure |
returns |
the additive inverse of |
procedure |
returns |
the difference between |
libraries |
(fx- 3) ⇒ -3
(fx- -3 4) ⇒ -7
procedure |
returns |
the product of |
libraries |
(fx* -3 4) ⇒ -12
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
must not be zero. These are fixnum-specific versions of the generic div
, mod
, and div-and-mod
(fxdiv 17 3) ⇒ 5
(fxmod 17 3) ⇒ 2
(fxdiv -17 3) ⇒ -6
(fxmod -17 3) ⇒ 1
(fxdiv 17 -3) ⇒ -5
(fxmod 17 -3) ⇒ 2
(fxdiv -17 -3) ⇒ 6
(fxmod -17 -3) ⇒ 1
(fxdiv-and-mod 17 3) ⇒ 5
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
must not be zero. These are fixnum-specific versions of the generic div0
, mod0
, and div0-and-mod0
(fxdiv0 17 3) ⇒ 6
(fxmod0 17 3) ⇒ -1
(fxdiv0 -17 3) ⇒ -6
(fxmod0 -17 3) ⇒ 1
(fxdiv0 17 -3) ⇒ -6
(fxmod0 17 -3) ⇒ -1
(fxdiv0 -17 -3) ⇒ 6
(fxmod0 -17 -3) ⇒ 1
(fxdiv0-and-mod0 17 3) ⇒ 6
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
When an ordinary fixnum addition, subtraction, or multiplication operation overflows, an exception is raised. These alternative procedures instead return a carry and also allow the carry to be propagated to the next operation. They can be used to implement portable code for multiple-precision arithmetic.
These procedures return the two fixnum values of the following computations. For fx+/carry
(let* ([s (+ fx1 fx2 fx3)]
[s0 (mod0 s (expt 2 (fixnum-width)))]
[s1 (div0 s (expt 2 (fixnum-width)))])
(values s0 s1))
for fx-/carry
(let* ([d (- fx1 fx2 fx3)]
[d0 (mod0 d (expt 2 (fixnum-width)))]
[d1 (div0 d (expt 2 (fixnum-width)))])
(values d0 d1))
and for fx*/carry
(let* ([s (+ (* fx1 fx2) fx3)]
[s0 (mod0 s (expt 2 (fixnum-width)))]
[s1 (div0 s (expt 2 (fixnum-width)))])
(values s0 s1))
procedure |
returns |
the bitwise not of |
procedure |
returns |
the bitwise and of |
procedure |
returns |
the bitwise inclusive or of |
procedure |
returns |
the bitwise exclusive or of |
libraries |
(fxnot 0) ⇒ -1
(fxnot 3) ⇒ -4
(fxand #b01101 #b00111) ⇒ #b00101
(fxior #b01101 #b00111) ⇒ #b01111
(fxxor #b01101 #b00111) ⇒ #b01010
procedure |
returns |
the bitwise "if" of its arguments |
libraries |
For each bit set in fx1
, the corresponding bit of the result is taken from fx2
, and for each bit not set in fx1
, the corresponding bit of the result is taken from x3
(fxif #b101010 #b111000 #b001100) ⇒ #b101100
might be defined as follows:
(define fxif
(lambda (fx1 fx2 fx3)
(fxior (fxand fx1 fx2)
(fxand (fxnot fx1) fx3))))
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
For nonnegative inputs, fxbit-count
returns the number of bits set in the two’s complement representation of fx
. For negative inputs, it returns a negative number whose magnitude is one greater than the number of bits not set in fx
, which is equivalent to (fxnot (fxbit-count (fxnot fx)))
(fxbit-count #b00000) ⇒ 0
(fxbit-count #b00001) ⇒ 1
(fxbit-count #b00100) ⇒ 1
(fxbit-count #b10101) ⇒ 3
(fxbit-count -1) ⇒ -1
(fxbit-count -2) ⇒ -2
(fxbit-count -4) ⇒ -3
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
This procedure returns the number of bits of the smallest two’s complement representation of fx
, not including the sign bit for negative numbers. For 0 fxlength
returns 0.
(fxlength #b00000) ⇒ 0
(fxlength #b00001) ⇒ 1
(fxlength #b00100) ⇒ 3
(fxlength #b00110) ⇒ 3
(fxlength -1) ⇒ 0
(fxlength -6) ⇒ 3
(fxlength -9) ⇒ 4
procedure |
returns |
the index of the least significant bit set in |
libraries |
If fx
is 0, fxfirst-bit-set
returns -1.
(fxfirst-bit-set #b00000) ⇒ -1
(fxfirst-bit-set #b00001) ⇒ 0
(fxfirst-bit-set #b01100) ⇒ 2
(fxfirst-bit-set -1) ⇒ 0
(fxfirst-bit-set -2) ⇒ 1
(fxfirst-bit-set -3) ⇒ 0
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
must be nonnegative. It is taken as a zero-based index for the bits in the two’s complement representation of fx1
, with the sign bit virtually replicated an infinite number of positions to the left.
(fxbit-set? #b01011 0) ⇒ #t
(fxbit-set? #b01011 2) ⇒ #f
(fxbit-set? -1 0) ⇒ #t
(fxbit-set? -1 20) ⇒ #t
(fxbit-set? -3 1) ⇒ #f
(fxbit-set? 0 (- (fixnum-width) 1)) ⇒ #f
(fxbit-set? -1 (- (fixnum-width) 1)) ⇒ #t
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
must be nonnegative and less than the value of (- (fixnum-width) 1)
. fx3
must be 0 or 1. This procedure effectively clears or sets the specified bit depending on the value of fx3
(fxcopy-bit #b01110 0 1) ⇒ #b01111
(fxcopy-bit #b01110 2 0) ⇒ #b01010
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
and fx3
must be nonnegative and less than the value of (fixnum-width)
, and fx2
must not be greater than fx3
. This procedure returns the number represented by extracting from fx1
the sequence of bits from fx2
(inclusive) to fx3
(fxbit-field #b10110 0 3) ⇒ #b00110
(fxbit-field #b10110 1 3) ⇒ #b00011
(fxbit-field #b10110 2 3) ⇒ #b00001
(fxbit-field #b10110 3 3) ⇒ #b00000
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
and fx3
must be nonnegative and less than the value of (fixnum-width)
, and fx2
must not be greater than fx3
. This procedure returns fx1
with n
bits from fx2
(inclusive) to fx3
(exclusive) replaced by the low-order n
bits of x4
(fxcopy-bit-field #b10000 0 3 #b10101) ⇒ #b10101
(fxcopy-bit-field #b10000 1 3 #b10101) ⇒ #b10010
(fxcopy-bit-field #b10000 2 3 #b10101) ⇒ #b10100
(fxcopy-bit-field #b10000 3 3 #b10101) ⇒ #b10000
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
must be nonnegative and less than the value of (fixnum-width)
(fxarithmetic-shift-right #b10000 3) ⇒ #b00010
(fxarithmetic-shift-right -1 1) ⇒ -1
(fxarithmetic-shift-right -64 3) ⇒ -8
(fxarithmetic-shift-left #b00010 2) ⇒ #b01000
(fxarithmetic-shift-left -1 2) ⇒ -4
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
The absolute value of fx2
must be less than the value of (fixnum-width)
. If fx2
is negative, fxarithmetic-shift
returns the result of arithmetically shifting fx1
right by fx2
bits. Otherwise, fxarithmetic-shift
returns the result of shifting fx1
left by fx2
(fxarithmetic-shift #b10000 -3) ⇒ #b00010
(fxarithmetic-shift -1 -1) ⇒ -1
(fxarithmetic-shift -64 -3) ⇒ -8
(fxarithmetic-shift #b00010 2) ⇒ #b01000
(fxarithmetic-shift -1 2) ⇒ -4
Thus, fxarithmetic-shift
behaves as if defined as follows.
(define fxarithmetic-shift
(lambda (fx1 fx2)
(if (fx<? fx2 0)
(fxarithmetic-shift-right fx1 (fx- fx2))
(fxarithmetic-shift-left fx1 fx2))))
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
, fx3
, and fx4
must be nonnegative and less than the value of (fixnum-width)
, fx2
must not be greater than fx3
, and fx4
must not be greater than the difference between fx3
and fx2
This procedure returns the result of shifting the bits of fx1
from bit fx2
(inclusive) through bit fx3
(exclusive) left by fx4
bits, with the bits shifted out of the range inserted at the bottom end of the range.
(fxrotate-bit-field #b00011010 0 5 3) ⇒ #b00010110
(fxrotate-bit-field #b01101011 2 7 3) ⇒ #b01011011
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
and fx3
must be nonnegative and less than the value of (fixnum-width)
, and fx2
must not be greater than fx3
. This procedure returns the result of reversing the bits of fx1
from bit fx2
(inclusive) through bit fx3
(fxreverse-bit-field #b00011010 0 5) ⇒ #b00001011
(fxreverse-bit-field #b01101011 2 7) ⇒ #b00101111
Section 6.6. Flonums
Flonums represent inexact real numbers. Implementations are required to represent as a flonum any inexact real number whose lexical syntax contains no vertical bar and no exponent marker other than e
, but are not required to represent any other inexact real number as a flonum.
Implementations typically use the IEEE double-precision floating-point representation for flonums, but implementations are not required to do so or even to use a floating-point representation of any sort, despite the name "flonum."
This section describes operations on flonums. Flonum-specific procedure names begin with the prefix “fl” to set them apart from their generic counterparts.
Procedure arguments required to be flonums are named fl
, possibly with suffix, e.g., fl2
. Unless otherwise specified, the numeric values of flonum-specific procedures are flonums.
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
(flonum? 0) ⇒ #f
(flonum? 3/4) ⇒ #f
(flonum? 3.5) ⇒ #t
(flonum? .02) ⇒ #t
(flonum? 1e10) ⇒ #t
(flonum? 3.0+0.0i) ⇒ #f
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
The predicate fl=?
returns #t
if its arguments are equal. The predicate fl<?
returns #t
if its arguments are monotonically increasing, i.e., each argument is greater than the preceding ones, while fl>?
returns #t
if its arguments are monotonically decreasing. The predicate fl<=?
returns #t
if its arguments are monotonically nondecreasing, i.e., each argument is not less than the preceding ones, while fl>=?
returns #t
if its arguments are monotonically nonincreasing. When passed only one argument, each of these predicates returns #t
Comparisons involving NaNs always return #f
(fl=? 0.0 0.0) ⇒ #t
(fl<? -1.0 0.0 1.0) ⇒ #t
(fl>? -1.0 0.0 1.0) ⇒ #f
(fl<=? 0.0 3.0 3.0) ⇒ #t
(fl>=? 4.0 3.0 3.0) ⇒ #t
(fl<? 7.0 +inf.0) ⇒ #t
(fl=? +nan.0 0.0) ⇒ #f
(fl=? +nan.0 +nan.0) ⇒ #f
(fl<? +nan.0 +nan.0) ⇒ #f
(fl<=? +nan.0 +inf.0) ⇒ #f
(fl>=? +nan.0 +inf.0) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
is equivalent to (lambda (x) (fl=? x 0.0))
, flpositive?
is equivalent to (lambda (x) (fl>? x 0.0))
, and flnegative?
to (lambda (x) (fl<? x 0.0))
Even if the flonum representation distinguishes -0.0 from +0.0, -0.0 is considered both zero and nonnegative.
(flzero? 0.0) ⇒ #t
(flzero? 1.0) ⇒ #f
(flpositive? 128.0) ⇒ #t
(flpositive? 0.0) ⇒ #f
(flpositive? -1.0) ⇒ #f
(flnegative? -65.0) ⇒ #t
(flnegative? 0.0) ⇒ #f
(flnegative? 1.0) ⇒ #f
(flzero? -0.0) ⇒ #t
(flnegative? -0.0) ⇒ #f
(flnegative? +nan.0) ⇒ #f
(flzero? +nan.0) ⇒ #f
(flpositive? +nan.0) ⇒ #f
(flnegative? +inf.0) ⇒ #f
(flnegative? -inf.0) ⇒ #t
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
(flinteger? 0.0) ⇒ #t
(flinteger? -17.0) ⇒ #t
(flinteger? +nan.0) ⇒ #f
(flinteger? +inf.0) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
(flfinite? 3.1415) ⇒ #t
(flinfinite? 3.1415) ⇒ #f
(flnan? 3.1415) ⇒ #f
(flfinite? +inf.0) ⇒ #f
(flinfinite? -inf.0) ⇒ #t
(flnan? -inf.0) ⇒ #f
(flfinite? +nan.0) ⇒ #f
(flinfinite? +nan.0) ⇒ #f
(flnan? +nan.0) ⇒ #t
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
must be an integer-valued flonum.
(fleven? 0.0) ⇒ #t
(fleven? 1.0) ⇒ #f
(fleven? -1.0) ⇒ #f
(fleven? -10.0) ⇒ #t
(flodd? 0.0) ⇒ #f
(flodd? 1.0) ⇒ #t
(flodd? -1.0) ⇒ #t
(flodd? -10.0) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
the minimum of |
procedure |
returns |
the maximum of |
libraries |
(flmin 4.2 -7.5 2.0 0.0 -6.4) ⇒ -7.5
(let ([ls '(7.1 3.5 5.0 2.6 2.6 8.0)])
(apply flmin ls)) ⇒ 2.6
(flmax 4.2 -7.5 2.0 0.0 -6.4) ⇒ 4.2
(let ([ls '(7.1 3.5 5.0 2.6 2.6 8.0)])
(apply flmax ls)) ⇒ 8.0
procedure |
returns |
the sum of the arguments |
libraries |
When called with no arguments, fl+
returns 0.0
(fl+) ⇒ 0.0
(fl+ 1.0 2.5) ⇒ 3.25
(fl+ 3.0 4.25 5.0) ⇒ 12.25
(apply fl+ '(1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0)) ⇒ 15.0
procedure |
returns |
the additive inverse of |
procedure |
returns |
the difference between |
libraries |
With an IEEE floating-point representation of flonums, the single-argument fl-
is equivalent to
(lambda (x) (fl* -1.0 x))
(lambda (x) (fl- -0.0 x))
but not
(lambda (x) (fl- 0.0 x))
since the latter returns 0.0
rather than -0.0
for 0.0
(fl- 0.0) ⇒ -0.0
(fl- 3.0) ⇒ -3.0
(fl- 4.0 3.0) ⇒ 1.0
(fl- 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0) ⇒ -2.0
procedure |
returns |
the product of the arguments |
libraries |
When called with no arguments, fl*
returns 1.0
(fl*) ⇒ 1.0
(fl* 1.5 2.5) ⇒ 3.75
(fl* 3.0 -4.0 5.0) ⇒ -60.0
(apply fl* '(1.0 -2.0 3.0 -4.0 5.0)) ⇒ 120.0
procedure |
returns |
the multiplicative inverse of |
procedure |
returns |
the result of dividing |
libraries |
(fl/ -4.0) ⇒ -0.25
(fl/ 8.0 -2.0) ⇒ -4.0
(fl/ -9.0 2.0) ⇒ -4.5
(fl/ 60.0 5.0 3.0 2.0) ⇒ 2.0
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
These are flonum-specific versions of the generic div
, mod
, and div-and-mod
(fldiv 17.0 3.0) ⇒ 5.0
(flmod 17.0 3.0) ⇒ 2.0
(fldiv -17.0 3.0) ⇒ -6.0
(flmod -17.0 3.0) ⇒ 1.0
(fldiv 17.0 -3.0) ⇒ -5.0
(flmod 17.0 -3.0) ⇒ 2.0
(fldiv -17.0 -3.0) ⇒ 6.0
(flmod -17.0 -3.0) ⇒ 1.0
(fldiv-and-mod 17.5 3.75) ⇒ 4.0
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
These are flonum-specific versions of the generic div0
, mod0
, and div0-and-mod0
(fldiv0 17.0 3.0) ⇒ 6.0
(flmod0 17.0 3.0) ⇒ -1.0
(fldiv0 -17.0 3.0) ⇒ -6.0
(flmod0 -17.0 3.0) ⇒ 1.0
(fldiv0 17.0 -3.0) ⇒ -6.0
(flmod0 17.0 -3.0) ⇒ -1.0
(fldiv0 -17.0 -3.0) ⇒ 6.0
(flmod0 -17.0 -3.0) ⇒ 1.0
(fldiv0-and-mod0 17.5 3.75) ⇒ 5.0
procedure |
returns |
the integer closest to |
procedure |
returns |
the integer closest to |
procedure |
returns |
the integer closest to |
procedure |
returns |
the integer closest to |
libraries |
If fl
is an integer, NaN, or infinity, each of these procedures returns fl
. If fl
is exactly between two integers, flround
returns the closest even integer.
(flround 17.3) ⇒ 17.0
(flround -17.3) ⇒ -17.0
(flround 2.5) ⇒ 2.0
(flround 3.5) ⇒ 4.0
(fltruncate 17.3) ⇒ 17.0
(fltruncate -17.3) ⇒ -17.0
(flfloor 17.3) ⇒ 17.0
(flfloor -17.3) ⇒ -18.0
(flceiling 17.3) ⇒ 18.0
(flceiling -17.3) ⇒ -17.0
procedure |
returns |
the numerator of |
procedure |
returns |
the denominator of |
libraries |
If fl
is an integer, including 0.0, or infinity, the numerator is fl
and the denominator is 1.0.
(flnumerator -9.0) ⇒ -9.0
(fldenominator -9.0) ⇒ 1.0
(flnumerator 0.0) ⇒ 0.0
(fldenominator 0.0) ⇒ 1.0
(flnumerator -inf.0) ⇒ -inf.0
(fldenominator -inf.0) ⇒ 1.0
The following hold for IEEE floats, but not necessarily other flonum representations.
(flnumerator 3.5) ⇒ 7.0
(fldenominator 3.5) ⇒ 2.0
procedure |
returns |
absolute value of |
libraries |
(flabs 3.2) ⇒ 3.2
(flabs -2e-20) ⇒ 2e-20
procedure |
returns |
e to the |
procedure |
returns |
the natural logarithm of |
procedure |
returns |
the base- |
libraries |
(flexp 0.0) ⇒ 1.0
(flexp 1.0) ⇒ 2.7182818284590455
(fllog 1.0) ⇒ 0.0
(fllog (exp 1.0)) ⇒ 1.0
(fl/ (fllog 100.0) (fllog 10.0)) ⇒ 2.0
(fllog 100.0 10.0) ⇒ 2.0
(fllog .125 2.0) ⇒ -3.0
procedure |
returns |
the sine of |
procedure |
returns |
the cosine of |
procedure |
returns |
the tangent of |
libraries |
procedure |
returns |
the arc sine of |
procedure |
returns |
the arc cosine of |
procedure |
returns |
the arc tangent of |
procedure |
returns |
the arc tangent of |
libraries |
procedure |
returns |
the principal square root of |
libraries |
Returns the principal square root of fl
. The square root of -0.0 should be -0.0. The result for other negative numbers may be a NaN or some other unspecified flonum.
(flsqrt 4.0) ⇒ 2.0
(flsqrt 0.0) ⇒ 0.0
(flsqrt -0.0) ⇒ -0.0
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
If fl1
is negative and fl2
is not an integer, the result may be a NaN or some other unspecified flonum. If fl1
and fl2
are both zero, the result is 1.0. If fl1
is zero and fl2
is positive, the result is zero. In other cases where fl1
is zero, the result may be a NaN or some other unspecified flonum.
(flexpt 3.0 2.0) ⇒ 9.0
(flexpt 0.0 +inf.0) ⇒ 0.0
procedure |
returns |
the flonum representation closest to |
procedure |
returns |
the flonum representation closest to |
libraries |
is a restricted variant of inexact
. real->flonum
is a restricted variant of inexact
when the input is an exact real; when it is an inexact non-flonum real, it coverts the inexact non-flonum real into the closest flonum.
(fixnum->flonum 0) ⇒ 0.0
(fixnum->flonum 13) ⇒ 13.0
(real->flonum -1/2) ⇒ -0.5
(real->flonum 1s3) ⇒ 1000.0
Section 6.7. Characters
Characters are atomic objects representing letters, digits, special symbols such as $
or -
, and certain nongraphic control characters such as space and newline. Characters are written with a #\
prefix. For most characters, the prefix is followed by the character itself. The written character representation of the letter A
, for example, is #\A
. The characters newline, space, and tab may be written in this manner as well, but they can be written more clearly as #\newline
, #\space
, and #\tab
. Other character names are supported as well, as defined by the grammar for character objects on page 457. Any Unicode character may be written with the syntax #\xn
, where n
consists of one or more hexadecimal digits and represents a valid Unicode scalar value.
This section describes the operations that deal primarily with characters. See also the following section on strings and Chapter 7 on input and output for other operations relating to characters.
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
These predicates behave in a similar manner to the numeric predicates =
, <
, >
, <=
, and >=
. For example, char=?
returns #t
when its arguments are equivalent characters, and char<?
returns #t
when its arguments are monotonically increasing character (Unicode scalar) values.
(char>? #\a #\b) ⇒ #f
(char<? #\a #\b) ⇒ #t
(char<? #\a #\b #\c) ⇒ #t
(let ([c #\r])
(char<=? #\a c #\z)) ⇒ #t
(char<=? #\Z #\W) ⇒ #f
(char=? #\+ #\+) ⇒ #t
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
These predicates are identical to the predicates char=?
, char<?
, char>?
, char<=?
, and char>=?
except that they are case-insensitive, i.e., compare the case-folded versions of their arguments. For example, char=?
considers #\a
and #\A
to be distinct values; char-ci=?
does not.
(char-ci<? #\a #\B) ⇒ #t
(char-ci=? #\W #\w) ⇒ #t
(char-ci=? #\= #\+) ⇒ #f
(let ([c #\R])
(list (char<=? #\a c #\z)
(char-ci<=? #\a c #\z))) ⇒ (#f #t)
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
A character is alphabetic if it has the Unicode "Alphabetic" property, numeric if it has the Unicode "Numeric" property, and whitespace if has the Unicode "White_Space" property.
(char-alphabetic? #\a) ⇒ #t
(char-alphabetic? #\T) ⇒ #t
(char-alphabetic? #\8) ⇒ #f
(char-alphabetic? #\$) ⇒ #f
(char-numeric? #\7) ⇒ #t
(char-numeric? #\2) ⇒ #t
(char-numeric? #\X) ⇒ #f
(char-numeric? #\space) ⇒ #f
(char-whitespace? #\space) ⇒ #t
(char-whitespace? #\newline) ⇒ #t
(char-whitespace? #\Z) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
A character is upper-case if it has the Unicode "Uppercase" property, lower-case if it has the "Lowercase" property, and title-case if it is in the Lt general category.
(char-lower-case? #\r) ⇒ #t
(char-lower-case? #\R) ⇒ #f
(char-upper-case? #\r) ⇒ #f
(char-upper-case? #\R) ⇒ #t
(char-title-case? #\I) ⇒ #f
(char-title-case? #\x01C5) ⇒ #t
procedure |
returns |
a symbol representing the Unicode general category of |
libraries |
The return value is one of the symbols Lu
, Ll
, Lt
, Lm
, Lo
, Mn
, Mc
, Me
, Nd
, Nl
, No
, Ps
, Pe
, Pi
, Pf
, Pd
, Pc
, Po
, Sc
, Sm
, Sk
, So
, Zs
, Zp
, Zl
, Cc
, Cf
, Cs
, Co
, or Cn
(char-general-category #\a) ⇒ Ll
(char-general-category #\space) ⇒ Zs
(char-general-category #\x10FFFF) ⇒ Cn
procedure |
returns |
the upper-case character counterpart of |
libraries |
If char
is a lower- or title-case character and has a single upper-case counterpart, char-upcase
returns the upper-case counterpart. Otherwise char-upcase
returns char
(char-upcase #\g) ⇒ #\G
(char-upcase #\G) ⇒ #\G
(char-upcase #\7) ⇒ #\7
(char-upcase #\ς) ⇒ #\Σ
procedure |
returns |
the lower-case character equivalent of |
libraries |
If char
is an upper- or title-case character and has a single lower-case counterpart, char-downcase
returns the lower-case counterpart. Otherwise char-downcase
returns char
(char-downcase #\g) ⇒ #\g
(char-downcase #\G) ⇒ #\g
(char-downcase #\7) ⇒ #\7
(char-downcase #\ς) ⇒ #\ς
procedure |
returns |
the title-case character equivalent of |
libraries |
If char
is an upper- or lower-case character and has a single title-case counterpart, char-titlecase
returns the title-case counterpart. Otherwise, if it is not a title-case character, has no single title-case counterpart, but does have a single upper-case counterpart, char-titlecase
returns the upper-case counterpart. Otherwise char-titlecase
returns char
(char-titlecase #\g) ⇒ #\G
(char-titlecase #\G) ⇒ #\G
(char-titlecase #\7) ⇒ #\7
(char-titlecase #\ς) ⇒ #\Σ
procedure |
returns |
the case-folded character equivalent of |
libraries |
If char
has a case-folded counterpart, char-foldcase
returns the case-folded counterpart. Otherwise, char-foldcase
returns char
. For most characters, (char-foldcase char)
is equivalent to (char-downcase (char-upcase char))
, but for Turkic İ and ı, char-foldcase
acts as the identity.
(char-foldcase #\g) ⇒ #\g
(char-foldcase #\G) ⇒ #\g
(char-foldcase #\7) ⇒ #\7
(char-foldcase #\ς) ⇒ #\σ
procedure |
returns |
the Unicode scalar value of |
libraries |
(char->integer #\newline) ⇒ 10
(char->integer #\space) ⇒ 32
(- (char->integer #\Z) (char->integer #\A)) ⇒ 25
procedure |
returns |
the character corresponding to the Unicode scalar value |
libraries |
must be an exact integer and a valid Unicode scalar value, i.e., \(0 \le n \le \#xD7FF\) or \(\#xE000 \le n \le 10FFFF\).
(integer->char 48) ⇒ #\0
(integer->char #x3BB) ⇒ #\λ
Section 6.8. Strings
Strings are sequences of characters and are often used as messages, character buffers, or containers for blocks of text. Scheme provides operations for creating strings, extracting characters from strings, obtaining substrings, concatenating strings, and altering the contents of strings.
A string is written as a sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes, e.g., "hi there"
. A double quote may be introduced into a string by preceding it by a backward slash, e.g., "two \"quotes\" within"
. A backward slash may also be included by preceding it with a backward slash, e.g., "a \\slash"
. Various special characters can be inserted with other two-character sequences, e.g., \n
for newline, \r
for carriage return, and \t
for tab. Any Unicode character may be inserted with the syntax #\xn;
, where n
consists of one or more hexadecimal digits and represents a valid Unicode scalar value. A grammar defining the precise syntax of strings is given on page 458.
Strings are indexed by exact nonnegative integers, and the index of the first element of any string is 0. The highest valid index for a given string is one less than its length.
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
As with =
, <
, >
, <=
, and >=
, these predicates express relationships among all of the arguments. For example, string>?
determines if the lexicographic ordering of its arguments is monotonically decreasing.
The comparisons are based on the character predicates char=?
and char<?
. Two strings are lexicographically equivalent if they are the same length and consist of the same sequence of characters according to char=?
. If two strings differ only in length, the shorter string is considered to be lexicographically less than the longer string. Otherwise, the first character position at which the strings differ (by char=?
) determines which string is lexicographically less than the other, according to char<?
Two-argument string=?
may be defined without error checks as follows.
(define string=?
(lambda (s1 s2)
(let ([n (string-length s1)])
(and (= (string-length s2) n)
(let loop ([i 0])
(or (= i n)
(and (char=? (string-ref s1 i) (string-ref s2 i))
(loop (+ i 1)))))))))
Two-argument string<?
may be defined without error checks as follows.
(define string<?
(lambda (s1 s2)
(let ([n1 (string-length s1)] [n2 (string-length s2)])
(let loop ([i 0])
(and (not (= i n2))
(or (= i n1)
(let ([c1 (string-ref s1 i)] [c2 (string-ref s2 i)])
(or (char<? c1 c2)
(and (char=? c1 c2)
(loop (+ i 1)))))))))))
These definitions may be extended straightforwardly to support three or more arguments. string<=?
, string>?
, and string>=?
may be defined similarly.
(string=? "mom" "mom") ⇒ #t
(string<? "mom" "mommy") ⇒ #t
(string>? "Dad" "Dad") ⇒ #f
(string=? "Mom and Dad" "mom and dad") ⇒ #f
(string<? "a" "b" "c") ⇒ #t
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
These predicates are identical to string=?
, string<?
, string>?
, string<=?
, and string>=?
except that they are case-insensitive, i.e., compare the case-folded versions of their arguments.
(string-ci=? "Mom and Dad" "mom and dad") ⇒ #t
(string-ci<=? "say what" "Say What!?") ⇒ #t
(string-ci>? "N" "m" "L" "k") ⇒ #t
(string-ci=? "Straße" "Strasse") ⇒ #t
procedure |
returns |
a string containing the characters |
libraries |
(string) ⇒ ""
(string #\a #\b #\c) ⇒ "abc"
(string #\H #\E #\Y #\!) ⇒ "HEY!"
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
a string of length |
libraries |
must be an exact nonnegative integer. If char
is supplied, the string is filled with n
occurrences of char
, otherwise the characters contained in the string are unspecified.
(make-string 0) ⇒ ""
(make-string 0 #\x) ⇒ ""
(make-string 5 #\x) ⇒ "xxxxx"
procedure |
returns |
the number of characters in |
libraries |
The length of a string is always an exact nonnegative integer.
(string-length "abc") ⇒ 3
(string-length "") ⇒ 0
(string-length "hi there") ⇒ 8
(string-length (make-string 1000000)) ⇒ 1000000
procedure |
returns |
the |
libraries |
must be an exact nonnegative integer less than the length of string
(string-ref "hi there" 0) ⇒ #\h
(string-ref "hi there" 5) ⇒ #\e
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
must be an exact nonnegative integer less than the length of string
. string-set!
changes the n
th element of string
to char
(let ([str (string-copy "hi three")])
(string-set! str 5 #\e)
(string-set! str 6 #\r)
str) ⇒ "hi there"
procedure |
returns |
a new copy of |
libraries |
This procedure creates a new string with the same length and contents as string
(string-copy "abc") ⇒ "abc"
(let ([str "abc"])
(eq? str (string-copy str))) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
a new string formed by concatenating the strings |
libraries |
(string-append) ⇒ ""
(string-append "abc" "def") ⇒ "abcdef"
(string-append "Hey " "you " "there!") ⇒ "Hey you there!"
The following implementation of string-append
recurs down the list of strings to compute the total length, then allocates the new string, then fills it up as it unwinds the recursion.
(define string-append
(lambda args
(let f ([ls args] [n 0])
(if (null? ls)
(make-string n)
(let* ([s1 (car ls)]
[m (string-length s1)]
[s2 (f (cdr ls) (+ n m))])
(do ([i 0 (+ i 1)] [j n (+ j 1)])
((= i m) s2)
(string-set! s2 j (string-ref s1 i))))))))
procedure |
returns |
a copy of |
libraries |
and end
must be exact nonnegative integers; start
must be less than or equal to end
, while end
must be less than or equal to the length of string
. If end
= start
, a string of length zero is returned. substring
may be defined without error checks as follows.
(define substring
(lambda (s1 m n)
(let ([s2 (make-string (- n m))])
(do ([j 0 (+ j 1)] [i m (+ i 1)])
((= i n) s2)
(string-set! s2 j (string-ref s1 i))))))
(substring "hi there" 0 1) ⇒ "h"
(substring "hi there" 3 6) ⇒ "the"
(substring "hi there" 5 5) ⇒ ""
(let ([str "hi there"])
(let ([end (string-length str)])
(substring str 0 end))) ⇒ "hi there"
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
sets every character in string
to char
(let ([str (string-copy "sleepy")])
(string-fill! str #\Z)
str) ⇒ "ZZZZZZ"
might be defined as follows:
(define string-fill!
(lambda (s c)
(let ([n (string-length s)])
(do ([i 0 (+ i 1)])
((= i n))
(string-set! s i c)))))
An alternative definition is given on page 276.
procedure |
returns |
the upper-case equivalent of |
procedure |
returns |
the lower-case equivalent of |
procedure |
returns |
the case-folded equivalent of |
procedure |
returns |
the title-case equivalent of |
libraries |
These procedures implement Unicode’s locale-independent case mappings from scalar-value sequences to scalar-value sequences. These mappings do not always map single characters to single characters, so the length of the result string may differ from the length of string
. If the result string is the same as string
(by string=?
), string
or a copy of string
may be returned. Otherwise, the result string is newly allocated. string-foldcase
does not use the special mappings for Turkic languages.
converts the first cased character of each word in string
to its title-case counterpart and converts each other character to its lower-case counterpart. Word breaks are recognized as specified in Unicode Standard Annex #29 [8].
(string-upcase "Hi") ⇒ "HI"
(string-downcase "Hi") ⇒ "hi"
(string-foldcase "Hi") ⇒ "hi"
(string-upcase "Straße") ⇒ "STRASSE"
(string-downcase "Straße") ⇒ "straße"
(string-foldcase "Straße") ⇒ "strasse"
(string-downcase "STRASSE") ⇒ "strasse"
(string-downcase "Σ") ⇒ "σ"
(string-titlecase "kNock KNoCK") ⇒ "Knock Knock"
(string-titlecase "who's there?") ⇒ "Who's There?"
(string-titlecase "r6rs") ⇒ "R6rs"
(string-titlecase "R6RS") ⇒ "R6rs"
procedure |
returns |
the Unicode normalized form D of |
procedure |
returns |
the Unicode normalized form KD of |
procedure |
returns |
the Unicode normalized form C of |
procedure |
returns |
the Unicode normalized form KC of |
libraries |
If the result string is the same as string
(by string=?
), string
or a copy of string
may be returned. Otherwise, the result string is newly allocated.
(string-normalize-nfd "\xE9;") ⇒ "e\x301;"
(string-normalize-nfc "\xE9;") ⇒ "\xE9;"
(string-normalize-nfd "\x65;\x301;") ⇒ "e\x301;"
(string-normalize-nfc "\x65;\x301;") ⇒ "\xE9;"
procedure |
returns |
a list of the characters in |
libraries |
allows a string to be converted into a list, so that Scheme’s list-processing operations may be applied to the processing of strings. string->list
may be defined without error checks as follows.
(define string->list
(lambda (s)
(do ([i (- (string-length s) 1) (- i 1)]
[ls '() (cons (string-ref s i) ls)])
((< i 0) ls))))
(string->list "") ⇒ ()
(string->list "abc") ⇒ (#\a #\b #\c)
(apply char<? (string->list "abc")) ⇒ #t
(map char-upcase (string->list "abc")) ⇒ (#\A #\B #\C)
procedure |
returns |
a string of the characters in |
libraries |
must consist entirely of characters.
is the functional inverse of string->list
. A program might use both procedures together, first converting a string into a list, then operating on this list to produce a new list, and finally converting the new list back into a string.
may be defined without error checks as follows.
(define list->string
(lambda (ls)
(let ([s (make-string (length ls))])
(do ([ls ls (cdr ls)] [i 0 (+ i 1)])
((null? ls) s)
(string-set! s i (car ls))))))
(list->string '()) ⇒ ""
(list->string '(#\a #\b #\c)) ⇒ "abc"
(map char-upcase
(string->list "abc"))) ⇒ "ABC"
Section 6.9. Vectors
Vectors are more convenient and efficient than lists for some applications. Whereas accessing an arbitrary element in a list requires a linear traversal of the list up to the selected element, arbitrary vector elements are accessed in constant time. The length of a vector is the number of elements it contains. Vectors are indexed by exact nonnegative integers, and the index of the first element of any vector is 0. The highest valid index for a given vector is one less than its length.
As with lists, the elements of a vector can be of any type, and a single vector can hold more than one type of object.
A vector is written as a sequence of objects separated by whitespace, preceded by the prefix #(
and followed by )
. For example, a vector consisting of the elements a
, b
, and c
would be written #(a b c)
procedure |
returns |
a vector of the objects |
libraries |
(vector) ⇒ #()
(vector 'a 'b 'c) ⇒ #(a b c)
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
a vector of length |
libraries |
must be an exact nonnegative integer. If obj
is supplied, each element of the vector is filled with obj
; otherwise, the elements are unspecified.
(make-vector 0) ⇒ #()
(make-vector 0 '#(a)) ⇒ #()
(make-vector 5 '#(a)) ⇒ #(#(a) #(a) #(a) #(a) #(a))
procedure |
returns |
the number of elements in |
libraries |
The length of a vector is always an exact nonnegative integer.
(vector-length '#()) ⇒ 0
(vector-length '#(a b c)) ⇒ 3
(vector-length (vector 1 '(2) 3 '#(4 5))) ⇒ 4
(vector-length (make-vector 300)) ⇒ 300
procedure |
returns |
the |
libraries |
must be an exact nonnegative integer less than the length of vector
(vector-ref '#(a b c) 0) ⇒ a
(vector-ref '#(a b c) 1) ⇒ b
(vector-ref '#(x y z w) 3) ⇒ w
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
must be an exact nonnegative integer less than the length of vector
. vector-set!
changes the n
th element of vector
to obj
(let ([v (vector 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e)])
(vector-set! v 2 'x)
v) ⇒ #(a b x d e)
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
replaces each element of vector
with obj
. It may be defined without error checks as follows.
(define vector-fill!
(lambda (v x)
(let ([n (vector-length v)])
(do ([i 0 (+ i 1)])
((= i n))
(vector-set! v i x)))))
(let ([v (vector 1 2 3)])
(vector-fill! v 0)
v) ⇒ #(0 0 0)
procedure |
returns |
a list of the elements of |
libraries |
provides a convenient method for applying list-processing operations to vectors. It may be defined without error checks as follows.
(define vector->list
(lambda (s)
(do ([i (- (vector-length s) 1) (- i 1)]
[ls '() (cons (vector-ref s i) ls)])
((< i 0) ls))))
(vector->list (vector)) ⇒ ()
(vector->list '#(a b c)) ⇒ (a b c)
(let ((v '#(1 2 3 4 5)))
(apply * (vector->list v))) ⇒ 120
procedure |
returns |
a vector of the elements of |
libraries |
is the functional inverse of vector->list
. The two procedures are often used in combination to take advantage of a list-processing operation. A vector may be converted to a list with vector->list
, this list processed in some manner to produce a new list, and the new list converted back into a vector with list->vector
may be defined without error checks as follows.
(define list->vector
(lambda (ls)
(let ([s (make-vector (length ls))])
(do ([ls ls (cdr ls)] [i 0 (+ i 1)])
((null? ls) s)
(vector-set! s i (car ls))))))
(list->vector '()) ⇒ #()
(list->vector '(a b c)) ⇒ #(a b c)
(let ([v '#(1 2 3 4 5)])
(let ([ls (vector->list v)])
(list->vector (map * ls ls)))) ⇒ #(1 4 9 16 25)
procedure |
returns |
a vector containing the elements of |
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
should be a procedure that expects two arguments and returns #t
if its first argument must precede its second in the sorted vector. That is, if predicate
is applied to two elements x
and y
, where x
appears after y
in the input vector, the predicate should return true only if x
should appear before y
in the output vector. If this constraint is met, vector-sort
performs a stable sort, i.e., two elements are reordered only when necessary according to predicate
. vector-sort!
performs the sort destructively and does not necessarily perform a stable sort. Duplicate elements are not removed. predicate
should not have any side effects.
may call predicate
up to \(n\log{n}\) times, where n is the length of vector
, while vector-sort!
may call the predicate up to \(n^2\) times. The looser bound for vector-sort!
allows an implementation to use a quicksort algorithm, which may be faster in some cases than algorithms that have the tighter \(n\log{n}\) bound.
(vector-sort < '#(3 4 2 1 2 5)) ⇒ #(1 2 2 3 4 5)
(vector-sort > '#(0.5 1/2)) ⇒ #(0.5 1/2)
(vector-sort > '#(1/2 0.5)) ⇒ #(1/2 0.5)
(let ([v (vector 3 4 2 1 2 5)])
(vector-sort! < v)
v) ⇒ #(1 2 2 3 4 5)
Section 6.10. Bytevectors
Bytevectors are vectors of raw binary data. Although nominally organized as a sequence of exact unsigned 8-bit integers, a bytevector can be interpreted as a sequence of exact signed 8-bit integers, exact signed or unsigned 16-bit, 32-bit, 64-bit, or arbitrary-precision integers, IEEE single or double floating-point numbers, or arbitrary combinations of the above.
The length of a bytevector is the number of 8-bit bytes it stores, and indices into a bytevector are always given as byte offsets. Any data element may be aligned at any byte offset, regardless of the underlying hardware’s alignment requirements, and may be represented using a specified endianness (see below) that differs from that prescribed by the hardware. Special, typically more efficient operators are provided for 16-, 32-, and 64-bit integers and single and double floats that are in their native format, i.e,. with the endianness of the underlying hardware and stored at an index that is a multiple of the size in bytes of the integer or float.
The endianness of a multi-byte data value determines how it is laid out in memory. In big-endian format, the value is laid out with the more significant bytes at lower indices, while in little-endian format, the value is laid out with the more significant bytes at higher indices. When a bytevector procedure accepts an endianness argument, the argument may be the symbol big
, representing the big-endian format, or the symbol little
, representing the little-endian format. Implementations may extend these procedures to accept other endianness symbols. The native endianness of the implementation may be obtained via the procedure native-endianness
Bytevectors are written with the #vu8(
prefix in place of the #(
prefix for vectors, e.g., #vu8(1 2 3)
. The elements of a bytevector specified in this manner are always given as 8-bit unsigned exact integers, i.e., integers from 0 to 255 inclusive, written using any valid syntax for such numbers. Like strings, bytevectors are self-evaluating, so they need not be quoted.
'#vu8(1 2 3) ⇒ #vu8(1 2 3)
#vu8(1 2 3) ⇒ #vu8(1 2 3)
#vu8(#x3f #x7f #xbf #xff) ⇒ #vu8(63 127 191 255)
syntax |
returns |
libraries |
must be the symbol little
, the symbol big
, or some other symbol recognized by the implementation as an endianness symbol. It is a syntax violation if symbol
is not a symbol or if it is not recognized by the implementation as an endianness symbol.
(endianness little) ⇒ little
(endianness big) ⇒ big
(endianness "spam") ⇒ exception
procedure |
returns |
a symbol naming the implementation’s native endianness |
libraries |
The return value is the symbol little
, the symbol big
, or some other endianness symbol recognized by the implementation. It typically reflects the endianness of the underlying hardware.
(symbol? (native-endianness)) ⇒ #t
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
a new bytevector of length |
libraries |
If fill
is supplied, each element of the bytevector is initialized to fill
; otherwise, the elements are unspecified. The fill
value must be a signed or unsigned 8-bit value, i.e., a value in the range -128 to 255 inclusive. A negative fill value is treated as its two’s complement equivalent.
(make-bytevector 0) ⇒ #vu8()
(make-bytevector 0 7) ⇒ #vu8()
(make-bytevector 5 7) ⇒ #vu8(7 7 7 7 7)
(make-bytevector 5 -7) ⇒ #vu8(249 249 249 249 249)
procedure |
returns |
the length of |
libraries |
(bytevector-length #vu8()) ⇒ 0
(bytevector-length #vu8(1 2 3)) ⇒ 3
(bytevector-length (make-bytevector 300)) ⇒ 300
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
Two bytevectors are equal by bytevector=?
if and only if they have the same length and same contents.
(bytevector=? #vu8() #vu8()) ⇒ #t
(bytevector=? (make-bytevector 3 0) #vu8(0 0 0)) ⇒ #t
(bytevector=? (make-bytevector 5 0) #vu8(0 0 0)) ⇒ #f
(bytevector=? #vu8(1 127 128 255) #vu8(255 128 127 1)) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
The fill
value must be a signed or unsigned 8-bit value, i.e., a value in the range -128 to 255 inclusive. A negative fill value is treated as its two’s complement equivalent.
replaces each element of bytevector
with fill
(let ([v (make-bytevector 6)])
(bytevector-fill! v 255)
v) ⇒ #vu8(255 255 255 255 255 255)
(let ([v (make-bytevector 6)])
(bytevector-fill! v -128)
v) ⇒ #vu8(128 128 128 128 128 128)
procedure |
returns |
a new bytevector that is a copy of |
libraries |
creates a new bytevector with the same length and contents as bytevector
(bytevector-copy #vu8(1 127 128 255)) ⇒ #vu8(1 127 128 255)
(let ([v #vu8(1 127 128 255)])
(eq? v (bytevector-copy v))) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
and dst
must be bytevectors. src-start
, dst-start
, and n
must be exact nonnegative integers. The sum of src-start
and n
must not exceed the length of src
, and the sum of dst-start
and n
must not exceed the length of dst
overwrites the n
bytes of dst
starting at dst-start
with the n
bytes of src
starting at src-start
. This works even if dst
is the same bytevector as src
and the source and destination locations overlap. That is, the destination is filled with the bytes that appeared at the source before the operation began.
(define v1 #vu8(31 63 95 127 159 191 223 255))
(define v2 (make-bytevector 10 0))
(bytevector-copy! v1 2 v2 1 4)
v2 ⇒ #vu8(0 95 127 159 191 0 0 0 0 0)
(bytevector-copy! v1 5 v2 7 3)
v2 ⇒ #vu8(0 95 127 159 191 0 0 191 223 255)
(bytevector-copy! v2 3 v2 0 6)
v2 ⇒ #vu8(159 191 0 0 191 223 0 191 223 255)
(bytevector-copy! v2 0 v2 1 9)
v2 ⇒ #vu8(159 159 191 0 0 191 223 0 191 223)
procedure |
returns |
the 8-bit unsigned byte at index |
libraries |
must be an exact nonnegative integer less than the length of bytevector
The value is returned as an exact 8-bit unsigned integer, i.e., a value in the range 0 to 255 inclusive.
(bytevector-u8-ref #vu8(1 127 128 255) 0) ⇒ 1
(bytevector-u8-ref #vu8(1 127 128 255) 2) ⇒ 128
(bytevector-u8-ref #vu8(1 127 128 255) 3) ⇒ 255
procedure |
returns |
the 8-bit signed byte at index |
libraries |
must be an exact nonnegative integer less than the length of bytevector
The value returned is an exact 8-bit signed integer, i.e., a value in the range -128 to 127 inclusive, and is the equivalent of the stored value treated as a two’s complement value.
(bytevector-s8-ref #vu8(1 127 128 255) 0) ⇒ 1
(bytevector-s8-ref #vu8(1 127 128 255) 1) ⇒ 127
(bytevector-s8-ref #vu8(1 127 128 255) 2) ⇒ -128
(bytevector-s8-ref #vu8(1 127 128 255) 3) ⇒ -1
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
must be an exact nonnegative integer less than the length of bytevector
. u8
must be an 8-bit unsigned value, i.e., a value in the range 0 to 255 inclusive.
changes the 8-bit value at index n
(zero-based) of bytevector
to u8
(let ([v (make-bytevector 5 -1)])
(bytevector-u8-set! v 2 128)
v) ⇒ #vu8(255 255 128 255 255)
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
must be an exact nonnegative integer less than the length of bytevector
. s8
must be an 8-bit signed value, i.e., a value in the range -128 to 127 inclusive.
changes the 8-bit value at index n
(zero-based) of bytevector
to the two’s complement equivalent of s8
(let ([v (make-bytevector 4 0)])
(bytevector-s8-set! v 1 100)
(bytevector-s8-set! v 2 -100)
v) ⇒ #vu8(0 100 156 0)
procedure |
returns |
a list of the 8-bit unsigned elements of |
libraries |
(bytevector->u8-list (make-bytevector 0)) ⇒ ()
(bytevector->u8-list #vu8(1 127 128 255)) ⇒ (1 127 128 255)
(let ([v #vu8(1 2 3 255)])
(apply * (bytevector->u8-list v))) ⇒ 1530
procedure |
returns |
a new bytevector of the elements of |
libraries |
must consist entirely of exact 8-bit unsigned integers, i.e., values in the range 0 to 255 inclusive.
(u8-list->bytevector '()) ⇒ #vu8()
(u8-list->bytevector '(1 127 128 255)) ⇒ #vu8(1 127 128 255)
(let ([v #vu8(1 2 3 4 5)])
(let ([ls (bytevector->u8-list v)])
(u8-list->bytevector (map * ls ls)))) ⇒ #vu8(1 4 9 16 25)
procedure |
returns |
the 16-bit unsigned integer at index |
procedure |
returns |
the 16-bit signed integer at index |
procedure |
returns |
the 32-bit unsigned integer at index |
procedure |
returns |
the 32-bit signed integer at index |
procedure |
returns |
the 64-bit unsigned integer at index |
procedure |
returns |
the 64-bit signed integer at index |
libraries |
must be an exact nonnegative integer. It indexes the starting byte of the value and must be a multiple of the number of bytes occupied by the value: 2 for 16-bit values, 4 for 32-bit values, and 8 for 64-bit values. The sum of n
and the number of bytes occupied by the value must not exceed the length of bytevector
. The native endianness is assumed.
The return value is an exact integer in the appropriate range for the number of bytes occupied by the value. Signed values are the equivalent of the stored value treated as a two’s complement value.
(define v #vu8(#x12 #x34 #xfe #x56 #xdc #xba #x78 #x98))
If native endianness is big:
(bytevector-u16-native-ref v 2) ⇒ #xfe56
(bytevector-s16-native-ref v 2) ⇒ #x-1aa
(bytevector-s16-native-ref v 6) ⇒ #x7898
(bytevector-u32-native-ref v 0) ⇒ #x1234fe56
(bytevector-s32-native-ref v 0) ⇒ #x1234fe56
(bytevector-s32-native-ref v 4) ⇒ #x-23458768
(bytevector-u64-native-ref v 0) ⇒ #x1234fe56dcba7898
(bytevector-s64-native-ref v 0) ⇒ #x1234fe56dcba7898
If native endianness is little:
(bytevector-u16-native-ref v 2) ⇒ #x56fe
(bytevector-s16-native-ref v 2) ⇒ #x56fe
(bytevector-s16-native-ref v 6) ⇒ #x-6788
(bytevector-u32-native-ref v 0) ⇒ #x56fe3412
(bytevector-s32-native-ref v 0) ⇒ #x56fe3412
(bytevector-s32-native-ref v 4) ⇒ #x-67874524
(bytevector-u64-native-ref v 0) ⇒ #x9878badc56fe3412
(bytevector-s64-native-ref v 0) ⇒ #x-67874523a901cbee
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
must be an exact nonnegative integer. It indexes the starting byte of the value and must be a multiple of the number of bytes occupied by the value: 2 for 16-bit values, 4 for 32-bit values, and 8 for 64-bit values. The sum of n
and the number of bytes occupied by the value must not exceed the length bytevector
. u16
must be a 16-bit unsigned value, i.e., a value in the range 0 to \(2^{16} - 1\) inclusive; s16
must be a 16-bit signed value, i.e., a value in the range \(-2^{15}\) to \(2^{15} - 1\) inclusive; u32
must be a 32-bit unsigned value, i.e., a value in the range 0 to \(2^{32} - 1\) inclusive; s32
must be a 32-bit signed value, i.e., a value in the range \(-2^{31}\) to \(2^{31} - 1\) inclusive; u64
must be a 64-bit unsigned value, i.e., a value in the range \(0\) to \(2^{64} - 1\) inclusive; and s64
must be a 64-bit signed value, i.e., a value in the range \(-2^{63}\) to \(2^{63} - 1\) inclusive. The native endianness is assumed.
These procedures store the given value in the 2, 4, or 8 bytes starting at index n
(zero-based) of bytevector
. Negative values are stored as their two’s complement equivalent.
(define v (make-bytevector 8 0))
(bytevector-u16-native-set! v 0 #xfe56)
(bytevector-s16-native-set! v 2 #x-1aa)
(bytevector-s16-native-set! v 4 #x7898)
If native endianness is big:
v ⇒ #vu8(#xfe #x56 #xfe #x56 #x78 #x98 #x00 #x00)
If native endianness is little:
v ⇒ #vu8(#x56 #xfe #x56 #xfe #x98 #x78 #x00 #x00)
(define v (make-bytevector 16 0))
(bytevector-u32-native-set! v 0 #x1234fe56)
(bytevector-s32-native-set! v 4 #x1234fe56)
(bytevector-s32-native-set! v 8 #x-23458768)
If native endianness is big:
v ⇒ #vu8(#x12 #x34 #xfe #x56 #x12 #x34 #xfe #x56
#xdc #xba #x78 #x98 #x00 #x00 #x00 #x00)
If native endianness is little:
v ⇒ #vu8(#x56 #xfe #x34 #x12 #x56 #xfe #x34 #x12
#x98 #x78 #xba #xdc #x00 #x00 #x00 #x00)
(define v (make-bytevector 24 0))
(bytevector-u64-native-set! v 0 #x1234fe56dcba7898)
(bytevector-s64-native-set! v 8 #x1234fe56dcba7898)
(bytevector-s64-native-set! v 16 #x-67874523a901cbee)
If native endianness is big:
v ⇒ #vu8(#x12 #x34 #xfe #x56 #xdc #xba #x78 #x98
#x12 #x34 #xfe #x56 #xdc #xba #x78 #x98
#x98 #x78 #xba #xdc #x56 #xfe #x34 #x12)
If native endianness is little:
v ⇒ #vu8(#x98 #x78 #xba #xdc #x56 #xfe #x34 #x12
#x98 #x78 #xba #xdc #x56 #xfe #x34 #x12
#x12 #x34 #xfe #x56 #xdc #xba #x78 #x98)
procedure |
returns |
the 16-bit unsigned integer at index |
procedure |
returns |
the 16-bit signed integer at index |
procedure |
returns |
the 32-bit unsigned integer at index |
procedure |
returns |
the 32-bit signed integer at index |
procedure |
returns |
the 64-bit unsigned integer at index |
procedure |
returns |
the 64-bit signed integer at index |
libraries |
must be an exact nonnegative integer and indexes the starting byte of the value. The sum of n
and the number of bytes occupied by the value (2 for 16-bit values, 4 for 32-bit values, and 8 for 32-bit values) must not exceed the length of bytevector
. n
need not be a multiple of the number of bytes occupied by the value. eness
must be a valid endianness symbol naming the endianness.
The return value is an exact integer in the appropriate range for the number of bytes occupied by the value. Signed values are the equivalent of the stored value treated as a two’s complement value.
(define v #vu8(#x12 #x34 #xfe #x56 #xdc #xba #x78 #x98 #x9a #x76))
(bytevector-u16-ref v 0 (endianness big)) ⇒ #x1234
(bytevector-s16-ref v 1 (endianness big)) ⇒ #x34fe
(bytevector-s16-ref v 5 (endianness big)) ⇒ #x-4588
(bytevector-u32-ref v 2 'big) ⇒ #xfe56dcba
(bytevector-s32-ref v 3 'big) ⇒ #x56dcba78
(bytevector-s32-ref v 4 'big) ⇒ #x-23458768
(bytevector-u64-ref v 0 'big) ⇒ #x1234fe56dcba7898
(bytevector-s64-ref v 1 'big) ⇒ #x34fe56dcba78989a
(bytevector-u16-ref v 0 (endianness little)) ⇒ #x3412
(bytevector-s16-ref v 1 (endianness little)) ⇒ #x-1cc
(bytevector-s16-ref v 5 (endianness little)) ⇒ #x78ba
(bytevector-u32-ref v 2 'little) ⇒ #xbadc56fe
(bytevector-s32-ref v 3 'little) ⇒ #x78badc56
(bytevector-s32-ref v 4 'little) ⇒ #x-67874524
(bytevector-u64-ref v 0 'little) ⇒ #x9878badc56fe3412
(bytevector-s64-ref v 1 'little) ⇒ #x-6567874523a901cc
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
must be an exact nonnegative integer and indexes the starting byte of the value. The sum of n
and the number of bytes occupied by the value must not exceed the length of bytevector
. n
need not be a multiple of the number of bytes occupied by the value. u16
must be a 16-bit unsigned value, i.e., a value in the range \(0\) to \(2^{16} - 1\) inclusive; s16
must be a 16-bit signed value, i.e., a value in the range \(-2^{15}\) to \(2^{15} - 1\) inclusive; u32
must be a 32-bit unsigned value, i.e., a value in the range \(0\) to \(2^{32} - 1\) inclusive; s32
must be a 32-bit signed value, i.e., a value in the range \(-2^{31}\) to \(2^{31} - 1\) inclusive; u64
must be a 64-bit unsigned value, i.e., a value in the range \(0\) to \(2^{64} - 1\) inclusive; and s64
must be a 64-bit signed value, i.e., a value in the range \(-2^{63}\) to \(2^{63} - 1\) inclusive. eness
must be a valid endianness symbol naming the endianness.
These procedures store the given value in the 2, 4, or 8 bytes starting at index n
(zero-based) of bytevector
. Negative values are stored as their two’s complement equivalent.
(define v (make-bytevector 8 0))
(bytevector-u16-set! v 0 #xfe56 (endianness big))
(bytevector-s16-set! v 3 #x-1aa (endianness little))
(bytevector-s16-set! v 5 #x7898 (endianness big))
v ⇒ #vu8(#xfe #x56 #x0 #x56 #xfe #x78 #x98 #x0)
(define v (make-bytevector 16 0))
(bytevector-u32-set! v 0 #x1234fe56 'little)
(bytevector-s32-set! v 6 #x1234fe56 'big)
(bytevector-s32-set! v 11 #x-23458768 'little)
v ⇒ #vu8(#x56 #xfe #x34 #x12 #x0 #x0
#x12 #x34 #xfe #x56 #x0
#x98 #x78 #xba #xdc #x0)
(define v (make-bytevector 28 0))
(bytevector-u64-set! v 0 #x1234fe56dcba7898 'little)
(bytevector-s64-set! v 10 #x1234fe56dcba7898 'big)
(bytevector-s64-set! v 19 #x-67874523a901cbee 'big)
v ⇒ #vu8(#x98 #x78 #xba #xdc #x56 #xfe #x34 #x12 #x0 #x0
#x12 #x34 #xfe #x56 #xdc #xba #x78 #x98 #x0
#x98 #x78 #xba #xdc #x56 #xfe #x34 #x12 #x0)
procedure |
returns |
the |
procedure |
returns |
the |
libraries |
must be an exact nonnegative integer and indexes the starting byte of the value. size
must be an exact positive integer and specifies the number of bytes occupied by the value. The sum of n
and size
must not exceed the length of bytevector
. n
need not be a multiple of the number of bytes occupied by the value. eness
must be a valid endianness symbol naming the endianness.
The return value is an exact integer in the appropriate range for the number of bytes occupied by the value. Signed values are the equivalent of the stored value treated as a two’s complement value.
(define v #vu8(#x12 #x34 #xfe #x56 #xdc #xba #x78 #x98 #x9a #x76))
(bytevector-uint-ref v 0 'big 1) ⇒ #x12
(bytevector-uint-ref v 0 'little 1) ⇒ #x12
(bytevector-uint-ref v 1 'big 3) ⇒ #x34fe56
(bytevector-uint-ref v 2 'little 7) ⇒ #x9a9878badc56fe
(bytevector-sint-ref v 2 'big 1) ⇒ #x-02
(bytevector-sint-ref v 1 'little 6) ⇒ #x78badc56fe34
(bytevector-sint-ref v 2 'little 7) ⇒ #x-6567874523a902
(bytevector-sint-ref (make-bytevector 1000 -1) 0 'big 1000) ⇒ -1
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
must be an exact nonnegative integer and indexes the starting byte of the value. size
must be an exact positive integer and specifies the number of bytes occupied by the value. The sum of n
and size
must not exceed the length of bytevector
. n
need not be a multiple of the number of bytes occupied by the value. uint
must be an exact integer in the range \(0\) to \(2^{size \cdot 8} - 1\) inclusive. sint
must be an exact integer in the range \(-2^{size \cdot 8 - 1}\) to \(2^{size \cdot 8 - 1} - 1\) inclusive. eness
must be a valid endianness symbol naming the endianness.
These procedures store the given value in the size
bytes starting at index n
(zero-based) of bytevector
. Negative values are stored as their two’s complement equivalent.
(define v (make-bytevector 5 0))
(bytevector-uint-set! v 1 #x123456 (endianness big) 3)
v ⇒ #vu8(0 #x12 #x34 #x56 0)
(define v (make-bytevector 7 -1))
(bytevector-sint-set! v 1 #x-8000000000 (endianness little) 5)
v ⇒ #vu8(#xff 0 0 0 0 #x80 #xff)
procedure |
returns |
a new list of the |
procedure |
returns |
a new list of the |
libraries |
must be a valid endianness symbol naming the endianness. size
must be an exact positive integer and specifies the number of bytes occupied by the value. It must be a value that evenly divides the length of bytevector
(bytevector->uint-list (make-bytevector 0) 'little 3) ⇒ ()
(let ([v #vu8(1 2 3 4 5 6)])
(bytevector->uint-list v 'big 3)) ⇒ (#x010203 #x040506)
(let ([v (make-bytevector 80 -1)])
(bytevector->sint-list v 'big 20)) ⇒ (-1 -1 -1 -1)
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
a new bytevector of the elements of |
libraries |
must be a valid endianness symbol naming the endianness. size
must be an exact positive integer and specifies the number of bytes occupied by the value. For uint-list->bytevector
, list
must consist entirely of size
-byte exact unsigned integers, i.e., values in the range \(0\) to \(2^{size \cdot 8} - 1\) inclusive. For sint-list->bytevector
, list
must consist entirely of size
-byte exact signed integers, i.e., values in the range \(-2^{size \cdot 8 - 1}\) to \(2^{size \cdot 8 - 1} - 1\) inclusive. Each value occupies size
bytes in the resulting bytevector, whose length is thus size
times the length of list
(uint-list->bytevector '() 'big 25) ⇒ #vu8()
(sint-list->bytevector '(0 -1) 'big 3) ⇒ #vu8(0 0 0 #xff #xff #xff)
(define (f size)
(let ([ls (list (- (expt 2 (- (* 8 size) 1)))
(- (expt 2 (- (* 8 size) 1)) 1))])
(sint-list->bytevector ls 'little size)))
(f 6) ⇒ #vu8(#x00 #x00 #x00 #x00 #x00 #x80
#xff #xff #xff #xff #xff #x7f)
procedure |
returns |
the single floating-point value at index |
procedure |
returns |
the double floating-point value at index |
libraries |
must be an exact nonnegative integer. It indexes the starting byte of the value and must be a multiple of the number of bytes occupied by the value: 4 for single floats, 8 for double. The sum of n
and the number of bytes occupied by the value must not exceed the length of bytevector
. The native endianness is assumed.
The return value is an inexact real number. Examples appear after the mutation operators below.
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
must be an exact nonnegative integer. It indexes the starting byte of the value and must be a multiple of the number of bytes occupied by the value: 4 for single floats, 8 for double. The sum of n
and the number of bytes occupied by the value must not exceed the length of bytevector
. The native endianness is assumed.
These procedures store the given value as an IEEE-754 single or double floating-point value at index n
(zero-based) of bytevector
(define v (make-bytevector 8 0))
(bytevector-ieee-single-native-set! v 0 .125)
(bytevector-ieee-single-native-set! v 4 -3/2)
(bytevector-ieee-single-native-ref v 0)
(bytevector-ieee-single-native-ref v 4)) ⇒ (0.125 -1.5)
(bytevector-ieee-double-native-set! v 0 1e23)
(bytevector-ieee-double-native-ref v 0) ⇒ 1e23
procedure |
returns |
the single floating-point value at index |
procedure |
returns |
the double floating-point value at index |
libraries |
must be an exact nonnegative integer and indexes the starting byte of the value. The sum of n
and the number of bytes occupied by the value (4 for a single float, 8 for a double) must not exceed the length of bytevector
. n
need not be a multiple of the number of bytes occupied by the value. eness
must be a valid endianness symbol naming the endianness.
The return value is an inexact real number. Examples appear after the mutation operators below.
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
must be an exact nonnegative integer and indexes the starting byte of the value. The sum of n
and the number of bytes occupied by the value (4 for a single float, 8 for a double) must not exceed the length of bytevector
. n
need not be a multiple of the number of bytes occupied by the value. eness
must be a valid endianness symbol naming the endianness.
These procedures store the given value as an IEEE-754 single or double floating-point value at index n
(zero-based) of bytevector
(define v (make-bytevector 10 #xc7))
(bytevector-ieee-single-set! v 1 .125 'little)
(bytevector-ieee-single-set! v 6 -3/2 'big)
(bytevector-ieee-single-ref v 1 'little)
(bytevector-ieee-single-ref v 6 'big)) ⇒ (0.125 -1.5)
v ⇒ #vu8(#xc7 #x0 #x0 #x0 #x3e #xc7 #xbf #xc0 #x0 #x0)
(bytevector-ieee-double-set! v 1 1e23 'big)
(bytevector-ieee-double-ref v 1 'big) ⇒ 1e23
Section 6.11. Symbols
Symbols are used for a variety of purposes as symbolic names in Scheme programs. Strings could be used for most of the same purposes, but an important characteristic of symbols makes comparisons between symbols much more efficient. This characteristic is that two symbols with the same name are identical in the sense of eq?
. The reason is that the Scheme reader (invoked by get-datum
and read
) and the procedure string->symbol
catalog symbols in an internal symbol table and always return the same symbol whenever the same name is encountered. Thus, no character-by-character comparison is needed, as would be needed to compare two strings.
The property that two symbols may be compared quickly for equivalence makes them ideally suited for use as identifiers in the representation of programs, allowing fast comparison of identifiers. This property also makes symbols useful for a variety of other purposes. For example, symbols might be used as messages passed between procedures, labels for list-structured records, or names for objects stored in an association list (see assq
in Section 6.3).
Symbols are written without double quotes or other bracketing characters. Parentheses, double quotes, spaces, and most other characters with a special meaning to the Scheme reader are not allowed within the printed representation of a symbol. These and any other Unicode character may appear anywhere within the printed representation of a symbol with the syntax #\xn;
, where n
consists of one or more hexadecimal digits and represents a valid Unicode scalar value.
The grammar for symbols on page 458 gives a precise definition of the syntax of symbols.
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
Symbols can also be compared with eq?
, which is typically more efficient than symbol=?
(symbol=? 'a 'a) ⇒ #t
(symbol=? 'a (string->symbol "a")) ⇒ #t
(symbol=? 'a 'b) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
a symbol whose name is |
libraries |
records all symbols it creates in an internal table that it shares with the system reader. If a symbol whose name is equivalent to string (according to the predicate string=?
) already exists in the table, this symbol is returned. Otherwise, a new symbol is created with string
as its name; this symbol is entered into the table and returned.
The effect of modifying a string after it is used as an argument to string->symbol
is unspecified.
(string->symbol "x") ⇒ x
(eq? (string->symbol "x") 'x) ⇒ #t
(eq? (string->symbol "X") 'x) ⇒ #f
(eq? (string->symbol "x")
(string->symbol "x")) ⇒ #t
(string->symbol "()") ⇒ \x28;\x29;
procedure |
returns |
a string, the name of |
libraries |
The string returned by symbol->string
should be treated as immutable. Unpredictable behavior can result if a string passed to string->symbol
is altered with string-set!
or by any other means.
(symbol->string 'xyz) ⇒ "xyz"
(symbol->string 'Hi) ⇒ "Hi"
(symbol->string (string->symbol "()")) ⇒ "()"
Section 6.12. Booleans
While every Scheme object has a truth value when used in a conditional context, with every object but #f
counting as true, Scheme provides the dedicated true value #t
for use when a value of an expression should convey nothing more than that it is true.
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
The boolean values #t
and #f
may also be compared with eq?
, which is typically more efficient than boolean=?
(boolean=? #t #t) ⇒ #t
(boolean=? #t #f) ⇒ #f
(boolean=? #t (< 3 4)) ⇒ #t
Section 6.13. Hashtables
Hashtables represent sets of associations between arbitrary Scheme values. They serve essentially the same purpose as association lists (see page 165) but are typically much faster when large numbers of associations are involved.
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
a new mutable eq hashtable |
libraries |
If size
is provided, it must be a nonnegative exact integer indicating approximately how many elements the hashtable should initially hold. Hashtables grow as needed, but when the hashtable grows it generally must rehash all of the existing elements. Providing a nonzero size
can help limit the amount of rehashing that must be done as the table is initially populated.
An eq hashtable compares keys using the eq?
(pointer equality) procedure and typically employs a hash function based on object addresses. Its hash and equivalence functions are suitable for any Scheme object.
(define ht1 (make-eq-hashtable))
(define ht2 (make-eq-hashtable 32))
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
a new mutable eqv hashtable |
libraries |
If size
is provided, it must be a nonnegative exact integer indicating approximately how many elements the hashtable should initially hold. Hashtables grow as needed, but when the hashtable grows it generally must rehash all of the existing elements. Providing a nonzero size
can help limit the amount of rehashing that must be done as the table is initially populated.
An eqv hashtable compares keys using the eqv?
procedure and typically employs a hash function based on object addresses for objects that are identifiable with eq?
. Its hash and equivalence functions are suitable for any Scheme object.
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
a new mutable hashtable |
libraries |
and equiv?
must be procedures. If size
is provided, it must be a nonnegative exact integer indicating approximately how many elements the hashtable should initially hold. Hashtables grow as needed, but when the hashtable grows it generally must rehash all of the existing elements. Providing a nonzero size
can help limit the amount of rehashing that must be done as the table is initially populated.
The new hashtable computes hash values using hash
and compares keys using equiv?
, neither of which should modify the hashtable. equiv?
should compare two keys and return false only if the two keys should be distinguished. hash
should accept a key as an argument and return a nonnegative exact integer value that is the same each time it is called with arguments that equiv?
does not distinguish. The hash
and equiv?
procedures need not accept arbitrary inputs as long as the hashtable is used only for keys that they do accept, and both procedures may assume that the keys are immutable as long as the keys are not modified while they have associations stored in the table. The hashtable operation may call hash
and equiv?
once, not at all, or multiple times for each hashtable operation.
(define ht (make-hashtable string-hash string=?))
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
Hashtables returned by one of the hashtable creation procedures above are mutable, but those created by hashtable-copy
may be immutable. Immutable hashtables cannot be altered by any of the procedures hashtable-set!
, hashtable-update!
, hashtable-delete!
, or hashtable-clear!
(hashtable-mutable? (make-eq-hashtable)) ⇒ #t
(hashtable-mutable? (hashtable-copy (make-eq-hashtable))) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
the hash function associated with |
procedure |
returns |
the equivalence function associated with |
libraries |
returns #f
for eq and eqv hashtables.
(define ht (make-eq-hashtable))
(hashtable-hash-function ht) ⇒ #f
(eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function ht) eq?) ⇒ #t
(define ht (make-hashtable string-hash string=?))
(eq? (hashtable-hash-function ht) string-hash) ⇒ #t
(eq? (hashtable-equivalence-function ht) string=?) ⇒ #t
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
an exact nonnegative integer hash value |
libraries |
These procedures are hash functions suitable for use with the appropriate Scheme predicate: equal?
for equal-hash
, string=?
for string-hash
, string-ci=?
for string-ci-hash
, and symbol=?
(or eq?) for symbol-hash
. The hash values returned by equal-hash
, string-hash
, and string-ci-hash
are typically dependent on the current structure and contents of the input values and are thus unsuitable if keys are modified while they have associations in a hashtable.
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
must be a mutable hashtable. key
should be an appropriate key for the hashtable’s hash and equivalence functions. obj
may be any Scheme object.
associates key
with obj
in hashtable
, replacing the existing association, if any.
(define ht (make-eq-hashtable))
(hashtable-set! ht 'a 73)
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
should be an appropriate key for the hashtable’s hash and equivalence functions. default
may be any Scheme object.
returns the value associated with key
in hashtable
. If no value is associated with key
in hashtable
, hashtable-ref
returns default
(define p1 (cons 'a 'b))
(define p2 (cons 'a 'b))
(define eqht (make-eq-hashtable))
(hashtable-set! eqht p1 73)
(hashtable-ref eqht p1 55) ⇒ 73
(hashtable-ref eqht p2 55) ⇒ 55
(define equalht (make-hashtable equal-hash equal?))
(hashtable-set! equalht p1 73)
(hashtable-ref equalht p1 55) ⇒ 73
(hashtable-ref equalht p2 55) ⇒ 73
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
should be an appropriate key for the hashtable’s hash and equivalence functions.
(define ht (make-eq-hashtable))
(define p1 (cons 'a 'b))
(define p2 (cons 'a 'b))
(hashtable-set! ht p1 73)
(hashtable-contains? ht p1) ⇒ #t
(hashtable-contains? ht p2) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
must be a mutable hashtable. key
should be an appropriate key for the hashtable’s hash and equivalence functions. default
may be any Scheme object. procedure
should accept one argument, should return one value, and should not modify hashtable
applies procedure
to the value associated with key
in hashtable
, or to default
if no value is associated with key
in hashtable
. If procedure
returns, hashtable-update!
associates key
with the value returned by procedure
, replacing the old association, if any.
A version of hashtable-update!
that does not verify that it receives arguments of the proper type might be defined as follows.
(define hashtable-update!
(lambda (ht key proc value)
(hashtable-set! ht key
(proc (hashtable-ref ht key value)))))
An implementation may, however, be able to implement hashtable-update!
more efficiently by avoiding multiple hash computations and hashtable lookups.
(define ht (make-eq-hashtable))
(hashtable-update! ht 'a
(lambda (x) (* x 2))
(hashtable-ref ht 'a 0) ⇒ 110
(hashtable-update! ht 'a
(lambda (x) (* x 2))
(hashtable-ref ht 'a 0) ⇒ 220
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
must be a mutable hashtable. key
should be an appropriate key for the hashtable’s hash and equivalence functions.
drops any association for key
from hashtable
(define ht (make-eq-hashtable))
(define p1 (cons 'a 'b))
(define p2 (cons 'a 'b))
(hashtable-set! ht p1 73)
(hashtable-contains? ht p1) ⇒ #t
(hashtable-delete! ht p1)
(hashtable-contains? ht p1) ⇒ #f
(hashtable-contains? ht p2) ⇒ #f
(hashtable-delete! ht p2)
procedure |
returns |
number of entries in |
libraries |
(define ht (make-eq-hashtable))
(define p1 (cons 'a 'b))
(define p2 (cons 'a 'b))
(hashtable-size ht) ⇒ 0
(hashtable-set! ht p1 73)
(hashtable-size ht) ⇒ 1
(hashtable-delete! ht p1)
(hashtable-size ht) ⇒ 0
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
a new hashtable containing the same entries as |
libraries |
If mutable?
is present and not false, the copy is mutable; otherwise, the copy is immutable.
(define ht (make-eq-hashtable))
(define p1 (cons 'a 'b))
(hashtable-set! ht p1 "c")
(define ht-copy (hashtable-copy ht))
(hashtable-mutable? ht-copy) ⇒ #f
(hashtable-delete! ht p1)
(hashtable-ref ht p1 #f) ⇒ #f
(hashtable-delete! ht-copy p1) ⇒ exception: not mutable
(hashtable-ref ht-copy p1 #f) ⇒ "c"
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
must be a mutable hashtable. If size
is provided, it must be a nonnegative exact integer.
removes all entries from hashtable
. If size is provided, the hashtable is reset to the given size, as if newly created by one of the hashtable creation operations with size argument size
(define ht (make-eq-hashtable))
(define p1 (cons 'a 'b))
(define p2 (cons 'a 'b))
(hashtable-set! ht p1 "first")
(hashtable-set! ht p2 "second")
(hashtable-size ht) ⇒ 2
(hashtable-clear! ht)
(hashtable-size ht) ⇒ 0
(hashtable-ref ht p1 #f) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
a vector containing the keys in |
libraries |
The keys may appear in any order in the returned vector.
(define ht (make-eq-hashtable))
(define p1 (cons 'a 'b))
(define p2 (cons 'a 'b))
(hashtable-set! ht p1 "one")
(hashtable-set! ht p2 "two")
(hashtable-set! ht 'q "three")
(hashtable-keys ht) ⇒ #((a . b) q (a . b))
procedure |
returns |
two vectors: one of keys and a second of values |
libraries |
returns two values. The first is a vector containing the keys in hashtable
, and the second is a vector containing the corresponding values. The keys and values may appear in any order, but the order is the same for the keys and for the corresponding values.
(define ht (make-eq-hashtable))
(define p1 (cons 'a 'b))
(define p2 (cons 'a 'b))
(hashtable-set! ht p1 "one")
(hashtable-set! ht p2 "two")
(hashtable-set! ht 'q "three")
(hashtable-entries ht) ⇒ #((a . b) q (a . b))
#("two" "three" "one")
Section 6.14. Enumerations
Enumerations are ordered sets of symbols, typically used to name and manipulate options, as with the buffer modes and file options that may be specified when files are created.
syntax |
libraries |
A define-enumeration
form is a definition and can appear anywhere any other definition can appear.
The define-enumeration
syntax creates a new enumeration set with the specified symbols in the specified order forming the enumeration’s universe. It defines a new syntactic form named by name
that may be used to verify that a symbol is in the universe. If x
is in the universe, (name x)
evaluates to x
. It is a syntax violation if x
is not in the universe.
also defines a new syntactic form named by constructor
that may be used to create subsets of the enumeration type. If x ...
are each in the universe, (constructor x ...)
evaluates to an enumeration set containing x ...
. Otherwise, it is a syntax violation. The same symbol may appear more than once in x ...
, but the resulting set contains only one occurrence of the symbol.
(define-enumeration weather-element
(hot warm cold sunny rainy snowy windy)
(weather-element hot) ⇒ hot
(weather-element fun) ⇒ _syntax violation_
(weather hot sunny windy) ⇒ #
(enum-set->list (weather rainy cold rainy)) ⇒ (cold rainy)
procedure |
returns |
an enumeration set |
libraries |
This procedure creates a new enumeration type whose universe comprises the elements of symbol-list
, which must be a list of symbols, in the order of their first appearance in the list. It returns the universe of the new enumeration type as an enumeration set.
(define positions (make-enumeration '(top bottom above top beside)))
(enum-set->list positions) ⇒ (top bottom above beside)
procedure |
returns |
an enumeration-set construction procedure |
libraries |
This procedure returns a procedure p
that may be used to create subsets of the universe of enum-set
. p
must be passed a list of symbols, and each element of the list must be an element of the universe of enum-set
. The enumeration set returned by p
contains all and only the symbols in the list it is passed. The value returned by p
may contain elements not in enum-set
if the universe of enum-set
contains those elements.
(define e1 (make-enumeration '(one two three four)))
(define p1 (enum-set-constructor e1))
(define e2 (p1 '(one three)))
(enum-set->list e2) ⇒ (one three)
(define p2 (enum-set-constructor e2))
(define e3 (p2 '(one two four)))
(enum-set->list e3) ⇒ (one two four)
procedure |
returns |
the universe of |
libraries |
(define e1 (make-enumeration '(a b c a b c d)))
(enum-set->list (enum-set-universe e1)) ⇒ (a b c d)
(define e2 ((enum-set-constructor e1) '(c)))
(enum-set->list (enum-set-universe e2)) ⇒ (a b c d)
procedure |
returns |
a list of the elements of |
libraries |
The symbols in the resulting list appear in the order given to them when the enumeration type of enum-set
was created.
(define e1 (make-enumeration '(a b c a b c d)))
(enum-set->list e1) ⇒ (a b c d)
(define e2 ((enum-set-constructor e1) '(d c a b)))
(enum-set->list e2) ⇒ (a b c d)
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
An enumeration set enum-set1
is a subset of an enumeration set enum-set2
if and only if the universe of enum-set1
is a subset of the universe of enum-set2
and each element of enum-set1
is an element of enum-set2
(define e1 (make-enumeration '(a b c)))
(define e2 (make-enumeration '(a b c d e)))
(enum-set-subset? e1 e2) ⇒ #t
(enum-set-subset? e2 e1) ⇒ #f
(define e3 ((enum-set-constructor e2) '(a c)))
(enum-set-subset? e3 e1) ⇒ #f
(enum-set-subset? e3 e2) ⇒ #t
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
Two enumeration sets enum-set1
and enum-set2
are equivalent if each is a subset of the other.
(define e1 (make-enumeration '(a b c d)))
(define e2 (make-enumeration '(b d c a)))
(enum-set=? e1 e2) ⇒ #t
(define e3 ((enum-set-constructor e1) '(a c)))
(define e4 ((enum-set-constructor e2) '(a c)))
(enum-set=? e3 e4) ⇒ #t
(enum-set=? e3 e2) ⇒ #f
could be defined in terms of enum-set-subset?
as follows.
(define enum-set=?
(lambda (e1 e2)
(and (enum-set-subset? e1 e2) (enum-set-subset? e2 e1))))
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
(define e1 (make-enumeration '(a b c d e)))
(define e2 ((enum-set-constructor e1) '(d b)))
(enum-set-member? 'c e1) ⇒ #t
(enum-set-member? 'c e2) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
the union of |
procedure |
returns |
the intersection of |
procedure |
returns |
the difference of |
libraries |
and enum-set2
must have the same enumeration type. Each procedure returns a new enumeration set representing the union, intersection, or difference of the two sets.
(define e1 (make-enumeration '(a b c d)))
(define e2 ((enum-set-constructor e1) '(a c)))
(define e3 ((enum-set-constructor e1) '(b c)))
(enum-set->list (enum-set-union e2 e3)) ⇒ (a b c)
(enum-set->list (enum-set-intersection e2 e3)) ⇒ (c)
(enum-set->list (enum-set-difference e2 e3)) ⇒ (a)
(enum-set->list (enum-set-difference e3 e2)) ⇒ (b)
(define e4 (make-enumeration '(b d c a)))
(enum-set-union e1 e4) ⇒ exception: different enumeration types
procedure |
returns |
the complement of |
libraries |
(define e1 (make-enumeration '(a b c d)))
(enum-set->list (enum-set-complement e1)) ⇒ ()
(define e2 ((enum-set-constructor e1) '(a c)))
(enum-set->list (enum-set-complement e2)) ⇒ (b d)
procedure |
returns |
the projection of |
libraries |
Any elements of enum-set1
not in the universe of enum-set2
are dropped. The result is of the same enumeration type as enum-set2
(define e1 (make-enumeration '(a b c d)))
(define e2 (make-enumeration '(a b c d e f g)))
(define e3 ((enum-set-constructor e1) '(a d)))
(define e4 ((enum-set-constructor e2) '(a c e g)))
(enum-set->list (enum-set-projection e4 e3)) ⇒ (a c)
(enum-set-union e3
(enum-set-projection e4 e3))) ⇒ (a c d)
procedure |
returns |
a procedure that returns the index of a symbol in the universe of |
libraries |
returns a procedure p
that, when applied to a symbol in the universe of enum-set
, returns the index of the symbol (zero-based) in the ordered set of symbols that form the universe. If applied to a symbol not in the universe, p
returns #f
(define e1 (make-enumeration '(a b c d)))
(define e2 ((enum-set-constructor e1) '(a d)))
(define p (enum-set-indexer e2))
(list (p 'a) (p 'c) (p 'e)) ⇒ (0 2 #f)
Chapter 7. Input and Output
All input and output operations are performed through ports. A port is a pointer into a (possibly infinite) stream of data (often a file), an opening through which programs may draw bytes or characters from the stream or place bytes or characters into the stream. A port may be an input port, an output port, or both simultaneously.
Ports are first-class objects, like any other object in Scheme. Like procedures, ports do not have a printed representation the way strings and numbers do. There are initially three ports: the current input port, current output port, and current error port, which are textual ports connected to the process’s standard input, standard output, and standard error streams. Several ways to open new ports are provided.
An input port often points to a finite stream, e.g., an input file stored on disk. If one of the input operations, e.g., get-u8
, get-char
, or get-datum
, is asked to read from a port that has reached the end of a finite stream, it returns a special eof (end of file) object. The predicate eof-object?
may be used to determine if the value returned from the input operation is the eof object.
Ports are either binary or textual. A binary port allows a program to read or write 8-bit unsigned bytes, or "octets," from or to the underlying stream. A textual port allows a program to read or write characters.
In many cases, the underlying stream is organized as a sequence of bytes, but these bytes should be treated as encodings for characters. In this case, a textual port may be created with a transcoder to decode bytes to characters (for input) or encode characters to bytes (for output). A transcoder encapsulates a codec that determines how characters are represented as bytes. Three standard codecs are provided: a latin-1 codec, a Unicode utf-8 codec, and a Unicode utf-16 codec. For the latin-1 encoding, each character is represented by exactly one byte. For utf-8, each character is represented by from one to four bytes, and for utf-16, each character is represented by two or four bytes.
A transcoder also encapsulates an eol style that determines whether and how line endings are recognized. If the eol style is none
, no line endings are recognized. The six other standard eol styles are the following:
line-feed character |
carriage-return character |
Unicode next-line character |
Unicode line-separator character |
carriage return followed by line feed, and |
carriage return followed by next line |
The eol style affects input and output operations differently. For input, any eol style except none
causes each of the line-ending characters or two-character sequences to be converted into a single line-feed character. For output, any eol style except none
causes line-feed characters to be converted into the specific one- or two-character sequence associated with the eol style. In the input direction, all eol styles except none
are equivalent, while in the output direction, the eol styles none
and lf
are equivalent.
In addition to the codec and eol style, a transcoder encapsulates just one other piece of information: an error-handling mode that determines what happens if a decoding or encoding error occurs, i.e., if a sequence of bytes cannot be converted to a character with the encapsulated codec in the input direction or a character cannot be converted to a sequence of bytes with the encapsulated codec in the output direction. The error-handling mode is ignore
, raise
, or replace
. If the error-handling mode is ignore
, the offending sequence of bytes or the character is ignored. If the error-handling mode is raise
, an exception with condition type i/o-decoding
or i/o-encoding
is raised; in the input direction, the port is positioned beyond the sequence of bytes. If the error-handling mode is replace
, a replacement character or character encoding is produced: in the input direction, the replacement character is U+FFFD, while in the output direction, the replacement is either the encoding of U+FFFD for utf-8
and utf-16
codecs or the encoding of the question-mark character ( ? ) for the latin-1
A port may be buffered for efficiency, to eliminate the overhead of a call into the operating system for each byte or character. Three standard buffer modes are supported: block, line, and none. With block buffering, input is drawn from a stream and output is sent to the stream in chunks of some implementation-dependent size. With line buffering, buffering is performed on a line-by-line basis or on some other implementation-dependent basis. Line buffering is typically distinguished from block buffering only for textual output ports; there are no line divisions in binary ports, and input is likely to be drawn from a stream as it becomes available. With buffer-mode none, no buffering is performed, so output is sent immediately to the stream and input is drawn only as needed.
The remainder of this chapter covers operations on transcoders, file ports, standard ports, string and bytevector ports, custom ports, general port operations, input operations, output operations, convenience I/O, filesystem operations, and conversions between bytevectors and strings.
Section 7.1. Transcoders
As described above, transcoders encapsulate three values: a codec, an eol style, and an error-handling mode. This section describes the procedures that create or operate on transcoders and the values that transcoders encapsulate.
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
a transcoder encapsulating |
libraries |
must be a valid eol-style symbol (lf
, cr
, nel
, ls
, crlf
, crnel
, or none
); it defaults to the native eol-style for the platform. error-handling-mode
must be a valid error-handling-mode symbol (ignore
, raise
, or replace
) and defaults to replace
procedure |
returns |
the codec encapsulated in |
procedure |
returns |
the eol-style symbol encapsulated in |
procedure |
returns |
the error-handling-mode symbol encapsulated in |
libraries |
procedure |
returns |
the native transcoder |
libraries |
The native transcoder is implementation-dependent and may vary by platform or locale.
procedure |
returns |
a codec for ISO 8859-1 (Latin 1) character encodings |
procedure |
returns |
a codec for Unicode UTF-8 character encodings |
procedure |
returns |
a codec for Unicode UTF-16 character encodings |
libraries |
syntax |
returns |
libraries |
must be one of the symbols lf
, cr
, nel
, ls
, crlf
, crnel
, or none
. The expression (eol-style symbol)
is equivalent to the expression (quote symbol)
except the former checks at expansion time that symbol
is one of the eol-style symbols. The eol-style
syntax provides useful documentation as well.
(eol-style crlf) ⇒ crlf
(eol-style lfcr) ⇒ syntax violation
procedure |
returns |
the native eol style |
libraries |
The native eol style is implementation-dependent and may vary by platform or locale.
syntax |
returns |
libraries |
must be one of the symbols ignore
, raise
, or replace
. The expression (error-handling-mode symbol)
is equivalent to the expression (quote symbol)
except that the former checks at expansion time that symbol
is one of the error-handling-mode symbols. The error-handling-mode
syntax provides useful documentation as well.
(error-handling-mode replace) ⇒ replace
(error-handling-mode relpace) ⇒ syntax violation
Section 7.2. Opening Files
The procedures in this section are used for opening file ports. Procedures for opening other kinds of ports, e.g., string ports or custom ports, are described in subsequent sections.
Each of the file-open operations accepts a path
argument that names the file to be opened. It must be a string or some other implementation-dependent value that names a file.
Some of the file-open procedures accept optional options
, b-mode
, and ?transcoder
arguments. options
must be an enumeration set over the symbols constituting valid file options described in the file-options
entry below, and it defaults to the value of (file-options)
. b-mode
must be a valid buffer mode described in the buffer-mode
entry below, and it defaults to block
. ?transcoder
must be a transcoder or #f
; if it is a transcoder, the open operation returns a transcoded port for the underlying binary file, while if it is #f
(the default), the open operation returns a binary port.
Binary ports created by the procedures in this section support the port-position
and set-port-position!
operations. Whether textual ports created by the procedures in this section support these operations is implementation-dependent.
syntax |
returns |
a file-options enumeration set |
libraries |
File-options enumeration sets may be passed to file-open operations to control aspects of the open operation. There are three standard file options: no-create
, no-fail
, and no-truncate
, which affect only file-open operations that create output (including input/output) ports.
With the default file options, i.e., the value of (file-options)
, when a program attempts to open a file for output, an exception is raised with condition type i/o-file-already-exists
if the file already exists, and the file is created if it does not already exist. If the no-fail
option is included, no exception is raised if the file already exists; instead, the file is opened and truncated to zero length. If the no-create
option is included, the file is not created if it does not exist; instead, an exception is raised with condition type i/o-file-does-not-exist
. The no-create
option implies the no-fail
option. The no-truncate
option is relevant only if the no-fail
option is included or implied, in which case if an existing file is opened, it is not truncated, but the port’s position is still set to the beginning of the file.
It is perhaps easier to imagine that the default file options are the imaginary option symbols create
, fail-if-exists
, and truncate
; no-create
removes create
, no-fail
removes fail-if-exists
, and no-truncate
removes truncate
Implementations may support additional file option symbols. Chez Scheme, for example, supports options that control whether the file is or should be compressed, whether it is locked for exclusive access, and what permissions are given to the file if it is created [9].
syntax |
returns |
libraries |
must be one of the symbols block
, line
, or none
. The expression (buffer-mode symbol)
is equivalent to the expression (quote symbol)
except that the former checks at expansion time that symbol
is one of the buffer-mode symbols. The buffer-mode
syntax provides useful documentation as well.
(buffer-mode block) ⇒ block
(buffer-mode cushion) ⇒ syntax violation
syntax |
returns |
libraries |
(buffer-mode? 'block) ⇒ #t
(buffer-mode? 'line) ⇒ #t
(buffer-mode? 'none) ⇒ #t
(buffer-mode? 'something-else) ⇒ #f
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
a new input port for the named file |
libraries |
If ?transcoder
is present and not #f
, it must be a transcoder, and this procedure returns a textual input port whose transcoder is ?transcoder
. Otherwise, this procedure returns a binary input port. See the lead-in to this section for a description of the constraints on and effects of the other arguments.
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
a new output port for the named file |
libraries |
If ?transcoder
is present and not #f
, it must be a transcoder, and this procedure returns a textual output port whose transcoder is ?transcoder
. Otherwise, this procedure returns a binary output port. See the lead-in to this section for a description of the constraints on and effects of the other arguments.
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
a new input/output port for the named file |
libraries |
If ?transcoder
is present and not #f
, it must be a transcoder, and this procedure returns a textual input/output port whose transcoder is ?transcoder
. Otherwise, this procedure returns a binary input/output port. See the lead-in to this section for a description of the constraints on and effects of the other arguments.
Section 7.3. Standard Ports
The procedures described in this section return ports that are attached to a process’s standard input, standard output, and standard error streams. The first set returns "ready-made" textual ports with implementation-dependent transcoders (if any) and buffer modes. The second set creates fresh binary ports and can be used either for binary input/output or, with the help of transcoded-port
, for textual input/output with program-supplied transcoders and buffer modes.
procedure |
returns |
the current input port |
procedure |
returns |
the current output port |
procedure |
returns |
the current error port |
libraries |
The current-input, current-output, and current-error ports return pre-built textual ports that are initially associated with a process’s standard input, standard output, and standard error streams.
The values returned by current-input-port
and current-output-port
can be altered temporarily by the convenience I/O procedures with-input-from-file
and with-output-to-file
(Section 7.9).
procedure |
returns |
a fresh binary input port connected to the standard input stream |
procedure |
returns |
a fresh binary output port connected to the standard output stream |
procedure |
returns |
a fresh binary output port connected to the standard error stream |
libraries |
Because ports may be buffered, confusion can result if operations on more than one port attached to one of a process’s standard streams are interleaved. Thus, these procedures are typically appropriate only when a program no longer needs to use any existing ports attached to the standard streams.
Section 7.4. String and Bytevector Ports
The procedures in this section allow bytevectors and strings to be used as input or output streams.
Binary ports created by the procedures in this section support the port-position
and set-port-position!
operations. Whether textual ports created by the procedures in this section support these operations is implementation-dependent.
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
a new input port that draws input from |
libraries |
If ?transcoder
is present and not #f
, it must be a transcoder, and this procedure returns a textual input port whose transcoder is ?transcoder
. Otherwise, this procedure returns a binary input port.
The effect of modifying bytevector
after this procedure is called is unspecified.
(let ([ip (open-bytevector-input-port #vu8(1 2))])
(let* ([x1 (get-u8 ip)] [x2 (get-u8 ip)] [x3 (get-u8 ip)])
(list x1 x2 (eof-object? x3)))) ⇒ (1 2 #t)
There is no need to close a bytevector port; it’s storage will be reclaimed automatically when it is no longer needed, as with any other object, and an open bytevector port does not tie up any operating system resources.
procedure |
returns |
a new textual input port that draws input from |
libraries |
The effect of modifying string
after this procedure is called is unspecified. The new port may or may not have a transcoder, and if it does, the transcoder is implementation-dependent. While not required, implementations are encouraged to support port-position
and set-port-position!
for string ports.
(get-line (open-string-input-port "hi.\nwhat's up?\n")) ⇒ "hi."
There is no need to close a string port; it’s storage will be reclaimed automatically when it is no longer needed, as with any other object, and an open string port does not tie up any operating system resources.
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
two values, a new output port and an extraction procedure |
libraries |
If ?transcoder
is present and not #f
, it must be a transcoder, and the port value is a textual output port whose transcoder is ?transcoder
. Otherwise, the port value is a binary output port.
The extraction procedure is a procedure that, when called without arguments, creates a bytevector containing the accumulated bytes in the port, clears the port of its accumulated bytes, resets its position to zero, and returns the bytevector. The accumulated bytes include any bytes written beyond the end of the current position, if the position has been set back from its maximum extent.
(let-values ([(op g) (open-bytevector-output-port)])
(put-u8 op 15)
(put-u8 op 73)
(put-u8 op 115)
(set-port-position! op 2)
(let ([bv1 (g)])
(put-u8 op 27)
(list bv1 (g)))) ⇒ (#vu8(15 73 115) #vu8(27))
There is no need to close a bytevector port; it’s storage will be reclaimed automatically when it is no longer needed, as with any other object, and an open bytevector port does not tie up any operating system resources.
procedure |
returns |
two values, a new textual output port and an extraction procedure |
libraries |
The extraction procedure is a procedure that, when called without arguments, creates a string containing the accumulated characters in the port, clears the port of its accumulated characters, resets its position to zero, and returns the string. The accumulated characters include any characters written beyond the end of the current position, if the position has been set back from its maximum extent. While not required, implementations are encouraged to support port-position
and set-port-position!
for string ports.
(let-values ([(op g) (open-string-output-port)])
(put-string op "some data")
(let ([str1 (g)])
(put-string op "new stuff")
(list str1 (g)))) ⇒ ("some data" "new stuff")
There is no need to close a string port; it’s storage will be reclaimed automatically when it is no longer needed, as with any other object, and an open string port does not tie up any operating system resources.
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
a bytevector containing the accumulated bytes |
libraries |
If ?transcoder
is present and not #f
, it must be a transcoder, and procedure
is called with a textual bytevector output port whose transcoder is ?transcoder
. Otherwise, procedure
is called with a binary bytevector output port. If procedure
returns, a bytevector containing the bytes accumulated in the port is created, the accumulated bytes are cleared from the port, the port’s position is reset to zero, and the bytevector is returned from call-with-bytevector-output-port
. These actions occur each time procedure
returns, if it returns multiple times due to the invocation of a continuation created while procedure
is active.
(let ([tx (make-transcoder (latin-1-codec) (eol-style lf)
(error-handling-mode replace))])
(lambda (p) (put-string p "abc"))
tx)) ⇒ #vu8(97 98 99)
procedure |
returns |
a string containing the accumulated characters |
libraries |
is called with one argument, a string output port. If procedure
returns, a string containing the characters accumulated in the port is created, the accumulated characters are cleared from the port, the port’s position is reset to zero, and the string is returned from call-with-string-output-port
. These actions occur each time procedure
returns, if it returns multiple times due to the invocation of a continuation created while procedure
is active.
can be used along with put-datum
to define a procedure, object->string
, that returns a string containing the printed representation of an object.
(define (object->string x)
(lambda (p) (put-datum p x))))
(object->string (cons 'a '(b c))) ⇒ "(a b c)"
Section 7.5. Opening Custom Ports
procedure |
returns |
a new custom binary input port |
procedure |
returns |
a new custom binary output port |
procedure |
returns |
a new custom binary input/output port |
libraries |
These procedures allow programs to create ports from arbitrary byte streams. id
must be a string naming the new port; the name is used for informational purposes only, and an implementation may choose to include it in the printed syntax, if any, of a custom port. r!
and w!
must be procedures, while gp
, sp!
, and close
must each be a procedure or #f
. These arguments are described below.
is called to draw input from the custom port, e.g., to support
. It is called with three arguments:bytevector
, andn
will be a nonnegative exact integer,n
will be a positive exact integer, and the sum ofstart
will not exceed the length ofbytevector
. If the byte stream is at end of file,r!
should return exact 0. Otherwise, it should read at least one and at mostn
bytes from the stream, store these bytes in consecutive locations ofbytevector
starting atstart
, and return as an exact positive integer the number of bytes actually read. w!
is called to send output to the port, e.g., to support
. It is called with three arguments:bytevector
, andn
will be nonnegative exact integers, and the sum ofstart
will not exceed the length ofbytevector
should write up ton
consecutive bytes frombytevector
starting atstart
and return, as an exact nonnegative integer, the number of bytes actually written. gp
is called to query the port’s position. If it is
, the port will not supportport-position
. If it is not#f
, it will be passed zero arguments and should return the current position as a displacement in bytes from the start of the byte stream as an exact nonnegative integer. sp!
is called to set the port’s position. If it is
, the port will not supportset-port-position!
. If it is not#f
, it will be passed one argument, an exact nonnegative integer representing the new position as a displacement in bytes from the start of the byte stream, and it should set the position to this value. close
is called to close the byte stream. If it is
, no action will be taken to close the byte stream when the new port is closed. If it is not#f
, it will be passed zero arguments and should take whatever actions are necessary to close the byte stream.
If the new port is an input/output port and does not provide either a gp
or sp!
procedure, it may not be possible for the implementation to position the port properly if an output operation occurs after an input operation, due to input buffering that must be done to support lookahead-u8
and is often done anyway for efficiency. For the same reason, a call to port-position
after an input operation may not return an accurate position if the sp!
procedure is not provided. Thus, programs that create custom binary input/output ports should generally provide both gp
and sp!
procedure |
returns |
a new custom textual input port |
procedure |
returns |
a new custom textual output port |
procedure |
returns |
a new custom textual input/output port |
libraries |
These procedures allow programs to create ports from arbitrary character streams. id
must be a string naming the new port; the name is used for informational purposes only, and an implementation may choose to include it in the printed syntax, if any, of a custom port. r!
and w!
must be procedures, while gp
, sp!
, and close
must each be a procedure or #f
. These arguments are described below.
is called to draw input from the port, e.g., to support
. It is called with three arguments:string
, andn
will be a nonnegative exact integer,n
will be a positive exact integer, and the sum ofstart
will not exceed the length ofstring
. If the character stream is at end of file,r!
should return exact 0. Otherwise, it should read at least one and at mostn
characters from the stream, store these characters in consecutive locations ofstring
starting atstart
, and return as an exact positive integer the number of characters actually read. w!
is called to send output to the port, e.g., to support
. It is called with three arguments:string
, andn
will be nonnegative exact integers, and the sum ofstart
will not exceed the length ofstring
should write up ton
consecutive characters fromstring
starting atstart
and return, as an exact nonnegative integer, the number of characters actually written. gp
is called to query the port’s position. If it is
, the port will not supportport-position
. If it is not#f
, it will be passed zero arguments and should return the current position, which may be an arbitrary value. sp!
is called to set the port’s position. If it is
, the port will not supportset-port-position!
. If it is not#f
, it will be passed one argument,pos
, a value representing the new position. Ifpos
is the result of a previous call togp
should set the position topos
. close
is called to close the character stream. If it is
, no action will be taken to close the character stream when the new port is closed. If it is not#f
, it will be passed zero arguments and should take whatever actions are necessary to close the character stream.
If the new port is an input/output port, it may not be possible for the implementation to position the port properly if an output operation occurs after an input operation, even if the gp
and sp!
procedures are provided, due to input buffering that must be done to support lookahead-char
and is often done anyway for efficiency. Since the representations of port positions are not specified, it is not possible for the implementation to adjust the gp
return value to account for the number of buffered characters. For the same reason, a call to port-position
after an input operation may not return an accurate position, even if the sp!
procedure is provided.
It should, however, be possible to perform output reliably after reading if the position is reset to the starting position. Thus, programs that create custom textual input/output ports should generally provide both gp
and sp!
procedures, and consumers of these ports should obtain the starting position via port-position
before any input operations and reset the position back to the starting position before doing any output operations.
Section 7.6. Port Operations
This section describes a variety of operations on ports that do not directly involve either reading from or writing to a port. The input and output operations are described in subsequent sections.
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
If port
is not already closed, close-port
closes it, first flushing any buffered bytes or characters to the underlying stream if the port is an output port. Once a port has been closed, no more input or output operations may be performed on the port. Because the operating system may place limits on the number of file ports open at one time or restrict access to an open file, it is good practice to close any file port that will no longer be used for input or output. If the port is an output port, closing the port explicitly also ensures that buffered data is written to the underlying stream. Some Scheme implementations close file ports automatically after they become inaccessible to the program or when the Scheme program exits, but it is best to close file ports explicitly whenever possible. Closing a port that has already been closed has no effect.
procedure |
returns |
a new textual port with the same byte stream as |
libraries |
This procedure returns a new textual port with transcoder transcoder
and the same underlying byte stream as binary-port
, positioned at the current position of binary-port
As a side effect of creating the textual port, binary-port
is closed to prevent read or write operations on binary-port
from interfering with read and write operations on the new textual port. The underlying byte stream remains open, however, until the textual port is closed.
procedure |
returns |
the transcoder associated with |
libraries |
This procedure always returns #f
for binary ports and may return #f
for some textual ports.
procedure |
returns |
the port’s current position |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
A port may allow queries to determine its current position in the underlying stream of bytes or characters. If so, the procedure port-has-port-position?
returns #t
and port-position
returns the current position. For binary ports, the position is always an exact nonnegative integer byte displacement from the start of the byte stream. For textual ports, the representation of a position is unspecified; it may not be an exact nonnegative integer and, even if it is, it may not represent either a byte or character displacement in the underlying stream. The position may be used at some later time to reset the position if the port supports set-port-position!
. If port-position
is called on a port that does not support it, an exception with condition type &assertion
is raised.
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
A port may allow its current position to be moved directly to a different position in the underlying stream of bytes or characters. If so, the procedure port-has-set-port-position!?
returns #t
and set-port-position!
changes the current position. For binary ports, the position pos
must be an exact nonnegative integer byte displacement from the start of the byte stream. For textual ports, the representation of a position is unspecified, as described in the entry for port-position
above, but pos
must be an appropriate position for the textual port, which is usually guaranteed to be the case only if it was obtained from a call to port-position
on the same port. If set-port-position!
is called on a port that does not support it, an exception with condition type &assertion
is raised.
If port
is a binary output port and the position is set beyond the current end of the data in the underlying stream, the stream is not extended until new data is written at that position. If new data is written at that position, the contents of each intervening position is unspecified. Binary ports created with open-file-output-port
and open-file-input/output-port
can always be extended in this manner within the limits of the underlying operating system. In other cases, attempts to set the port beyond the current end of data in the underlying object may result in an exception with condition type &i/o-invalid-position
procedure | |
returns |
the values returned by |
libraries |
calls procedure
with port
as the only argument. If procedure
returns, call-with-port
closes the port and returns the values returned by procedure
does not automatically close the port if a continuation created outside of procedure
is invoked, since it is possible that another continuation created inside of procedure
will be invoked at a later time, returning control to procedure
. If procedure
does not return, an implementation is free to close the port only if it can prove that the output port is no longer accessible.
The example below copies the contents of infile to outfile, overwriting outfile if it exists. Unless an error occurs, the ports are closed after the copy has been completed.
(call-with-port (open-file-input-port "infile" (file-options)
(buffer-mode block) (native-transcoder))
(lambda (ip)
(call-with-port (open-file-output-port "outfile"
(file-options no-fail)
(buffer-mode block)
(lambda (op)
(do ([c (get-char ip) (get-char ip)])
((eof-object? c))
(put-char op c))))))
A definition of call-with-port
is given on page 135.
procedure |
returns |
the symbol representing the buffer mode of |
libraries |
Section 7.7. Input Operations
Procedures whose primary purpose is to read data from an input port are described in this section, along with related procedures for recognizing or creating end-of-file (eof) objects.
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
The end-of-file object is returned by input operations, e.g., get-datum
, when an input port has reached the end of input.
procedure |
returns |
the eof object |
libraries |
(eof-object? (eof-object)) ⇒ #t
procedure |
returns |
the next byte from |
libraries |
If binary-input-port
is at end of file, the eof object is returned. Otherwise, the next available byte is returned as an unsigned 8-bit quantity, i.e., an exact unsigned integer less than or equal to 255, and the port’s position is advanced one byte.
procedure |
returns |
the next byte from |
libraries |
If binary-input-port
is at end of file, the eof object is returned. Otherwise, the next available byte is returned as an unsigned 8-bit quantity, i.e., an exact unsigned integer less than or equal to 255. In contrast to get-u8
, lookahead-u8
does not consume the byte it reads from the port, so if the next operation on the port is a call to lookahead-u8
or get-u8
, the same byte is returned.
procedure |
returns |
a nonempty bytevector containing up to |
libraries |
must be an exact nonnegative integer. If binary-input-port
is at end of file, the eof object is returned. Otherwise, get-bytevector-n
reads (as if with get-u8
) as many bytes, up to n
, as are available before the port is at end of file, and returns a new (nonempty) bytevector containing these bytes. The port’s position is advanced past the bytes read.
procedure |
returns |
the count of bytes read or the eof object |
libraries |
and n
must be exact nonnegative integers, and the sum of start
and n
must not exceed the length of bytevector
If binary-input-port
is at end of file, the eof object is returned. Otherwise, get-bytevector-n!
reads (as if with get-u8
) as many bytes, up to n
, as are available before the port is at end of file, stores the bytes in consecutive locations of bytevector
starting at start
, and returns the count of bytes read as an exact positive integer. The port’s position is advanced past the bytes read.
procedure |
returns |
a nonempty bytevector or the eof object |
libraries |
If binary-input-port
is at end of file, the eof object is returned. Otherwise, get-bytevector-some
reads (as if with get-u8
) at least one byte and possibly more, and returns a bytevector containing these bytes. The port’s position is advanced past the bytes read. The maximum number of bytes read by this operation is implementation-dependent.
procedure |
returns |
a nonempty bytevector or the eof object |
libraries |
If binary-input-port
is at end of file, the eof object is returned. Otherwise, get-bytevector-all
reads (as if with get-u8
) all of the bytes available before the port is at end of file and returns a bytevector containing these bytes. The port’s position is advanced past the bytes read.
procedure |
returns |
the next character from |
libraries |
If textual-input-port
is at end of file, the eof object is returned. Otherwise, the next available character is returned and the port’s position is advanced one character. If textual-input-port
is a transcoded port, the position in the underlying byte stream may advance by more than one byte.
procedure |
returns |
the next character from |
libraries |
If textual-input-port
is at end of file, the eof object is returned. Otherwise, the next available character is returned. In contrast to get-char
, lookahead-char
does not consume the character it reads from the port, so if the next operation on the port is a call to lookahead-char
or get-char
, the same character is returned.
is provided for applications requiring one character of lookahead. The procedure get-word
defined below returns the next word from a textual input port as a string, where a word is defined to be a sequence of alphabetic characters. Since get-word
does not know until it sees one character beyond the word that it has read the entire word, it uses lookahead-char
to determine the next character and get-char
to consume the character.
(define get-word
(lambda (p)
(let f ()
(let ([c (lookahead-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) '()]
[(char-alphabetic? c) (get-char p) (cons c (f))]
[else '()]))))))
procedure |
returns |
a nonempty string containing up to |
libraries |
must be an exact nonnegative integer. If textual-input-port
is at end of file, the eof object is returned. Otherwise, get-string-n
reads (as if with get-char
) as many characters, up to n
, as are available before the port is at end of file, and returns a new (nonempty) string containing these characters. The port’s position is advanced past the characters read.
procedure |
returns |
the count of characters read or the eof object |
libraries |
and n
must be exact nonnegative integers, and the sum of start
and n
must not exceed the length of string
If textual-input-port
is at end of file, the eof object is returned. Otherwise, get-string-n!
reads (as if with get-char
) as many characters, up to n
, as are available before the port is at end of file, stores the characters in consecutive locations of string
starting at start
, and returns the count of characters read as an exact positive integer. The port’s position is advanced past the characters read.
may be used to implement string-set!
and string-fill!
, as illustrated below, although this is not its primary purpose.
(define string-set!
(lambda (s i c)
(let ([sip (open-string-input-port (string c))])
(get-string-n! sip s i 1)
; return unspecified values:
(if #f #f))))
(define string-fill!
(lambda (s c)
(let ([n (string-length s)])
(let ([sip (open-string-input-port (make-string n c))])
(get-string-n! sip s 0 n)
; return unspecified values:
(if #f #f)))))
(let ([x (make-string 3)])
(string-fill! x #\-)
(string-set! x 2 #\))
(string-set! x 0 #\;)
x) ⇒ ";-)"
procedure |
returns |
a nonempty string or the eof object |
libraries |
If textual-input-port
is at end of file, the eof object is returned. Otherwise, get-string-all
reads (as if with get-char
) all of the characters available before the port is at end of file and returns a string containing these characters. The port’s position is advanced past the characters read.
procedure |
returns |
a string or the eof object |
libraries |
If textual-input-port
is at end of file, the eof object is returned. Otherwise, get-line
reads (as if with get-char
) all of the characters available before the port is at end of file or a line-feed character has been read and returns a string containing all but the line-feed character of the characters read. The port’s position is advanced past the characters read.
(let ([sip (open-string-input-port "one\ntwo\n")])
(let* ([s1 (get-line sip)] [s2 (get-line sip)])
(list s1 s2 (port-eof? sip)))) ⇒ ("one" "two" #t)
(let ([sip (open-string-input-port "one\ntwo")])
(let* ([s1 (get-line sip)] [s2 (get-line sip)])
(list s1 s2 (port-eof? sip)))) ⇒ ("one" "two" #t)
procedure |
returns |
a Scheme datum object or the eof object |
libraries |
This procedure scans past whitespace and comments to find the start of the external representation of a datum. If textual-input-port
reaches end of file before the start of the external representation of a datum is found, the eof object is returned.
Otherwise, get-datum
reads as many characters as necessary, and no more, to parse a single datum, and returns a newly allocated object whose structure is determined by the external representation. The port’s position is advanced past the characters read. If an end-of-file is reached before the external representation of the datum is complete, or an unexpected character is read, an exception is raised with condition types &lexical
and i/o-read
(let ([sip (open-string-input-port "; a\n\n one (two)\n")])
(let* ([x1 (get-datum sip)]
[c1 (lookahead-char sip)]
[x2 (get-datum sip)])
(list x1 c1 x2 (port-eof? sip)))) ⇒ (one #\space (two) #f)
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
This procedure is similar to lookahead-u8
on a binary input port or lookahead-char
on a textual input port, except that instead of returning the next byte/character or eof object, it returns a boolean value to indicate whether the value would be the eof object.
Section 7.8. Output Operations
Procedures whose primary purpose is to send data to an output port are described in this section.
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
must be an exact nonnegative integer less than or equal to 255. This procedure writes octet
to binary-output-port
, advancing the port’s position by one byte.
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
and n
must be nonnegative exact integers, and the sum of start
and n
must not exceed the length of bytevector
. If not supplied, start
defaults to zero and n
defaults to the difference between the length of bytevector
and start
This procedure writes the n
bytes of bytevector
starting at start
to the port and advances the its position past the end of the bytes written.
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
This procedure writes char
to textual-output-port
, advancing the port’s position by one character. If textual-output-port
is a transcoded port, the position in the underlying byte stream may advance by more than one byte.
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
and n
must be nonnegative exact integers, and the sum of start
and n
must not exceed the length of string
. If not supplied, start
defaults to zero and n
defaults to the difference between the length of string
and start
This procedure writes the n
characters of string
starting at start
to the port and advances the its position past the end of the characters written.
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
This procedure writes an external representation of obj
to textual-output-port
. If obj
does not have an external representation as a datum, the behavior is unspecified. The precise external representation is implementation-dependent, but when obj
does have an external representation as a datum, put-datum
should produce a sequence of characters that can later be read by get-datum
as an object equivalent (in the sense of equal?
) to obj
. See Section 12.5 for an implementation of put-datum
, write
, and display
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
This procedure forces any bytes or characters in the buffer associated with output-port
to be sent immediately to the underlying stream.
Section 7.9. Convenience I/O
The procedures in this section are referred to as "convenience" I/O operators because they present a somewhat simplified interface for creating and interacting with textual ports. They also provide backward compatibility with the Revised5 Report, which did not support separate binary and textual I/O.
The convenience input/output procedures may be called with or without an explicit port argument. If called without an explicit port argument, the current input or output port is used, as appropriate. For example, (read-char)
and (read-char (current-input-port))
both return the next character from the current input port.
procedure |
returns |
a new input port |
libraries |
must be a string or some other implementation-dependent value that names a file. open-input-file
creates a new textual input port for the file named by path
, as if by open-file-input-port
with default options, an implementation-dependent buffer mode, and an implementation-dependent transcoder.
The following shows the use of open-input-file
, read
, and close-port
in an expression that gathers a list of objects from the file named by "myfile.ss."
(let ([p (open-input-file "myfile.ss")])
(let f ([x (read p)])
(if (eof-object? x)
(close-port p)
(cons x (f (read p))))))
procedure |
returns |
a new output port |
libraries |
must be a string or some other implementation-dependent value that names a file. open-output-file
creates a new output port for the file named by path
, as if by open-file-output-port
with default options, an implementation-dependent buffer mode, and an implementation-dependent transcoder.
The following shows the use of open-output-file
to write a list of objects (the value of list-to-be-printed
), separated by newlines, to the file named by "myfile.ss."
(let ([p (open-output-file "myfile.ss")])
(let f ([ls list-to-be-printed])
(if (not (null? ls))
(write (car ls) p)
(newline p)
(f (cdr ls)))))
(close-port p))
procedure |
returns |
the values returned by |
libraries |
must be a string or some other implementation-dependent value that names a file. procedure
should accept one argument.
creates a new input port for the file named by path
, as if with open-input-file
, and passes this port to procedure
. If procedure
returns, call-with-input-file
closes the input port and returns the values returned by procedure
does not automatically close the input port if a continuation created outside of procedure
is invoked, since it is possible that another continuation created inside of procedure
will be invoked at a later time, returning control to procedure
. If procedure
does not return, an implementation is free to close the input port only if it can prove that the input port is no longer accessible. As shown in Section 5.6, dynamic-wind
may be used to ensure that the port is closed if a continuation created outside of procedure
is invoked.
The following example shows the use of call-with-input-file
in an expression that gathers a list of objects from the file named by "myfile.ss." It is functionally equivalent to the example given for open-input-file
(call-with-input-file "myfile.ss"
(lambda (p)
(let f ([x (read p)])
(if (eof-object? x)
(cons x (f (read p)))))))
might be defined without error checking as follows.
(define call-with-input-file
(lambda (filename proc)
(let ([p (open-input-file filename)])
(let-values ([v* (proc p)])
(close-port p)
(apply values v*)))))
procedure |
returns |
the values returned by |
libraries |
must be a string or some other implementation-dependent value that names a file. procedure
should accept one argument.
creates a new output port for the file named by path
, as if with open-output-file
, and passes this port to procedure
. If procedure
returns, call-with-output-file
closes the output port and returns the values returned by procedure
does not automatically close the output port if a continuation created outside of procedure
is invoked, since it is possible that another continuation created inside of procedure
will be invoked at a later time, returning control to procedure
. If procedure
does not return, an implementation is free to close the output port only if it can prove that the output port is no longer accessible. As shown in Section 5.6, dynamic-wind
may be used to ensure that the port is closed if a continuation created outside of procedure
is invoked.
The following shows the use of call-with-output-file
to write a list of objects (the value of list-to-be-printed
), separated by newlines, to the file named by "myfile.ss." It is functionally equivalent to the example given for open-output-file
(call-with-output-file "myfile.ss"
(lambda (p)
(let f ([ls list-to-be-printed])
(unless (null? ls)
(write (car ls) p)
(newline p)
(f (cdr ls))))))
might be defined without error checking as follows.
(define call-with-output-file
(lambda (filename proc)
(let ([p (open-output-file filename)])
(let-values ([v* (proc p)])
(close-port p)
(apply values v*)))))
procedure |
returns |
the values returned by |
libraries |
must be a string or some other implementation-dependent value that names a file. thunk
must be a procedure and should accept zero arguments.
temporarily changes the current input port to be the result of opening the file named by path
, as if with open-input-file
, during the application of thunk
. If thunk
returns, the port is closed and the current input port is restored to its old value.
The behavior of with-input-from-file
is unspecified if a continuation created outside of thunk
is invoked before thunk
returns. An implementation may close the port and restore the current input port to its old value---but it may not.
procedure |
returns |
the values returned by |
libraries |
must be a string or some other implementation-dependent value that names a file. thunk
must be a procedure and should accept zero arguments.
temporarily rebinds the current output port to be the result of opening the file named by path
, as if with open-output-file
, during the application of thunk
. If thunk
returns, the port is closed and the current output port is restored to its old value.
The behavior of with-output-to-file
is unspecified if a continuation created outside of thunk
is invoked before thunk
returns. An implementation may close the port and restore the current output port to its old value---but it may not.
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
a Scheme datum object or the eof object |
libraries |
If textual-input-port
is not supplied, it defaults to the current input port. This procedure is otherwise equivalent to get-datum
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
the next character from |
libraries |
If textual-input-port
is not supplied, it defaults to the current input port. This procedure is otherwise equivalent to get-char
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
the next character from |
libraries |
If textual-input-port
is not supplied, it defaults to the current input port. This procedure is otherwise equivalent to lookahead-char
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
If textual-output-port
is not supplied, it defaults to the current output port. This procedure is otherwise equivalent to put-datum
, with the arguments reversed. See Section 12.5 for an implementation of put-datum
, write
, and display
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
If textual-output-port
is not supplied, it defaults to the current output port.
is similar to write
or put-datum
but prints strings and characters found within obj
directly. Strings are printed without quotation marks or escapes for special characters, as if by put-string
, and characters are printed without the #\
notation, as if by put-char
. With display
, the three-element list (a b c)
and the two-element list ("a b" c)
both print as (a b c)
. Because of this, display
should not be used to print objects that are intended to be read with read
. display
is useful primarily for printing messages, with obj
most often being a string. See Section 12.5 for an implementation of put-datum
, write
, and display
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
If textual-output-port
is not supplied, it defaults to the current output port. This procedure is otherwise equivalent to put-char
, with the arguments reversed.
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
If textual-output-port
is not supplied, it defaults to the current output port. newline
sends a line-feed character to the port.
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
closes an input port, and close-output-port
closes an output port. These procedures are provided for backward compatibility with the Revised5 Report; they are not actually more convenient to use than close-port
Section 7.10. Filesystem Operations
Scheme has two standard operations, beyond file input/output, for interacting with the filesystem: file-exists?
and delete-file
. Most implementations support additional operations.
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
must be a string or some other implementation-dependent value that names a file. Whether file-exists?
follows symbolic links is unspecified.
procedure |
returns |
unspecified |
libraries |
must be a string or some other implementation-dependent value that names a file. delete-file
removes the file named by path
if it exists and can be deleted, otherwise it raises an exception with condition type &i/o-filename
. Whether delete-file
follows symbolic links is unspecified.
Section 7.11. Bytevector/String Conversions
The procedures described in this section encode or decode character sequences, converting from strings to bytevectors or bytevectors to strings. They do not necessarily involve input/output, though they might be implemented using bytevector input and output ports.
The first two procedures, bytevector->string
and string->bytevector
, take an explicit transcoder argument that determines the character encodings, eol styles, and error-handling modes. The others perform specific Unicode conversions with an implicit eol-style of none
and error-handling mode of replace
procedure |
returns |
a string containing the characters encoded in |
libraries |
This operation, at least in effect, creates a bytevector input port with the specified transcoder
from which all of the available characters are read, as if by get-string-all
, and placed into the output string.
(let ([tx (make-transcoder (utf-8-codec) (eol-style lf)
(error-handling-mode replace))])
(bytevector->string #vu8(97 98 99) tx)) ⇒ "abc"
procedure |
returns |
a bytevector containing the encodings of the characters in |
libraries |
This operation, at least in effect, creates a bytevector output port with the specified transcoder
to which all of the characters of string
are written, then extracts a bytevector containing the accumulated bytes.
(let ([tx (make-transcoder (utf-8-codec) (eol-style none)
(error-handling-mode raise))])
(string->bytevector "abc" tx)) ⇒ #vu8(97 98 99)
procedure |
returns |
a bytevector containing the UTF-8 encoding of |
libraries |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
a bytevector containing the specified encoding of |
libraries |
must be one of the symbols big
or little
. If endianness
is not provided or is the symbol big
, string->utf16
returns the UTF-16BE encoding of string
and string->utf32
returns the UTF-32BE encoding of string
. If endianness
is the symbol little
, string->utf16
returns the UTF-16LE encoding of string
and string->utf32
returns the UTF-32LE encoding of string
. No byte-order mark is included in the encoding.
procedure |
returns |
a string containing the UTF-8 decoding of |
libraries |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
a string containing the specified decoding of |
libraries |
must be one of the symbols big
or little
. These procedures return a UTF-16 or UTF-32 decoding of bytevector
, with the endianness of the representation determined from the endianness argument or byte-order mark (BOM). If endianness-mandatory?
is not provided or is #f
, the endianness is determined by a BOM at the front of bytevector
or, if no BOM is present, by endianness
. If endianness-mandatory?
is #t
, the endianness is determined by endianness
, and, if a BOM appears at the front of bytevector
, it is treated as a regular character encoding.
The UTF-16 BOM is the two-byte sequence #xFE
, #xFF
specifying "big" or the two-byte sequence #xFF
, #xFE
specifying "little." The UTF-32 BOM is the four-byte sequence #x00
, #x00
, #xFE
, #xFF
specifying "big" or the four-byte sequence #xFF
, #xFE
, #x00
, #x00
specifying "little."
Chapter 8. Syntactic Extension
Syntactic extensions, or macros, are used to simplify and regularize repeated patterns in a program, to introduce syntactic forms with new evaluation rules, and to perform transformations that help make programs more efficient.
A syntactic extension most often takes the form (keyword subform ...)
, where keyword
is the identifier that names the syntactic extension. The syntax of each subform
varies from one syntactic extension to another. Syntactic extensions can also take the form of improper lists or even singleton identifiers.
New syntactic extensions are defined by associating keywords with transformation procedures, or transformers. Syntactic extensions are defined using define-syntax
forms or using let-syntax
or letrec-syntax
. Transformers may be created using syntax-rules
, which allows simple pattern-based transformations to be performed. They may also be ordinary procedures that accept one argument and perform arbitrary computations. In this case, syntax-case
is normally used to destructure the input and syntax
is normally used to construct the output. The identifier-syntax
form and make-variable-transformer
procedure allow the creation of transformers that match singleton identifiers and assignments to those identifiers, the former being restricted to simple patterns like syntax-rules
and the latter allowing arbitrary computations to be performed.
Syntactic extensions are expanded into core forms at the start of evaluation (before compilation or interpretation) by a syntax expander. If the expander encounters a syntactic extension, it invokes the associated transformer to expand the syntactic extension, then repeats the expansion process for the form returned by the transformer. If the expander encounters a core syntactic form, it recursively processes the subforms, if any, and reconstructs the form from the expanded subforms. Information about identifier bindings is maintained during expansion to enforce lexical scoping for variables and keywords.
The syntactic extension mechanisms described in this chapter are part of the "syntax-case" system. A portable implementation of the system that also supports libraries and top-level programs is available at http://www.cs.indiana.edu/syntax-case/. A description of the motivations behind and implementation of the system can be found in the article "Syntactic Abstraction in Scheme" [12]. Additional features that have not yet been standardized, including modules
, local import
, and meta definitions, are described in the Chez Scheme User’s Guide [9].
Section 8.1. Keyword Bindings
This section describes forms that establish bindings between keywords and transformers. Keyword bindings may be established within a top-level program or library body using define-syntax
and in any local scope using define-syntax
, let-syntax
, or letrec-syntax
syntax |
libraries |
must evaluate to a transformer.
The following example defines let*
as a syntactic extension, specifying the transformer with syntax-rules
(see Section 8.2).
(define-syntax let*
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ () b1 b2 ...) (let () b1 b2 ...)]
[(_ ((i1 e1) (i2 e2) ...) b1 b2 ...)
(let ([i1 e1])
(let* ([i2 e2] ...) b1 b2 ...))]))
All bindings established by a set of internal definitions, whether keyword or variable definitions, are visible everywhere within the immediately enclosing body, including within the definitions themselves. For example, the expression
(let ()
(define even?
(lambda (x)
(or (= x 0) (odd? (- x 1)))))
(define-syntax odd?
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ x) (not (even? x))]))
(even? 10))
is valid and should evaluate to #t
The expander processes the initial forms in a library
, lambda
, or other body from left to right. If it encounters a variable definition, it records the fact that the defined identifier is a variable but defers expansion of the right-hand-side expression until after all of the definitions have been processed. If it encounters a keyword definition, it expands and evaluates the right-hand-side expression and binds the keyword to the resulting transformer. If it encounters an expression, it fully expands all deferred right-hand-side expressions along with the current and remaining body expressions.
An implication of the left-to-right processing order is that one internal definition can affect whether a subsequent form is also a definition. For example, the expression
(let ()
(define-syntax bind-to-zero
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ id) (define id 0)]))
(bind-to-zero x)
evaluates to 0
, regardless of any binding for bind-to-zero
that might appear outside of the let
syntax |
syntax |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
Each expr
must evaluate to a transformer. For let-syntax
and letrec-syntax
both, each keyword
is bound within the forms form1 form2 ...
. For letrec-syntax
the binding scope also includes each expr
A let-syntax
or letrec-syntax
form may expand into one or more expressions anywhere expressions are permitted, in which case the resulting expressions are treated as if enclosed in a begin
expression. It may also expand into zero or more definitions anywhere definitions are permitted, in which case the definitions are treated as if they appeared in place of the let-syntax
or letrec-syntax
The following example highlights how let-syntax
and letrec-syntax
(let ([f (lambda (x) (+ x 1))])
(let-syntax ([f (syntax-rules ()
[(_ x) x])]
[g (syntax-rules ()
[(_ x) (f x)])])
(list (f 1) (g 1)))) ⇒ (1 2)
(let ([f (lambda (x) (+ x 1))])
(letrec-syntax ([f (syntax-rules ()
[(_ x) x])]
[g (syntax-rules ()
[(_ x) (f x)])])
(list (f 1) (g 1)))) ⇒ (1 1)
The two expressions are identical except that the let-syntax
form in the first expression is a letrec-syntax
form in the second. In the first expression, the f
occurring in g
refers to the let
-bound variable f
, whereas in the second it refers to the keyword f
whose binding is established by the letrec-syntax
Section 8.2. Syntax-Rules Transformers
The syntax-rules
form described in this section permits simple transformers to be specified in a convenient manner. These transformers may be bound to keywords using the mechanisms described in Section 8.1. While it is much less expressive than the mechanism described in Section 8.3, it is sufficient for defining many common syntactic extensions.
syntax |
returns |
a transformer |
libraries |
Each literal
must be an identifier other than an underscore ( _
) or ellipsis ( ...
). Each clause must take the form below.
(pattern template))
Each pattern
specifies one possible syntax that the input form might take, and the corresponding template
specifies how the output should appear.
Patterns consist of list structure, vector structure, identifiers, and constants. Each identifier within a pattern is either a literal
, a pattern variable, an underscore, or an ellipsis. The identifier _
is an underscore, and the identifier ...
is an ellipsis. Any identifier other than _
or ...
is a literal if it appears in the list of literals (literal ...)
; otherwise, it is a pattern variable. Literals serve as auxiliary keywords, such as else
in case
and cond
expressions. List and vector structure within a pattern specifies the basic structure required of the input, the underscore and pattern variables specify arbitrary substructure, and literals and constants specify atomic pieces that must match exactly. Ellipses specify repeated occurrences of the subpatterns they follow.
An input form F
matches a pattern P
if and only if
is an underscore or pattern variable, -
is a literal identifier andF
is an identifier with the same binding as determined by the predicatefree-identifier=?
(Section 8.3), -
is of the form(P1 ... Pn)
is a list of n elements that matchP1
, -
is of the form(P1 ... Pn . Px)
is a list or improper list of n or more elements whose first n elements matchP1
and whose nth cdr matchesPx
, -
is of the form(P1 ... Pk Pe ellipsis Pm+1 ... Pn)
, whereellipsis
is the identifier...
is a proper list of n elements whose first k elements matchP1
, whose next m - k elements each matchPe
, and whose remaining n - m elements matchPm+1
, -
is of the form(P1 ... Pk Pe ellipsis Pm+1 ... Pn . Px)
, whereellipsis
is the identifier...
is a list or improper list of n elements whose first k elements matchP1
, whose next m - k elements each matchPe
, whose next n - m elements matchPm+1
, and whose nth and final cdr matchesPx
, -
is of the form#(P1 ... Pn)
is a vector of n elements that matchP1
, -
is of the form#(P1 ... Pk Pe ellipsis Pm+1 ... Pn)
, whereellipsis
is the identifier...
is a vector of n elements whose first k elements matchP1
, whose next m - k elements each matchPe
, and whose remaining n - m elements matchPm+1
, or -
is a pattern datum (any nonlist, nonvector, nonsymbol object) andF
is equal toP
in the sense of theequal?
The outermost structure of a syntax-rules
must actually be in one of the list-structured forms above, although subpatterns of the pattern may be in any of the above forms. Furthermore, the first element of the outermost pattern is ignored, since it is always assumed to be the keyword naming the syntactic form. (These statements do not apply to syntax-case
; see Section 8.3.)
If an input form passed to a syntax-rules
transformer matches the pattern for a given clause, the clause is accepted and the form is transformed as specified by the associated template. As this transformation takes place, pattern variables appearing in the pattern are bound to the corresponding input subforms. Pattern variables appearing within a subpattern followed by one or more ellipses may be bound to a sequence or sequences of zero or more input subforms.
A template is a pattern variable, an identifier that is not a pattern variable, a pattern datum, a list of subtemplates (S1 ... Sn)
, an improper list of subtemplates (S1 S2 ... Sn . T)
, or a vector of subtemplates #(S1 ... Sn)
. Each subtemplate Si
is a template followed by zero or more ellipses. The final element T
of an improper subtemplate list is a template.
Pattern variables appearing within a template are replaced in the output by the input subforms to which they are bound. Pattern data and identifiers that are not pattern variables are inserted directly into the output. List and vector structure within the template remains list and vector structure in the output. A subtemplate followed by an ellipsis expands into zero or more occurrences of the subtemplate. The subtemplate must contain at least one pattern variable from a subpattern followed by an ellipsis. (Otherwise, the expander could not determine how many times the subform should be repeated in the output.) Pattern variables that occur in subpatterns followed by one or more ellipses may occur only in subtemplates that are followed by (at least) as many ellipses. These pattern variables are replaced in the output by the input subforms to which they are bound, distributed as specified. If a pattern variable is followed by more ellipses in the template than in the associated pattern, the input form is replicated as necessary.
A template of the form (... template)
is identical to template
, except that ellipses within the template have no special meaning. That is, any ellipses contained within template
are treated as ordinary identifiers. In particular, the template (... ...)
produces a single ellipsis, ...
. This allows syntactic extensions to expand into forms containing ellipses, including syntax-rules
or syntax-case
patterns and templates.
The definition of or
below demonstrates the use of syntax-rules
(define-syntax or
(syntax-rules ()
[(_) #f]
[(_ e) e]
[(_ e1 e2 e3 ...)
(let ([t e1]) (if t t (or e2 e3 ...)))]))
The input patterns specify that the input must consist of the keyword and zero or more subexpressions. An underscore ( _
), which is a special pattern symbol that matches any input, is often used for the keyword position to remind the programmer and anyone reading the definition that the keyword position never fails to contain the expected keyword and need not be matched. (In fact, as mentioned above, syntax-rules
ignores what appears in the keyword position.) If more than one subexpression is present (third clause), the expanded code both tests the value of the first subexpression and returns the value if it is not false. To avoid evaluating the expression twice, the transformer introduces a binding for the temporary variable t
The expansion algorithm maintains lexical scoping automatically by renaming local identifiers as necessary. Thus, the binding for t
introduced by the transformer is visible only within code introduced by the transformer and not within subforms of the input. Similarly, the references to the identifiers let
and if
are unaffected by any bindings present in the context of the input.
(let ([if #f])
(let ([t 'okay])
(or if t))) ⇒ okay
This expression is transformed during expansion to the equivalent of the expression below.
((lambda (if1)
((lambda (t1)
((lambda (t2)
(if t2 t2 t1))
#f) ⇒ okay
In this sample expansion, if1
, t1
, and t2
represent identifiers to which if
and t
in the original expression and t
in the expansion of or
have been renamed.
The definition of a simplified version of cond
below (simplified because it requires at least one output expression per clause and does not support the auxiliary keyword =>
) demonstrates how auxiliary keywords such as else
are recognized in the input to a transformer, via inclusion in the list of literals.
(define-syntax cond
(syntax-rules (else)
[(_ (else e1 e2 ...)) (begin e1 e2 ...)]
[(_ (e0 e1 e2 ...)) (if e0 (begin e1 e2 ...))]
[(_ (e0 e1 e2 ...) c1 c2 ...)
(if e0 (begin e1 e2 ...) (cond c1 c2 ...))]))
syntax |
syntax |
libraries |
These identifiers are auxiliary keywords for syntax-rules
, identifier-syntax
, and syntax-case
. The second ( ...
) is also an auxiliary keyword for syntax
and quasisyntax
. It is a syntax violation to reference these identifiers except in contexts where they are recognized as auxiliary keywords.
syntax |
syntax |
returns |
a transformer |
libraries |
When a keyword is bound to a transformer produced by the first form of identifier-syntax
, references to the keyword within the scope of the binding are replaced by tmpl
(let ()
(define-syntax a (identifier-syntax car))
(list (a '(1 2 3)) a)) ⇒ (1 #<procedure>)
With the first form of identifier-syntax
, an apparent assignment of the associated keyword with set!
is a syntax violation. The second, more general, form of identifier-syntax
permits the transformer to specify what happens when set!
is used.
(let ([ls (list 0)])
(define-syntax a
[id (car ls)]
[(set! id e) (set-car! ls e)]))
(let ([before a])
(set! a 1)
(list before a ls))) ⇒ (0 1 (1))
A definition of identifier-syntax
in terms of make-variable-transformer
is shown on page 307.
Section 8.3. Syntax-Case Transformers
This section describes a more expressive mechanism for creating transformers, based on syntax-case
, a generalized version of syntax-rules
. This mechanism permits arbitrarily complex transformations to be specified, including transformations that "bend" lexical scoping in a controlled manner, allowing a much broader class of syntactic extensions to be defined. Any transformer that may be defined using syntax-rules
may be rewritten easily to use syntax-case
instead; in fact, syntax-rules
itself may be defined as a syntactic extension in terms of syntax-case
, as demonstrated within the description of syntax
With this mechanism, transformers are procedures of one argument. The argument is a syntax object representing the form to be processed. The return value is a syntax object representing the output form. A syntax object may be any of the following.
a nonpair, nonvector, nonsymbol value,
a pair of syntax objects,
a vector of syntax objects, or
a wrapped object.
The wrap on a wrapped syntax object contains contextual information about a form in addition to its structure. This contextual information is used by the expander to maintain lexical scoping. The wrap may also contain information used by the implementation to correlate source and object code, e.g., track file, line, and character information through the expansion and compilation process.
The contextual information must be present for all identifiers, which is why the definition of syntax object above does not allow symbols unless they are wrapped. A syntax object representing an identifier is itself referred to as an identifier; thus, the term identifier may refer either to the syntactic entity (symbol, variable, or keyword) or to the concrete representation of the syntactic entity as a syntax object.
Transformers normally destructure their input with syntax-case
and rebuild their output with syntax
. These two forms alone are sufficient for defining many syntactic extensions, including any that can be defined using syntax-rules
. They are described below along with a set of additional forms and procedures that provide added functionality.
syntax |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
Each literal
must be an identifier. Each clause
must take one of the following two forms.
(pattern output-expression)
(pattern fender output-expression)
patterns may be in any of the forms described in Section 8.2.
first evaluates expr
, then attempts to match the resulting value against the pattern from the first clause
. This value may be any Scheme object. If the value matches the pattern and no fender
is present, output-expression
is evaluated and its values returned as the values of the syntax-case
expression. If the value does not match the pattern, the value is compared against the next clause, and so on. It is a syntax violation if the value does not match any of the patterns.
If the optional fender
is present, it serves as an additional constraint on acceptance of a clause. If the value of the syntax-case
matches the pattern for a given clause, the corresponding fender
is evaluated. If fender
evaluates to a true value, the clause is accepted; otherwise, the clause is rejected as if the input had failed to match the pattern. Fenders are logically a part of the matching process, i.e., they specify additional matching constraints beyond the basic structure of an expression.
Pattern variables contained within a clause’s pattern
are bound to the corresponding pieces of the input value within the clause’s fender
(if present) and output-expression
. Pattern variables occupy the same namespace as program variables and keywords; pattern variable bindings created by syntax-case
can shadow (and be shadowed by) program variable and keyword bindings as well as other pattern variable bindings. Pattern variables, however, can be referenced only within syntax
See the examples following the description of syntax
syntax |
syntax |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
is equivalent to (syntax template)
. The abbreviated form is converted into the longer form when a program is read, prior to macro expansion.
A syntax
expression is like a quote
expression except that the values of pattern variables appearing within template
are inserted into template
, and contextual information associated both with the input and with the template is retained in the output to support lexical scoping. A syntax
is identical to a syntax-rules
and is treated similarly.
List and vector structures within the template become true lists or vectors (suitable for direct application of list or vector operations, like map
or vector-ref
) to the extent that the list or vector structures must be copied to insert the values of pattern variables, and empty lists are never wrapped. For example, #'(x ...)
, #'(a b c)
, #'()
are all lists if x
, a
, b
, and c
are pattern variables.
The definition of or
below is equivalent to the one given in Section 8.2 except that it employs syntax-case
and syntax
in place of syntax-rules
(define-syntax or
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(_) #'#f]
[(_ e) #'e]
[(_ e1 e2 e3 ...)
#'(let ([t e1]) (if t t (or e2 e3 ...)))])))
In this version, the lambda
expression that produces the transformer is explicit, as are the syntax
forms in the output part of each clause. Any syntax-rules
form can be expressed with syntax-case
by making the lambda
expression and syntax
expressions explicit. This observation leads to the following definition of syntax-rules
in terms of syntax-case
(define-syntax syntax-rules
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ (i ...) ((keyword . pattern) template) ...)
#'(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x (i ...)
[(_ . pattern) #'template] ...))])))
An underscore is used in place of each keyword
since the first position of each syntax-rules
pattern is always ignored.
Since the lambda
and syntax
expressions are implicit in a syntax-rules
form, definitions expressed with syntax-rules
are often shorter than the equivalent definitions expressed with syntax-case
. The choice of which to use when either suffices is a matter of taste, but many transformers that can be written easily with syntax-case
cannot be written easily or at all with syntax-rules
(see Section 8.4).
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
is often used within fenders to verify that certain subforms of an input form are identifiers, as in the definition of unnamed let
(define-syntax let
(lambda (x)
(define ids?
(lambda (ls)
(or (null? ls)
(and (identifier? (car ls))
(ids? (cdr ls))))))
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ ((i e) ...) b1 b2 ...)
(ids? #'(i ...))
#'((lambda (i ...) b1 b2 ...) e ...)])))
Syntactic extensions ordinarily take the form (keyword subform ...)
, but the syntax-case
system permits them to take the form of singleton identifiers as well. For example, the keyword pcar
in the expression below may be used both as an identifier (in which case it expands into a call to car
) or as a structured form (in which case it expands into a call to set-car!
(let ([p (cons 0 #f)])
(define-syntax pcar
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[_ (identifier? x) #'(car p)]
[(_ e) #'(set-car! p e)])))
(let ([a pcar])
(pcar 1)
(list a pcar))) ⇒ (0 1)
The fender (identifier? x)
is used to recognize the singleton identifier case.
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
Symbolic names alone do not distinguish identifiers unless the identifiers are to be used only as symbolic data. The predicates free-identifier=?
and bound-identifier=?
are used to compare identifiers according to their intended use as free references or bound identifiers in a given context.
is used to determine whether two identifiers would be equivalent if they were to appear as free identifiers in the output of a transformer. Because identifier references are lexically scoped, this means (free-identifier=? id1 id2)
is true if and only if the identifiers id1
and id2
refer to the same binding. (For this comparison, two like-named identifiers are assumed to have the same binding if neither is bound.) Literal identifiers (auxiliary keywords) appearing in syntax-case
patterns (such as else
in case
and cond
) are matched with free-identifier=?
Similarly, bound-identifier=?
is used to determine whether two identifiers would be equivalent if they were to appear as bound identifiers in the output of a transformer. In other words, if bound-identifier=?
returns true for two identifiers, a binding for one will capture references to the other within its scope. In general, two identifiers are bound-identifier=?
only if both are present in the original program or both are introduced by the same transformer application (perhaps implicitly---see datum->syntax
). bound-identifier=?
can be used for detecting duplicate identifiers in a binding construct or for other preprocessing of a binding construct that requires detecting instances of the bound identifiers.
The definition below is equivalent to the earlier definition of a simplified version of cond
with syntax-rules
, except that else
is recognized via an explicit call to free-identifier?
within a fender rather than via inclusion in the literals list.
(define-syntax cond
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ (e0 e1 e2 ...))
(and (identifier? #'e0) (free-identifier=? #'e0 #'else))
#'(begin e1 e2 ...)]
[(_ (e0 e1 e2 ...)) #'(if e0 (begin e1 e2 ...))]
[(_ (e0 e1 e2 ...) c1 c2 ...)
#'(if e0 (begin e1 e2 ...) (cond c1 c2 ...))])))
With either definition of cond
, else
is not recognized as an auxiliary keyword if an enclosing lexical binding for else
exists. For example,
(let ([else #f])
(cond [else (write "oops")]))
does not write "oops"
, since else
is bound lexically and is therefore not the same else
that appears in the definition of cond
The following definition of unnamed let
uses bound-identifier=?
to detect duplicate identifiers.
(define-syntax let
(lambda (x)
(define ids?
(lambda (ls)
(or (null? ls)
(and (identifier? (car ls)) (ids? (cdr ls))))))
(define unique-ids?
(lambda (ls)
(or (null? ls)
(and (not (memp
(lambda (x) (bound-identifier=? x (car ls)))
(cdr ls)))
(unique-ids? (cdr ls))))))
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ ((i e) ...) b1 b2 ...)
(and (ids? #'(i ...)) (unique-ids? #'(i ...)))
#'((lambda (i ...) b1 b2 ...) e ...)])))
With the definition of let
above, the expression
(let ([a 3] [a 4]) (+ a a))
is a syntax violation, whereas
(let ([a 0])
(let-syntax ([dolet (lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ b)
#'(let ([a 3] [b 4]) (+ a b))]))])
(dolet a)))
evaluates to 7
since the identifier a
introduced by dolet
and the identifier a
extracted from the input form are not bound-identifier=?
. Since both occurrences of a
, however, if left as free references, would refer to the same binding for a
, free-identifier=?
would not distinguish them.
Two identifiers that are free-identifier=?
may not be bound-identifier=?
. An identifier introduced by a transformer may refer to the same enclosing binding as an identifier not introduced by the transformer, but an introduced binding for one will not capture references to the other. On the other hand, identifiers that are bound-identifier=?
are free-identifier=?
, as long as the identifiers have valid bindings in the context where they are compared.
syntax |
returns |
the values of the final body expression |
libraries |
It is sometimes useful to construct a transformer’s output in separate pieces, then put the pieces together. with-syntax
facilitates this by allowing the creation of local pattern bindings.
is identical in form to a syntax-case
pattern. The value of each expr
is computed and destructured according to the corresponding pattern
, and pattern variables within the pattern
are bound as with syntax-case
to appropriate portions of the value within the body body1 body2 ...
, which is processed and evaluated like a lambda
may be defined as a syntactic extension in terms of syntax-case
(define-syntax with-syntax
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ ((p e) ...) b1 b2 ...)
#'(syntax-case (list e ...) ()
[(p ...) (let () b1 b2 ...)])])))
The following definition of full cond
demonstrates the use of with-syntax
to support transformers that employ recursion internally to construct their output.
(define-syntax cond
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ c1 c2 ...)
(let f ([c1 #'c1] [cmore #'(c2 ...)])
(if (null? cmore)
(syntax-case c1 (else =>)
[(else e1 e2 ...) #'(begin e1 e2 ...)]
[(e0) #'(let ([t e0]) (if t t))]
[(e0 => e1) #'(let ([t e0]) (if t (e1 t)))]
[(e0 e1 e2 ...) #'(if e0 (begin e1 e2 ...))])
(with-syntax ([rest (f (car cmore) (cdr cmore))])
(syntax-case c1 (=>)
[(e0) #'(let ([t e0]) (if t t rest))]
[(e0 => e1) #'(let ([t e0]) (if t (e1 t) rest))]
[(e0 e1 e2 ...)
#'(if e0 (begin e1 e2 ...) rest)]))))])))
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
is equivalent to (quasisyntax template)
, while #,template
is equivalent to (unsyntax template)
, and #,@template
to (unsyntax-splicing template)
. The abbreviated forms are converted into the longer forms when the program is read, prior to macro expansion.
is similar to syntax
, but it allows parts of the quoted text to be evaluated, in a manner similar to quasiquote
(Section 6.1).
Within a quasisyntax
, subforms of unsyntax
and unsyntax-splicing
forms are evaluated, and everything else is treated as ordinary template material, as with syntax
. The value of each unsyntax
subform is inserted into the output in place of the unsyntax
form, while the value of each unsyntax-splicing
subform is spliced into the surrounding list or vector structure. unsyntax
and unsyntax-splicing
are valid only within quasisyntax
expressions may be nested, with each quasisyntax
introducing a new level of syntax quotation and each unsyntax
or unsyntax-splicing
taking away a level of quotation. An expression nested within n quasisyntax
expressions must be within n unsyntax
or unsyntax-splicing
expressions to be evaluated.
can be used in place of with-syntax
in many cases. For example, the following definition of case
employs quasisyntax
to construct its output, using internal recursion in a manner similar to the definition of cond
given under the description of with-syntax
(define-syntax case
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ e c1 c2 ...)
#`(let ([t e])
#,(let f ([c1 #'c1] [cmore #'(c2 ...)])
(if (null? cmore)
(syntax-case c1 (else)
[(else e1 e2 ...) #'(begin e1 e2 ...)]
[((k ...) e1 e2 ...)
#'(if (memv t '(k ...)) (begin e1 e2 ...))])
(syntax-case c1 ()
[((k ...) e1 e2 ...)
#`(if (memv t '(k ...))
(begin e1 e2 ...)
#,(f (car cmore) (cdr cmore)))]))))])))
and unsyntax-splicing
forms that contain zero or more than one subform are valid only in splicing (list or vector) contexts. (unsyntax template ...)
is equivalent to (unsyntax template) ...
, and (unsyntax-splicing template ...)
is equivalent to (unsyntax-splicing template) ...
. These forms are primarily useful as intermediate forms in the output of the quasisyntax
expander. They support certain useful nested quasiquotation (quasisyntax
) idioms [3], such as #,@#,@
, which has the effect of a doubly indirect splicing when used within a doubly nested and doubly evaluated quasisyntax
expression, as with the nested quasiquote
examples shown in Section 6.1.
and unsyntax-splicing
are auxiliary keywords for quasisyntax
. It is a syntax violation to reference these identifiers except in contexts where they are recognized as auxiliary keywords.
procedure | |
returns |
a variable transformer |
libraries |
As described in the lead-in to this section, transformers may simply be procedures that accept one argument, a syntax object representing the input form, and return a new syntax object representing the output form. The form passed to a transformer usually represents a parenthesized form whose first subform is the keyword bound to the transformer or just the keyword itself. make-variable-transformer
may be used to convert a procedure into a special kind of transformer to which the expander also passes set!
forms in which the keyword appears just after the set!
keyword, as if it were a variable to be assigned. This allows the programmer to control what happens when the keyword appears in such contexts. The argument, procedure
, should accept one argument.
(let ([ls (list 0)])
(define-syntax a
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[id (identifier? #'id) #'(car ls)]
[(set! _ e) #'(set-car! ls e)]
[(_ e ...) #'((car ls) e ...)]))))
(let ([before a])
(set! a 1)
(list before a ls))) ⇒ (0 1 (1))
This syntactic abstraction can be defined more succinctly using identifier-syntax
, as shown in Section 8.2, but make-variable-transformer
can be used to create transformers that perform arbitrary computations, while identifier-syntax
is limited to simple term rewriting, like syntax-rules
. identifier-syntax
can be defined in terms of make-variable-transformer
, as shown below.
(define-syntax identifier-syntax
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x (set!)
[(_ e)
#'(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[id (identifier? #'id) #'e]
[(_ x (... ...)) #'(e x (... ...))]))]
[(_ (id exp1) ((set! var val) exp2))
(and (identifier? #'id) (identifier? #'var))
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x (set!)
[(set! var val) #'exp2]
[(id x (... ...)) #'(exp1 x (... ...))]
[id (identifier? #'id) #'exp1])))])))
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
The procedure syntax->datum
strips all syntactic information from a syntax object and returns the corresponding Scheme "datum." Identifiers stripped in this manner are converted to their symbolic names, which can then be compared with eq?
. Thus, a predicate symbolic-identifier=?
might be defined as follows.
(define symbolic-identifier=?
(lambda (x y)
(eq? (syntax->datum x)
(syntax->datum y))))
Two identifiers that are free-identifier=?
need not be symbolic-identifier=?
: two identifiers that refer to the same binding usually have the same name, but the rename
and prefix
subforms of the library’s import
form (page 345) may result in two identifiers with different names but the same binding.
procedure |
returns |
a syntax object |
libraries |
constructs a syntax object from obj
that contains the same contextual information as template-identifier
, with the effect that the syntax object behaves as if it were introduced into the code when template-identifier
was introduced. The template identifier is often the keyword of an input form, extracted from the form, and the object is often a symbol naming an identifier to be constructed.
allows a transformer to "bend" lexical scoping rules by creating implicit identifiers that behave as if they were present in the input form, thus permitting the definition of syntactic extensions that introduce visible bindings for or references to identifiers that do not appear explicitly in the input form. For example, we can define a loop
expression that binds the variable break
to an escape procedure within the loop body.
(define-syntax loop
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(k e ...)
(with-syntax ([break (datum->syntax #'k 'break)])
(lambda (break)
(let f () e ... (f)))))])))
(let ([n 3] [ls '()])
(if (= n 0) (break ls))
(set! ls (cons 'a ls))
(set! n (- n 1)))) ⇒ (a a a)
Were we to define loop
(define-syntax loop
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ e ...)
(lambda (break)
(let f () e ... (f))))])))
the variable break
would not be visible in e ...
It is also useful for obj
to represent an arbitrary Scheme form, as demonstrated by the following definition of include
(define-syntax include
(lambda (x)
(define read-file
(lambda (fn k)
(let ([p (open-input-file fn)])
(let f ([x (read p)])
(if (eof-object? x)
(begin (close-port p) '())
(cons (datum->syntax k x) (f (read p))))))))
(syntax-case x ()
[(k filename)
(let ([fn (syntax->datum #'filename)])
(with-syntax ([(expr ...) (read-file fn #'k)])
#'(begin expr ...)))])))
(include "filename")
expands into a begin
expression containing the forms found in the file named by "filename"
. For example, if the file f-def.ss
contains the expression (define f (lambda () x))
, the expression
(let ([x "okay"])
(include "f-def.ss")
evaluates to "okay"
The definition of include
uses datum->syntax
to convert the objects read from the file into syntax objects in the proper lexical context, so that identifier references and definitions within those expressions are scoped where the include
form appears.
procedure |
returns |
a list of distinct generated identifiers |
libraries |
Transformers can introduce a fixed number of identifiers into their output by naming each identifier. In some cases, however, the number of identifiers to be introduced depends upon some characteristic of the input expression. A straightforward definition of letrec
, for example, requires as many temporary identifiers as there are binding pairs in the input expression. The procedure generate-temporaries
is used to construct lists of temporary identifiers.
may be any list; its contents are not important. The number of temporaries generated is the number of elements in list
. Each temporary is guaranteed to be different from all other identifiers.
A definition of letrec
that uses generate-temporaries
is shown below.
(define-syntax letrec
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ ((i e) ...) b1 b2 ...)
(with-syntax ([(t ...) (generate-temporaries #'(i ...))])
#'(let ([i #f] ...)
(let ([t e] ...)
(set! i t)
(let () b1 b2 ...))))])))
Any transformer that uses generate-temporaries
in this fashion can be rewritten to avoid using it, albeit with a loss of clarity. The trick is to use a recursively defined intermediate form that generates one temporary per expansion step and completes the expansion after enough temporaries have been generated. Here is a definition of let-values
(page 99) that uses this technique to support multiple sets of bindings.
(define-syntax let-values
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ () f1 f2 ...) (let () f1 f2 ...)]
[(_ ((fmls1 expr1) (fmls2 expr2) ...) f1 f2 ...)
(lvhelp fmls1 () () expr1 ((fmls2 expr2) ...) (f1 f2 ...))]))
(define-syntax lvhelp
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ (x1 . fmls) (x ...) (t ...) e m b)
(lvhelp fmls (x ... x1) (t ... tmp) e m b)]
[(_ () (x ...) (t ...) e m b)
(lambda () e)
(lambda (t ...)
(let-values m (let ([x t] ...) . b))))]
[(_ xr (x ...) (t ...) e m b)
(lambda () e)
(lambda (t ... . tmpr)
(let-values m (let ([x t] ... [xr tmpr]) . b))))]))
The implementation of lvhelp
is complicated by the need to evaluate all of the right-hand-side expressions before creating any of the bindings and by the need to support improper formals lists.
Section 8.4. Examples
This section presents a series of illustrative syntactic extensions defined with either syntax-rules
or syntax-case
, starting with a few simple but useful syntactic extensions and ending with a fairly complex mechanism for defining structures with automatically generated constructors, predicates, field accessors, and field setters.
The simplest example in this section is the following definition of rec
. rec
is a syntactic extension that permits internally recursive anonymous (not externally named) procedures to be created with minimal effort.
(define-syntax rec
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ x e) (letrec ([x e]) x)]))
(map (rec sum
(lambda (x)
(if (= x 0)
(+ x (sum (- x 1))))))
'(0 1 2 3 4 5)) ⇒ (0 1 3 6 10 15)
Using rec
, we can define the full let
(both unnamed and named) as follows.
(define-syntax let
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ ((x e) ...) b1 b2 ...)
((lambda (x ...) b1 b2 ...) e ...)]
[(_ f ((x e) ...) b1 b2 ...)
((rec f (lambda (x ...) b1 b2 ...)) e ...)]))
We can also define let
directly in terms of letrec
, although the definition is a bit less clear.
(define-syntax let
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ ((x e) ...) b1 b2 ...)
((lambda (x ...) b1 b2 ...) e ...)]
[(_ f ((x e) ...) b1 b2 ...)
((letrec ([f (lambda (x ...) b1 b2 ...)]) f) e ...)]))
These definitions rely upon the fact that the first pattern cannot match a named let
, since the first subform of a named let
must be an identifier, not a list of bindings. The following definition uses a fender to make this check more robust.
(define-syntax let
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ ((x e) ...) b1 b2 ...)
#'((lambda (x ...) b1 b2 ...) e ...)]
[(_ f ((x e) ...) b1 b2 ...)
(identifier? #'f)
#'((rec f (lambda (x ...) b1 b2 ...)) e ...)])))
With the fender, we can even put the clauses in the opposite order.
(define-syntax let
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ f ((x e) ...) b1 b2 ...)
(identifier? #'f)
#'((rec f (lambda (x ...) b1 b2 ...)) e ...)]
[(_ ((x e) ...) b1 b2 ...)
#'((lambda (x ...) b1 b2 ...) e ...)])))
To be completely robust, the ids?
and unique-ids?
checks employed in the definition of unnamed let
in Section 8.3 should be employed here as well.
Both variants of let
are easily described by simple one-line patterns, but do
requires a bit more work. The precise syntax of do
cannot be expressed directly with a single pattern because some of the bindings in a do
expression’s binding list may take the form (var val)
while others take the form (var val update)
. The following definition of do
uses syntax-case
internally to parse the bindings separately from the overall form.
(define-syntax do
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ (binding ...) (test res ...) expr ...)
(with-syntax ([((var val update) ...)
(map (lambda (b)
(syntax-case b ()
[(var val) #'(var val var)]
[(var val update) #'(var val update)]))
#'(binding ...))])
#'(let doloop ([var val] ...)
(if test
(begin (if #f #f) res ...)
(begin expr ... (doloop update ...)))))])))
The odd-looking expression (if #f #f)
is inserted before the result expressions res ...
in case no result expressions are provided, since begin
requires at least one subexpression. The value of (if #f #f)
is unspecified, which is what we want since the value of do
is unspecified if no result expressions are provided. At the expense of a bit more code, we could use syntax-case
to determine whether any result expressions are provided and to produce a loop with either a one- or two-armed if
as appropriate. The resulting expansion would be cleaner but semantically equivalent.
As mentioned in Section 8.2, ellipses lose their special meaning within templates of the form (... template)
. This fact allows syntactic extensions to expand into syntax definitions containing ellipses. This usage is illustrated by the definition below of be-like-begin
(define-syntax be-like-begin
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ name)
(define-syntax name
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ e0 e1 (... ...))
(begin e0 e1 (... ...))]))]))
With be-like-begin
defined in this manner, (be-like-begin sequence)
has the same effect as the following definition of sequence
(define-syntax sequence
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ e0 e1 ...) (begin e0 e1 ...)]))
That is, a sequence
form becomes equivalent to a begin
form so that, for example:
(sequence (display "Say what?") (newline))
prints "Say what?" followed by a newline.
The following example shows how one might restrict if
expressions within a given expression to require the "else" (alternative) subexpression by defining a local if
in terms of the built-in if
. Within the body of the let-syntax
binding below, two-armed if
works as always:
(let-syntax ([if (lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ e1 e2 e3)
#'(if e1 e2 e3)]))])
(if (< 1 5) 2 3)) ⇒ 2
but one-armed if results in a syntax error.
(let-syntax ([if (lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ e1 e2 e3)
#'(if e1 e2 e3)]))])
(if (< 1 5) 2)) ⇒ syntax violation
Although this local definition of if
looks simple enough, there are a few subtle ways in which an attempt to write it might go wrong. If letrec-syntax
were used in place of let-syntax
, the identifier if
inserted into the output would refer to the local if
rather than the built-in if
, and expansion would loop indefinitely.
Similarly, if the underscore were replaced with the identifier if
, expansion would again loop indefinitely. The if
appearing in the template (if e1 e2 e3)
would be treated as a pattern variable bound to the corresponding identifier if
from the input form, which denotes the local version of if
Placing if
in the list of literals in an attempt to patch up the latter version would not work either. This would cause syntax-case
to compare the literal if
in the pattern, which would be scoped outside the let-syntax
expression, with the if
in the input expression, which would be scoped inside the let-syntax
. Since they would not refer to the same binding, they would not be free-identifier=?
, and a syntax violation would result.
The conventional use of underscore ( _
) helps the programmer avoid situations like these in which the wrong identifier is matched against or inserted by accident.
It is a syntax violation to generate a reference to an identifier that is not present within the context of an input form, which can happen if the "closest enclosing lexical binding" for an identifier inserted into the output of a transformer does not also enclose the input form. For example,
(let-syntax ([divide (lambda (x)
(let ([/ +])
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ e1 e2) #'(/ e1 e2)])))])
(let ([/ *]) (divide 2 1)))
should result in a syntax violation with a message to the effect that /
is referenced in an invalid context, since the occurrence of /
in the output of divide
is a reference to the variable /
bound by the let
expression within the transformer.
The next example defines a define-integrable
form that is similar to define
for procedure definitions except that it causes the code for the procedure to be integrated, or inserted, wherever a direct call to the procedure is found.
(define-syntax define-integrable
(syntax-rules (lambda)
[(_ name (lambda formals form1 form2 ...))
(define xname (lambda formals form1 form2 ...))
(define-syntax name
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[_ (identifier? x) #'xname]
[(_ arg (... ...))
#'((lambda formals form1 form2 ...)
(... ...))]))))]))
The form (define-integrable name lambda-expression)
expands into a pair of definitions: a syntax definition of name
and a variable definition of xname
. The transformer for name
converts apparent calls to name
into direct calls to lambda-expression
. Since the resulting forms are merely direct lambda
applications (the equivalent of let
expressions), the actual parameters are evaluated exactly once and before evaluation of the procedure’s body, as required. All other references to name
are replaced with references to xname
. The definition of xname
binds it to the value of lambda-expression
. This allows the procedure to be used as a first-class value. The define-integrable
transformer does nothing special to maintain lexical scoping within the lambda
expression or at the call site, since lexical scoping is maintained automatically by the expander. Also, because xname
is introduced by the transformer, the binding for xname
is not visible anywhere except where references to it are introduced by the the transformer for name
The above definition of define-integrable
does not work for recursive procedures, since a recursive call would cause an indefinite number of expansion steps, likely resulting in exhaustion of memory at expansion time. A solution to this problem for directly recursive procedures is to wrap each occurrence of the lambda
expression with a let-syntax
binding that unconditionally expands name
to xname
(define-syntax define-integrable
(syntax-rules (lambda)
[(_ name (lambda formals form1 form2 ...))
(define xname
(let-syntax ([name (identifier-syntax xname)])
(lambda formals form1 form2 ...)))
(define-syntax name
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[_ (identifier? x) #'xname]
[(_ arg (... ...))
#'((let-syntax ([name (identifier-syntax xname)])
(lambda formals form1 form2 ...))
arg (... ...))]))))]))
This problem can be solved for mutually recursive procedures by replacing the let-syntax
forms with the nonstandard fluid-let-syntax
form, which is described in the Chez Scheme User’s Guide [9].
Both definitions of define-integrable
treat the case where an identifier appears in the first position of a structured expression differently from the case where it appears elsewhere, as does the pcar
example given in the description for identifier?
. In other situations, both cases must be treated the same. The form identifier-syntax
can make doing so more convenient.
(let ([x 0])
(define-syntax x++
(let ([t x])
(set! x (+ t 1)) t)))
(let ([a x++]) (list a x))) ⇒ (0 1)
The following example uses identifier-syntax
, datum->syntax
, and local syntax definitions to define a form of method, one of the basic building blocks of object-oriented programming (OOP) systems. A method
expression is similar to a lambda
expression, except that in addition to the formal parameters and body, a method
expression also contains a list of instance variables (ivar ...)
. When a method is invoked, it is always passed an object (instance), represented as a vector of fields corresponding to the instance variables, and zero or more additional arguments. Within the method body, the object is bound implicitly to the identifier self
and the additional arguments are bound to the formal parameters. The fields of the object may be accessed or altered within the method body via instance variable references or assignments.
(define-syntax method
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(k (ivar ...) formals b1 b2 ...)
(with-syntax ([(index ...)
(let f ([i 0] [ls #'(ivar ...)])
(if (null? ls)
(cons i (f (+ i 1) (cdr ls)))))]
[self (datum->syntax #'k 'self)]
[set! (datum->syntax #'k 'set!)])
#'(lambda (self . formals)
(let-syntax ([ivar (identifier-syntax
(vector-ref self index))]
(let-syntax ([set!
(syntax-rules (ivar ...)
[(_ ivar e) (vector-set! self index e)]
[(_ x e) (set! x e)])])
b1 b2 ...))))])))
Local bindings for ivar ...
and for set!
make the fields of the object appear to be ordinary variables, with references and assignments translated into calls to vector-ref
and vector-set!
. datum->syntax
is used to make the introduced bindings of self
and set!
visible in the method body. Nested let-syntax
expressions are needed so that the identifiers ivar ...
serving as auxiliary keywords for the local version of set!
are scoped properly.
By using the general form of identifier-syntax
to handle set!
forms more directly, we can simplify the definition of method
(define-syntax method
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(k (ivar ...) formals b1 b2 ...)
(with-syntax ([(index ...)
(let f ([i 0] [ls #'(ivar ...)])
(if (null? ls)
(cons i (f (+ i 1) (cdr ls)))))]
[self (datum->syntax #'k 'self)])
#'(lambda (self . formals)
(let-syntax ([ivar (identifier-syntax
[_ (vector-ref self index)]
[(set! _ e)
(vector-set! self index e)])]
b1 b2 ...)))])))
The examples below demonstrate simple uses of method
(let ([m (method (a) (x) (list a x self))])
(m #(1) 2)) ⇒ (1 2 #(1))
(let ([m (method (a) (x)
(set! a x)
(set! x (+ a x))
(list a x self))])
(m #(1) 2)) ⇒ (2 4 #(2))
In a complete OOP system based on method
, the instance variables ivar ...
would likely be drawn from class declarations, not listed explicitly in the method
forms, although the same techniques would be used to make instance variables appear as ordinary variables within method bodies.
The final example of this section defines a simple structure definition facility that represents structures as vectors with named fields. Structures are defined with define-structure
, which takes the form
(define-structure name field ...)
where name
names the structure and field ...
names its fields. define-structure
expands into a series of generated definitions: a constructor make-name
, a type predicate name?
, and one accessor name-field
and setter set-name-field!
per field name.
(define-syntax define-structure
(lambda (x)
(define gen-id
(lambda (template-id . args)
(datum->syntax template-id
(apply string-append
(map (lambda (x)
(if (string? x)
(symbol->string (syntax->datum x))))
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ name field ...)
(with-syntax ([constructor (gen-id #'name "make-" #'name)]
[predicate (gen-id #'name #'name "?")]
[(access ...)
(map (lambda (x) (gen-id x #'name "-" x))
#'(field ...))]
[(assign ...)
(map (lambda (x)
(gen-id x "set-" #'name "-" x "!"))
#'(field ...))]
[structure-length (+ (length #'(field ...)) 1)]
[(index ...)
(let f ([i 1] [ids #'(field ...)])
(if (null? ids)
(cons i (f (+ i 1) (cdr ids)))))])
(define constructor
(lambda (field ...)
(vector 'name field ...)))
(define predicate
(lambda (x)
(and (vector? x)
(= (vector-length x) structure-length)
(eq? (vector-ref x 0) 'name))))
(define access
(lambda (x)
(vector-ref x index)))
(define assign
(lambda (x update)
(vector-set! x index update)))
The constructor accepts as many arguments as there are fields in the structure and creates a vector whose first element is the symbol name
and whose remaining elements are the argument values. The type predicate returns true if its argument is a vector of the expected length whose first element is name
Since a define-structure
form expands into a begin
containing definitions, it is itself a definition and can be used wherever definitions are valid.
The generated identifiers are created with datum->syntax
to allow the identifiers to be visible where the define-structure
form appears.
The examples below demonstrate the use of define-structure
(define-structure tree left right)
(define t
(make-tree 0 1)
(make-tree 2 3)))
t ⇒ #(tree #(tree 0 1) #(tree 2 3))
(tree? t) ⇒ #t
(tree-left t) ⇒ #(tree 0 1)
(tree-right t) ⇒ #(tree 2 3)
(set-tree-left! t 0)
t ⇒ #(tree 0 #(tree 2 3))
Chapter 9. Records
This chapter describes the means by which the programmer may define new data types, or records types, each distinct from all other types. A record type determines the number and names of the fields each instance of the type has. Records are defined via the define-record-type
form or the make-record-type-descriptor
Section 9.1. Defining Records
A define-record-type
form defines a record type and, along with it, a constructor procedure for records of the type, a type predicate that returns true only for records of the type, an access procedure for each field, and an assignment procedure for each mutable field. For example, the definition
(define-record-type point (fields x y))
creates a point
record type with two fields, x
and y
, and defines the following procedures:
(make-point x y)
constructor |
(point? obj)
predicate |
(point-x p)
accessor for field |
(point-y p)
accessor for field |
With this definition in place, we can use these procedures to create and manipulate records of the point
type, as illustrated below.
(define p (make-point 36 -17))
(point? p) ⇒ #t
(point? '(cons 36 -17)) ⇒ #f
(point-x p) ⇒ 36
(point-y p) ⇒ -17
Fields are immutable by default, but may be declared mutable. In the alternate definition of point
below, the x
field is mutable while y
remains immutable.
(define-record-type point (fields (mutable x) y))
In this case, define-record-type
defines a mutator for the x
field in addition to the other products shown above.
(point-x-set! p x)
mutator for field |
The mutator can be used to change the contents of the x
(define p (make-point 36 -17))
(point-x-set! p (- (point-x p) 12))
(point-x p) ⇒ 24
A field may be declared immutable explicitly for clarity; the definition of point
below is equivalent to the second definition above.
(define-record-type point (fields (mutable x) (immutable y)))
The names of the procedures defined by define-record-type
follow the regular naming convention illustrated by the examples above, by default, but the programmer can override the defaults if desired. With the following definition of point
, the constructor is mkpoint
, the predicate is ispoint?
, and the accessors for x
and y
are x-val
and y-val
. The mutator for x
is set-x-val!
(define-record-type (point mkpoint ispoint?)
(fields (mutable x x-val set-x-val!)
(immutable y y-val)))
By default, a record definition creates a new type each time it is evaluated, as illustrated by the example below.
(define (f p)
(define-record-type point (fields x y))
(if (eq? p 'make) (make-point 3 4) (point? p)))
(f (f 'make)) ⇒ #f
The first (inner) call to f
returns a point p
, which is passed to f
in the second (outer) call, which applies point?
to p
. This point?
is looking for points of the type created by the second call, while p
is a point of the type created by the first call. So point?
returns #f
This default generative behavior may be overridden by including a nongenerative
clause in the record definition.
(define (f p)
(define-record-type point (fields x y) (nongenerative))
(if (eq? p 'make) (make-point 3 4) (point? p)))
(define p (f 'make))
(f p) ⇒ #t
Record types created in this manner are still distinct from record types created by a definition appearing in a different part of the program, even if the definitions are syntactically identical:
(define (f)
(define-record-type point (fields x y) (nongenerative))
(make-point 3 4))
(define (g p)
(define-record-type point (fields x y) (nongenerative))
(point? p))
(g (f)) ⇒ #f
(define (f)
(define-record-type point (fields x y)
(nongenerative really-the-same-point))
(make-point 3 4))
(define (g p)
(define-record-type point (fields x y)
(nongenerative really-the-same-point))
(point? p))
(g (f)) ⇒ #t
The uid may be any identifier, but programmers are encouraged to select uids from the RFC 4122 UUID namespace [20], possibly with the record-type name as a prefix.
A record type may be defined as a subtype of an existing "parent" type with a parent
clause that declares the name of the existing record type. If a parent is specified, the new "child" record type inherits the parent record’s fields, and each instance of the child type is considered to be an instance of the parent type, so that accessors and mutators for the parent type may be used on instances of the child type.
(define-record-type point (fields x y))
(define-record-type cpoint (parent point) (fields color))
The child type has all of the fields of the parent type, plus the additional fields declared in the child’s definition. This is reflected in the constructor for cpoint
, which now takes three arguments, with the parent arguments followed by the child argument.
(define cp (make-cpoint 3 4 'red))
A record of the child type is considered a record of the parent type, but a record of the parent type is not a record of the new type.
(point? (make-cpoint 3 4 'red)) ⇒ #t
(cpoint? (make-point 3 4)) ⇒ #f
Only one new accessor is created for cpoint
, the one for the new field color
. The existing accessors and mutators for the parent type may be used to access and modify the parent fields of the child type.
(define cp (make-cpoint 3 4 'red))
(point-x cp) ⇒ 3
(point-y cp) ⇒ 4
(cpoint-color cp) ⇒ red
As the examples given so far illustrate, the default constructor defined by define-record-type
accepts as many arguments as the record has fields, including parent fields, and parent’s parent fields, and so on. The programmer may override the default and specify the arguments to the constructor for the new type and how it determines the initial values of the constructed record’s fields, via the protocol
clause. The following definition creates a point
record with three fields: x
, y
, and d
, where d
represents the displacement from the origin. The constructor still takes only two arguments, the x
and y
values, and initializes d
to the square root of the sum of the squares of x
and y
(define-record-type point
(fields x y d)
(lambda (new)
(lambda (x y)
(new x y (sqrt (+ (* x x) (* y y))))))))
(define p (make-point 3 4))
(point-x p) ⇒ 3
(point-y p) ⇒ 4
(point-d p) ⇒ 5
The procedure value of the expression within the protocol
clause receives as an argument a primitive constructor new
and returns a final constructor c
. There are essentially no limits on what c
is allowed to do, but if it returns, it should return the result of calling new
. Before it does so, it may modify the new record instance (if the record type has mutable fields), register it with some external handler, print messages, etc. In this case, c
accepts two arguments, x
and y
, and applies new
to x
, y
, and the result of computing the origin displacement based on x
and y
If a parent record is specified, the construction protocol becomes more involved. The following definition of cpoint
assumes that point
has been defined as shown just above.
(define-record-type cpoint
(parent point)
(fields color)
(lambda (pargs->new)
(lambda (c x y)
((pargs->new x y) c)))))
(define cp (make-cpoint 'red 3 4))
(point-x cp) ⇒ 3
(point-y cp) ⇒ 4
(point-d cp) ⇒ 5
(cpoint-color cp) ⇒ red
Because a parent clause is present, the procedure value of the expression within the protocol
clause receives a procedure pargs->new
that, when applied to parent arguments, returns a new
procedure. The new
procedure, when passed the values of the child fields, returns the result of applying the parent protocol to an appropriate new
procedure of its own. In this case, pargs->new
is passed the values of the child constructor’s second and third arguments (the x
and y
values) and the resulting new
procedure is passed the value of the child constructor’s first argument (the color). Thus, the protocol supplied in this example effectively reverses the normal order of arguments in which the parent arguments come before the child arguments, while arranging to pass along the arguments needed by the parent protocol.
The default protocol is equivalent to
(lambda (new) new)
for record types with no parents, while for record types with parents, the default protocol is equivalent to the following
(lambda (pargs->new)
(lambda (x1 ... xn y1 ... ym)
((pargs->new x1 ... xn) y1 ... ym)))
where n
is the number of parent (including grandparent, etc.) fields and m
is the number of child fields.
Use of the protocol
clause insulates the child record definition from some changes to the parent record type. The parent definition may be modified to add or remove fields, or even add, remove, or change a parent, yet the child protocol and constructor need not change as long as the parent protocol does not change.
Additional details and options for define-record-type
are given in its formal description below.
syntax |
syntax |
libraries |
A define-record-type
form, or record definition, is a definition and may appear anywhere other definitions may appear. It defines a record type identified by record-name
, plus a predicate, constructor, accessors, and mutators for the record type. If the record definition takes the first form above, the names of the constructor and predicate are derived from record-name
: make-record-name
for the constructor and record-name?
for the predicate. If the record definition takes the second form above, the name of the constructor is constructor
and the name of the predicate is pred
. All names defined by a record definition are scoped where the record definition appears.
The clauses clause ...
of the record definition determine the fields of the record type and the names of their accessors and mutators; its parent type, if any; its construction protocol; whether it is nongenerative and, if so, whether its uid is specified; whether it is sealed; and whether it is opaque. The syntax and impact of each clause is described below.
None of the clauses is required; thus, the simplest record definition is
(define-record-type record-name)
which defines a new, generative, non-sealed, non-opaque record type with no parent and no fields, plus a constructor of no arguments and a predicate.
At most one of each kind of clause may be present in the set of clauses, and if a parent
clause is present, a parent-rtd
clause must not be present. The clauses that appear may appear in any order.
Fields clause. A (fields field-spec ...)
clause declares the fields of the record type. Each field-spec
must take one of the following forms:
(immmutable field-name)
(mutable field-name)
(immmutable field-name accessor-name)
(mutable field-name accessor-name mutator-name)
where field-name
, accessor-name
, and mutator-name
are identifiers. The first form, field-name
, is equivalent to (immutable field-name)
. The value of a field declared immutable may not be changed, and no mutator is created for it. With the first three forms, the name of the accessor is rname-fname
, where rname
is the record name and fname
is the field name. With the third form, the name of the accessor is rname-fname-set!
. The fourth and fifth forms explicitly declare the accessor and mutator names.
If no fields
clause is present or the list field-spec ...
is empty, the record type has no fields (other than parent fields, if any).
Parent clause. A (parent parent-name)
clause declares the parent record type; parent-name
must be the name of a non-sealed record type previously defined via define-record-type
. Instances of a record type are also considered instances of its parent record type and have all the fields of its parent record type in addition to those declared via the fields
Nongenerative clause. A nongenerative
clause may take one of two forms:
(nongenerative uid)
where uid
is a symbol. The first form is equivalent to the second, with a uid generated by the implementation at macro-expansion time. When a define-record-type
form with a nongenerative clause is evaluated, a new type is created if and only if the uid is not the uid of an existing record type.
If it is the uid of an existing record type, the parent, field-names, sealed property, and opaque property must match as follows.
If a parent is specified, the existing record type must have the same parent rtd (by
). If a parent is not specified, the existing record type must not have a parent. -
The same number of fields must be provided, with the same names and in the same order, and the mutability of each field must be the same.
If a
(sealed #t)
clause is present, the existing record type must be sealed. Otherwise, the existing record type must not be sealed. -
If an
(opaque #t)
clause is present, the existing record type must be opaque. Otherwise, the existing record type must be opaque if and only if an opaque parent type is specified.
If these constraints are met, no new record type is created, and the other products of the record-type definition (constructor, predicate, accessors, and mutators) operate on records of the existing type. If these constraints are not met, the implementation may treat it as a syntax violation, or it may raise a run-time exception with condition type &assertion
With the first form of nongenerative
clause, the generated uid can be the uid of an existing record type only if the same definition is executed multiple times, e.g., if it appears in the body of a procedure that is invoked multiple times.
If uid
is not the uid of an existing record type, or if no nongenerative
clause is present, a new record type is created.
Protocol clause. A (protocol expression)
determines the protocol that the generated constructor uses to construct instances of the record type. It must evaluate to a procedure, and this procedure should be an appropriate protocol for the record type, as described on page 326.
Sealed clause. A sealed
clause of the form (sealed #t)
declares that the record type is sealed. This means that it cannot be extended, i.e., cannot be used as the parent for another record definition or make-record-type-descriptor
call. If no sealed
clause is present or if one of the form (sealed #f)
is present, the record type is not sealed.
Opaque clause. An opaque
clause of the form (opaque #t)
declares that the record type is opaque. Instances of an opaque record type are not considered records by the record?
predicate or, more importantly, the rtd-extraction procedure record-rtd
, which are both described in Section 9.3. Thus, it is not possible for code that does not have access to the record-name
, accessors, or mutators to access or modify any of the fields of an opaque record type. A record type is also opaque if its parent is opaque. If no opaque
clause is present or if one of the form (opaque #f)
is present, and the parent, if any, is not opaque, the record type is not opaque.
Parent-rtd clause. A (parent-rtd parent-rtd parent-rcd)
clause is an alternative to the parent
clause for specifying the parent record type, along with a parent record constructor descriptor. It is primarily useful when the parent rtd and rcd were obtained via calls to make-record-type-descriptor
and make-record-constructor-descriptor
must evaluate to an rtd or #f
. If parent-rtd
evaluates to #f
, parent-rcd
must also evaluate to #f
. Otherwise, parent-rcd
must evaluate to an rcd or #f
. If parent-rcd
evaluates to an rcd, it must encapsulate an rtd equivalent (by eqv?
) to the value of parent-rtd
. If the value of parent-rcd
is #f
, it is treated as an rcd for the value of parent-rtd
with a default protocol.
The define-record-type
form is designed in such a way that it is normally possible for a compiler to determine the shapes of the record types it defines, including the offsets for all fields. This guarantee does not hold, however, when the parent-rtd
clause is used, since the parent rtd might not be determinable until run time. Thus, the parent
clause is preferred over the parent-rtd
clause whenever the parent
clause suffices.
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
libraries |
These identifiers are auxiliary keywords for define-record-type
. It is a syntax violation to reference these identifiers except in contexts where they are recognized as auxiliary keywords.
Section 9.2. Procedural Interface
The procedural (make-record-type-descriptor
) interface may also be used to create new record types. The procedural interface is more flexible than the syntactic interface, but this flexibility can lead to less readable and efficient programs, so programmers should use the syntactic interface whenever it suffices.
procedure |
returns |
a record-type descriptor (rtd) for a new or existing record type |
libraries |
must be a symbol, parent
must be #f
or the rtd of a non-sealed record type, uid
must be #f
or a symbol, and fields
must be a vector, each element of which is a two-element list of the form (mutable field-name)
or (immutable field-name)
. The field names field-name ...
must be symbols and need not be distinct from each other.
If uid
is #f
or is not the uid of an existing record type, this procedure creates a new record type and returns a record-type descriptor (rtd) for the new type. The type has the parent type (page 325) described by parent
, if nonfalse; the uid specified by uid
, if nonfalse; and the fields specified by fields
. It is sealed (page 330) if s?
is nonfalse. It is opaque (page 330) if opaque
is nonfalse or the parent (if specified) is opaque. The name of the new record type is name
and the names of the fields are field-name ...
If uid
is nonfalse and is the uid (page 325) of an existing record type, the parent
, fields
, s?
, and o?
arguments must match the corresponding characteristics of the existing record type. That is, parent
must be the same (by eqv?
); the number of fields must be the same; the fields must have the same names, be in the same order, and have the same mutability; s?
must be false if and only if the existing record type is sealed; and, if a parent is not specified or is not opaque, o?
must be false if and only if the existing record type is opaque. If this is the case, make-record-type-descriptor
returns the rtd for the existing record type. Otherwise, an exception with condition type &assertion
is raised.
Using the rtd returned by make-record-type-descriptor
, programs can generate constructors, type predicates, field accessors, and field mutators dynamically. The following code demonstrates how the procedural interface might be used to create a point
record type and associated definitions similar to those of the second point
record definition in Section 9.1, with a mutable x
field and an immutable y
(define point-rtd (make-record-type-descriptor 'point #f #f #f #f
'#((mutable x) (immutable y))))
(define point-rcd (make-record-constructor-descriptor point-rtd
#f #f))
(define make-point (record-constructor point-rcd))
(define point? (record-predicate point-rtd))
(define point-x (record-accessor point-rtd 0))
(define point-y (record-accessor point-rtd 1))
(define point-x-set! (record-mutator point-rtd 0))
See the additional examples given at the end of this section.
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
See the examples given at the end of this section.
procedure |
returns |
a record-constructor descriptor (rcd) |
libraries |
An rtd alone is sufficient to create predicates, accessors, and mutators. To create a constructor, however, it is first necessary to create a record-constructor descriptor (rcd) for the record type. An rcd encapsulates three pieces of information: the rtd of the record type for which the rcd has been created, the parent rcd (if any), and the protocol.
The parent-rcd
argument must be an rcd or #f
. If it is an rcd, rtd
must have a parent rtd, and the parent rtd must be the same as the rtd encapsulated within parent-rcd
. If parent-rcd
is false, either rtd
has no parent or an rcd with a default protocol is assumed for the parent.
The protocol
argument must be a procedure or #f
. If it is #f
, a default protocol is assumed. Protocols are discussed on page 326.
See the examples given at the end of this section.
syntax |
returns |
the rtd for the record type identified by |
syntax |
returns |
the rcd for the record type identified by |
libraries |
Each record definition creates, behind the scenes, an rtd and rcd for the defined record type. These procedures allow the rtd and rcd to be obtained and used like any other rtd or rcd. record-name
must be the name of a record previously defined via define-record-type
procedure |
returns |
a record constructor for the record type encapsulated within |
libraries |
The behavior of the record constructor is determined by the protocol and parent rcd (if any) also encapsulated within rcd
See the examples given at the end of this section.
procedure |
returns |
a predicate for |
libraries |
This procedure returns a predicate that accepts one argument and returns #t
if the argument is an instance of the record-type described by rtd
, #f
See the examples given at the end of this section.
procedure |
returns |
an accessor for the field of |
libraries |
must be a nonnegative integer less than the number of fields of rtd
, not counting parent fields. An idx
value of 0 specifies the first field given in the define-record-type
form or make-record-type-descriptor
call that created the record type, 1 specifies the second, and so on.
A child rtd cannot be used directly to create accessors for parent fields. To create an accessor for a parent field, the record-type descriptor of the parent must be used instead.
See the examples given at the end of this section.
procedure |
returns |
a mutator for the field of |
libraries |
must be a nonnegative integer less than the number of fields of rtd
, not counting parent fields. An idx
value of 0 specifies the first field given in the define-record-type
form or make-record-type-descriptor
call that created the record type, 1 specifies the second, and so on. The indicated field must be mutable; otherwise, an exception with condition type &assertion
is raised.
A child rtd cannot be used directly to create mutators for parent fields. To create a mutator for a parent field, the record-type descriptor of the parent must be used instead.
The following example illustrates the creation of parent and child record types, predicates, accessors, mutators, and constructors using the procedures described in this section.
(define rtd/parent
(make-record-type-descriptor 'parent #f #f #f #f
'#((mutable x))))
(record-type-descriptor? rtd/parent) ⇒ #t
(define parent? (record-predicate rtd/parent))
(define parent-x (record-accessor rtd/parent 0))
(define set-parent-x! (record-mutator rtd/parent 0))
(define rtd/child
(make-record-type-descriptor 'child rtd/parent #f #f #f
'#((mutable x) (immutable y))))
(define child? (record-predicate rtd/child))
(define child-x (record-accessor rtd/child 0))
(define set-child-x! (record-mutator rtd/child 0))
(define child-y (record-accessor rtd/child 1))
(record-mutator rtd/child 1) ⇒ exception: immutable field
(define rcd/parent
(make-record-constructor-descriptor rtd/parent #f
(lambda (new) (lambda (x) (new (* x x))))))
(record-type-descriptor? rcd/parent) ⇒ #f
(define make-parent (record-constructor rcd/parent))
(define p (make-parent 10))
(parent? p) ⇒ #t
(parent-x p) ⇒ 100
(set-parent-x! p 150)
(parent-x p) ⇒ 150
(define rcd/child
(make-record-constructor-descriptor rtd/child rcd/parent
(lambda (pargs->new)
(lambda (x y)
((pargs->new x) (+ x 5) y)))))
(define make-child (record-constructor rcd/child))
(define c (make-child 10 'cc))
(parent? c) ⇒ #t
(child? c) ⇒ #t
(child? p) ⇒ #f
(parent-x c) ⇒ 100
(child-x c) ⇒ 15
(child-y c) ⇒ cc
(child-x p) ⇒ exception: invalid argument type
Section 9.3. Inspection
This section describes various procedures for asking questions about or extracting information from record-type descriptors (rtds). It also describes the record-rtd
procedure, with which the rtd of a non-opaque record instance may be extracted, allowing the record type of the instance to be inspected and, via record accessors and mutators generated from the rtd, the record itself to be inspected or modified. This is a powerful feature that permits the coding of portable record printers and inspectors.
The record-type descriptor cannot be extracted from an instance of an opaque record type; this is the feature that distinguishes opaque from non-opaque record types.
procedure |
returns |
the name associated with |
libraries |
(define record->name
(lambda (x)
(and (record? x) (record-type-name (record-rtd x)))))
(define-record-type dim (fields w l h))
(record->name (make-dim 10 15 6)) ⇒ dim
(define-record-type dim (fields w l h) (opaque #t))
(record->name (make-dim 10 15 6)) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
the parent of |
libraries |
(define-record-type point (fields x y))
(define-record-type cpoint (parent point) (fields color))
(record-type-parent (record-type-descriptor point)) ⇒ #f
(record-type-parent (record-type-descriptor cpoint)) ⇒ #<rtd>
procedure |
returns |
the uid of |
libraries |
Whether a record type created without a programmer-supplied uid actually has one anyway is left up to the implementation, so this procedure is never guaranteed to return #f
(define-record-type point (fields x y))
(define-record-type cpoint
(parent point)
(fields color)
(nongenerative e40cc926-8cf4-4559-a47c-cac636630314))
(record-type-uid (record-type-descriptor point)) ⇒ unspecified
(record-type-uid (record-type-descriptor cpoint)) ⇒
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
(define-record-type table
(fields keys vals)
(opaque #t))
(define rtd (record-type-descriptor table))
(record-type-generative? rtd) ⇒ #t
(record-type-sealed? rtd) ⇒ #f
(record-type-opaque? rtd) ⇒ #t
(define-record-type cache-table
(parent table)
(fields key val)
(define rtd (record-type-descriptor cache-table))
(record-type-generative? rtd) ⇒ #f
(record-type-sealed? rtd) ⇒ #f
(record-type-opaque? rtd) ⇒ #t
procedure |
returns |
a vector containing the names of the fields of the type described by |
libraries |
The vector returned by this procedure is immutable: the effect on rtd
of modifying it is unspecified. The vector does not include parent field names. The order of the names in the vector is the same as the order in which the fields were specified in the define-record-type
form or make-record-type-descriptor
call that created the record type.
(define-record-type point (fields x y))
(define-record-type cpoint (parent point) (fields color))
(record-type-descriptor point)) ⇒ #(x y)
(record-type-descriptor cpoint)) ⇒ #(color)
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
must be a nonnegative integer less than the number of fields of rtd
, not counting parent fields. An idx
value of 0 specifies the first field given in the define-record-type
form or make-record-type-descriptor
call that created the record type, 1 specifies the second, and so on.
(define-record-type point (fields (mutable x) (mutable y)))
(define-record-type cpoint (parent point) (fields color))
(record-field-mutable? (record-type-descriptor point) 0) ⇒ #t
(record-field-mutable? (record-type-descriptor cpoint) 0) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
When passed an instance of an opaque record type, record?
returns #f
. While an instance of an opaque record type is, in essence, a record, the point of opacity is to hide all representation information from the parts of a program that should not have access to the information, and this includes whether an object is a record. Furthermore, the primary purpose of this predicate is to allow programs to check whether it is possible to obtain from the argument an rtd via the record-rtd
procedure described below.
(define-record-type statement (fields str))
(define q (make-statement "He's dead, Jim"))
(statement? q) ⇒ #t
(record? q) ⇒ #t
(define-record-type opaque-statement (fields str) (opaque #t))
(define q (make-opaque-statement "He's moved on, Jim"))
(opaque-statement? q) ⇒ #t
(record? q) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
the record-type descriptor (rtd) of |
libraries |
The argument must be an instance of a non-opaque record type. In combination with some of the other procedures described in this section and Section 9.2, record-rtd
allows the inspection or mutation of record instances, even if the type of the instance is unknown to the inspector. This capability is illustrated by the procedure print-fields
below, which accepts a record argument and writes the name and value of each field of the record.
(define print-fields
(lambda (r)
(unless (record? r)
(assertion-violation 'print-fields "not a record" r))
(let loop ([rtd (record-rtd r)])
(let ([prtd (record-type-parent rtd)])
(when prtd (loop prtd)))
(let* ([v (record-type-field-names rtd)]
[n (vector-length v)])
(do ([i 0 (+ i 1)])
((= i n))
(write (vector-ref v i))
(display "=")
(write ((record-accessor rtd i) r))
With the familiar definitions of point
and cpoint
(define-record-type point (fields x y))
(define-record-type cpoint (parent point) (fields color))
the expression (print-fields (make-cpoint -3 7 'blue))
displays the following three lines.
Chapter 10. Libraries and Top-Level Programs
Libraries and top-level programs are the basic units of portable code in the language defined by the Revised6 Report on Scheme [24]. Top-level programs may import from one or more libraries, and libraries may import from other libraries.
Libraries are named using a parenthesized syntax that encloses a sequence of identifiers, optionally followed by a version; the version is itself a parenthesized form that encloses a sequence of subversions represented as exact nonnegative integers. So, for example, (a)
, (a b)
, (a b ())
, and (a b (1 2 3))
are all valid library names. Implementations typically treat the sequence of names as a path by which a library’s source or object code can be found, possibly rooted in some standard set of locations in the host-machine’s filesystem.
An implementation of the standard library mechanism is available with the portable implementation of syntax-case
at http://www.cs.indiana.edu/syntax-case/.
Section 10.1. Standard Libraries
The Revised6 Report [24] describes a base library
(rnrs base (6))
that defines the most commonly used features of the language. A separate Standard Libraries document [26] describes the libraries listed below.
(rnrs arithmetic bitwise (6))
(rnrs arithmetic fixnums (6))
(rnrs arithmetic flonums (6))
(rnrs bytevectors (6))
(rnrs conditions (6))
(rnrs control (6))
(rnrs enums (6))
(rnrs eval (6))
(rnrs exceptions (6))
(rnrs files (6))
(rnrs hashtables (6))
(rnrs io ports (6))
(rnrs io simple (6))
(rnrs lists (6))
(rnrs mutable-pairs (6))
(rnrs mutable-strings (6))
(rnrs programs (6))
(rnrs r5rs (6))
(rnrs records procedural (6))
(rnrs records syntactic (6))
(rnrs records inspection (6))
(rnrs sorting (6))
(rnrs syntax-case (6))
(rnrs unicode (6))
One more library is described in the Standard Libraries document, a composite library
(rnrs (6))
that exports all of the (rnrs base (6))
bindings along with those of the other libraries listed above, except those of (rnrs eval (6))
, (rnrs mutable-pairs (6))
, (rnrs mutable-strings (6))
, and (rnrs r5rs (6))
Although each of these libraries has the version (6)
, references to them can and in most cases should leave the version out, e.g., the composite library should be referenced simply as (rnrs)
Section 10.2. Defining New Libraries
New libraries are defined with the library
form, which has the following syntax.
(library library-name
(export export-spec ...)
(import import-spec ...)
A library-name
specifies the name and possibly version by which the library is identified by the import
form of another library or top-level program. It also serves as kind of path that the implementation uses to locate the library, via some implementation-specific process, whenever it needs to be loaded. A library-name
has one of the following two forms:
(identifier identifier ...)
(identifier identifier ... version)
where version
has the following form:
(subversion ...)
and each subversion
represents an exact nonnegative integer. A library name with no version
is treated the same as a library name with the empty version
. For example, (list-tools setops)
and (list-tools setops ())
are equivalent and specify a library name with no version, while (list-tools setops (1 2))
specifies a versioned library name, which can be thought of as Version 1.2 of the (list-tools setops)
The export
subform names the exports and, optionally, the names by which they should be known outside of the library. Each export-spec
takes one of the following two forms:
(rename (internal-name export-name) ...)
where each internal-name
and export-name
is an identifier. The first form names a single export, identifier
, whose export name is the same as its internal name. The second names a set of exports, each of whose export name is given explicitly and may differ from its internal name.
The import
subform names the other libraries upon which the new library depends and, possibly, the set of identifiers to be imported and the names by which they should be known inside the new library. It may also specify when the bindings should be made available for implementations that require such information. Each import-spec
takes one of the following two forms:
(for import-set import-level ...)
where import-level
is one of the following:
(meta level)
and level
represents an exact integer.
The for
syntax declares when the imported bindings might be used by the importing library and thus when the implementation must make the bindings available. run
and (meta 0)
are equivalent and specify that the bindings imported from a library might be referenced by the run-time expressions (define
right-hand-side expressions and initialization expressions) of the importing library. expand
and (meta 1)
are equivalent and specify that the bindings imported from a library might be referenced by the transformer expressions (define-syntax
, let-syntax
, or letrec-syntax
right-hand-side expressions) of the importing library. (meta 2)
specifies that the bindings imported from a library might be referenced by a transformer expression that appears within a transformer expression of the importing library, and so on for higher meta levels. Negative meta levels may also be specified and are needed in certain circumstances when a transformer expands into the transformer for another keyword binding used at a lower meta level.
A library export may have a non-zero export meta level, in which case the effective import level is the sum of the level specified by for
and the export level. The exports of each standard library except (rnrs base)
and (rnrs)
have export level zero. For (rnrs base)
, all exports have export level zero except for syntax-rules
, identifier-syntax
, and their auxiliary keywords _
, ...
, and set!
. set!
has export levels zero and one, while the others have export level one. All exports of the (rnrs)
library have export levels zero and one.
It can be difficult for the programmer to specify the import levels that allow a library or top-level program to compile or run properly. Moreover, it is often impossible to cause a library’s bindings to be made available when they are needed without causing them to be made available in some cases when they are not needed. For example, it is not possible to say that the run-time bindings of a library A are needed when a library B is expanded without also having the run-time bindings of A made available when code importing B is expanded. Making bindings available involves executing the code for the right-hand sides of the bindings and possibly executing initialization expressions as well, so the inability to specify when bindings are needed precisely can add both compile- and run-time overhead to a program.
Because of this, implementations are permitted to ignore export levels and the for
wrapper on an import-set
and instead automatically determine, while expanding an importing library or top-level program, when an imported library’s bindings must be made available, based on where references to the imported library’s exports actually appear. When using such an implementation, the for
wrapper need never be used, i.e., all import-spec
s can be import-set
s. If code is intended for use with systems that do not automatically determine when a library’s bindings must be made available, however, the for
must be used if the imported library’s bindings would not otherwise be available at the right time.
An import-set
takes one of the following forms:
(only import-set identifier ...)
(except import-set identifier ...)
(prefix import-set prefix)
(rename import-set (import-name internal-name) ...)
where prefix
, import-name
, and internal-name
are identifiers. An import-set
is a recursive specification of the identifiers to be imported from a library and possibly the names by which they should be known within the importing library. At the base of the recursive structure must sit a library-spec
, which identifies a library and imports all of the identifiers from that library. An only
wrapper restricts the imported identifiers of the enclosed import-set
to the ones listed, an except
wrapper restricts the imported identifiers of the enclosed import-set
to those not listed, a prefix
wrapper adds a prefix to each of the imported identifiers of the enclosed import-set
, and a rename
wrapper specifies internal names for selected identifiers of the enclosed import-set
, while leaving the names of the other imports alone. So, for example, the import-set
(rename (list-tools setops) (difference diff))
imports only union
and difference
from the (list-tools setops)
library, renames difference
to diff
while leaving union
alone, and adds the prefix set:
to the two names so that the names by which the two imports are known inside the importing library are set:union
and set:diff
A library-spec
takes one of the following forms:
(library library-reference)
where a library-reference
is in either of the following two forms:
(identifier identifier ...)
(identifier identifier ... version-reference)
Enclosing a library-reference
in a library
wrapper is necessary when the first identifier of the library-reference
is for
, library
, only
, except
, prefix
, or rename
, to distinguish it from an import-spec
or import-set
identified by one of these keywords.
A version-reference
identifies a particular version of the library or a set of possible versions. A version-reference
has one of the following forms:
(subversion-reference1 ... subversion-referencen)
(and version-reference ...)
(or version-reference ...)
(not version-reference)
A version-reference
of the first form matches a version
with at least n elements if each subversion-reference
matches version
's corresponding subversion
. An and
form matches a version
if each of its version-reference
subforms matches version
. An or
form matches a version
if any of its version-reference
subforms matches version
. A not
form matches a version
if its version-reference
subform does not match version
A subversion-reference
takes one of the following forms:
(>= subversion)
(<= subversion)
(and subversion-reference ...)
(or subversion-reference ...)
(not subversion-reference)
A subversion-reference
of the first form matches a subversion
if it is identical to it. A >=
matches a version
's subversion
if the version
's subversion
is greater than or equal to the subversion
appearing within the >=
form. Similarly, a <=
matches a version
's subversion
if the version
's subversion
is less than or equal to the subversion
appearing within the <=
form. An and
form matches a version
's subversion
if each of its subversion-reference
subforms matches the version
's subversion
. An or
matches a version
's subversion
if any of its subversion-reference
subforms match the version
's subversion
. A not
matches a version
's subversion
if its subversion-reference
subform does not match the version
's subversion
For example, if two versions of a library are available, one with version (1 2)
and the other with version (1 3 1)
, the version references ()
and (1)
match both, (1 2)
matches the first but not the second, (1 3)
matches the second but not the first, (1 (>= 2))
matches both, and (and (1 (>= 3)) (not (1 3 1)))
matches neither.
When a library reference identifies more than one available library, one of the available libraries is selected in some implementation-dependent manner.
Libraries and top-level programs should not, directly or indirectly, specify the import of two libraries that have the same names but different versions. To avoid problems such as incompatible types and replicated state, implementations are encouraged, though not required, to prohibit programs from importing two versions of the same library.
A library-body
contains definitions of exported identifiers, definitions of identifiers not intended for export, and initialization expressions. It consists of a (possibly empty) sequence of definitions followed by a (possibly empty) sequence of initialization expressions. When begin
, let-syntax
, or letrec-syntax
forms occur in a library body prior to the first expression, they are spliced into the body. Any body form may be produced by a syntactic extension, including definitions, the splicing forms just mentioned, or initialization expressions. A library body is expanded in the same manner as a lambda
or other body (page 292), and it expands into the equivalent of a letrec*
form so that the definitions and initialization forms in the body are evaluated from left to right.
Each of the exports listed in a library’s export
form must either be imported from another library or defined within the library-body
, in either case with the internal rather than the export name, if the two differ.
Each identifier imported into or defined within a library must have exactly one binding. If imported into a library, it must not be defined in the library body, and if defined in the library body, it must be defined only once. If imported from two libraries, it must have the same binding in both cases, which can happen only if the binding originates in one of the two libraries and is reexported by the other or if the binding originates in a third library and is reexported by both.
The identifiers defined within a library and not exported by the library are not visible in code that appears outside of the library. A syntactic extension defined within a library may, however, expand into a reference to such an identifier, so that the expanded code does contain a reference to the identifier; this is referred to as an indirect export.
The exported variables of a library are immutable both inside the library and outside, whether they are explicitly or implicitly exported. It is a syntax violation if an explicitly exported variable appears on the left-hand side of a set!
expression within or outside of the exporting library. It is also a syntax violation if any other variable defined by a library appears on the left-hand side of a set!
expression and is indirectly exported.
Libraries are loaded and the code contained within them evaluated on an "as needed" basis by the implementation, as determined by the import relationships among libraries. A library’s transformer expressions (the expressions on the right-hand sides of a library body’s define-syntax
forms) may be evaluated at different times from the library’s body expressions (the expressions on the right-hand side of the body’s define
forms, plus initialization expressions). At a minimum, the transformer expressions of a library must be evaluated when (if not before) a reference to one of the library’s exported keywords is found while expanding another library or top-level program, and the body expressions must be evaluated when (if not before) a reference to one of the library’s exported variables is evaluated, which may occur either when a program using the library is run or when another library or top-level program is being expanded, if the reference is evaluated by a transformer called during the expansion process. An implementation may evaluate a library’s transformer and body expressions as many times as it pleases in the process of expanding other libraries. In particular, it may evaluate the expressions zero times if they are not actually needed, exactly one time, or one time for each meta level of the expansion. It is generally a bad idea for the evaluation of a library’s transformer or body expressions to involve externally visible side effects, e.g., popping up a window, since the time or times at which these side effects occur is unspecified. Localized effects that affect only the library’s initialization, e.g., to create a table used by the library, are generally okay.
Examples are given in Section 10.4.
Section 10.3. Top-Level Programs
A top-level program is not a syntactic form per se but rather a set of forms that are usually delimited only by file boundaries. Top-level programs can be thought of as library forms without the library
wrapper, library name, and export form. The other difference is that definitions and expressions can be intermixed within the body of a top-level program but not within the body of a library. Thus the syntax of a top-level program is, simply, an import
form followed by a sequence of definitions and expressions:
(import import-spec ...)
An expression that appears within a top-level program body before one or more definitions is treated as if it appeared on the right-hand side of a definition for a dummy variable that is not visible anywhere within the program.
procedure |
returns |
a list of strings representing command-line arguments |
libraries |
This procedure may be used within a top-level program to obtain a list of the command-line arguments passed to the program.
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
does not return |
libraries |
This procedure may be used to exit from a top-level program to the operating system. If no obj
is given, the exit value returned to the operating system should indicate a normal exit. If obj
is false, the exit value returned to the operating system should indicate an abnormal exit. Otherwise, obj
is translated into an exit value as appropriate for the operating system.
Section 10.4. Examples
The example below demonstrates several features of the library
syntax. It defines "Version 1" of the (list-tools setops)
library, which exports two keywords and several variables. The library imports the (rnrs base)
library, which provides everything it needs except the member
procedure, which it imports from (rnrs lists)
. Most of the variables exported by the library are bound to procedures, which is typical.
The syntactic extension set
expands into a reference to the variable list->set
, and member?
similarly expands into a reference to the variable member-help?
. While list->set
is explicitly exported, member-help?
is not. This makes member-help?
an indirect export. The procedure u-d-help
is not explicitly exported, and since neither of the exported syntactic extensions expand into references to u-d-help
, it is not indirectly exported either. This means it could be assigned, but it is not assigned in this example.
(library (list-tools setops (1))
(export set empty-set empty-set? list->set set->list
union intersection difference member?)
(import (rnrs base) (only (rnrs lists) member))
(define-syntax set
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ x ...)
(list->set (list x ...))]))
(define empty-set '())
(define empty-set? null?)
(define list->set
(lambda (ls)
[(null? ls) '()]
[(member (car ls) (cdr ls)) (list->set (cdr ls))]
[else (cons (car ls) (list->set (cdr ls)))])))
(define set->list (lambda (set) set))
(define u-d-help
(lambda (s1 s2 ans)
(let f ([s1 s1])
[(null? s1) ans]
[(member? (car s1) s2) (f (cdr s1))]
[else (cons (car s1) (f (cdr s1)))]))))
(define union
(lambda (s1 s2)
(u-d-help s1 s2 s2)))
(define intersection
(lambda (s1 s2)
[(null? s1) '()]
[(member? (car s1) s2)
(cons (car s1) (intersection (cdr s1) s2))]
[else (intersection (cdr s1) s2)])))
(define difference
(lambda (s1 s2)
(u-d-help s1 s2 '())))
(define member-help?
(lambda (x s)
(and (member x s) #t)))
(define-syntax member?
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ elt-expr set-expr)
(let ([x elt-expr] [s set-expr])
(and (not (null? s)) (member-help? x s)))])))
The next library, (more-setops)
, defines a few additional set operations in terms of the (list-tools setops)
operations. No version is included in the library reference to (list-tools setops)
; this is equivalent to an empty version reference, which matches any version. The quoted-set
keyword is interesting because its transformer references list->set
from (list-tools setops)
at expansion time. As a result, if another library or top-level program that imports from (more-setops)
references quoted-set
, the run-time expressions of the (list-tools setops)
library will have to be evaluated when the other library or top-level program is expanded. On the other hand, the run-time expressions of the (list-tools setops)
library need not be evaluated when the (more-setops)
library is itself expanded.
(library (more-setops)
(export quoted-set set-cons set-remove)
(import (list-tools setops) (rnrs base) (rnrs syntax-case))
(define-syntax quoted-set
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(k elt ...)
#,(datum->syntax #'k
(syntax->datum #'(elt ...)))))])))
(define set-cons
(lambda (opt optset)
(union (set opt) optset)))
(define set-remove
(lambda (opt optset)
(difference optset (set opt)))))
If the implementation does not automatically infer when bindings need to be made available, the import
form in the (more-setops)
library must be modified to specify at which meta levels the bindings it imports are used via the for
syntax as follows:
(for (list-tools setops) expand run)
(for (rnrs base) expand run)
(for (rnrs syntax-case) expand))
To complete the example, the short top-level program below exercises several of the (list-tools setops)
and (more-setops)
(import (list-tools setops) (more-setops) (rnrs))
(define-syntax pr
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ obj)
(write 'obj)
(display " ;=> ")
(write obj)
(define get-set1
(lambda ()
(quoted-set a b c d)))
(define set1 (get-set1))
(define set2 (quoted-set a c e))
(pr (list set1 set2))
(pr (eq? (get-set1) (get-set1)))
(pr (eq? (get-set1) (set 'a 'b 'c 'd)))
(pr (union set1 set2))
(pr (intersection set1 set2))
(pr (difference set1 set2))
(pr (set-cons 'a set2))
(pr (set-cons 'b set2))
(pr (set-remove 'a set2))
What running this program should print is left as an exercise for the reader.
Additional library and top-level program examples are given in Chapter 12.
Chapter 11. Exceptions and Conditions
Exceptions and conditions provide the means for system and user code to signal, detect, and recover from errors that occur when a program is run.
Exceptions are raised by the standard syntactic forms and procedures under a variety of circumstances, e.g., when the wrong number of arguments is passed to a procedure, when the syntax of an expression passed to eval
is incorrect, or when a file cannot be opened by one of the file open procedures. In these situations, the exception is raised with a standard condition type.
Exceptions may also be raised by user code via the raise
or raise-continuable
procedures. In this case, the exception may be raised with one of the standard condition types, a user-defined subtype of one of the standard condition types (possibly defined using define-condition-type
), or an arbitrary Scheme value that is not a condition type.
At any point during a program’s execution, a single exception handler, called the current exception handler, is charged with handling all exceptions that are raised. By default, the current exception handler is one provided by the implementation. The default exception handler typically prints a message that describes the condition or other value with which the exception was raised and, for any serious condition, terminates the running program. In interactive systems, this typically means a reset to the read-eval-print loop.
User code may establish a new current exception handler via the guard
syntax or the with-exception-handler
procedure. In either case, the user code may handle all exceptions or, based on the condition or other value with which the exception was raised, just some of the exceptions while reraising the others for the old current exception handler to handle. When guard
forms and with-exception-handler
calls are nested dynamically, a chain of exception handlers is established, and each may defer to the next in the chain.
Section 11.1. Raising and Handling Exceptions
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
Both of these procedures raise an exception, effectively invoking the current exception handler, passing obj
as the only argument. For raise
, the exception is non-continuable, while for raise-continuable
, the exception is continuable. An exception handler may return (with zero or more values) to the continuation of a continuable exception. If an exception handler attempts to return to the continuation of a non-continuable exception, however, a new exception with condition type &non-continuable
is raised. Thus, raise
never returns, while raise-continuable
may return zero or more values, depending upon the exception handler.
If the current exception handler, p
, was established via a guard
form or call to with-exception-handler
, the current exception handler is reset to the handler that was current when p
was established before raise
or raise-continuable
invokes p
. This allows p
to defer to the preexisting exception handler simply by reraising the exception, and it helps prevent infinite regression when an exception handler inadvertently causes a different exception to be raised. If p
returns and the exception is continuable, p
is reinstated as the current exception handler.
(make-message-condition "no go"))) ⇒ error: no go
(make-message-condition "oops"))) ⇒ violation: oops
(lambda (k)
(lambda (x) (k (+ x 5)))
(lambda () (+ (raise 17) 8))))))) ⇒ (22)
(lambda (x) (+ x 5))
(lambda () (+ (raise-continuable 17) 8))))) ⇒ (#(30))
(lambda (x) (+ x 5))
(lambda () (+ (raise 17) 8))))) ⇒ violation: non-continuable
procedure |
procedure |
libraries |
raises a non-continuable exception with condition type &error
and should be used to describe situations for which the &error
condition type is appropriate, typically a situation involving the program’s interaction with something outside of the program. assertion-violation
raises a non-continuable exception with condition type &assertion
and should be used to describe situations for which the &assertion
condition type is appropriate, typically an invalid argument to a procedure or invalid value of a subexpression of a syntactic form.
The continuation object with which the exception is raised also includes a &who
condition whose who field is who
if who
is not #f
, a &message
condition whose message field is msg
, and an &irritants
condition whose irritants field is (irritant ...)
must be a string, a symbol, or #f
identifying the procedure or syntactic form reporting the error upon whose behalf the error is being reported. It is usually best to identify a procedure the programmer has called rather than some other procedure the programmer may not be aware is involved in carrying out the operation. msg
must be a string and should describe the exceptional situation. The irritants may be any Scheme objects and should include values that may have caused or been materially involved in the exceptional situation.
syntax |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
evaluates expression
and returns the value of expression
if the value is not #f
. If the value of expression
is #f
, assert
raises a non-continuable exception with condition types &assertion
and &message
, with an implementation-dependent value in its message field. Implementations are encouraged to provide information about the location of the assert
call within the condition whenever possible.
procedure |
procedure |
returns |
does not return |
libraries |
This procedure raises a non-continuable exception with a condition of type &syntax
. It should be used to report a syntax error detected by the transformer of a syntactic extension. The value of the condition’s form field is form
, and the value of its subform field is subform
, or #f
if subform
is not provided.
The continuation object with which the exception is raised also includes a &who
condition whose who field is who
, if who
is not #f
or is inferred from form
, and a &message
condition whose message field is msg
must be a string, a symbol, or #f
. If who
is #f
, it is inferred to be the symbolic name of form
if form
is an identifier or the symbolic name of the first subform of form
if form
is a list-structured form whose first subform is an identifier. message
must be a string. form
should be the syntax object or datum representation of the syntactic form within which the syntax violation occurred, and subform
, if not #f
, should be a syntax object or datum representation of a subform more specifically involved in the violation. For example, if a duplicate formal parameter is found in a lambda
expression, form
might be the lambda
expression and subform
might be the duplicated parameter.
Some implementations attach source information to syntax objects, e.g., line, character, and filename for forms originating in a file, in which case this information might also be present as some implementation-dependent condition type within the condition object.
procedure |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
This procedure establishes procedure
, which should accept one argument, as the current exception handler in place of the old current exception handler, old-proc
, and invokes thunk
without arguments. If the call to thunk
returns, old-proc
is reestablished as the current exception handler and the values returned by thunk
are returned. If control leaves or subsequently reenters the call to thunk
via the invocation of a continuation obtained via call/cc
, the procedure that was the current exception handler when the continuation was captured is reinstated.
(define (try thunk)
(lambda (k)
(lambda (x) (if (error? x) (k #f) (raise x)))
(try (lambda () 17)) ⇒ 17
(try (lambda () (raise (make-error)))) ⇒ #f
(try (lambda () (raise (make-violation)))) ⇒ violation
(lambda (x)
(apply condition
(make-message-condition "oops")
(simple-conditions x))))
(lambda ()
(try (lambda () (raise (make-violation)))))) ⇒ violation: oops
syntax |
returns |
see below |
libraries |
A guard
expression establishes a new current exception handler, procedure
(described below), in place of the old current exception handler, old-proc
, and evaluates the body b1 b2 ...
. If the body returns, guard
reestablishes old-proc
as the current exception handler. If control leaves or subsequently reenters the body via the invocation of a continuation obtained via call/cc
, the procedure that was the current exception handler when the continuation was captured is reinstated.
The procedure procedure
established by guard
binds var
to the value it receives and, within the scope of that binding, processes the clauses clause1 clause2 ...
in turn, as if contained within an implicit cond
expression. This implicit cond
expression is evaluated in the continuation of the guard
expression, with old-proc
as the current exception handler.
If no else
clause is provided, guard
supplies one that reraises the exception with the same value, as if with raise-continuable
, in the continuation of the call to procedure
, with old-proc
as the current exception handler.
(guard (x [else x]) (raise "oops")) ⇒ "oops"
(guard (x [#f #f]) (raise (make-error))) ⇒ error
(define-syntax try
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ e1 e2 ...)
(guard (x [(error? x) #f]) e1 e2 ...)]))
(define open-one
(lambda fn*
(let loop ([ls fn*])
(if (null? ls)
(error 'open-one "all open attempts failed" fn*)
(or (try (open-input-file (car ls)))
(loop (cdr ls)))))))
; say bar.ss exists but not foo.ss:
(open-one "foo.ss" "bar.ss") ⇒ #<input port bar.ss>
Section 11.2. Defining Condition Types
While a program may pass raise
or raise-continuable
any Scheme value, the best way to describe an exceptional situation is usually to create and pass a condition object. Where the Revised6 Report requires the implementation to raise exceptions, the value passed to the current exception handler is always a condition object of one or more of the standard condition types described in Section 11.3. User code may create a condition object that is an instance of one or more standard condition types or it may create an extended condition type and create a condition object of that type.
Condition types are similar to record types but are more flexible in that a condition object may be an instance of two or more condition types, even if neither is a subtype of the other. When a condition is an instance of multiple types, it is referred to as a compound condition. Compound conditions are useful for communicating multiple pieces of information about an exception to the exception handler. A condition that is not a compound condition is referred to as a simple condition. In most cases, the distinction between the two is unimportant, and a simple condition is treated as if it were a compound condition with itself as its only simple condition.
syntax |
libraries |
is a record-type name (Chapter 9) and the root of the condition-type hierarchy. All simple condition types are extensions of this type, and all conditions, whether simple or compound, are considered instances of this type.
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
A condition object is an instance of a subtype of &condition
or a compound condition, possibly created by user code with condition
(condition? 'stable) ⇒ #f
(condition? (make-error)) ⇒ #t
(condition? (make-message-condition "oops")) ⇒ #t
(make-message-condition "no such element"))) ⇒ #t
procedure |
returns |
a condition, possibly compound |
libraries |
is used to create condition objects that may consist of multiple simple conditions. Each argument condition
may be simple or complex; if simple, it is treated as a compound condition with itself as its only simple condition. The simple conditions of the result condition are the simple conditions of the condition
arguments, flattened into a single list and appearing in order, with the simple conditions of the first condition
followed by the simple conditions of the second, and so on.
If the list has exactly one element, the result condition may be simple or compound; otherwise it is compound. The distinction between simple and compound conditions is not usually important but can be detected, if define-record-type
rather than define-condition-type
is used to extend an existing condition type, via the predicate defined by define-record-type
(condition) ⇒ #<condition>
(make-message-condition "oops")) ⇒ #<condition>
(define-record-type (&xcond make-xcond xcond?) (parent &condition))
(xcond? (make-xcond)) ⇒ #t
(xcond? (condition (make-xcond))) ⇒ #t or #f
(xcond? (condition)) ⇒ #f
(xcond? (condition (make-error) (make-xcond))) ⇒ #f
procedure |
returns |
a list of the simple conditions of |
libraries |
(simple-conditions (condition)) ⇒ '()
(simple-conditions (make-error)) ⇒ (#<condition &error>)
(simple-conditions (condition (make-error))) ⇒ (#<condition &error>)
"oops"))) ⇒ (#<condition &error> #<condition &message>)
(let ([c1 (make-error)]
[c2 (make-who-condition "f")]
[c3 (make-message-condition "invalid argument")]
[c4 (make-message-condition
"error occurred while reading from file")]
[c5 (make-irritants-condition '("a.ss"))])
(condition (condition c1 c2) c3)
(condition c4 (condition c5))))
(list c1 c2 c3 c4 c5))) ⇒ #t
syntax |
libraries |
A define-condition-type
form is a definition and may appear anywhere other definitions may appear. It is used to define new simple condition types.
The subforms name
, parent
, constructor
, and pred
must be identifiers. Each field
must be of the form (field-name accessor-name)
, where field-name
and accessor-name
are identifiers.
defines name
as a new record type whose parent record type is parent
, whose constructor name is constructor
, whose predicate name is pred
, whose fields are field-name ...
, and whose field accessors are named by accessor-name ...
With the exception of the predicate and field accessors, define-condition-type
is essentially an ordinary record definition equivalent to
(define-record-type (name constructor pred)
(parent parent)
(fields ((immutable field-name accessor-name) ...)))
The predicate differs from one that would be generated by a define-record-type
form in that it returns #t
not only for an instance of the new type but also for compound conditions whose simple conditions include an instance of the new type. Similarly, field accessors accept instances of the new type as well as compound conditions whose simple conditions include at least one instance of the new record type. If an accessor receives a compound condition whose simple conditions list includes one or more instances of the new type, the accessor operates on the first instance in the list.
(define-condition-type &mistake &condition make-mistake mistake?
(type mistake-type))
(mistake? 'booboo) ⇒ #f
(define c1 (make-mistake 'spelling))
(mistake? c1) ⇒ #t
(mistake-type c1) ⇒ spelling
(define c2 (condition c1 (make-irritants-condition '(eggregius))))
(mistake? c2) ⇒ #t
(mistake-type c2) ⇒ spelling
(irritants-condition? c2) ⇒ #t
(condition-irritants c2) ⇒ (eggregius)
procedure |
returns |
a condition predicate |
procedure |
returns |
a condition accessor |
libraries |
These procedures may be used to create the same kind of special predicates and accessors that are created by define-record-type
from a record-type descriptor, rtd
, of a simple condition type or other type derived from a simple condition type.
For both procedures, rtd
must be a record-type descriptor of a subtype of &condition
, and for condition-accessor
, procedure
should accept one argument.
The predicate returned by condition-predicate
accepts one argument, which may be any Scheme value. The predicate returns #t
if the value is a condition of the type described by rtd
, i.e., an instance of the type described by rtd
(or one of its subtypes) or a compound condition whose simple conditions include an instance of the type described by rtd
. Otherwise, the predicate returns #f
The accessor returned by condition-accessor
accepts one argument, c
, which must be a condition of the type described by rtd
. The accessor applies procedure
to a single argument, the first element of c
's simple condition list that is an instance of the type described by rtd
(this is c
itself if c
is a simple condition), and returns the result of this application. In most situations, procedure
is a record accessor for a field of the type described by rtd
(define-record-type (&mistake make-mistake $mistake?)
(parent &condition)
(fields (immutable type $mistake-type)))
; define predicate and accessor as if we'd used define-condition-type
(define rtd (record-type-descriptor &mistake))
(define mistake? (condition-predicate rtd))
(define mistake-type (condition-accessor rtd $mistake-type))
(define c1 (make-mistake 'spelling))
(define c2 (condition c1 (make-irritants-condition '(eggregius))))
(list (mistake? c1) (mistake? c2)) ⇒ (#t #t)
(list ($mistake? c1) ($mistake? c2)) ⇒ (#t #f)
(mistake-type c1) ⇒ spelling
($mistake-type c1) ⇒ spelling
(mistake-type c2) ⇒ spelling
($mistake-type c2) ⇒ violation
Section 11.3. Standard Condition Types
syntax |
procedure |
returns |
a condition of type |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
Conditions of this type indicate situations of a serious nature that, if uncaught, generally result in termination of the program’s execution. Conditions of this type typically occur as one of the more specific subtypes &error
or &violation
. This condition type might be defined as follows.
(define-condition-type &serious &condition
make-serious-condition serious-condition?)
syntax |
procedure |
returns |
a condition of type |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
Conditions of this type indicate that the program has violated some requirement, usually due to a bug in the program. This condition type might be defined as follows.
(define-condition-type &violation &serious
make-violation violation?)
syntax |
procedure |
returns |
a condition of type |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
This condition type indicates a specific violation in which the program has passed the wrong number or types of arguments to a procedure. This condition type might be defined as follows.
(define-condition-type &assertion &violation
make-assertion-violation assertion-violation?)
syntax |
procedure |
returns |
a condition of type |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
Conditions of this type indicate that an error has occurred with the program’s interaction with its operating environment, such as the failure of an attempt to open a file. It is not used to describe situations in which an error in the program has been detected. This condition type might be defined as follows.
(define-condition-type &error &serious
make-error error?)
syntax |
procedure |
returns |
a condition of type |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
Warning conditions indicate situations that do not prevent the program from continuing its execution but, in some cases, might result in a more serious problem at some later point. For example, a compiler might use a condition of this type to indicate that it has processed a call to a standard procedure with the wrong number of arguments; this will not become a serious problem unless the call is actually evaluated at some later point. This condition type might be defined as follows.
(define-condition-type &warning &condition
make-warning warning?)
syntax |
procedure |
returns |
a condition of type |
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
the contents of |
libraries |
Conditions of this type are usually included with a &warning
condition or one of the &serious
condition subtypes to provide a more specific description of the exceptional situation. The message
argument to the constructor may be any Scheme value but is typically a string. This condition type might be defined as follows.
(define-condition-type &message &condition
make-message-condition message-condition?
(message condition-message))
syntax |
procedure |
returns |
a condition of type |
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
the contents of |
libraries |
Conditions of this type are usually included with a &message
condition to provide information about Scheme values that may have caused or been materially involved in the exceptional situation. For example, if a procedure receives the wrong type of argument, it may raise an exception with a compound condition consisting of an assertion condition, a who condition naming the procedure, a message condition stating that the wrong type of argument was received, and an irritants condition listing the argument. The irritants
argument to the constructor should be a list. This condition type might be defined as follows.
(define-condition-type &irritants &condition
make-irritants-condition irritants-condition?
(irritants condition-irritants))
syntax |
procedure |
returns |
a condition of type |
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
the contents of |
libraries |
Conditions of this type are often included with a &message
condition to identify the syntactic form or procedure that detected the error. The who
argument to the constructor should be a symbol or string. This condition type might be defined as follows.
(define-condition-type &who &condition
make-who-condition who-condition?
(who condition-who))
syntax |
procedure |
returns |
a condition of type |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
Conditions of this type indicate that a non-continuable violation has occurred. raise
raises an exception with this type if the current exception handler returns. This condition type might be defined as follows.
(define-condition-type &non-continuable &violation
syntax |
procedure |
returns |
a condition of type |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
An implementation-restriction condition indicates that the program has attempted to exceed some limitation in the implementation, such as when the value of a fixnum addition operation would result in a number that exceeds the implementation’s fixnum range. It does not normally indicate a deficiency in the implementation but rather a mismatch between what the program is attempting to do and what the implementation can support. In many cases, implementation restrictions are dictated by the underlying hardware. This condition type might be defined as follows.
(define-condition-type &implementation-restriction &violation
syntax |
procedure |
returns |
a condition of type |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
Conditions of this type indicate that a lexical error has occurred in the parsing of a Scheme program or datum, such as mismatched parentheses or an invalid character appearing within a numeric constant. This condition type might be defined as follows.
(define-condition-type &lexical &violation
make-lexical-violation lexical-violation?)
syntax |
procedure |
returns |
a condition of type |
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
the contents of |
procedure |
returns |
the contents of |
libraries |
Conditions of this type indicate that a syntax error has occurred in the parsing of a Scheme program. In most implementations, syntax errors are detected by the macro expander. Each of the form
and subform
arguments to make-syntax-violation
should be a syntax object (Section 8.3) or datum, the former indicating the containing form and the latter indicating the specific subform. For example, if a duplicate formal parameter is found in a lambda
expression, form
might be the lambda
expression and subform
might be the duplicated parameter. If there is no need to identify a subform, subform
should be #f
. This condition type might be defined as follows.
(define-condition-type &syntax &violation
make-syntax-violation syntax-violation?
(form syntax-violation-form)
(subform syntax-violation-subform))
syntax |
procedure |
returns |
a condition of type |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
An undefined condition indicates an attempt to reference an unbound variable. This condition type might be defined as follows.
(define-condition-type &undefined &violation
make-undefined-violation undefined-violation?)
The next several condition types describe conditions that occur when input or output operations fail in some manner.
syntax |
procedure |
returns |
a condition of type |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
A condition of type &i/o
indicates that an input/output error of some sort has occurred. Conditions of this type typically occur as one of the more specific subtypes described below. This condition type might be defined as follows.
(define-condition-type &i/o &error
make-i/o-error i/o-error?)
syntax |
procedure |
returns |
a condition of type |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
This condition type indicates that an error has occurred while reading from a port. This condition type might be defined as follows.
(define-condition-type &i/o-read &i/o
make-i/o-read-error i/o-read-error?)
syntax |
procedure |
returns |
a condition of type |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
This condition type indicates that an error has occurred while writing to a port. This condition type might be defined as follows.
(define-condition-type &i/o-write &i/o
make-i/o-write-error i/o-write-error?)
syntax |
procedure |
returns |
a condition of type |
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
the contents of |
libraries |
This condition type indicates an attempt to set a port’s position to a position that is out of range for the underlying file or other object. The position
argument to the constructor should be the invalid position. This condition type might be defined as follows.
(define-condition-type &i/o-invalid-position &i/o
(position i/o-error-position))
syntax |
procedure |
returns |
a condition of type |
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
the contents of |
libraries |
This condition type indicates an input/output error that occurred while operating on a file. The filename
argument to the constructor should be the name of the file. This condition type might be defined as follows.
(define-condition-type &i/o-filename &i/o
make-i/o-filename-error i/o-filename-error?
(filename i/o-error-filename))
syntax |
procedure |
returns |
a condition of type |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
A condition of this type indicates that an attempt has been made to perform some input/output operation on a file for which the program does not have the proper permission. This condition type might be defined as follows.
(define-condition-type &i/o-file-protection &i/o-filename
syntax |
procedure |
returns |
a condition of type |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
A condition of this type indicates an attempt to treat as writeable a read-only file. This condition type might be defined as follows.
(define-condition-type &i/o-file-is-read-only &i/o-file-protection
syntax |
procedure |
returns |
a condition of type |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
A condition of this type indicates a situation in which an operation on a file failed because the file already exists, e.g., an attempt is made to open an existing file for output without the no-fail
file option. This condition type might be defined as follows.
(define-condition-type &i/o-file-already-exists &i/o-filename
syntax |
procedure |
returns |
a condition of type |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
A condition of this type indicates a situation in which an operation on a file failed because the file does not exist, e.g., an attempt is made to open a nonexistent file for input only. This condition type might be defined as follows.
(define-condition-type &i/o-file-does-not-exist &i/o-filename
syntax |
procedure |
returns |
a condition of type |
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
the contents of |
libraries |
A condition of this type is usually included with a condition of one of the other &i/o
subtypes to indicate the port involved in the exceptional situation, if a port is involved. The pobj
argument to the constructor should be the port. This condition type might be defined as follows.
(define-condition-type &i/o-port &i/o
make-i/o-port-error i/o-port-error?
(pobj i/o-error-port))
syntax |
procedure |
returns |
a condition of type |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
A condition of this type indicates that a decoding error has occurred during the transcoding of bytes to characters. The pobj
argument to the constructor should be the port involved, if any. The port should be positioned past the invalid encoding. This condition type might be defined as follows.
(define-condition-type &i/o-decoding &i/o-port
make-i/o-decoding-error i/o-decoding-error?)
syntax |
procedure |
returns |
a condition of type |
procedure |
returns |
procedure |
returns |
the contents of |
libraries |
A condition of this type indicates that an encoding error has occurred during the transcoding of characters to bytes. The pobj
argument to the constructor should be the port involved, if any, and the cobj
argument should be the character for which the encoding failed. This condition type might be defined as follows.
(define-condition-type &i/o-encoding &i/o-port
make-i/o-encoding-error i/o-encoding-error?
(cobj i/o-encoding-error-char))
The final two condition types describe conditions that occur when implementations are required to produce a NaN or infinity but have no representations for these values.
syntax |
procedure |
returns |
a condition of type |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
This condition indicates that the implementation has no representation for infinity. This condition type might be defined as follows.
(define-condition-type &no-infinities &implementation-restriction
syntax |
procedure |
returns |
a condition of type |
procedure |
returns |
libraries |
This condition indicates that the implementation has no representation for NaN. This condition type might be defined as follows.
(define-condition-type &no-nans &implementation-restriction
make-no-nans-violation no-nans-violation?)
Chapter 12. Extended Examples
This chapter presents a series of programs that perform more complicated tasks than most of the examples found throughout the earlier chapters of the book. They illustrate a variety of programming techniques and demonstrate a particular programming style.
Each section of this chapter describes one program in detail and gives examples of its use. This is followed by a listing of the code. At the end of each section are exercises intended to stimulate thought about the program and to suggest possible extensions. These exercises are generally more difficult than those found in Chapters 2 and 3, and a few are major projects.
Section 12.1 presents a simple matrix multiplication package. It demonstrates a set of procedures that could be written in almost any language. Its most interesting features are that all multiplication operations are performed by calling a single generic procedure, mul
, which calls the appropriate help procedure depending upon the dimensions of its arguments, and that it dynamically allocates results of the proper size. Section 12.2 presents a merge sorting algorithm for ordering lists according to arbitrary predicates. Section 12.3 describes a syntactic form that is used to construct sets. It demonstrates a simple but efficient syntactic transformation from set notation to Scheme code. Section 12.4 presents a word-counting program borrowed from The C Programming Language [19], translated from C into Scheme. It shows character and string manipulation, data structure creation and manipulation, and basic file input and output. Section 12.5 presents a Scheme printer that implements basic versions of put-datum
, write
, and display
. Section 12.6 presents a simple formatted output facility similar to those found in many Scheme systems and in other languages. Section 12.7 presents a simple interpreter for Scheme that illustrates Scheme as a language implementation vehicle while giving an informal operational semantics for Scheme as well as a useful basis for investigating extensions to Scheme. Section 12.8 presents a small, extensible abstract object facility that could serve as the basis for an entire object-oriented subsystem. Section 12.9 presents a recursive algorithm for computing the Fourier transform of a sequence of input values. It highlights the use of Scheme’s complex arithmetic. Section 12.10 presents a concise unification algorithm that shows how procedures can be used as continuations and as substitutions (unifiers) in Scheme. Section 12.11 describes a multitasking facility and its implementation in terms of continuations.
Section 12.1. Matrix and Vector Multiplication
This example program involves mostly basic programming techniques. It demonstrates simple arithmetic and vector operations, looping with the do
syntactic form, dispatching based on object type, and raising exceptions.
Multiplication of scalar to scalar, scalar to matrix, or matrix to matrix is performed by a single generic procedure, called mul
. mul
is called with two arguments, and it decides based on the types of its arguments what operation to perform. Because scalar operations use Scheme’s multiplication procedure, *
, mul
scalars can be any built-in numeric type (exact or inexact complex, real, rational, or integer).
The product of an \(m \times n\) matrix \(A\) and an \(n \times p\) matrix \(B\) is the \(m \times p\) matrix \(C\) whose entries are defined by
The product of a scalar \(x\) and an \(m \times n\) matrix \(A\) is the \(m \times n\) matrix \(C\) whose entries are defined by the equation
That is, each element of \(C\) is the product of \(x\) and the corresponding element of \(A\). Vector-vector, vector-matrix, and matrix-vector multiplication may be considered special cases of matrix-matrix multiplication, where a vector is represented as a \(1 \times n\) or \(n \times 1\) matrix.
Here are a few examples, each preceded by the equivalent operation in standard mathematical notation.
Scalar times scalar:
\[3 \times 4 = 12\](mul 3 4) ⇒ 12
Scalar times vector (\(1 \times 3\) matrix):
\[1/2 \times \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 2 & 3 \\ \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} 1/2 & 1 & 3/2 \\ \end{pmatrix}\](mul 1/2 '#(#(1 2 3))) ⇒ #(#(1/2 1 3/2))
Scalar times matrix:
\[-2 \times \begin{pmatrix} 3 & -2 & -1 \\ -3 & 0 & -5 \\ 7 & -1 & -1 \\ \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} -6 & 4 & 2 \\ 6 & 0 & 10 \\ -14 & 2 & 2 \\ \end{pmatrix}\](mul -2 '#(#(3 -2 -1) #(-3 0 -5) #(7 -1 -1))) ⇒ #(#(-6 4 2) #(6 0 10) #(-14 2 2))
Vector times matrix:
\[\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 2 & 3 \\ \end{pmatrix} \times \begin{pmatrix} 2 & 3 \\ 3 & 4 \\ 4 & 5 \\ \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} 20 & 26 \\ \end{pmatrix}\](mul '#(#(1 2 3)) '#(#(2 3) #(3 4) #(4 5))) ⇒ #(#(20 26))
Matrix times vector:
\[\begin{pmatrix} 2 & 3 & 4 \\ 3 & 4 & 5 \\ \end{pmatrix} \times \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 2 \\ 3 \\ \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} 20 \\ 26 \\ \end{pmatrix}\](mul '#(#(2 3 4) #(3 4 5)) '#(#(1) #(2) #(3))) ⇒ #(#(20) #(26))
Matrix times matrix:
\[\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 2 & 3 \\ 4 & 5 & 6 \\ \end{pmatrix} \times \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\ 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 \\ 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 \\ \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} 14 & 20 & 26 & 32 \\ 32 & 47 & 62 & 77 \\ \end{pmatrix}\](mul '#(#(1 2 3) #(4 5 6)) '#(#(1 2 3 4) #(2 3 4 5) #(3 4 5 6))) ⇒ #(#(14 20 26 32) #(32 47 62 77))
The code for mul
and its helpers, which is structured as a library, appears below. The first few definitions establish a set of procedures that support the matrix data type. A matrix is a vector of vectors. Included are a procedure to create matrices, procedures to access and assign matrix elements, and a matrix predicate. Following these definitions is the definition of mul
itself. Inside the lambda
expression for mul
are a set of definitions for help procedures that support mul
checks the types of its arguments and chooses the appropriate help procedure to do the work. Each helper operates on arguments of specific types. For example, mat-sca-mul
multiplies a matrix by a scalar. If the type of either argument is invalid or the arguments are incompatible, e.g., rows or columns do not match up, mul
or one of its helpers raises an exception.
(library (tspl matrix)
(export make-matrix matrix? matrix-rows matrix-columns
matrix-ref matrix-set! mul)
(import (rnrs))
; make-matrix creates a matrix (a vector of vectors).
(define make-matrix
(lambda (rows columns)
(do ([m (make-vector rows)]
[i 0 (+ i 1)])
((= i rows) m)
(vector-set! m i (make-vector columns)))))
; matrix? checks to see if its argument is a matrix.
; It isn't foolproof, but it's generally good enough.
(define matrix?
(lambda (x)
(and (vector? x)
(> (vector-length x) 0)
(vector? (vector-ref x 0)))))
; matrix-rows returns the number of rows in a matrix.
(define matrix-rows
(lambda (x)
(vector-length x)))
; matrix-columns returns the number of columns in a matrix.
(define matrix-columns
(lambda (x)
(vector-length (vector-ref x 0))))
; matrix-ref returns the jth element of the ith row.
(define matrix-ref
(lambda (m i j)
(vector-ref (vector-ref m i) j)))
; matrix-set! changes the jth element of the ith row.
(define matrix-set!
(lambda (m i j x)
(vector-set! (vector-ref m i) j x)))
; mat-sca-mul multiplies a matrix by a scalar.
(define mat-sca-mul
(lambda (m x)
(let* ([nr (matrix-rows m)]
[nc (matrix-columns m)]
[r (make-matrix nr nc)])
(do ([i 0 (+ i 1)])
((= i nr) r)
(do ([j 0 (+ j 1)])
((= j nc))
(matrix-set! r i j (* x (matrix-ref m i j))))))))
; mat-mat-mul multiplies one matrix by another, after verifying
; that the first matrix has as many columns as the second
; matrix has rows.
(define mat-mat-mul
(lambda (m1 m2)
(let* ([nr1 (matrix-rows m1)]
[nr2 (matrix-rows m2)]
[nc2 (matrix-columns m2)]
[r (make-matrix nr1 nc2)])
(unless (= (matrix-columns m1) nr2) (match-error m1 m2))
(do ([i 0 (+ i 1)])
((= i nr1) r)
(do ([j 0 (+ j 1)])
((= j nc2))
(do ([k 0 (+ k 1)]
[a 0 (+ a
(* (matrix-ref m1 i k)
(matrix-ref m2 k j)))])
((= k nr2)
(matrix-set! r i j a))))))))
; type-error is called to complain when mul receives an invalid
; type of argument.
(define type-error
(lambda (what)
(assertion-violation 'mul
"not a number or matrix"
; match-error is called to complain when mul receives a pair of
; incompatible arguments.
(define match-error
(lambda (what1 what2)
(assertion-violation 'mul
"incompatible operands" what1
; mul is the generic matrix/scalar multiplication procedure
(define mul
(lambda (x y)
[(number? x)
[(number? y) (* x y)]
[(matrix? y) (mat-sca-mul y x)]
[else (type-error y)])]
[(matrix? x)
[(number? y) (mat-sca-mul x y)]
[(matrix? y) (mat-mat-mul x y)]
[else (type-error y)])]
[else (type-error x)]))))
Exercise 12.1.1
Make the necessary changes to rename mul
to *
Exercise 12.1.2
The predicate matrix?
is usually sufficient but not completely reliable, since it may return #t
for objects that are not matrices. In particular, it does not verify that all of the matrix rows are vectors, that each row has the same number of elements, or that the elements themselves are numbers. Modify matrix?
to perform each of these additional checks.
Exercise 12.1.3
Another solution to Exercise 12.1.2 is to define a matrix record type encapsulating the vectors of the matrix. If the matrix creation routine never allows a malformed matrix record to be created, a matrix record check is the only check needed to ensure that the input is well formed. Define a matrix record type and recode the library to use it.
Exercise 12.1.4
Write similar generic procedures for addition and subtraction. Devise a generic dispatch
procedure or syntactic form so that the type dispatching code need not be rewritten for each new operation.
Exercise 12.1.5
This version of mul
uses vectors of vectors to represent matrices. Rewrite the system, using nested lists to represent matrices. What efficiency is gained or lost by this change?
Section 12.2. Sorting
This section illustrates a list sorting algorithm based on a simple technique known as merge sorting. The procedure sort
defined here accepts two arguments: a predicate and a list, just like the built-in list-sort
. It returns a list containing the elements of the old list sorted according to the predicate. As with list-sort
, the predicate should be a procedure that expects two arguments and returns #t
if its first argument must precede its second in the sorted list and false otherwise. That is, if the predicate is applied to two elements x
and y
, where x
appears after y
in the input list, it should return true only if x
should appear before y
in the output list. If this constraint is met, sort
will perform a stable sort; with a stable sort, two elements that are already sorted with respect to each other will appear in the output in the same order in which they appeared in the input. Thus, sorting a list that is already sorted will result in no reordering, even if there are equivalent elements.
(sort < '(3 4 2 1 2 5)) ⇒ (1 2 2 3 4 5)
(sort > '(0.5 1/2)) ⇒ (0.5 1/2)
(sort > '(1/2 0.5)) ⇒ (1/2 0.5)
(sort char>?
(string->list "coins"))) ⇒ "sonic"
A companion procedure, merge
, is also defined by the code. merge
accepts a predicate and two sorted lists and returns a merged list in sorted order of the elements of the two lists. With a properly defined predicate, merge
is also stable in the sense that an item from the first list will appear before an item from the second list unless it is necessary that the item from the second list appear first.
(merge char<?
'(#\a #\c)
'(#\b #\c #\d)) ⇒ (#\a #\b #\c #\c #\d)
(merge <
'(1/2 2/3 3/4)
'(0.5 0.6 0.7)) ⇒ (1/2 0.5 0.6 2/3 0.7 3/4)
(merge char>?
(string->list "old")
(string->list "toe"))) ⇒ "tooled"
The merge sorting algorithm is simple and elegant. The input list is split into two approximately equal sublists. These sublists are sorted recursively, yielding two sorted lists. The sorted lists are then merged to form a single sorted list. The base case for the recursion is a list of one element, which is already sorted.
To reduce overhead, the implementation computes the length of the input list once, in sort
, rather than at each step of the recursion, in dosort
. This also allows dosort
to isolate the first half of the list merely by halving the length, saving the cost of allocating a new list containing half of the elements. As a result, ls
may contain more than n
elements, but only the first n
elements are considered part of the list.
(library (tspl sort)
(export sort merge)
(import (rnrs))
(define dosort
(lambda (pred? ls n)
(if (= n 1)
(list (car ls))
(let ([i (div n 2)])
(domerge pred?
(dosort pred? ls i)
(dosort pred? (list-tail ls i) (- n i)))))))
(define domerge
(lambda (pred? l1 l2)
[(null? l1) l2]
[(null? l2) l1]
[(pred? (car l2) (car l1))
(cons (car l2) (domerge pred? l1 (cdr l2)))]
[else (cons (car l1) (domerge pred? (cdr l1) l2))])))
(define sort
(lambda (pred? l)
(if (null? l) l (dosort pred? l (length l)))))
(define merge
(lambda (pred? l1 l2)
(domerge pred? l1 l2))))
Exercise 12.2.1
In dosort
, when n
is 1, why is (list (car ls))
returned instead of just ls
? How much allocation would be saved overall by replacing (list (car ls))
with (if (null? (cdr ls)) ls (list (car ls)))
Exercise 12.2.2
How much work is actually saved by not copying the first part of the input list when splitting it in dosort
Exercise 12.2.3
All or nearly all allocation could be saved if the algorithm were to work destructively, using set-cdr!
to separate and join lists. Write destructive versions sort!
and merge!
of the sort
and merge
. Determine the difference between the two sets of procedures in terms of allocation and run time for various inputs.
Section 12.3. A Set Constructor
This example describes a syntactic extension, set-of
, that allows the construction of sets represented as lists with no repeated elements [22]. It uses define-syntax
and syntax-rules
to compile set expressions into recursion expressions. The expanded code is often as efficient as that which can be produced by hand.
A set-of
expression takes the following form.
(set-of expr clause ...)
describes the elements of the set in terms of the bindings established by the set-of
clauses clause ...
. Each clause
can take one of three forms:
A clause of the form
(x in s)
establishes a binding forx
to each element of the sets
in turn. This binding is visible within the remaining clauses and the expressionexpr
. -
A clause of the form
(x is e)
establishes a binding forx
. This binding is visible within the remaining clauses and the expressionexpr
. This form is essentially an abbreviation for(x in (list e))
. -
A clause taking any other form is treated as a predicate; this is used to force refusal of certain elements as in the second of the examples below.
(set-of x (x in '(a b c))) ⇒ (a b c) (set-of x (x in '(1 2 3 4)) (even? x)) ⇒ (2 4) (set-of (cons x y) (x in '(1 2 3)) (y is (* x x))) ⇒ ((1 . 1) (2 . 4) (3 . 9))
(set-of (cons x y) (x in '(a b)) (y in '(1 2))) ⇒ ((a . 1) (a . 2) (b . 1) (b . 2))
A set-of
expression is transformed into nested let
, named let
, and if
expressions, corresponding to each is
, in
, or predicate subexpression. For example, the simple expression
(set-of x (x in '(a b c)))
is transformed into
(let loop ([set '(a b c)])
(if (null? set)
(let ([x (car set)])
(set-cons x (loop (cdr set))))))
The expression
(set-of x (x in '(1 2 3 4)) (even? x))
is transformed into
(let loop ([set '(1 2 3 4)])
(if (null? set)
(let ([x (car set)])
(if (even? x)
(set-cons x (loop (cdr set)))
(loop (cdr set))))))
The more complicated expression
(set-of (cons x y) (x in '(1 2 3)) (y is (* x x)))
is transformed into
(let loop ([set '(1 2 3)])
(if (null? set)
(let ([x (car set)])
(let ([y (* x x)])
(set-cons (cons x y)
(loop (cdr set)))))))
Finally, the expression
(set-of (cons x y) (x in '(a b)) (y in '(1 2)))
is transformed into nested named let
(let loop1 ([set1 '(a b)])
(if (null? set1)
(let ([x (car set1)])
(let loop2 ([set2 '(1 2)])
(if (null? set2)
(loop1 (cdr set1))
(let ([y (car set2)])
(set-cons (cons x y)
(loop2 (cdr set2)))))))))
These are fairly straightforward transformations, except that the base case for the recursion on nested named let
expressions varies depending upon the level. The base case for the outermost named let
is always the empty list ()
, while the base case for an internal named let
is the recursion step for the next outer named let
. In order to handle this, the definition of set-of
employs a help syntactic extension set-of-help
. set-of-help
takes an additional expression, base
, which is the base case for recursion at the current level.
(library (tspl sets)
(export set-of set-cons in is)
(import (rnrs))
; set-of uses helper syntactic extension set-of-help, passing it
; an initial base expression of '()
(define-syntax set-of
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ e m ...)
(set-of-help e '() m ...)]))
; set-of-help recognizes in, is, and predicate expressions and
; changes them into nested named let, let, and if expressions.
(define-syntax set-of-help
(syntax-rules (in is)
[(_ e base) (set-cons e base)]
[(_ e base (x in s) m ...)
(let loop ([set s])
(if (null? set)
(let ([x (car set)])
(set-of-help e (loop (cdr set)) m ...))))]
[(_ e base (x is y) m ...)
(let ([x y]) (set-of-help e base m ...))]
[(_ e base p m ...)
(if p (set-of-help e base m ...) base)]))
; since in and is are used as auxiliary keywords by set-of, the
; library must export definitions for them as well
(define-syntax in
(lambda (x)
(syntax-violation 'in "misplaced auxiliary keyword" x)))
(define-syntax is
(lambda (x)
(syntax-violation 'is "misplaced auxiliary keyword" x)))
; set-cons returns the original set y if x is already in y.
(define set-cons
(lambda (x y)
(if (memv x y)
(cons x y)))))
Exercise 12.3.1
Write a procedure, union
, that takes an arbitrary number of sets (lists) as arguments and returns the union of the sets, using only the set-of
syntactic form. For example:
(union) ⇒ ()
(union '(a b c)) ⇒ (a b c)
(union '(2 5 4) '(9 4 3)) ⇒ (2 5 9 4 3)
(union '(1 2) '(2 4) '(4 8)) ⇒ (1 2 4 8)
Exercise 12.3.2
A single-list version of map
can (almost) be defined as follows.
(define map1
(lambda (f ls)
(set-of (f x) (x in ls))))
(map1 - '(1 2 3 2)) ⇒ (-1 -3 -2)
Why does this not work? What could be changed to make it work?
Exercise 12.3.3
Devise a different definition of set-cons
that maintains sets in some sorted order, making the test for set membership, and hence set-cons
itself, potentially more efficient.
Section 12.4. Word Frequency Counting
This program demonstrates several basic programming techniques, including string and character manipulation, file input/output, data structure manipulation, and recursion. The program is adapted from Chapter 6 of The C Programming Language [19]. One reason for using this particular example is to show how a C program might look when converted almost literally into Scheme.
A few differences between the Scheme program and the original C program are worth noting. First, the Scheme version employs a different protocol for file input and output. Rather than implicitly using the standard input and output ports, it requires that filenames be passed in, thus demonstrating the opening and closing of files. Second, the procedure get-word
returns one of three values: a string (the word), a nonalphabetic character, or an eof value. The original C version returned a flag for letter (to say that a word was read) or a nonalphabetic character. Furthermore, the C version passed in a string to fill and a limit on the number of characters in the string; the Scheme version builds a new string of whatever length is required (the characters in the word are held in a list until the end of the word has been found, then converted into a string with list->string
). Finally, char-type
uses the primitive Scheme character predicates char-alphabetic?
and char-numeric?
to determine whether a character is a letter or digit.
The main program, frequency
, takes an input filename and an output filename as arguments, e.g., (frequency "pickle" "freq.out")
prints the frequency count for each word in the file "pickle" to the file "freq.out." As frequency
reads words from the input file, it inserts them into a binary tree structure (using a binary sorting algorithm). Duplicate entries are recorded by incrementing the count associated with each word. Once end of file is reached, the program traverses the tree, printing each word with its count.
Assume that the file "pickle" contains the following text.
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers; A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
Then, after typing (frequency "pickle" "freq.out")
, the file "freq.out" should contain the following.
1 A
1 If
4 Peter
4 Piper
1 Where
2 a
4 of
4 peck
4 peppers
4 picked
4 pickled
1 s
1 the
The code for the word-counting program is structured as a top-level program, with the script header recommended in the scripts chapter of the nonnormative appendices to the Revised6 Report [25]. It takes the names of input and output files from the command line.
#! /usr/bin/env scheme-script
(import (rnrs))
;;; If the next character on p is a letter, get-word reads a word
;;; from p and returns it in a string. If the character is not a
;;; letter, get-word returns the character (on eof, the eof-object).
(define get-word
(lambda (p)
(let ([c (get-char p)])
(if (eq? (char-type c) 'letter)
(let loop ([c c])
(if (memq (char-type (lookahead-char p))
'(letter digit))
(loop (get-char p))
;;; char-type tests for the eof-object first, since the eof-object
;;; may not be a valid argument to char-alphabetic? or char-numeric?
;;; It returns the eof-object, the symbol letter, the symbol digit,
;;; or the argument itself if it is not a letter or digit.
(define char-type
(lambda (c)
[(eof-object? c) c]
[(char-alphabetic? c) 'letter]
[(char-numeric? c) 'digit]
[else c])))
;;; Tree nodes are represented as a record type with four fields: word,
;;; left, right, and count. Only one field, word, is initialized by an
;;; argument to the constructor procedure make-tnode. The remaining
;;; fields are initialized by the constructor and changed by subsequent
;;; operations.
(define-record-type tnode
(fields (immutable word)
(mutable left)
(mutable right)
(mutable count))
(lambda (new)
(lambda (word)
(new word '() '() 1)))))
;;; If the word already exists in the tree, tree increments its
;;; count. Otherwise, a new tree node is created and put into the
;;; tree. In any case, the new or modified tree is returned.
(define tree
(lambda (node word)
[(null? node) (make-tnode word)]
[(string=? word (tnode-word node))
(tnode-count-set! node (+ (tnode-count node) 1))
[(string<? word (tnode-word node))
(tnode-left-set! node (tree (tnode-left node) word))
(tnode-right-set! node (tree (tnode-right node) word))
;;; tree-print prints the tree in "in-order," i.e., left subtree,
;;; then node, then right subtree. For each word, the count and the
;;; word are printed on a single line.
(define tree-print
(lambda (node p)
(unless (null? node)
(tree-print (tnode-left node) p)
(put-datum p (tnode-count node))
(put-char p #\space)
(put-string p (tnode-word node))
(newline p)
(tree-print (tnode-right node) p))))
;;; frequency is the driver routine. It opens the files, reads the
;;; words, and enters them into the tree. When the input port
;;; reaches end-of-file, it prints the tree and closes the ports.
(define frequency
(lambda (infn outfn)
(let ([ip (open-file-input-port infn (file-options)
(buffer-mode block) (native-transcoder))]
[op (open-file-output-port outfn (file-options)
(buffer-mode block) (native-transcoder))])
(let loop ([root '()])
(let ([w (get-word ip)])
[(eof-object? w) (tree-print root op)]
[(string? w) (loop (tree root w))]
[else (loop root)])))
(close-port ip)
(close-port op))))
(unless (= (length (command-line)) 3)
(put-string (current-error-port) "usage: ")
(put-string (current-error-port) (car (command-line)))
(put-string (current-error-port) " input-filename output-filename\n")
(exit #f))
(frequency (cadr (command-line)) (caddr (command-line)))
Exercise 12.4.1
In the output file shown earlier, the capitalized words appeared before the others in the output file, and the capital A
was not recognized as the same word as the lower-case a
. Modify tree
to use the case-insensitive versions of the string comparisons so that this does not happen.
Exercise 12.4.2
The "word" s
appears in the file "freq.out," although it is really just a part of the contraction Where’s
. Adjust get-word
to allow embedded single quote marks.
Exercise 12.4.3
Modify this program to "weed out" certain common words such as a
, an
, the
, is
, of
, etc., in order to reduce the amount of output for long input files. Try to devise other ways to cut down on useless output.
Exercise 12.4.4
buffers characters in a list, allocating a new pair (with cons
) for each character. Make it more efficient by using a string to buffer the characters. Devise a way to allow the string to grow if necessary. [Hint: Use string-append
or a string output port.]
Exercise 12.4.5
The tree
implementation works by creating trees and later filling in their left
and right
fields. This requires many unnecessary assignments. Rewrite the tree
procedure to avoid tree-left-set!
and tree-right-set!
Exercise 12.4.6
Recode the program to use a hashtable (Section 6.13) in place of a binary tree, and compare the running times of the new and old programs on large input files. Are hashtables always faster or always slower? Is there a break-even point? Does the break-even point depend on the size of the file or on some other characteristic of the file?
Section 12.5. Scheme Printer
Printing Scheme objects may seem like a complicated process, but in fact a rudimentary printer is straightforward, as this example demonstrates. put-datum
, write
, and display
are all implemented by the same code. Sophisticated printers often support various printer controls and handle printing of cyclic objects, but the one given here is completely basic.
The main driver for the program is a procedure wr
, which takes an object to print x
, a flag d?
, and a port p
. The flag d?
(for display) is #t
if the code is to display the object, #f
otherwise. The d?
flag is important only for characters and strings. Recall from Section 7.8 that display
prints strings without the enclosing quote marks and characters without the #\
The entry points for write
and display
handle the optionality of the second (port) argument, passing the value of current-output-port
when no port argument is provided.
Procedures, ports, and the end-of-file object are printed as #<procedure>
, #<port>
, and #<eof>
. Unrecognized types of values are printed as #<unknown>
. So, for example, a hashtable, enumeration set, and object of some implementation-specific type will all print as #<unknown>
(library (tspl printer)
(export put-datum write display)
(import (except (rnrs) put-datum write display))
; define these here to avoid confusing paren-balancers
(define lparen #\()
(define rparen #\))
; wr is the driver, dispatching on the type of x
(define wr
(lambda (x d? p)
[(symbol? x) (put-string p (symbol->string x))]
[(pair? x) (wrpair x d? p)]
[(number? x) (put-string p (number->string x))]
[(null? x) (put-string p "()")]
[(boolean? x) (put-string p (if x "#t" "#f"))]
[(char? x) (if d? (put-char p x) (wrchar x p))]
[(string? x) (if d? (put-string p x) (wrstring x p))]
[(vector? x) (wrvector x d? p)]
[(bytevector? x) (wrbytevector x d? p)]
[(eof-object? x) (put-string p "#<eof>")]
[(port? x) (put-string p "#<port>")]
[(procedure? x) (put-string p "#<procedure>")]
[else (put-string p "#<unknown>")])))
; wrpair handles pairs and nonempty lists
(define wrpair
(lambda (x d? p)
(put-char p lparen)
(let loop ([x x])
(wr (car x) d? p)
[(pair? (cdr x)) (put-char p #\space) (loop (cdr x))]
[(null? (cdr x))]
[else (put-string p " . ") (wr (cdr x) d? p)]))
(put-char p rparen)))
; wrchar handles characters. Used only when d? is #f.
(define wrchar
(lambda (x p)
(put-string p "#\\")
[(assq x '((#\alarm . "alarm") (#\backspace . "backspace")
(#\delete . "delete") (#\esc . "esc")
(#\newline . "newline") (#\nul . "nul")
(#\page . "page") (#\return . "return")
(#\space . "space") (#\tab . "tab")
(#\vtab . "vtab"))) =>
(lambda (a) (put-string p (cdr a)))]
[else (put-char p x)])))
; wrstring handles strings. Used only when d? is #f.
(define wrstring
(lambda (x p)
(put-char p #\")
(let ([n (string-length x)])
(do ([i 0 (+ i 1)])
((= i n))
(let ([c (string-ref x i)])
(case c
[(#\alarm) (put-string p "\\a")]
[(#\backspace) (put-string p "\\b")]
[(#\newline) (put-string p "\\n")]
[(#\page) (put-string p "\\f")]
[(#\return) (put-string p "\\r")]
[(#\tab) (put-string p "\\t")]
[(#\vtab) (put-string p "\\v")]
[(#\") (put-string p "\\\"")]
[(#\\) (put-string p "\\\\")]
[else (put-char p c)]))))
(put-char p #\")))
(define wrvector
(lambda (x d? p)
(put-char p #\#)
(let ([n (vector-length x)])
(do ([i 0 (+ i 1)] [sep lparen #\space])
((= i n))
(put-char p sep)
(wr (vector-ref x i) d? p)))
(put-char p rparen)))
(define wrbytevector
(lambda (x d? p)
(put-string p "#vu8")
(let ([n (bytevector-length x)])
(do ([i 0 (+ i 1)] [sep lparen #\space])
((= i n))
(put-char p sep)
(wr (bytevector-u8-ref x i) d? p)))
(put-char p rparen)))
; check-and-wr is called when the port is supplied
(define check-and-wr
(lambda (who x d? p)
(unless (and (output-port? p) (textual-port? p))
(assertion-violation who "invalid argument" p))
(wr x d? p)))
; put-datum calls wr with d? set to #f
(define put-datum
(lambda (p x)
(check-and-wr 'put-datum x #f p)))
; write calls wr with d? set to #f
(define write
[(x) (wr x #f (current-output-port))]
[(x p) (check-and-wr 'write x #f p)]))
; display calls wr with d? set to #t
(define display
[(x) (wr x #t (current-output-port))]
[(x p) (check-and-wr 'display x #t p)])))
Exercise 12.5.1
Numbers are printed with the help of number->string
. Correct printing of all Scheme numeric types, especially inexact numbers, is a complicated task. Handling exact integers and ratios is fairly straightforward, however. Modify the code to print exact integers and ratios numbers directly (without number->string
), but continue to use number->string
for inexact and complex numbers.
Exercise 12.5.2
Modify wr
and its helpers to direct their output to an internal buffer rather than to a port. Use the modified versions to implement a procedure object->string
that, like number->string
, returns a string containing a printed representation of its input. For example:
(object->string '(a b c)) ⇒ "(a b c)"
(object->string "hello") ⇒ "\"hello\""
You may be surprised just how easy this change is to make.
Exercise 12.5.3
Some symbols are not printed properly by wr
, including those that start with digits or contain whitespace. Modify wr
to call a wrsymbol
helper that uses hex scalar escapes as necessary to handle such symbols. A hex scalar escape takes the form #\xn;
, where n
is the Unicode scalar value of a character expressed in hexadecimal notation. Consult the grammar for symbols on page 458 to determine when hex scalar escapes are necessary.
Section 12.6. Formatted Output
It is often necessary to print strings containing the printed representations of Scheme objects, especially numbers. Doing so with Scheme’s standard output routines can be tedious. For example, the tree-print
procedure of Section 12.4 requires a sequence of four calls to output routines to print a simple one-line message:
(put-datum p (tnode-count node))
(put-char p #\space)
(put-string p (tnode-word node))
(newline p)
The formatted output facility defined in this section allows these four calls to be replaced by the single call to fprintf
(fprintf p "~s ~a~%" (tnode-count node) (tnode-word node))
expects a port argument, a control string, and an indefinite number of additional arguments that are inserted into the output as specified by the control string. In the example, the value of (tnode-count node)
is written first, in place of ~s
. This is followed by a space and the displayed value of (tnode-word node)
, in place of ~a
. The ~%
is replaced in the output with a newline.
The procedure printf
, also defined in this section, is like fprintf
except that no port argument is expected and output is sent to the current output port.
, ~a
, and ~%
are format directives; ~s
causes the first unused argument after the control string to be printed to the output via write
, ~a
causes the first unused argument to be printed via display
, and ~%
simply causes a newline character to be printed. The simple implementation of fprintf
below recognizes only one other format directive, ~~
, which inserts a tilde into the output. For example,
(printf "The string ~s displays as ~~.~%" "~")
The string "~" displays as ~.
(library (tspl formatted-output)
(export printf fprintf)
(import (rnrs))
; dofmt does all of the work. It loops through the control string
; recognizing format directives and printing all other characters
; without interpretation. A tilde at the end of a control string is
; treated as an ordinary character. No checks are made for proper
; inputs. Directives may be given in either lower or upper case.
(define dofmt
(lambda (p cntl args)
(let ([nmax (- (string-length cntl) 1)])
(let loop ([n 0] [a args])
(if (<= n nmax)
(let ([c (string-ref cntl n)])
(if (and (char=? c #\~) (< n nmax))
(case (string-ref cntl (+ n 1))
[(#\a #\A)
(display (car a) p)
(loop (+ n 2) (cdr a))]
[(#\s #\S)
(write (car a) p)
(loop (+ n 2) (cdr a))]
(newline p)
(loop (+ n 2) a)]
(put-char p #\~) (loop (+ n 2) a)]
(put-char p c) (loop (+ n 1) a)])
(put-char p c)
(loop (+ n 1) a)))))))))
; printf and fprintf differ only in that fprintf passes its
; port argument to dofmt while printf passes the current output
; port.
(define printf
(lambda (control . args)
(dofmt (current-output-port) control args)))
(define fprintf
(lambda (p control . args)
(dofmt p control args))))
Exercise 12.6.1
Add error checking to the code for invalid port arguments (fprintf
), invalid tilde escapes, and extra or missing arguments.
Exercise 12.6.2
Using the optional radix argument to number->string
, augment printf
and fprintf
with support for the following new format directives:
: print the next unused argument, which must be a number, in binary; -
: print the next unused argument, which must be a number, in octal; and -
: print the next unused argument, which must be a number, in hexadecimal.
For example:
(printf "#x~x #o~o #b~b~%" 16 8 2)
would print
#x10 #o10 #b10
Exercise 12.6.3
Add an "indirect" format directive, ~@
, that treats the next unused argument, which must be a string, as if it were spliced into the current format string. For example:
(printf "--- ~@ ---" "> ~s <" '(a b c))
would print
---> (a b c) <---
Exercise 12.6.4
Implement format
, a version of fprintf
that places its output into a string instead of writing to a port. Make use of object->string
from Exercise 12.5.2 to support the ~s
and ~a
(let ([x 3] [y 4])
(format "~s + ~s = ~s" x y (+ x y))) ⇒ "3 + 4 = 7"
Exercise 12.6.5
Instead of using object->string
, define format
using a string output port.
Exercise 12.6.6
Modify format
, fprintf
, and printf
to allow a field size to be specified after the tilde in the ~a
and ~s
format directives. For example, the directive ~10s
would cause the next unused argument to be inserted into the output left-justified in a field of size 10. If the object requires more spaces than the amount specified, allow it to extend beyond the field.
(let ([x 'abc] [y '(def)])
(format "(cons '~5s '~5s) = ~5s"
x y (cons x y))) ⇒ "(cons 'abc '(def)) = (abc def)"
[Hint: Use format
Section 12.7. A Meta-Circular Interpreter for Scheme
The program described in this section is a meta-circular interpreter for Scheme, i.e., it is an interpreter for Scheme written in Scheme. The interpreter shows how small Scheme is when the core structure is considered independently from its syntactic extensions and primitives. It also illustrates interpretation techniques that can be applied equally well to languages other than Scheme.
The relative simplicity of the interpreter is somewhat misleading. An interpreter for Scheme written in Scheme can be quite a bit simpler than one written in most other languages. Here are a few reasons why this one is simpler.
Tail calls are handled properly only because tail calls in the interpreter are handled properly by the host implementation. All that is required is that the interpreter itself be tail-recursive.
First-class procedures in interpreted code are implemented by first-class procedures in the interpreter, which in turn are supported by the host implementation.
First-class continuations created with
are provided by the host implementation’scall/cc
. -
Primitive procedures such as
and services such as storage management are provided by the host implementation.
Converting the interpreter to run in a language other than Scheme may require explicit support for some or all of these items.
The interpreter stores lexical bindings in an environment, which is simply an association list (see page 165). Evaluation of a lambda
expression results in the creation of a procedure within the scope of variables holding the environment and the lambda
body. Subsequent application of the procedure combines the new bindings (the actual parameters) with the saved environment.
The interpreter handles only the core syntactic forms described in Section 3.1, and it recognizes bindings for only a handful of primitive procedures. It performs no error checking.
(interpret 3) ⇒ 3
(interpret '(cons 3 4)) ⇒ (3 . 4)
'((lambda (x . y)
(list x y))
'a 'b 'c 'd)) ⇒ (a (b c d))
'(((call/cc (lambda (k) k))
(lambda (x) x))
"HEY!")) ⇒ "HEY!"
'((lambda (memq)
(memq memq 'a '(b c a d e)))
(lambda (memq x ls)
(if (null? ls) #f
(if (eq? (car ls) x)
(memq memq x (cdr ls))))))) ⇒ (a d e)
'((lambda (reverse)
(set! reverse
(lambda (ls new)
(if (null? ls)
(reverse (cdr ls) (cons (car ls) new)))))
(reverse '(a b c d e) '()))
#f)) ⇒ (e d c b a)
(library (tspl interpreter)
(export interpret)
(import (rnrs) (rnrs mutable-pairs))
; primitive-environment contains a small number of primitive
; procedures; it can be extended easily with additional primitives.
(define primitive-environment
`((apply . ,apply) (assq . ,assq) (call/cc . ,call/cc)
(car . ,car) (cadr . ,cadr) (caddr . ,caddr)
(cadddr . ,cadddr) (cddr . ,cddr) (cdr . ,cdr)
(cons . ,cons) (eq? . ,eq?) (list . ,list) (map . ,map)
(memv . ,memv) (null? . ,null?) (pair? . ,pair?)
(read . ,read) (set-car! . ,set-car!)
(set-cdr! . ,set-cdr!) (symbol? . ,symbol?)))
; new-env returns a new environment from a formal parameter
; specification, a list of actual parameters, and an outer
; environment. The symbol? test identifies "improper"
; argument lists. Environments are association lists,
; associating variables with values.
(define new-env
(lambda (formals actuals env)
[(null? formals) env]
[(symbol? formals) (cons (cons formals actuals) env)]
(cons (car formals) (car actuals))
(new-env (cdr formals) (cdr actuals) env))])))
; lookup finds the value of the variable var in the environment
; env, using assq. Assumes var is bound in env.
(define lookup
(lambda (var env)
(cdr (assq var env))))
; assign is similar to lookup but alters the binding of the
; variable var by changing the cdr of the association pair
(define assign
(lambda (var val env)
(set-cdr! (assq var env) val)))
; exec evaluates the expression, recognizing a small set of core forms.
(define exec
(lambda (expr env)
[(symbol? expr) (lookup expr env)]
[(pair? expr)
(case (car expr)
[(quote) (cadr expr)]
(lambda vals
(let ([env (new-env (cadr expr) vals env)])
(let loop ([exprs (cddr expr)])
(if (null? (cdr exprs))
(exec (car exprs) env)
(exec (car exprs) env)
(loop (cdr exprs)))))))]
(if (exec (cadr expr) env)
(exec (caddr expr) env)
(exec (cadddr expr) env))]
[(set!) (assign (cadr expr) (exec (caddr expr) env) env)]
(exec (car expr) env)
(map (lambda (x) (exec x env)) (cdr expr)))])]
[else expr])))
; interpret starts execution with the primitive environment.
(define interpret
(lambda (expr)
(exec expr primitive-environment))))
Exercise 12.7.1
As written, the interpreter cannot interpret itself because it does not support several of the syntactic forms used in its implementation: let
(named and unnamed), internal define
, case
, cond
, and begin
. Rewrite the code for the interpreter, using only the syntactic forms it supports.
Exercise 12.7.2
After completing the preceding exercise, use the interpreter to run a copy of the interpreter, and use the copy to run another copy of the interpreter. Repeat this process to see how many levels deep it will go before the system grinds to a halt.
Exercise 12.7.3
At first glance, it might seem that the lambda
case could be written more simply as follows.
(lambda vals
(let ([env (new-env (cadr expr) vals env)])
(let loop ([exprs (cddr expr)])
(let ([val (exec (car exprs) env)])
(if (null? (cdr exprs))
(loop (cdr exprs)))))))]
Why would this be incorrect? [Hint: What property of Scheme would be violated?]
Exercise 12.7.4
Try to make the interpreter more efficient by looking for ways to ask fewer questions or to allocate less storage space. [Hint: Before evaluation, convert lexical variable references into (access n)
, where n
represents the number of values in the environment association list in front of the value in question.]
Exercise 12.7.5
Scheme evaluates arguments to a procedure before applying the procedure and applies the procedure to the values of these arguments (call-by-value). Modify the interpreter to pass arguments unevaluated and arrange to evaluate them upon reference (call-by-name). [Hint: Use lambda
to delay evaluation.] You will need to create versions of the primitive procedures (car
, null?
, etc.) that take their arguments unevaluated.
Section 12.8. Defining Abstract Objects
This example demonstrates a syntactic extension that facilitates the definition of simple abstract objects (see Section 2.9). This facility has unlimited potential as the basis for a complete object-oriented subsystem in Scheme.
Abstract objects are similar to basic data structures such as pairs and vectors. Rather than being manipulated via access and assignment operators, however, abstract objects respond to messages. The valid messages and the actions to be taken for each message are defined by code within the object itself rather than by code outside the object, resulting in more modular and potentially more secure programming systems. The data local to an abstract object is accessible only through the actions performed by the object in response to the messages.
A particular type of abstract object is defined with define-object
, which has the general form
(define-object (name var1 ...)
((var2 expr) ...)
((msg action) ...))
The first set of bindings ((var2 expr) ...)
may be omitted. define-object
defines a procedure that is called to create new abstract objects of the given type. This procedure is called name
, and the arguments to this procedure become the values of the local variables var1 ...
. After the procedure is invoked, the variables var2 ...
are bound to the values expr ...
in sequence (as with let*
) and the messages msg ...
are bound to the procedure values action ...
in a mutually recursive fashion (as with letrec
). Within these bindings, the new abstract object is created; this object is the value of the creation procedure.
The syntactic form send-message
is used to send messages to abstract objects. (send-message object msg arg ...)
sends object
the message msg
with arguments arg ...
. When an object receives a message, the arg ...
become the parameters to the action procedure associated with the message, and the value returned by this procedure is returned by send-message
The following examples should help to clarify how abstract objects are defined and used. The first example is a simple kons
object that is similar to Scheme’s built-in pair object type, except that to access or assign its fields requires sending it messages.
(define-object (kons kar kdr)
((get-car (lambda () kar))
(get-cdr (lambda () kdr))
(set-car! (lambda (x) (set! kar x)))
(set-cdr! (lambda (x) (set! kdr x)))))
(define p (kons 'a 'b))
(send-message p get-car) ⇒ a
(send-message p get-cdr) ⇒ b
(send-message p set-cdr! 'c)
(send-message p get-cdr) ⇒ c
The simple kons
object does nothing but return or assign one of the fields as requested. What makes abstract objects interesting is that they can be used to restrict access or perform additional services. The following version of kons
requires that a password be given with any request to assign one of the fields. This password is a parameter to the kons
(define-object (kons kar kdr pwd)
((get-car (lambda () kar))
(get-cdr (lambda () kar))
(lambda (x p)
(if (string=? p pwd)
(set! kar x))))
(lambda (x p)
(if (string=? p pwd)
(set! kar x))))))
(define p1 (kons 'a 'b "magnificent"))
(send-message p1 set-car! 'c "magnificent")
(send-message p1 get-car) ⇒ c
(send-message p1 set-car! 'd "please")
(send-message p1 get-car) ⇒ c
(define p2 (kons 'x 'y "please"))
(send-message p2 set-car! 'z "please")
(send-message p2 get-car) ⇒ z
One important ability of an abstract object is that it can keep statistics on messages sent to it. The following version of kons
counts accesses to the two fields. This version also demonstrates the use of explicitly initialized local bindings.
(define-object (kons kar kdr)
((count 0))
(lambda ()
(set! count (+ count 1))
(lambda ()
(set! count (+ count 1))
(lambda () count))))
(define p (kons 'a 'b))
(send-message p get-car) ⇒ a
(send-message p get-cdr) ⇒ b
(send-message p accesses) ⇒ 2
(send-message p get-cdr) ⇒ b
(send-message p accesses) ⇒ 3
The implementation of define-object
is straightforward. The object definition is transformed into a definition of the object creation procedure. This procedure is the value of a lambda
expression whose arguments are those specified in the definition. The body of the lambda
consists of a let*
expression to bind the local variables and a letrec
expression to bind the message names to the action procedures. The body of the letrec
is another lambda
expression whose value represents the new object. The body of this lambda
expression compares the messages passed in with the expected messages using a case
expression and applies the corresponding action procedure to the remaining arguments.
For example, the definition
(define-object (kons kar kdr)
((count 0))
(lambda ()
(set! count (+ count 1))
(lambda ()
(set! count (+ count 1))
(lambda () count))))
is transformed into
(define kons
(lambda (kar kdr)
(let* ([count 0])
(letrec ([get-car
(lambda ()
(set! count (+ count 1)) kar)]
(lambda ()
(set! count (+ count 1)) kdr)]
[accesses (lambda () count)])
(lambda (msg . args)
(case msg
[(get-car) (apply get-car args)]
[(get-cdr) (apply get-cdr args)]
[(accesses) (apply accesses args)]
[else (assertion-violation 'kons
"invalid message"
(cons msg args))]))))))
(library (tspl oop)
(export define-object send-message)
(import (rnrs))
; define-object creates an object constructor that uses let* to bind
; local fields and letrec to define the exported procedures. An
; object is itself a procedure that accepts messages corresponding
; to the names of the exported procedures. The second pattern is
; used to allow the set of local fields to be omitted.
(define-syntax define-object
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ (name . varlist)
((var1 val1) ...)
((var2 val2) ...))
(define name
(lambda varlist
(let* ([var1 val1] ...)
(letrec ([var2 val2] ...)
(lambda (msg . args)
(case msg
[(var2) (apply var2 args)]
(assertion-violation 'name
"invalid message"
(cons msg args))]))))))]
[(_ (name . varlist) ((var2 val2) ...))
(define-object (name . varlist)
((var2 val2) ...))]))
; send-message abstracts the act of sending a message from the act
; of applying a procedure and allows the message to be unquoted.
(define-syntax send-message
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ obj msg arg ...)
(obj 'msg arg ...)])))
Exercise 12.8.1
Use define-object
to define the stack
object type from Section 2.9.
Exercise 12.8.2
Use define-object
to define a queue
object type with operations similar to those described in Section 2.9.
Exercise 12.8.3
It is often useful to describe one object in terms of another. For example, the second kons
object type could be described as the same as the first but with a password argument and different actions associated with the set-car!
and set-cdr!
messages. This is called inheritance; the new type of object is said to inherit attributes from the first. Modify define-object
to support inheritance by allowing the optional declaration (inherit object-name)
to appear after the message/action pairs. This will require saving some information about each object definition for possible use in subsequent object definitions. Conflicting argument names should be disallowed, but other conflicts should be resolved by using the initialization or action specified in the new object definition.
Exercise 12.8.4
Based on the definition of method
on page 317, define a complete object system, but use records rather than vectors to represent object instances. If done well, the resulting object system should be more efficient and easier to use than the system given above.
Section 12.9. Fast Fourier Transform
The procedure described in this section uses Scheme’s complex arithmetic to compute the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of a sequence of values [4]. Discrete Fourier transforms are used to analyze and process sampled signal sequences in a wide variety of digital electronics applications such as pattern recognition, bandwidth compression, radar target detection, and weather surveillance.
The DFT of a sequence of \(N\) input values,
is the sequence of \(N\) output values,
each defined by the equation
It is convenient to abstract away the constant amount (for given \(N\))
in order to obtain the more concise but equivalent equation
A straightforward computation of the \(N\) output values, each as a sum of \(N\) intermediate values, requires on the order of \(N^2\) operations. A fast Fourier transform (FFT), applicable when \(N\) is a power of 2, requires only on the order of \(N\log_2N\) operations. Although usually presented as a rather complicated iterative algorithm, the fast Fourier transform is most concisely and elegantly expressed as a recursive algorithm.
The recursive algorithm, which is due to Sam Daniel [7], can be derived by manipulating the preceding summation as follows. We first split the summation into two summations and recombine them into one summation from 0 to \(N/2 - 1\).
We then pull out the common factor \(W_N^{mn}\).
We can reduce \(W_N^{m(N/2)}\) to 1 when \(m\) is even and -1 when \(m\) is odd, since
This allows us to specialize the summation for the even and odd cases of \(m = 2k\) and \(m = 2k + 1\), \(0 ≤ k ≤ N/2 - 1\).
The resulting summations are DFTs of the N/2-element sequences
Thus, the DFT of an N-element sequence can be computed recursively by interlacing the DFTs of two N/2-element sequences. If we select a base case of two elements, we can describe a recursive fast Fourier transformation (RFFT) algorithm as follows. For \(N = 2\),
since \(W_2^0 = e^0 = 1\). For \(N > 2\),
with the attendant interlacing of even and odd components.
The diagram above is adapted from one by Sam Daniel [7] and shows the computational structure of the RFFT algorithm. The first stage computes pairwise sums and differences of the first and second halves of the input; this stage is labeled the butterfly stage. The second stage recurs on the resulting subsequences. The third stage interlaces the output of the two recursive calls to RFFT, thus yielding the properly ordered sequence \(\{X(m)\}_{m=0}^{N-1}\).
The procedure dft
accepts a sequence (list) of values, x
, the length of which is assumed to be a power of 2. dft
precomputes a sequence of powers of \(W_N\), \(\{W_N^n\}_{n=0}^{N/2-1}\), and calls rfft
to initiate the recursion. rfft
follows the algorithm outlined above.
(define (dft x)
(define (w-powers n)
(let ([pi (* (acos 0.0) 2)])
(let ([delta (/ (* -2.0i pi) n)])
(let f ([n n] [x 0.0])
(if (= n 0)
(cons (exp x) (f (- n 2) (+ x delta))))))))
(define (evens w)
(if (null? w)
(cons (car w) (evens (cddr w)))))
(define (interlace x y)
(if (null? x)
(cons (car x) (cons (car y) (interlace (cdr x) (cdr y))))))
(define (split ls)
(let split ([fast ls] [slow ls])
(if (null? fast)
(values '() slow)
(let-values ([(front back) (split (cddr fast) (cdr slow))])
(values (cons (car slow) front) back)))))
(define (butterfly x w)
(let-values ([(front back) (split x)])
(map + front back)
(map * (map - front back) w))))
(define (rfft x w)
(if (null? (cddr x))
(let ([x0 (car x)] [x1 (cadr x)])
(list (+ x0 x1) (- x0 x1)))
(let-values ([(front back) (butterfly x w)])
(let ([w (evens w)])
(interlace (rfft front w) (rfft back w))))))
(rfft x (w-powers (length x))))
Exercise 12.9.1
Alter the algorithm to employ a base case of four points. What simplifications can be made to avoid multiplying any of the base case outputs by elements of w
Exercise 12.9.2
Recode dft
to accept a vector rather than a list as input, and have it produce a vector as output. Use lists internally if necessary, but do not simply convert the input to a list on entry and the output to a vector on exit.
Exercise 12.9.3
Rather than recomputing the powers of w
on each step for a new number of points, the code simply uses the even-numbered elements of the preceding list of powers. Show that doing so yields the proper list of powers. That is, show that (evens (w-powers n))
is equal to (w-powers (/ n 2))
Exercise 12.9.4
The recursion step creates several intermediate lists that are immediately discarded. Recode the recursion step to avoid any unnecessary allocation.
Exercise 12.9.5
Each element of a sequence of input values may be regenerated from the discrete Fourier transform of the sequence via the equation
Noting the similarity between this equation and the original equation defining X(m), create a modified version of dft
, inverse-dft
, that performs the inverse transformation. Verify that (inverse-dft (dft seq))
returns seq
for several input sequences seq
Section 12.10. A Unification Algorithm
Unification [23] is a pattern-matching technique used in automated theorem proving, type-inference systems, computer algebra, and logic programming, e.g., Prolog [6].
A unification algorithm attempts to make two symbolic expressions equal by computing a unifying substitution for the expressions. A substitution is a function that replaces variables with other expressions. A substitution must treat all occurrences of a variable the same way, e.g., if it replaces one occurrence of the variable x by a, it must replace all occurrences of x by a. A unifying substitution, or unifier, for two expressions e1 and e2 is a substitution, \(\sigma\), such that \(\sigma(e_1) = \sigma(e_2)\).
For example, the two expressions f(x) and f(y) can be unified by substituting x for y (or y for x). In this case, the unifier \(\sigma\) could be described as the function that replaces y with x and leaves other variables unchanged. On the other hand, the two expressions x + 1 and y + 2 cannot be unified. It might appear that substituting 3 for x and 2 for y would make both expressions equal to 4 and hence equal to each other. The symbolic expressions, 3 + 1 and 2 + 2, however, still differ.
Two expressions may have more than one unifier. For example, the expressions f(x,y) and f(1,y) can be unified to f(1,y) with the substitution of 1 for x. They may also be unified to f(1,5) with the substitution of 1 for x and 5 for y. The first substitution is preferable, since it does not commit to the unnecessary replacement of y. Unification algorithms typically produce the most general unifier, or mgu, for two expressions. The mgu for two expressions makes no unnecessary substitutions; all other unifiers for the expressions are special cases of the mgu. In the example above, the first substitution is the mgu and the second is a special case.
For the purposes of this program, a symbolic expression can be a variable, a constant, or a function application. Variables are represented by Scheme symbols, e.g., x
; a function application is represented by a list with the function name in the first position and its arguments in the remaining positions, e.g., (f x)
; and constants are represented by zero-argument functions, e.g., (a)
The algorithm presented here finds the mgu for two terms, if it exists, using a continuation-passing style, or CPS (see Section 3.4), approach to recursion on subterms. The procedure unify
takes two terms and passes them to a help procedure, uni
, along with an initial (identity) substitution, a success continuation, and a failure continuation. The success continuation returns the result of applying its argument, a substitution, to one of the terms, i.e., the unified result. The failure continuation simply returns its argument, a message. Because control passes by explicit continuation within unify
(always with tail calls), a return from the success or failure continuation is a return from unify
Substitutions are procedures. Whenever a variable is to be replaced by another term, a new substitution is formed from the variable, the term, and the existing substitution. Given a term as an argument, the new substitution replaces occurrences of its saved variable with its saved term in the result of invoking the saved substitution on the argument expression. Intuitively, a substitution is a chain of procedures, one for each variable in the substitution. The chain is terminated by the initial, identity substitution.
(unify 'x 'y) ⇒ y
(unify '(f x y) '(g x y)) ⇒ "clash"
(unify '(f x (h)) '(f (h) y)) ⇒ (f (h) (h))
(unify '(f (g x) y) '(f y x)) ⇒ "cycle"
(unify '(f (g x) y) '(f y (g x))) ⇒ (f (g x) (g x))
(unify '(f (g x) y) '(f y z)) ⇒ (f (g x) (g x))
(library (tspl unification)
(export unify)
(import (rnrs))
; occurs? returns true if and only if u occurs in v
(define occurs?
(lambda (u v)
(and (pair? v)
(let f ([l (cdr v)])
(and (pair? l)
(or (eq? u (car l))
(occurs? u (car l))
(f (cdr l))))))))
; sigma returns a new substitution procedure extending s by
; the substitution of u with v
(define sigma
(lambda (u v s)
(lambda (x)
(let f ([x (s x)])
(if (symbol? x)
(if (eq? x u) v x)
(cons (car x) (map f (cdr x))))))))
; try-subst tries to substitute u for v but may require a
; full unification if (s u) is not a variable, and it may
; fail if it sees that u occurs in v.
(define try-subst
(lambda (u v s ks kf)
(let ([u (s u)])
(if (not (symbol? u))
(uni u v s ks kf)
(let ([v (s v)])
[(eq? u v) (ks s)]
[(occurs? u v) (kf "cycle")]
[else (ks (sigma u v s))]))))))
; uni attempts to unify u and v with a continuation-passing
; style that returns a substitution to the success argument
; ks or an error message to the failure argument kf. The
; substitution itself is represented by a procedure from
; variables to terms.
(define uni
(lambda (u v s ks kf)
[(symbol? u) (try-subst u v s ks kf)]
[(symbol? v) (try-subst v u s ks kf)]
[(and (eq? (car u) (car v))
(= (length u) (length v)))
(let f ([u (cdr u)] [v (cdr v)] [s s])
(if (null? u)
(ks s)
(uni (car u)
(car v)
(lambda (s) (f (cdr u) (cdr v) s))
[else (kf "clash")])))
; unify shows one possible interface to uni, where the initial
; substitution is the identity procedure, the initial success
; continuation returns the unified term, and the initial failure
; continuation returns the error message.
(define unify
(lambda (u v)
(uni u
(lambda (x) x)
(lambda (s) (s u))
(lambda (msg) msg)))))
Exercise 12.10.1
Modify unify
so that it returns its substitution rather than the unified term. Apply this substitution to both input terms to verify that it returns the same result for each.
Exercise 12.10.2
As mentioned above, substitutions on a term are performed sequentially, requiring one entire pass through the input expression for each substituted variable. Represent the substitution differently so that only one pass through the expression need be made. Make sure that substitutions are performed not only on the input expression but also on any expressions you insert during substitution.
Exercise 12.10.3
Extend the continuation-passing style unification algorithm into an entire continuation-passing style logic programming system.
Section 12.11. Multitasking with Engines
Engines are a high-level process abstraction supporting timed preemption ([10],[15]). Engines may be used to simulate multiprocessing, implement light-weight threads, implement operating system kernels, and perform nondeterministic computations. The engine implementation is one of the more interesting applications of continuations in Scheme.
An engine is created by passing a thunk (procedure of no arguments) to the procedure make-engine
. The body of the thunk is the computation to be performed by the engine. An engine itself is a procedure of three arguments:
, a positive integer that specifies the amount of fuel to be given to the engine. An engine executes until this fuel runs out or until its computation finishes. -
, a procedure of two arguments that specifies what to do if the computation finishes. Its arguments will be the amount of fuel left over and the result of the computation. -
, a procedure of one argument that specifies what to do if the fuel runs out before the computation finishes. Its argument will be a new engine capable of continuing the computation from the point of interruption.
When an engine is applied to its arguments, it sets up a timer to fire in ticks
time units. If the engine computation completes before the timer goes off, the system invokes complete
, passing it the number of ticks
left over and the value of the computation. If, on the other hand, the timer goes off before the engine computation completes, the system creates a new engine from the continuation of the interrupted computation and passes this engine to expire
. complete
and expire
are invoked in the continuation of the engine invocation.
The following example creates an engine from a trivial computation, 3, and gives the engine 10 ticks.
(define eng
(lambda () 3)))
(eng 10
(lambda (ticks value) value)
(lambda (x) x)) ⇒ 3
It is often useful to pass list
as the complete
procedure to an engine, causing the engine to return a list of the ticks remaining and the value if the computation completes.
(eng 10
(lambda (x) x)) ⇒ (9 3)
In the example above, the value was 3 and there were 9 ticks left over, i.e., it took only one unit of fuel to evaluate 3. (The fuel amounts given here are for illustration only. The actual amount may differ.)
Typically, the engine computation does not finish in one try. The following example displays the use of an engine to compute the 10th Fibonacci number (see Section 3.2) in steps.
(define fibonacci
(lambda (n)
(if (< n 2)
(+ (fibonacci (- n 1))
(fibonacci (- n 2))))))
(define eng
(lambda ()
(fibonacci 10))))
(eng 50
(lambda (new-eng)
(set! eng new-eng)
"expired")) ⇒ "expired"
(eng 50
(lambda (new-eng)
(set! eng new-eng)
"expired")) ⇒ "expired"
(eng 50
(lambda (new-eng)
(set! eng new-eng)
"expired")) ⇒ "expired"
(eng 50
(lambda (new-eng)
(set! eng new-eng)
"expired")) ⇒ (22 55)
Each time the engine’s fuel ran out, the expire
procedure assigned eng
to the new engine. The entire computation required four allotments of 50 ticks to complete; of the last 50 it used all but 23. Thus, the total amount of fuel used was 177 ticks. This leads us to the following procedure, mileage
, which uses engines to "time" a computation.
(define mileage
(lambda (thunk)
(let loop ([eng (make-engine thunk)] [total-ticks 0])
(eng 50
(lambda (ticks value)
(+ total-ticks (- 50 ticks)))
(lambda (new-eng)
(loop new-eng (+ total-ticks 50)))))))
(mileage (lambda () (fibonacci 10))) ⇒ 178
The choice of 50 for the number of ticks to use each time is arbitrary, of course. It might make more sense to pass a much larger number, say 10000, in order to reduce the number of times the computation is interrupted.
The next procedure, round-robin
, could be the basis for a simple time-sharing operating system. round-robin
maintains a queue of processes (a list of engines) and cycles through the queue in a round-robin fashion, allowing each process to run for a set amount of time. round-robin
returns a list of the values returned by the engine computations in the order that the computations complete.
(define round-robin
(lambda (engs)
(if (null? engs)
((car engs) 1
(lambda (ticks value)
(cons value (round-robin (cdr engs))))
(lambda (eng)
(append (cdr engs) (list eng))))))))
Assuming the amount of computation corresponding to one tick is constant, the effect of round-robin
is to return a list of the values sorted from the quickest to complete to the slowest to complete. Thus, when we call round-robin
on a list of engines, each computing one of the Fibonacci numbers, the output list is sorted with the earlier Fibonacci numbers first, regardless of the order of the input list.
(map (lambda (x)
(lambda ()
(fibonacci x))))
'(4 5 2 8 3 7 6 2))) ⇒ (1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21)
More interesting things could happen if the amount of fuel varied each time through the loop. In this case, the computation would be nondeterministic, i.e., the results would vary from call to call.
The following syntactic form, por
(parallel-or), returns the first of its expressions to complete with a true value. por
is implemented with the procedure first-true
, which is similar to round-robin
but quits when any of the engines completes with a true value. If all of the engines complete, but none with a true value, first-true
(and hence por
) returns #f
(define-syntax por
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ x ...)
(list (make-engine (lambda () x)) ...))]))
(define first-true
(lambda (engs)
(if (null? engs)
((car engs) 1
(lambda (ticks value)
(or value (first-true (cdr engs))))
(lambda (eng)
(append (cdr engs) (list eng))))))))
Even if one of the expressions is an infinite loop, por
can still finish (as long as one of the other expressions completes and returns a true value).
(por 1 2) ⇒ 1
(por ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x)))
(fibonacci 10)) ⇒ 55
The first subexpression of the second por
expression is nonterminating, so the answer is the value of the second subexpression.
Let’s turn to the implementation of engines. Any preemptive multitasking primitive must have the ability to interrupt a running process after a given amount of computation. This ability is provided by a primitive timer interrupt mechanism in some Scheme implementations. We will construct a suitable one here.
Our timer system defines three procedures: start-timer
, stop-timer
, and decrement-timer
, which can be described operationally as follows.
(start-timer ticks handler)
sets the timer toticks
and installshandler
as the procedure to be invoked (without arguments) when the timer expires, i.e., reaches zero. -
resets the timer and returns the number of ticks remaining. -
decrements the timer by one tick if the timer is on, i.e., if it is not zero. When the timer reaches zero,decrement-timer
invokes the saved handler. If the timer has already reached zero,decrement-timer
returns without changing the timer.
Code to implement these procedures is given along with the engine implementation below.
Using the timer system requires inserting calls to decrement-timer
in appropriate places. Consuming a timer tick on entry to a procedure usually provides a sufficient level of granularity. This can be accomplished by using timed-lambda
as defined below in place of lambda
. timed-lambda
simply invokes decrement-timer
before executing the expressions in its body.
(define-syntax timed-lambda
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ formals exp1 exp2 ...)
(lambda formals (decrement-timer) exp1 exp2 ...)]))
It may be useful to redefine named let
and do
to use timed-lambda
as well, so that recursions expressed with these constructs are timed. If you use this mechanism, do not forget to use the timed versions of lambda
and other forms in code run within an engine, or no ticks will be consumed.
Now that we have a suitable timer, we can implement engines in terms of the timer and continuations. We use call/cc
in two places in the engine implementation: (1) to obtain the continuation of the computation that invokes the engine so that we can return to that continuation when the engine computation completes or the timer expires, and (2) to obtain the continuation of the engine computation when the timer expires so that we can return to this computation if the newly created engine is subsequently run.
The state of the engine system is contained in two variables local to the engine system: do-complete
and do-expire
. When an engine is started, the engine assigns to do-complete
and do-expire
procedures that, when invoked, return to the continuation of the engine’s caller to invoke complete
or expire
. The engine starts (or restarts) the computation by invoking the procedure passed as an argument to make-engine
with the specified number of ticks. The ticks and the local procedure timer-handler
are then used to start the timer.
Suppose that the timer expires before the engine computation completes. The procedure timer-handler
is then invoked. It initiates a call to start-timer
but obtains the ticks by calling call/cc
with do-expire
. Consequently, do-expire
is called with a continuation that, if invoked, will restart the timer and continue the interrupted computation. do-expire
creates a new engine from this continuation and arranges for the engine’s expire
procedure to be invoked with the new engine in the correct continuation.
If, on the other hand, the engine computation completes before the timer expires, the timer is stopped and the number of ticks remaining is passed along with the value to do-complete
; do-complete
arranges for the engine’s complete
procedure to be invoked with the ticks and value in the correct continuation.
Let’s discuss a couple of subtle aspects to this code. The first concerns the method used to start the timer when an engine is invoked. The code would apparently be simplified by letting new-engine
start the timer before it initiates or resumes the engine computation, instead of passing the ticks to the computation and letting it start the timer. Starting the timer within the computation, however, prevents ticks from being consumed prematurely. If the engine system itself consumes fuel, then an engine provided with a small amount of fuel may not progress toward completion. (It may, in fact, make negative progress.) If the software timer described above is used, this problem is actually avoided by compiling the engine-making code with the untimed version of lambda
The second subtlety concerns the procedures created by do-complete
and do-expire
and subsequently applied by the continuation of the call/cc
application. It may appear that do-complete
could first invoke the engine’s complete
procedure, then pass the result to the continuation (and similarly for do-expire
) as follows.
(escape (complete value ticks))
This would result in improper treatment of tail recursion, however. The problem is that the current continuation would not be replaced with the continuation stored in escape
until the call to the complete
procedure returns. Consequently, both the continuation of the running engine and the continuation of the engine invocation could be retained for an indefinite period of time, when in fact the actual engine invocation may appear to be tail-recursive. This is especially inappropriate because the engine interface encourages use of continuation-passing style and hence tail recursion. The round-robin scheduler and first-true
provide good examples of this, since the expire
procedure in each invokes engines tail-recursively.
We maintain proper treatment of tail recursion by arranging for do-complete
and do-expire
to escape from the continuation of the running engine before invoking the complete
or expire
procedures. Since the continuation of the engine invocation is a procedure application, passing it a procedure of no arguments results in application of the procedure in the continuation of the engine invocation.
(library (tspl timer)
(export start-timer stop-timer decrement-timer)
(import (rnrs))
(define clock 0)
(define handler #f)
(define start-timer
(lambda (ticks new-handler)
(set! handler new-handler)
(set! clock ticks)))
(define stop-timer
(lambda ()
(let ([time-left clock])
(set! clock 0)
(define decrement-timer
(lambda ()
(when (> clock 0)
(set! clock (- clock 1))
(when (= clock 0) (handler)))))
(define-syntax timed-lambda
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ formals exp1 exp2 ...)
(lambda formals (decrement-timer) exp1 exp2 ...)])))
(library (tspl engines)
(export make-engine timed-lambda)
(import (rnrs) (tspl timer))
(define make-engine
(let ([do-complete #f] [do-expire #f])
(define timer-handler
(lambda ()
(start-timer (call/cc do-expire) timer-handler)))
(define new-engine
(lambda (resume)
(lambda (ticks complete expire)
(lambda (escape)
(set! do-complete
(lambda (ticks value)
(escape (lambda () (complete ticks value)))))
(set! do-expire
(lambda (resume)
(escape (lambda ()
(expire (new-engine resume))))))
(resume ticks)))))))
(lambda (proc)
(lambda (ticks)
(start-timer ticks timer-handler)
(let ([value (proc)])
(let ([ticks (stop-timer)])
(do-complete ticks value))))))))
(define-syntax timed-lambda
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ formals exp1 exp2 ...)
(lambda formals (decrement-timer) exp1 exp2 ...)])))
Exercise 12.11.1
If your Scheme implementation allows definition and import of libraries in the interactive top level, try defining the libraries above, then type
(import (rename (tspl engines) (timed-lambda lambda)))
to define make-engine
and redefine lambda
. Then try out the examples given earlier in this section.
Exercise 12.11.2
It may appear that the nested let
expressions in the body of make-engine
(let ([value (proc)])
(let ([ticks (stop-timer)])
(do-complete ticks value)))
could be replaced with the following.
(let ([value (proc)] [ticks (stop-timer)])
(do-complete value ticks))
Why is this not correct?
Exercise 12.11.3
It would also be incorrect to replace the nested let
expressions discussed in the preceding exercise with the following.
(let ([value (proc)])
(do-complete value (stop-timer)))
Exercise 12.11.4
Modify the engine implementation to provide a procedure, engine-return
, that returns immediately from an engine.
Exercise 12.11.5
Implement the kernel of a small operating system using engines for processes. Processes should request services (such as reading input from the user) by evaluating an expression of the form (trap 'request)
. Use call/cc
and engine-return
from the preceding exercise to implement trap
Exercise 12.11.6
Write the same operating-system kernel without using engines, building instead from continuations and timer interrupts.
Exercise 12.11.7
This implementation of engines does not allow one engine to call another, i.e., nested engines [10]. Modify the implementation to allow nested engines.
[1] Michael Adams and R. Kent Dybvig. Efficient nondestructive equality checking for trees and graphs. In Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, 179-188, September 2008.
[2] J. Michael Ashley and R. Kent Dybvig. An efficient implementation of multiple return values in Scheme. In Proceedings of the 1994 ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming, 140-149, June 1994.
[3] Alan Bawden. Quasiquotation in lisp. In Partial Evaluation and Semantic-Based Program Manipulation, 88-99, 1999.
[4] William Briggs and Van Emden Henson. The DFT: An Owner’s Manual for the Discrete Fourier Transform. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA, 1995.
[5] Robert G. Burger and R. Kent Dybvig. Printing floating-point numbers quickly and accurately. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN '96 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, 108-116, May 1996.
[6] William F. Clocksin and Christopher S. Mellish. Programming in Prolog, second edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1984.
[7] Sam M. Daniel. Efficient recursive FFT implementation in Prolog. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Practical Application of Prolog, 175-185, 1994.
[8] Mark Davis. Unicode Standard Annex #29: Text boundaries, 2006. http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr29/.
[9] R. Kent Dybvig. Chez Scheme User’s Guide: Version 8. Cadence Research Systems, 2009. http://www.scheme.com/csug8/.
[10] R. Kent Dybvig and Robert Hieb. Engines from continuations. Computer Languages, 14(2):109-123, 1989.
[11] R. Kent Dybvig and Robert Hieb. A new approach to procedures with variable arity. Lisp and Symbolic Computation, 3(3):229-244, September 1990.
[12] R. Kent Dybvig, Robert Hieb, and Carl Bruggeman. Syntactic abstraction in Scheme. Lisp and Symbolic Computation, 5(4):295-326, 1993.
[13] Daniel P. Friedman and Matthias Felleisen. The Little Schemer, fourth edition. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1996.
[14] Daniel P. Friedman, Christopher T. Haynes, and Eugene E. Kohlbecker. Programming with continuations. In P. Pepper, editor, Program Transformation and Programming Environments, 263-274. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1984.
[15] Christopher T. Haynes and Daniel P. Friedman. Abstracting timed preemption with engines. Computer Languages, 12(2):109-121, 1987.
[16] Christopher T. Haynes, Daniel P. Friedman, and Mitchell Wand. Obtaining coroutines with continuations. Computer Languages, 11(3/4):143-153, 1986.
[17] Robert Hieb, R. Kent Dybvig, and Carl Bruggeman. Representing control in the presence of first-class continuations. In Proceedings of the SIGPLAN '90 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, 66-77, June 1990.
[18] IEEE Computer Society. IEEE Standard for the Scheme Programming Language, May 1991. IEEE Std 1178-1990.
[19] Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie. The C Programming Language, second edition. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1988.
[20] P. Leach, M. Mealling, and R. Salz. A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN namespace, July 2005. RFC 4122. http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4122.txt.
[21] Peter Naur et al. Revised report on the algorithmic language ALGOL 60. Communications of the ACM, 6(1):1-17, January 1963.
[22] David A. Plaisted. Constructs for sets, quantifiers, and rewrite rules in Lisp. Technical Report UIUCDCS-R-84-1176, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Department of Computer Science, June 1984.
[23] J. A. Robinson. A machine-oriented logic based on the resolution principle. Journal of the ACM, 12(1):23-41, 1965.
[24] Michael Sperber, R. Kent Dybvig, Matthew Flatt, and Anton van Straaten (eds.). Revised6 report on the algorithmic language Scheme, September 2007. http://www.r6rs.org/.
[25] Michael Sperber, R. Kent Dybvig, Matthew Flatt, and Anton van Straaten (eds.). Revised6 report on the algorithmic language Scheme---non-normative appendices, September 2007. http://www.r6rs.org/.
[26] Michael Sperber, R. Kent Dybvig, Matthew Flatt, and Anton van Straaten (eds.). Revised6 report on the algorithmic language Scheme---standard libraries, September 2007. http://www.r6rs.org/.
[27] Guy L. Steele Jr. Common Lisp, the Language, second edition. Digital Press, Bedford, Massachusetts, 1990.
[28] Guy L. Steele Jr. and Gerald J. Sussman. The revised report on Scheme, a dialect of Lisp. MIT AI Memo 452, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, January 1978.
[29] Gerald J. Sussman and Guy L. Steele Jr. Scheme: An interpreter for extended lambda calculus. Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation, 11(4):405-439, 1998. Reprinted from the AI Memo 349, MIT (1975), with a foreword.
[30] The Unicode Consortium. The Unicode Standard, Version 5.0, fifth edition. Addison-Wesley Professional, Boston, MA, 2006.
[31] Oscar Waddell, Dipanwita Sarkar, and R. Kent Dybvig. Fixing letrec: A faithful yet efficient implementation of Scheme’s recursive binding construct. Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation, 18(3/4):299-326, 2005.
[32] Mitchell Wand. Continuation-based multiprocessing. Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation, 12(3):285-299, 1999. Reprinted from the proceedings of the 1980 Lisp Conference, with a foreword.
Answers to Selected Exercises
(+ (* 1.2 (- 2 1/3)) -8.7)
(/ (+ 2/3 4/9) (- 5/11 4/3))
(+ 1 (/ 1 (+ 2 (/ 1 (+ 1 1/2)))))
(* (* (* (* (* (* 1 -2) 3) -4) 5) -6) 7)
or(* 1 -2 3 -4 5 -6 7)
See Section 6.4.
(car . cdr)
(this (is silly))
(is this silly?)
(+ 2 3)
(+ 2 3)
(2 3)
(car (cdr (car '((a b) (c d))))) ⇒ b
(car (car (cdr '((a b) (c d))))) ⇒ c
(car (cdr (car (cdr '((a b) (c d)))))) ⇒ d
'((a . b) ((c) d) ())
(car '((a b) (c d))) ⇒ (a b)
(car (car '((a b) (c d)))) ⇒ a
(cdr (car '((a b) (c d)))) ⇒ (b)
(car (cdr (car '((a b) (c d))))) ⇒ b
(cdr (cdr (car '((a b) (c d))))) ⇒ ()
(cdr '((a b) (c d))) ⇒ ((c d))
(car (cdr '((a b) (c d)))) ⇒ (c d)
(car (car (cdr '((a b) (c d))))) ⇒ c
(cdr (car (cdr '((a b) (c d))))) ⇒ (d)
(car (cdr (car (cdr '((a b) (c d)))))) ⇒ d
(cdr (cdr (car (cdr '((a b) (c d)))))) ⇒ ()
(cdr (cdr '((a b) (c d)))) ⇒ ()
See Section 2.3.
Evaluate the variables
, and/
, yielding the list, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division procedures. -
Apply the list procedure to the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division procedures, yielding a list containing these procedures in order.
Apply the cdr procedure to the list produced in step 2, yielding a list containing the subtraction, multiplication, and division procedures.
Evaluate the variable
, yielding the car procedure. -
Apply the car procedure to the list produced in step 4, yielding the subtraction procedure.
Evaluate the constants
, yielding17
. -
Apply the subtraction procedure to
, yielding12
Other orders are possible. For example, the variable car
could have been evaluated before its argument.
(let ([x (* 3 a)]) (+ (- x b) (+ x b)))
(let ([x (list a b c)]) (cons (car x) (cdr x)))
The value is 54. The outer let
binds x
to 9, while the inner let
binds x
to 3 (9/3). The inner let
evaluates to 6 (3 + 3), and the outer let
evaluates to 54 (9 × 6).
(let ([x0 'a] [y0 'b]) (list (let ([x1 'c]) (cons x1 y0)) (let ([y1 'd]) (cons x0 y1))))
(let ([x0 '((a b) c)]) (cons (let ([x1 (cdr x0)]) (car x1)) (let ([x2 (car x0)]) (cons (let ([x3 (cdr x2)]) (car x3)) (cons (let ([x4 (car x2)]) x4) (cdr x2))))))
See page 31.
no free variables
, andy
, andz
also appears as a bound variable)
The program would loop indefinitely.
(define compose
(lambda (p1 p2)
(lambda (x)
(p1 (p2 x)))))
(define cadr (compose car cdr))
(define cddr (compose cdr cdr))
(define caar (compose car car))
(define cadr (compose car cdr))
(define cdar (compose cdr car))
(define cddr (compose cdr cdr))
(define caaar (compose car caar))
(define caadr (compose car cadr))
(define cadar (compose car cdar))
(define caddr (compose car cddr))
(define cdaar (compose cdr caar))
(define cdadr (compose cdr cadr))
(define cddar (compose cdr cdar))
(define cdddr (compose cdr cddr))
(define caaaar (compose caar caar))
(define caaadr (compose caar cadr))
(define caadar (compose caar cdar))
(define caaddr (compose caar cddr))
(define cadaar (compose cadr caar))
(define cadadr (compose cadr cadr))
(define caddar (compose cadr cdar))
(define cadddr (compose cadr cddr))
(define cdaaar (compose cdar caar))
(define cdaadr (compose cdar cadr))
(define cdadar (compose cdar cdar))
(define cdaddr (compose cdar cddr))
(define cddaar (compose cddr caar))
(define cddadr (compose cddr cadr))
(define cdddar (compose cddr cdar))
(define cddddr (compose cddr cddr))
(define atom?
(lambda (x)
(not (pair? x))))
(define shorter
(lambda (ls1 ls2)
(if (< (length ls2) (length ls1))
The structure of the output would be the mirror image of the structure of the input. For example, (a . b)
would become (b . a)
and ((a . b) . (c . d))
would become ((d . c) . (b . a))
(define append
(lambda (ls1 ls2)
(if (null? ls1)
(cons (car ls1) (append (cdr ls1) ls2)))))
(define make-list
(lambda (n x)
(if (= n 0)
(cons x (make-list (- n 1) x)))))
(define shorter?
(lambda (ls1 ls2)
(and (not (null? ls2))
(or (null? ls1)
(shorter? (cdr ls1) (cdr ls2))))))
(define shorter
(lambda (ls1 ls2)
(if (shorter? ls2 ls1)
(define even?
(lambda (x)
(or (= x 0)
(odd? (- x 1)))))
(define odd?
(lambda (x)
(and (not (= x 0))
(even? (- x 1)))))
(define transpose
(lambda (ls)
(cons (map car ls) (map cdr ls))))
(define make-counter
(lambda (init incr)
(let ([next init])
(lambda ()
(let ([v next])
(set! next (+ next incr))
(define make-stack
(lambda ()
(let ([ls '()])
(lambda (msg . args)
(case msg
[(empty? mt?) (null? ls)]
[(push!) (set! ls (cons (car args) ls))]
[(top) (car ls)]
[(pop!) (set! ls (cdr ls))]
[else "oops"])))))
(define make-stack
(lambda ()
(let ([ls '()])
(lambda (msg . args)
(case msg
[(empty? mt?) (null? ls)]
[(push!) (set! ls (cons (car args) ls))]
[(top) (car ls)]
[(pop!) (set! ls (cdr ls))]
[(ref) (list-ref ls (car args))]
[(set!) (set-car! (list-tail ls (car args)) (cadr args))]
[else "oops"])))))
(define make-stack
(lambda (n)
(let ([v (make-vector n)] [i -1])
(lambda (msg . args)
(case msg
[(empty? mt?) (= i -1)]
(set! i (+ i 1))
(vector-set! v i (car args))]
[(top) (vector-ref v i)]
[(pop!) (set! i (- i 1))]
[(ref) (vector-ref v (- i (car args)))]
[(set!) (vector-set! v (- i (car args)) (cadr args))]
[else "oops"])))))
(define emptyq?
(lambda (q)
(eq? (car q) (cdr q))))
(define getq
(lambda (q)
(if (emptyq? q)
(assertion-violation 'getq "the queue is empty")
(car (car q)))))
(define delq!
(lambda (q)
(if (emptyq? q)
(assertion-violation 'delq! "the queue is empty")
(set-car! q (cdr (car q))))))
(define make-queue
(lambda ()
(cons '() '())))
(define putq!
(lambda (q v)
(let ([p (cons v '())])
(if (null? (car q))
(set-car! q p)
(set-cdr! q p))
(set-cdr! (cdr q) p)
(set-cdr! q p))))))
(define getq
(lambda (q)
(car (car q))))
(define delq!
(lambda (q)
(if (eq? (car q) (cdr q))
(set-car! q '())
(set-cdr! q '()))
(set-car! q (cdr (car q))))))
When asked to print a cyclic structure, some implementations print a representation of the output that reflects its cyclic structure. Other implementations do not detect the cycle and produce either no output or an infinite stream of output. When length
is passed a cyclic list, an exception is raised, likely with a message indicating that the list is not proper. The definition of length
on page 42 will, however, simply loop indefinitely.
(define race
(lambda (hare tortoise)
(if (pair? hare)
(let ([hare (cdr hare)])
(if (pair? hare)
(and (not (eq? hare tortoise))
(race (cdr hare) (cdr tortoise)))
(null? hare)))
(null? hare))))
(define list?
(lambda (x)
(race x x)))
(let ([x (memv 'a ls)]) (and x (memv 'b x)))
((lambda (x) (and x (memv 'b x))) (memv 'a ls))
((lambda (x) (if x (and (memv 'b x)) #f)) (memv 'a ls))
((lambda (x) (if x (memv 'b x) #f)) (memv 'a ls))
(or (memv x '(a b c)) (list x))
(let ((t (memv x '(a b c)))) (if t t (or (list x))))
((lambda (t) (if t t (or (list x)))) (memv x '(a b c)))
((lambda (t) (if t t (list x))) (memv x '(a b c)))
See page 97.
(define-syntax when
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ e0 e1 e2 ...)
(if e0 (begin e1 e2 ...))]))
(define-syntax unless
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ e0 e1 e2 ...)
(when (not e0) e1 e2 ...)]))
Tail-recursive: even?
and odd?
, race
, fact
in second definition of factorial
, fib
in second version of fibonacci
. Nontail-recursive: sum
, factorial
, fib
in first version of fibonacci
. Both: factor
(define factor
(lambda (n)
(letrec ([f (lambda (n i)
[(>= i n) (list n)]
[(integer? (/ n i))
(cons i (f (/ n i) i))]
[else (f n (+ i 1))]))])
(f n 2))))
Yes, but we need two named let
expressions, one for even?
and one for odd?
(let even? ([x 20])
(or (= x 0)
(let odd? ([x (- x 1)])
(and (not (= x 0))
(even? (- x 1))))))
(define fibcount1 0)
(define fibonacci1
(lambda (n)
(let fib ([i n])
(set! fibcount1 (+ fibcount1 1))
[(= i 0) 0]
[(= i 1) 1]
[else (+ (fib (- i 1)) (fib (- i 2)))]))))
(define fibcount2 0)
(define fibonacci2
(lambda (n)
(if (= n 0)
(let fib ([i n] [a1 1] [a2 0])
(set! fibcount2 (+ fibcount2 1))
(if (= i 1)
(fib (- i 1) (+ a1 a2) a1))))))
The counts for (fibonacci 10)
are 177 and 10, for (fibonacci 20)
are 21891 and 20, and for (fibonacci 30)
are 2692537 and 30. While the number of calls made by the second is directly proportional to the input, the number of calls made by the first grows rapidly (exponentially, in fact) as the input value increases.
See page 312.
A call in the last subexpression of an or
expression in tail position would not be a tail call with the modified definition of or
. For the even?
example, the resulting definition of even?
would no longer be tail-recursive and for very large inputs might exhaust available space.
The expansion performed by this definition is incorrect in another way, which has to do with multiple return values (Section 5.8): if the last subexpression returns multiple values, the or
expression should return multiple values, but with the incorrect definition, each subexpression appears on the right-hand side of a let
, which expects a single return value. The simpler and incorrect definition of and
has the same problem.
The first of the three versions of factor
below directly addresses the identified problems by stopping at \(\sqrt{n}\), avoiding the redundant division, and skipping the even factors after 2. Stopping at \(\sqrt{n}\) probably yields the biggest savings, followed by skipping even factors greater than 2. Avoiding the redundant division is less important, since it occurs only when a factor is found.
(define factor
(lambda (n)
(let f ([n n] [i 2] [step 1])
(if (> i (sqrt n))
(list n)
(let ([n/i (/ n i)])
(if (integer? n/i)
(cons i (f n/i i step))
(f n (+ i step) 2)))))))
The second version replaces (> i (sqrt n))
with (> (* i i) n)
, since *
is typically much faster than sqrt
(define factor
(lambda (n)
(let f ([n n] [i 2] [step 1])
(if (> (* i i) n)
(list n)
(let ([n/i (/ n i)])
(if (integer? n/i)
(cons i (f n/i i step))
(f n (+ i step) 2)))))))
The third version uses gcd
(see page 179) to avoid most of the divisions, since gcd
should be faster than /
(define factor
(lambda (n)
(let f ([n n] [i 2] [step 1])
(if (> (* i i) n)
(list n)
(if (= (gcd n i) 1)
(f n (+ i step) 2)
(cons i (f (/ n i) i step)))))))
To see the difference these changes make, time each version of factor
, including the original, in your Scheme system to see which performs better. Try a variety of inputs, including larger ones like (+ (expt 2 100) 1)
(let ([k.n (call/cc (lambda (k) (cons k 0)))])
(let ([k (car k.n)] [n (cdr k.n)])
(write n)
(k (cons k (+ n 1)))))
Or with multiple values (see Section 5.8):
(lambda () (call/cc (lambda (k) (values k 0))))
(lambda (k n)
(write n)
(k k (+ n 1))))
(define product
(lambda (ls)
(if (null? ls)
(if (= (car ls) 0)
(let ([n (product (cdr ls))])
(if (= n 0) 0 (* n (car ls))))))))
If one of the processes returns without calling pause
, it returns to the call to pause
that first caused it to run, or to the original call to start
if it was the first process in the list. Here is a reimplementation of the system that allows a process to quit
explicitly. If other processes are active, the lwp
system continues to run. Otherwise, control returns to the continuation of the original call to start
(define lwp-list '())
(define lwp
(lambda (thunk)
(set! lwp-list (append lwp-list (list thunk)))))
(define start
(lambda ()
(lambda (k)
(set! quit-k k)
(define next
(lambda ()
(let ([p (car lwp-list)])
(set! lwp-list (cdr lwp-list))
(define pause
(lambda ()
(lambda (k)
(lwp (lambda () (k #f)))
(define quit
(lambda (v)
(if (null? lwp-list)
(quit-k v)
(define lwp-queue (make-queue))
(define lwp
(lambda (thunk)
(putq! lwp-queue thunk)))
(define start
(lambda ()
(let ([p (getq lwp-queue)])
(delq! lwp-queue)
(define pause
(lambda ()
(lambda (k)
(lwp (lambda () (k #f)))
(define reciprocal
(lambda (n success failure)
(if (= n 0)
(success (/ 1 n)))))
(define retry #f)
(define factorial
(lambda (x)
(let f ([x x] [k (lambda (x) x)])
(if (= x 0)
(begin (set! retry k) (k 1))
(f (- x 1) (lambda (y) (k (* x y))))))))
(define map/k
(lambda (p ls k)
(if (null? ls)
(k '())
(p (car ls)
(lambda (x)
(map/k p (cdr ls)
(lambda (ls)
(k (cons x ls)))))))))
(define reciprocals
(lambda (ls)
(map/k (lambda (x k) (if (= x 0) "zero found" (k (/ 1 x))))
(lambda (x) x))))
(define-syntax complain
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ ek msg expr) (ek (list msg expr))]))
(define calc
(lambda (expr)
(lambda (ek)
(define do-calc
(lambda (expr)
[(number? expr) expr]
[(and (list? expr) (= (length expr) 3))
(let ([op (car expr)] [args (cdr expr)])
(case op
[(add) (apply-op + args)]
[(sub) (apply-op - args)]
[(mul) (apply-op * args)]
[(div) (apply-op / args)]
[else (complain "invalid operator" op)]))]
[else (complain "invalid expression" expr)])))
(define apply-op
(lambda (op args)
(op (do-calc (car args)) (do-calc (cadr args)))))
(define complain
(lambda (msg expr)
(ek (list msg expr))))
(do-calc expr)))))
(define calc #f)
(let ()
(define do-calc
(lambda (expr)
[(number? expr) expr]
[(and (list? expr) (= (length expr) 3))
(let ([op (car expr)] [args (cdr expr)])
(case op
[(add) (apply-op + args)]
[(sub) (apply-op - args)]
[(mul) (apply-op * args)]
[(div) (apply-op / args)]
[else (complain "invalid operator" op)]))]
[else (complain "invalid expression" expr)])))
(define apply-op
(lambda (op args)
(op (do-calc (car args)) (do-calc (cadr args)))))
(define complain
(lambda (msg expr)
(assertion-violation 'calc msg expr)))
(set! calc
(lambda (expr)
(do-calc expr))))
This adds sqrt
, times
(an alias for mul
), and expt
along with minus
(let ()
(define do-calc
(lambda (ek expr)
[(number? expr) expr]
[(and (list? expr) (= (length expr) 2))
(let ([op (car expr)] [args (cdr expr)])
(case op
[(minus) (apply-op1 ek - args)]
[(sqrt) (apply-op1 ek sqrt args)]
[else (complain ek "invalid unary operator" op)]))]
[(and (list? expr) (= (length expr) 3))
(let ([op (car expr)] [args (cdr expr)])
(case op
[(add) (apply-op2 ek + args)]
[(sub) (apply-op2 ek - args)]
[(mul times) (apply-op2 ek * args)]
[(div) (apply-op2 ek / args)]
[(expt) (apply-op2 ek expt args)]
[else (complain ek "invalid binary operator" op)]))]
[else (complain ek "invalid expression" expr)])))
(define apply-op1
(lambda (ek op args)
(op (do-calc ek (car args)))))
(define apply-op2
(lambda (ek op args)
(op (do-calc ek (car args)) (do-calc ek (cadr args)))))
(define complain
(lambda (ek msg expr)
(ek (list msg expr))))
(set! calc
(lambda (expr)
(lambda (ek)
(do-calc ek expr))))))
This version of gpa
returns x
when all of the input letter grades are x
(define-syntax gpa
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ g1 g2 ...)
(let ([ls (map letter->number (remq 'x '(g1 g2 ...)))])
(if (null? ls)
(/ (apply + ls) (length ls))))]))
After defining $distribution
and distribution
within the library as follows:
(define $distribution
(lambda (ls)
(let loop ([ls ls] [a 0] [b 0] [c 0] [d 0] [f 0])
(if (null? ls)
(list (list a 'a) (list b 'b) (list c 'c)
(list d 'd) (list f 'f))
(case (car ls)
[(a) (loop (cdr ls) (+ a 1) b c d f)]
[(b) (loop (cdr ls) a (+ b 1) c d f)]
[(c) (loop (cdr ls) a b (+ c 1) d f)]
[(d) (loop (cdr ls) a b c (+ d 1) f)]
[(f) (loop (cdr ls) a b c d (+ f 1))]
; ignore x grades, per preceding exercise
[(x) (loop (cdr ls) a b c d f)]
[else (assertion-violation 'distribution
"unrecognized grade letter"
(car ls))])))))
(define-syntax distribution
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ g1 g2 ...)
($distribution '(g1 g2 ...))]))
modify the export
line to add distribution
(but not $distribution
After defining histogram
as follows:
(define histogram
(lambda (port distr)
(lambda (n g)
(put-datum port g)
(put-string port ": ")
(let loop ([n n])
(unless (= n 0)
(put-char port #\*)
(loop (- n 1))))
(put-string port "\n"))
(map car distr)
(map cadr distr))))
modify the export
line to add histogram
. The solution uses for-each
, which is described on page 118.
Formal Syntax
The formal grammars and accompanying text appearing here describe the written syntax of Scheme data values, or datums. The grammars also effectively cover the written syntax of Scheme syntactic forms, since every Scheme syntactic form has a representation as a Scheme datum. In particular, parenthesized syntactic forms are written as lists, and identifiers (e.g., keywords and variables) are written as symbols. The high-level structure of each syntactic form is described in detail by the entries marked "syntax" in Chapters 4 through 11, and the syntactic forms are summarized in the Summary of Forms.
The written representation of a datum involves tokens, whitespace, and comments. Tokens are sequences of one or more characters representing atomic datums or serving as punctuation marks. The tokens that represent atomic datums are symbols, numbers, strings, booleans, and characters, while the tokens serving as punctuation marks are open and close parentheses, open and close brackets, the open vector parenthesis #(
, the open bytevector parenthesis #vu8(
, the dotted pair marker .
(dot), the quotation marks '
and `
, the unquotation marks ,
and ,@
, the syntax quotation marks #'
and #`
, and the syntax unquotation marks #,
and #,@
Whitespace consists of space, tab, newline, form-feed, carriage-return, and next-line characters along with any additional characters categorized as Zs, Zl, or Zp by the Unicode standard [30]. A newline character is also called a linefeed character. Some whitespace characters or character sequences serve as line endings, which are recognized as part of the syntax of line comments and strings. A line ending is a newline character, a next-line character, a line-separator character, a carriage-return character followed by a newline character, a carriage return followed by a next-line character, or a carriage return not followed by a newline or next-line character. A different set of whitspace characters serve as intraline whitespace, which are recognized as part of the syntax of strings. Intraline whitespace includes spaces, tabs, and any additional Unicode characters whose general category is Zs. The sets of intraline whitespace characters and line endings are disjoint, and there are other whitespace characters, such as form feed, that are not in either set.
Comments come in three flavors: line comments, block comments, and datum comments. A line comment consists of a semicolon ( ;
) followed by any number of characters up to the next line ending or end of input. A block comment consists of a #|
prefix, any number of characters and nested block comments, and a |#
suffix. A datum comment consists of a #;
prefix followed by any datum.
Symbols, numbers, characters, booleans, and the dotted pair marker ( .
) must be delimited by the end the input, whitespace, the start of a comment, an open or close parenthesis, an open or close bracket, a string quote ( "
), or a hash mark ( #
). Any token may be preceded or followed by any number of whitespace characters and comments.
Case is significant in the syntax of characters, strings, and symbols except within a hex scalar value, where the hexadecimal digits "a" through "f" may be written in either upper or lower case. (Hex scalar values are hexadecimal numbers denoting Unicode scalar values.) Case is insignificant in the syntax of booleans and numbers. For example, Hello
is distinct from hello
, #\A
is distinct from #\a
, and "String"
is distinct from "string"
, while #T
is equivalent to #t
, #E1E3
is equivalent to #e1e3
, #X2aBc
is equivalent to #x2abc
, and #\x3BA
is equivalent to #\x3ba
A conforming implementation of the Revised6 Report is not permitted to extend the syntax of datums, with one exception: it is permitted to recognize any token starting with the prefix #!
as a flag indicating certain extensions are valid in the text following the flag. So, for example, an implementation might recognize the flag #!braces
and switch to a mode in which lists may be enclosed in braces as well as in parentheses and brackets.
#!braces '{a b c} ⇒ (a b c)
The flag #!r6rs
may be used to declare that the subsequent text is written in R6RS syntax. It is good practice to include #!r6rs
at the start of any file containing a portable library or top-level program to specify that R6RS syntax is being used, in the event that future reports extend the syntax in ways that are incompatible with the text of the library or program. #!r6rs
is otherwise treated as a comment.
In the grammars appearing below, <empty> stands for an empty sequence of characters. An item followed by an asterisk ( * ) represents zero or more occurrences of the item, and an item followed by a raised plus sign ( + ) represents one or more occurrences. Spacing between items within a production appears for readability only and should be treated as if it were not present.
Datums. A datum is a boolean, character, symbol, string, number, list, vector, or bytevector.
<datum> |
→ |
<boolean> |
| |
<character> |
| |
<symbol> |
| |
<string> |
| |
<number> |
| |
<list> |
| |
<vector> |
| |
<bytevector> |
Lists, vectors, and bytevectors are compound datums formed from groups of tokens possibly separated by whitespace and comments. The others are single tokens.
Booleans. Boolean false is written #f
. While all other values count as true, the canonical true value (and only other value to be considered a boolean value by the boolean?
predicate) is written #t
<boolean> |
→ |
Case is not significant in the syntax of booleans, so these may also be written as #T
and #F
Characters. A character object is written as the prefix #\
followed by a single character, a character name, or a sequence of characters specifying a Unicode scalar value.
<character> |
→ |
<character name> |
→ |
| |
<hex scalar value> |
→ |
<digit 16>+ |
The named characters correspond to the Unicode characters alarm (Unicode scalar value 7, i.e., U+0007), backspace (U+0008), delete (U+007F), esc (U+001B), linefeed (U+000A; same as newline), newline (U+000A), page (U+000C), return (U+000D), space (U+0020), tab (U+0009) and vertical tab (U+000B).
A hex scalar value represents a Unicode scalar value n, \(0 \le n \le D800_{16}\) or \(E000_{16} \le n \le 10FFF_{16}\). The <digit 16> nonterminal is defined under Numbers below.
A #\
prefix followed by a character name is always interpreted as a named character, e.g., #\page
is treated as #\page
rather than #\p
followed by the symbol age
. Characters must also be delimited, as described above, so that #\pager
is treated as a syntax error rather than as the character #\p
followed by the symbol ager
or the character #\page
followed by the symbol r
Case is significant in the syntax of character objects, except within a hex scalar value.
Strings. A string is written as a sequence of string elements enclosed in string quotes (double quotes). Any character other than a string quote or backslash can appear as a string element. A string element can also consist of a backslash followed by a single character, a backslash followed by sequence of characters specifying a Unicode scalar value, or a backslash followed by sequence of intraline whitespace characters that includes a single line ending.
<string> |
→ |
<string element> |
→ |
<any character except |
| |
| |
| |
A string element consisting of a single character represents that character, except that any single character or pair of characters representing a line ending represents a single newline character. A backslash followed by a double quote represents a double quote, while a backslash followed by a backslash represents a backslash. A backslash followed by a
represents the alarm character (U+0007); by b
, backspace (U+0008); by f
, form feed (U+000C); by n
, newline (U+000A); by r
, carriage return (U+000D); by t
, tab (U+0009); and by v
, vertical tab (U+000B). A backslash followed by x
, a hex scalar value, and a semi-colon ( ;
) represents the Unicode character specified by the scalar value. The <hex scalar value> nonterminal is defined under Characters above. Finally, a sequence of characters consisting of a backslash followed by intraline whitespace that includes a single line ending represents no characters.
Case is significant in the syntax of strings, except within a hex scalar value.
Symbols. A symbol is written either as an "initial" character followed by a sequence of "subsequent" characters or as a "peculiar symbol." Initial characters are letters, certain special characters, an additional set of Unicode characters, or arbitrary characters specified by Unicode scalar values. Subsequent characters are initial characters, digits, certain additional special characters, and a set of additional Unicode characters. The peculiar symbols are +
, -
, ...
, and any sequence of subsequent characters prefixed by ->
<symbol> |
→ |
<initial> <subsequent>* |
<initial> |
→ |
<letter> | |
| |
<Unicode Lu, Ll, Lt, Lm, Lo, Mn, Nl, No, Pd, Pc, Po, Sc, Sm, Sk, So, or Co> |
| |
<subsequent> |
→ |
<initial> | <digit 10> | |
<letter> |
→ |
<Unicode Lu, Ll, Lt, Lm, Lo, Mn, Nl, No, Pd, Pc, Po, Sc, Sm, Sk, So, or Co> represents any character whose Unicode scalar value is greater than 127 and whose Unicode category is one of the listed categories. <Unicode Nd, Mc, or Me> represents any character whose Unicode category is one of the listed categories. The <hex scalar value> nonterminal is defined under Characters above, and <digit 10> is defined under Numbers below.
Case is significant in symbols.
Numbers. Numbers can appear in one of four radices: 2, 8, 10, and 16, with 10 the default. Several of the productions below are parameterized by the radix, r
, and each represents four productions, one for each of the four possible radices. Numbers that contain radix points or exponents are constrained to appear in radix 10, so <decimal r
> is valid only when r
is 10.
<number> |
→ |
<num 2> | <num 8> | <num 10> | <num 16> |
<num |
→ |
<prefix |
<prefix |
→ |
<radix |
<radix 2> |
→ |
<radix 8> |
→ |
<radix 10> |
→ |
<empty> | |
<radix 16> |
→ |
<exactness> |
→ |
<empty> | |
<complex |
→ |
<real |
| |
<real |
| |
<real |
→ |
<sign> <ureal |
<imag |
→ |
<ureal |
→ |
<uinteger |
<uinteger |
→ |
<digit |
<decimal 10> |
→ |
<uinteger 10> <suffix> |
| |
| |
<digit 10>+ |
<suffix> |
→ |
<exponent> <mantissa width> |
<exponent> |
→ |
<empty> | <exponent marker> <sign> <digit 10>+ |
<exponent marker> |
→ |
<mantissa width> |
→ |
<empty> | |
<sign> |
→ |
<empty> | |
<digit 2> |
→ |
<digit 8> |
→ |
<digit 10> |
→ |
<digit 16> |
→ |
<digit 10> | |
A number written as above is inexact if it is prefixed by #i
or if it is not prefixed by #e
and contains a decimal point, nonempty exponent, or nonempty mantissa width. Otherwise, it is exact.
Case is not significant in the syntax of numbers.
Lists. Lists are compound datums formed from groups of tokens and possibly involving other datums, including other lists. Lists are written as a sequence of datums within parentheses or brackets; as a nonempty sequence of datums, dotted-pair marker ( . ), and single datum enclosed within parentheses or brackets; or as an abbreviation.
<list> |
→ |
| |
| |
<abbreviation> |
<abbreviation> |
→ |
| |
If no dotted-pair marker appears in a list enclosed in parentheses or brackets, it is a proper list, and the datums are the elements of the list, in the order given. If a dotted-pair marker appears, the initial elements of the list are those before the marker, and the datum that follows the marker is the tail of the list. The dotted-pair marker is typically used only when the datum that follows the marker is not itself a list. While any proper list may be written without a dotted-pair marker, a proper list can be written in dotted-pair notation by placing a list after the dotted-pair marker.
The abbreviations are equivalent to the corresponding two-element lists shown below. Once an abbreviation has been read, the result is indistinguishable from its nonabbreviated form.
'<datum> ⇒ (quote <datum>)
`<datum> ⇒ (quasiquote <datum>)
,<datum> ⇒ (unquote <datum>)
,@<datum> ⇒ (unquote-splicing <datum>)
#'<datum> ⇒ (syntax <datum>)
#`<datum> ⇒ (quasisyntax <datum>)
#,<datum> ⇒ (unsyntax <datum>)
#,@<datum> ⇒ (unsyntax-splicing <datum>)
Vectors. Vectors are compound datums formed from groups of tokens and possibly involving other datums, including other vectors. A vector is written as an open vector parenthesis followed by a sequence of datums and a close parenthesis.
<vector> |
→ |
Bytevectors. Bytevectors are compound datums formed from groups of tokens, but the syntax does not permit them to contain arbitrary nested datums. A bytevector is written as an open bytevector parenthesis followed by a sequence of octets (unsigned 8-bit exact integers) and a close parenthesis.
<bytevector> |
→ |
<octet> |
→ |
<any <number> representing an exact integer |
Summary of Forms
The table that follows summarizes the Scheme syntactic forms and procedures described in Chapters 4 through 11. It shows the category of the form and the page number where it is defined. The category states whether the form describes a syntactic form or a procedure.
All page numbers appearing here refer to the printed version of this book and also serve as hypertext links to the corresponding locations in the electronic version of this book.
Form |
Category |
Page |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
syntax |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
syntax |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
syntax |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
syntax |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
procedure |
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All page numbers appearing here refer to the printed version of this book and also serve as hypertext links to the corresponding locations in the electronic version of this book.
Appendix A: Book Converting Tools
Appendix B: Format Javascript and Replacement Regex for The Original Book
Format Javascript
// Format the content with AsciiDoc syntax document.querySelectorAll('h3') .forEach(function(node) { var title=node.innerText; var anchor='section_'+title.replace(/^Section ([\d.]+) .+/, '$1'); node.outerHTML = '=== ' + title + ' [['+anchor+']]'; }) document.querySelectorAll('h4') .forEach(function(node) { var title=node.innerText; var anchor='exercise_'+title.replace(/^Exercise ([\d.]+)$/, '$1'); node.outerHTML = '==== ' + title + ' [['+anchor+']]<br><br>'; }) document.querySelectorAll('[src="math/tspl/0.gif"]') .forEach(function(node) { node.outerHTML = '⇒' }) document.querySelectorAll('i') .forEach(function(node) { node.innerHTML = '_'+node.innerHTML+'_' }) document.querySelectorAll('li') .forEach(function(node) { node.innerHTML = '- '+node.innerHTML }) document.querySelectorAll('sub') .forEach(function(node) { node.outerHTML = '~'+node.innerText+'~' }) document.querySelectorAll('sup') .forEach(function(node) { node.outerHTML = '^'+node.innerText+'^' }) document.querySelectorAll('b') .forEach(function(node) { node.innerHTML = '*'+node.innerHTML+'*' }) document.querySelectorAll('tt').forEach(function(node) { if (node.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'p' && node.innerText == node.parentNode.innerText) { node.innerHTML = '[source,scheme,subs="quotes"]<br>----<br>'+node.innerHTML+'<br>----<br>'; } else { node.innerHTML = '`'+node.innerHTML+'`'; } }) document.querySelectorAll('tbody').forEach(function(node) { node.innerHTML = '[%autowidth,grid=none,frame=none]<br>|===<br><br>'+node.innerHTML+'<br>|===<br>'; node.querySelectorAll('td').forEach(function(td) { td.innerHTML = '|' + td.innerHTML + ' '; }); }) document.querySelectorAll('a') .forEach(function(node) { var name=node.name; if (node.previousSibling && node.previousSibling.nodeName.toLowerCase() == '#text') { return; } if (name && name.match(/^\.\/(.+)$/)) { node.outerHTML='[#'+(name.replace(/^\.\/(.+)$/, '$1'))+']<br>'; } }) document.querySelectorAll('a') .forEach(function(node) { var name=node.name; if (node.previousSibling && node.previousSibling.nodeName.toLowerCase() == '#text') { return; } if (name && name.match(/^[^#.\/]+$/)) { node.outerHTML='[#'+name+']<br>'; } }) document.querySelectorAll('a.citation') .forEach(function(node) { var text = node.innerText; node.innerText = '<<ref' + text + '>>'; }) // Highlight the code blocks and italic text document.querySelectorAll('tt') .forEach(function(node) { node.style='font-size: 2em; border-bottom: 1px solid grey;' }) document.querySelectorAll('i') .forEach(function(node) { node.style='font-size: 2em; border-right: 1px solid red;' }) // JavaScript for generating the page links in the section [Summary of Forms] document.querySelectorAll('a').forEach(function(node) { var href = node.href; var text = node.innerText; var anchor = href.replace(/.*#\.\//g, ""); node.innerText = '<<' + anchor + ',' + text + '>>'; })
Replacement Regex
Regex Replacement \[(<<ref\d+>>)\]
$1<<chp_$2,Chapter $2>>
$1<<section_$2.,Section $2>>
$1<<exercise_$2,Exercise $2>>
Sections <<section_$1.,$1>> and <<section_$2.,$2>>
Add slash to the first double brackets
Add slash to the head of ...
Check the lost links
var lostAnchors=[]; document.querySelector('#content') .querySelectorAll('a[href^="#"]') .forEach(function(node) { var anchor = node.getAttribute('href'); if (!document.querySelector('[id="' + anchor.replace(/^#/, '') + '"]')) { lostAnchors.push(anchor); } }); console.log(lostAnchors.join('\n'));